Death toll rises to 47 in embassy bombing BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Searchers recovered six more bodies from the bomb-shattered U S. Embassy Tuesday and continued their grim task, with 47 people known dead or missing and presumed dead from the worst attack ever on a U.S. facility here. Embassy spokesman John Reid said eight Americans were confirmed dead and eight others were missing from the massive explosion Monday. Among the confirmed dead was Robert Clayton Ames, the CIA’s Near East and South Asian analyst, officials said in Washington in a rare case of naming a CIA agent who worked abroad. There was no clear picture of how the attack was carried out, but most ac counts said a terrorist drove an explosives-laden vehicle into the com pound and perished in the blast. Ten Lebanese embassy employees, visa applicants and visitors were con firmed dead, while 20 others were miss ing, said Reid. The 47th victim listed was an embassy visitor of unknown na tionality, he said. Police said 120 people were wounded in the explosion, including 22 Americans. The bodies were hauled from beneath chunks of masonry and concrete left in huge piles by the bomb, which exploded at lunchtime Monday. It blasted off the center facade, collapsed all seven floors in the central section and caused heavy damage to the two wings. U.S. Marines, Navy personnel and other searchers used a steamshovel and two backhoes to dig through the devastation. A squad of Marines raised the stars and stripes at sunrise Tuesday on a flagpole that escaped the blast. 1 I et al I MEETINGS Finance Club maata today at 5:30 p.m. in flm 336 Gilbert Spring term activities will be discussed Aslan Studies Society meets every Thurt. at 5 p m in the Queen Marie Lounge. Friendly Hall All Interested students welcome Col teg* Republicans meet tonight at 7 p.m in Century Rm C. EMU Everyone is welcome Alpha Kappa Psl general meeting will be held tonight at 7 p m. in Rm 336 Gilbert Voting on amendments con cerning absences is on the agenda Anyone interested please attend Student University Affairs Board will meet tonight at 6 p.m. in Rm 337 EMU Marketing Association meets today at 4:30 in Rm 243 Gilbert Come find out about our two upcoming parties Druids will meet In Rm. 111 EMU from 10 a m -3 p m Students Opposing Registration and the Draft will meet today at 5 30 p m in Century Rm A, EMU Agenda includes Earth Week activities For Women Reluming to School: Join olher "Women in Transition" for lunch and conversation at the Collier House/Faculty Club from 12:20-1:30 today WORKSHOPS Interested In gaining the experience of a lifetime? Come to the Internship Workshop today from 3:30-4:30 In Rm 243 Gilbert, and learn about opportunities in Washington D C , Salem and Eugene Students' International Meditation Society will spon sor a free public discussion of the Transcendental Meditation Program today at 3 and 8 p.m in Rm 111, EMU Attention all majors: Interested In an Internship ex perience? Attend this inlormation-packed workshop to day at 3:30-4:30 in Rm 243 Gilbert LECTURES “Marketing Decision Making and Use of Decision Making with Micro Computers” will be the subject of a BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed iDcny on me peopte'5 court -mecftseof the aAwiNo COUM.* ANO HERE ARE CAM TWO UTIOAWTS NOW... OKAY UH ..see, VEK HONOR... MY £j( aW-FRieNP CV6K THtKfc ..SHfc SPRINKLfcF' PRANO IN MY (AWERWEAK PRAWtR I'M SUING FOR $60 — YOUR HONOR / 1 PIP IT CAoee Ht cam ove* one NIOHT ANP OHAVCP 7H6 WORPC "KICK Wfc " OMTO THE BACK Of MY CAT FR6P.' IM WING FOR $ 3 MICUON ANP A NOW CAT _ K i BAIEIEE,. KICK THESE TWO NUT S IN THE BUTT. JUP6E WAPNEK ALWAYS KNOWS HOWTO RECIPE THESE PEUCATE CASES. slide-lecture to be given by Roger Best at 5 pm. in Rm 338 Gilbert today “School Management: Moving Into a Male Proles slon”is the title of a lecture to be given by Sakre Edson today at 3:30 p.m. in Rm 204 Condon “Reading Morals: Locke and Roussaau on Inequality" Is the title of a lecture to be given today at 4 p.m. in Gert inger Lounge by Francis Ferguson, University of Califor nia. Berkeley MISCELLANEOUS German Students: sign up now for hike In Sliver Creek Falls State Park. Trip sheet available at 202 Friendly or contact Helmut Plant, 312 Friendly, x4059 Society of Professional Journalists' annual book sale begins today at 9 a m. in EMU Main lobby Sale con tinues through tomorrow Centurion Award: 100 students to be selected for outstanding leadership and service Information sheets available in Rm 364 Oregon Hall Deadline is April 22, at 5 p.m Who Is Mary Hotchkiss and why Is she running for ASUO President? Meet her at the SPA table on EMU ter race today from 12.30-2 30 or in Carson Hall lobby from 5:30-6 30 p.m Interested In going to Corvallis? What about the Rus sians Symposium this weekend? Car pools are being organized by SNuFF Check Suite 1 EMU for more infor mation on the events, and leave a note If you’d like to go Pre-Journalism and Journalism majors: Want to register early next fall? Pick up a course request form from the J-school. choose courses from Preliminary Time Schedule, then consult a peer adviser or faculty ad viser. Deadline. April 29 Druid applications can be picked up for all students who will be juniors next year at Suite 4, library, or Hous ing Office Criteria for choosing next years members will be academic, leadership, and general achievement Ap plications due April 22 Volunteer* needed to help with research Into legislative issues which affect the future of Oregon's en vironment. Those interested please contact the Survival Ctr. at 686-4356, or drop by Suite 1, EMU Interested In writing a paper on Women’s Issues? The Center for the Study of Women in Society has holdings on a wide range of women’s issues The resource center. Rm 605 PLC, has a library with books, journals, documents and articles. Hours for spring term are. Mon — 1-4 p m . Tue — 2-5 p.m„ Wed - 1:30-3:30 p.m., Thurs — 81 p.m., Fri. — 9:30-3:30 p.m INTERVIEWS Sign up begins at 7:30 a.m. on Wed. in Rm. 246 Susan Campbell Hall for the following recruiters: April 25-26 — K Mart Apparel (For Entry level Manage ment Trainee — F, W, Sp grads — Bachelor's — Any ma jor/Bus preferred). April 26 — Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company (For Winter '84 Acct Internship — Jr. — Bachelor's — Acct/Bus Admin). April 27-28 — U S Marine Corps — EMU April 28 — Jeld-Wen, Inc (For Production Manage ment Trainee — W, Sp, Su grads — Bachelor's — Any major w/interest in production management in plant situation/exper in Wood Products Industry or mfg plant job) April 29 — UARCO, Inc For (1) Production Mgmt Trainee — W, Sp, Su grads — Bachelor's — Bus; (2) Ac counting Mgmt Trainee — W, Sp, Su grads — Bachelor's Accounting) Sign up begins at 7:30 a.m. on Wed. at Susan Camp bell Hall, Rm 246 for the following FALL TERM intern ship sites Eligible students must be enrolled in the arts and sciences and be a junior or senior — Fall 1983 Fur ther information is available at Career Planning & Place ment, x3235 April 26 — The Cloak Room, women's retail clothing establishment 9 Classifieds 1 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODC OffICE, 100 EMU UO SOOKSTOtf SI AMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK RATES: Rat«-s are IS cnli pn word for I he tirst day and 11 < enls per word tor r on seru'ive days the ad is run without < han^e SI.SO minimum lor thr lirst insertion $120 minimum for i nmn utivr insertions f HERE IS NO REEUNO FOR AD CANCEUATIONS! Clothing STOREWIDE SALE To make room tor our new line of im ports Bargo .is galore, half price and OLD FRIENDS New & used vintage fashions Sale stads Thursday April 21 through Thursday April 28 1128 Alder near 11th Open 10 20-5 20 957 4 22 For Sale ZENITH 1J- COLOR portable televi sion, $295 Evenings till 9, 242-7248 4 24 SCUBA SWAP May 6-8 Save 20-75 * 242-2722 (Consignments taken now) _6-6 VIDEO AND PINBALL DAMES For home tun or business profit Asteroids $295. Battle/one $295. Pinballs $295 and up Availability is limited Call Orest Western Games 726-1812 days. 726-5492 eves Terry I eavitl 4-25 Pool Tab(« for sale Call 485 2451 after 5 pm 4 22 BOSE 550 RECEIVER 40w Channel $225, List $285. JVC Cassette Deck $85 Dual turntable $25, OBO ea* Tim 986-5292 * ?0 ORIGINAL THEATER LOBBY POSTERS Standaaa, stills, and ether fifth ntemorlblllle Sold singly and m comptele collections Saturday April 2? at tha Comic Swap located in the National Guard Armory across from Autzen Stadium 10 am '*pm 4 22 1S7S DATSUN B 210 Runs well but needs bodywork Nice inferior $700 at besfddar 484-4t99ewwmgR 4-22 Services FOR QUALITY TYPESETTING, DESIGN, layout, pasteup and camera work, come on up to tbe Oregon Daily Emerald Jobwork Department. 200 EMU BSC-4381, ask lor Annie Noon to 4 pm, Monday through Friday 10% discount on resumes Tor UO students with current ID and fee card tin PRINTED SHIRTS Sleeveless tees and sweatshirts hot colors' 343-2306, 342-1927 . 956 4 22 EDITING Experienced, professional Dissertations, theses, term papers, etc 245-4261 4 22 Typing TYPING UNLIMITED 747-9298 Grad School Approved / Guaranteed Selectric Can for pricing ?4fl4*n HAWK WORD PROCESSING. Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses reports, resumes Free pick up / delivery 348-8168. ??4 ftn TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick-up and delivery CM Carole at 888-3983. ELITE TYPING SERVICE OFast Guaranteed Accurate Free pickup/delivery 884-1848 7494tn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICS Guaranteed Quality work Free pu'de nvery 4B5 2914 188 ftn A PLUS TYPING * 1/ds pg/$ 05/#ne Can Syn 344-9738 202 ftn EXPERIENCED TYPIST using IBM Selector. HI Cat Mmabetween Bam and 11 pm at 728 9824 ______ .->50 MW TYPING/EOITING Sara 888-8738 Judy 344-8802 \ 809WMFM TYPHtO DOMNA 344-1919 Graduate School Approved _____ _____ 274 MW PRO TYPING ALL LSVCL8 IBM Correcting Syaer.trx. Can Barbara 3484*747 288MWF NEED TYPING DONE? Correcting Selectnc Call Tina. 68? 7245 704 UW FAST, PROFESSION At TYPING IBM Correcting Selectrlc Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 484 9405 658 tin BRANDY’S TYPING SERVICE Protessionai. experienced Theses, resumes reports, editing 484-6044 9?? ttn PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable rates IBM Correcting Selectrlc Call Patrice. ?42 52?8_ 4-2? Feet jeeurate. editing included Close to campus M3-3M4I -arol 5 18 MOONLIGHT TYPING Expert word processed typing Guaranteed 90 cents per page Can Denita alter 5 00 pm 4 ?6 Instruments LAB SERIES 1.11. ?00 Watt Amplifier tor sale, with 2-12 Cerwin Vega cabinet Call T rey 886 0195 evenings 4 21 Books EMERALD CITY COMICS BuySeNTrade 770 E 13th 34S-2SSS 976 WHf SO,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% lo 50% olt list prices New Books Texl Books ('.lift Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 7SS East 13th _ Recreation UO RECREATION A INTRAMURALS Volleyball Men's and Women sYoHeyba* Doubles Sign up by Aprs 22, 6 00 In Gerkngei 10? 944 4 22 8-BALL Tournament 3 PM THURSDAY DOUBLE ELIMINATION REC CENTER UO RECREATION INTRAMURALS 4X4 B-Ball Post NCAA round robin tourney Mens and womens divisions Plenty ot tun1 No refs' Entries due Friday April 22 Play begins Saturday April 2? More into at 102 Gertinger 967 4-22 Ski Stuff ROSSIGNOL SM 202 cm. KS 710s 90 cm, Head ski |OCket. women's sm-med light blue. CB ski jacket, women's med red 'dk blue Nordica ski boot, women's comps, sure 7 Must sell, all negotiable 245 1526 4-20 Travel | H\< I SDN PAVE I BARGAIN ROUND TRIP FARES AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS EUGENE - NEW YORK $268 EUGENE• MINNEAPOLIS $228 SAN FRANCISCO - AMSTERDAM $663 SAN FRANCISCO - AUSTRALIA $880 (children under 15 599) 683-5577 Smith Family Book Bldg 952 WF Bicycles MICE IS-SPEED S65 firm 245-1487 evenings 4-22 SECOND NATURE USED BIKES New and used pam lor die km racer commuter, and crimer. •UV-tfLl TEADf 1712 WHum HMM o Cars & Cycles •• CORONA Rebuilt engine, 11.000 mi 26 mpg city, 20 mpg hwy Excellent condition $1600 244-0124 4-22 1981 Suzuki GS450L Black, Rack, Pegs Fairing, 683-2093 1SS2 FIAT ROADSTER Conv w - hardtop AM/ FM cassette 45 mpg, runs and looks great $1400 otter 242-2581 4-21 Auto Repair SPRING TUNE-UP SPECIAL Honda. Datsun. VW. Toyota, Votva and others Includes tune-up complete, valve adjustment oil change Alter $25 plus parts Call J4J-S07J lor appointment J.8. Fry Auto Repair MWF S-t $ CAR TUNE-UPS at your home, foreign and domestic Professional work, hill warranty, low prices 682-8272 or 242-9147 evenings 4-22 Wanted WILL PAY lor full set ol notes from History of Christianity class ottered tall 1982 Call 747-9648 evenings or weekends 4-22 Opportunities EARN $500 OR MORE each school year Flexible hours Monthly payment lor placing posters on campus Bonus based on results Prizes awarded as well 800-528-088? _4-26 NEW WEST AGENCY praised by the world's largest modeling agency for latent development - starts new classes 4-2? 682-WEST 4-22 Help Wanted ASUO COMPTROLLER 2 immediate positions, must work through at least December 8? 1 Fall 82 position, must work through entire 82 - 84 school year Duties mclude general bookkeeping lor all ASUO programs and reconciling statements 12-15 hours wk mm $6 hour, work study or $225 mo stipend Job descriptions and applications available m ASUO Executive Office Suite 4 EMU Applications close April 20, 198? . 4 pm ASUO is an equal oppor tunity employer 926 4-20 Students majoring in Business, Marketing, Pre-Law. Pre-Med interested in summer work and opportunity to make $?,840 Leave name, phone * , and majorat 726-1883_4-29 TYPtST WANTED to type manuscript in my apartment 60 space line, 'double space Wilt pay 75 cents a page 484-0877 4-21 RESTAURANT Experienced Line Cooks needed tor tull-service family restaurant during summer season Waitpersons also needed Excellent wckmg atmosphere and renumeration Reply Lemon Tree Inn, PO Box 525, Cannon Baach, OR 971104-22 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round Europe, S Amer . Australia, Asia All Fields $500-51200 monthly Sightseeing Free info Write IJC Box 52-OR-? Corona Dei Mar, CA 92625 4-20 ROOMATES SCA COOP HOUSES ARE NOT EXPENSIVE $450 covers room, meals and utilities for spring term W„men. men, vegetarian non-vegetarian non-discriminating and democratically sett-managed Janet Smith House. 1790 Alder, ask tor Marlon Campbell Club, 1670 Alder ask for Cory Meals only available also 577 tin Apts, for Rent IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY UO Family Housing Amazon two bedroom unfur nished apartments at $100/month and Westmoreland one bedroom furnished apartment at $111/month Also anticipate future openings for Westmoreland two bedroom furnished apartment at $1?1 /month Contact UO Housing Dept, 686-4277 861 tfn WALK TO CAMPUS 625 East 16th One and two bedrooms furnished with patio and courtyard Laundry, off-street parking Now taking reservations IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 465-6252 48? tfn ALOERWOOO MANOR 1664*64 Alder One and two bedrooms with carpeting, drapes, appliances, laundry facilities, off-street parking $199 5289 Manager 484-611? IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 465-6252 974 tfn