The Commltte* for Musical Arts Presents: The King’s Singers Six stout-hearted Englishmen ting ing songs from 14th century church music to 20th century pop. Newsweek- They appeal to everyone from duchesses to dustmen Boston Globe- "The level ot performance in everything was supe rior it was so good it didn't seem probable April 23,1983 8:00 pm. SHva Concert Hall Hu It Center for the Performing Arts For Tickets call 687-5000 or contact the EMU Main Desk. Special Discounts for students, groups.. The EMU Cultural Forum presents TIM WEISBERG and band with DAN SIEGEL and band EMU BALLROOM FRIDAY MAY 6 8 pm Tickets available soon at Main Desk Earthriver, Everybodys, Valley River Records 94? 4-21 i University Theatre Second Season presents THE EFFECT OF GAMMA RAYS ON MAN IN THE MOON MARIGOLDS Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the Obie Award April 7-9. 14-16, 21-2? Arena Theatre (Villard Hall) 8:00 pm All tickets $2 00 i Call 686-4191 tor reservations THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 686-8IJU (4 blocks from UO Bookstore) The Blfou proudly presents the Eugene Premiere of YOL Winner, Best Film 1982 Cannes Film Festival. A revelation " -Jack Kroll, Newsweek In Oct 1981. Turkey's pre-eminent actor, director & screenwriter escaped from prison while sjrvmg an 18-year sentence on political charges Before escaping to Europe, he conc eived, wrote and produced "Yd." one of the most powerful and remarkable Hms ever made Showing 3 pm Sat/Sun Mats (92.50) 5:15 Gan adm. 83.50, studants 92.LJ w/ID KZtL welcomes BUOU LATE NIGHT LED ZEPPELIN SONG REMAINS THE SAME Wednesday $1 96, 10:?0prn Thursday $1 96. 10 ?0pm Fri-Sal $2 SO. 11 45 pm 965 4-2! fcrvand* Ma"l» Pr***nU 1 Arthur oo 7 8. 9 ?0 PM 1 1 FRIDAY . APWL 22 $i 50-S1 | 1 SO GEOLOGY EMU CULTURAL FORUM and food service present Beer Garden FRIDAY, APR**- 22 with STRICTLY ROOTS Reggae 10 emu dining room iFoodandnonU^veragesw,.. 1 06 aV3,,a^EE-FREE-FREE 894 ^ I "r^KlekOW | In*t,0NAwLEEk DA —saS5— pr5U Astaire Ginger Rogers SUM-, APRJL.2^ |TS5W" M—w"'" I One Trick Pony lscreenplay and'’^^^.rtecrng 1 movie about a si 9 personal Me crisesm »0 W'a <"7.00* 9:15 -TonigM bocksbollw.™ Voyager NO COVER 25 cent beers 8-10 pm -fri-sat Boys - FRIDAY - 'Palace Another highly-acclaimed Austra lian film. SMASH PALACE is a heartbreaking, intelligent story that traces the disintegration to a mismatched "marriage made in a ■unkyard " APRIL 22 180 PLC 7 and 9 pm allows - SATURDAY - AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON A rock and roll horror films that's a lot ot fun This spoof revolve around two American students backpacking in the wrong English moor on the wrong full moon APRIL 23 180 PLC 7 and 9 pm shows • SUNDAY - THX 1138 George Lucas’ chilling view ot the 25th century, where computer contro the subterranean populace through the use ot mind-controlling drugs Starring Robert Duvall and Donalo Pleasance APRIL 24 180 PLC 8 pm show only Students/Adults: $1.50 Children: $1 984 4-2? PAUL HORN INSIDE SILVA HALL HCPA Friday, April 22 8 pm A Concert of Flute and Bass Solos & Duets with Bassist DAVID FRIESEN PLUS SPECIAL GUEST SCOTT COSSU Tickets $6, $8 & $9 at EMU Main Desk or by phone 687-5000974 4-2; PAUL HORN WILL BE ON CAMPUS FRIDAY MORNING FOR A FREE CONCERT PREVIEW AT 11:30 AM IN THE EMU COURT YARD TO HELP CELE BRATE EARTH WEEK Personals HAVE A DIRTY SLEEPING BAG? Find Dependable Service at Slegmund's Cleaner* 821 E 13th Ave 354UW CELEBRATE SPRING! 20% oft all books, gifts, cards - calendars 50% One week only starting Friday, 4-15. Sylwester & Acheson - 825 E 12th. 4-22 WOMEN! If you've been followed on campus within the last yeai. you may have information we need Call Rape Crisis 485-6700 950:4-22 Speech Majors ELECT BRUCE CAREY S.U.A.B #7 Recognize need for real representation, not useless rhetoric Daid Elect Carey Committee 4 -2' TAKE TEN MINUTES And call your legislator ASUO office oTstate affairs needs your support phone calls on house bill 2720 Titled "Truth and Testing" Please stop by the ASUO office or call Cynthia it ext 2724 for details 958 4 2 ERIC STILLWELL For IFC PAID BY STILLWELL FOR IFC 4 21 VOTE LAURIE ABRAHAM FOR IFC paid by Laurie Abraham 4-21 PLANNED PARENTHOOO has a pregnancy test that is 99% accurate Call torappt 344-9411. 289 UH BECAUSE PEOPLE CARE Free pregnancy testing, confidential Birth right. 687-8651___282 H COMEDIANS We are looking for 4 comedians to compete for $75 First prize on May 14 at the U of O carnival For info or applica tion call Bruce at 686-6679 or message at 485-971? 971:4-22 Centurion Award 100 students to be selected for outstanding leadership and service information sheets in 264 Oregon Hall Deadline is April 22 4-22 SPEECH MAJORS VOTE Karin Keutzer SUAB #7 for increased communication, knowledge and committment PD Elect Keutzer committee_ 4-21 SOPHOMORES Pick up applications for the Ancient Order of Druids Junior Honorary! Selection criteria based upon scholar ship, student leadership and service to the University Applications may be picked up at the Housing Office or Suite 4 EMU or the library 4-21 A FREE WAY TO SAY THANKS Do you have a professor who makes you leap out of bed to get to calss and never want to be late? Who inspires you to dedicate yourself to your studies? Who makes you think and want to learn? Who is simply a great teacher? Count your blessings and nominate this person for the 1982 Ersted Distinguished Teaching Award It only takes a moment but it makes a great difference to the professor It says, "Keep up the good work!" Pick up nomination forms at the ASUO office, EMU office, Student Services, or Provost's office The deadline Is Friday, April 29. _980 4-22 Why aland In line at EMU? Sit down and en|oy lunch at the Faculty Club in Collier House-The Big Yellow House at 12th and University 226 4-21 Get a good deal lor your dollar. Vote yes on #2 and # 2 today to reinstate OSPIRG's traditional dollar per student per term funding, ___4-21 Tim Pheil Carnations are pink, and some are blue, the nicest of all come from you Than*. 4-21 DAN COHEN EMU BOARD Pd: Markoff-Cohen Comm. _4^1 $1.50 BUYS 15 WORDS OF AFFECTION when you place an Emerald Classified for Monday or Tuesday s issue You pay $1 50 for 15 words instead of 10 That's five free words to tell someone how much you care. Run your ad Monday and Tuesday and pay only $2 70 Ads must be paid for in advance and placed by 1 pm Friday at ODE office. 200 EMU. UO Bookstore, EMU Mam Desk Offer ends May 17 Steve S. I’ve really enjoyed the good times. Wishing for more Ann 4-21 Sigma Chi Coaches Mark, Dave, Bob Thanks for the great wake-up breakfast' You're doing a super job! Looking forward to the rest of the week Love, TrMMta___4-21 Scott Henrik ton Bljan Farahmand HAPPY BIRTHDAY P S and M.L. 4-21 Horatio. Please meet me at the voting booth to vote for Suzanne Seigneur for IFC. LuW_4-21 Congratulations to our newest member of Kappa Ka Gamma1 LaaMa Taylor Kappa Kappa 4-21 Congratulations Debbie and Todd on your pinning. Kappa Kappa Gamma and Sigma Alpha Epsilon __4-21 Alpha Omicron PI proudly announces it's newest members Christie French Surf Morelll Mary James Michelle Pattlson Kathleen Mulryan Andrea Mayes Karen Vanderzanden Alpha Love, Your Sisters_4 21 Sigma Chi’s Derby Days are just around the bend and this message we wanted to send. As philantropy fund-raiser, Derby Days rate number one. We re looking forward to the upcoming fun The Alpha-O’s 4-21 Gamma Phi Beta Spaghetti Feed Sunday, May 1st 5:00-7:30 pm 1021 Hllyard 686-5278 Adults $2.50 Kids $1.00 (under 12) _ _4-2? Gamma Phi Shelly Johnston and Sig Ep Paul Nugent Congratulations on your pinning! Love, The Gamma Phi’s 4-21 3ABBERW0CKY CARDS GIFTS DON’T FORGET MOM! Mother's Day is May 8 and we have cards for mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, mothers-in law and adopted mothers We also have all kinds ol little gifts, sjch as our new Message Bears;'1 "I Love Mom" mugs; Address Books, Blank Journals Refrigerator Magnets; Silk or Pape' Wallets; Heart i Flower Soaps Stationary; "Ms Personality” T-Shirts Love Coupons; Picture Frames Candy. Soft-Sculpture Heartflowers Rose Pins & Gift Bags. Boxes & Wrap 13t»8 HILYARD 484-0530 10-5:30 Mon-Frl 10-5 Sal Tight schedule? No Ume for a haircut? vupcrculr is now open Sunday for your conven ience. M-F 10 am-7 pm Sat 9 am-7 pm Sunday 10-3 pm 2526 Willamette 683-1405 78? HF C.O.R.D. presents . . . Ben Sasway on War & Resistance Friday, April 22nd 10 am: LCC, 308 Forum Noon: Earthweek rally. U of O EMU Courtyard 2 pm: War & Resistance. Rm 167 EMU. U ot O 5-8 pm: Benefit Dinner for the Draft Resisters Defense Fund & El Salvador Relief $3 50 $5 00 1236 Kincaid INVEST in OSPIRG Vote YES on # 2 and # 3, April 20-21 self service copies Quality Copies • Kodak 150 Resumes . • Thesis • Reduction Custom Paper » Binding • Lamination