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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1983)
network Perms Includes haircut flr style. Long hair extra $20°° Jht V-P Reg. $40.00 Haircuts $700 M Reg $ 11.00 Call Bev or Cheryl Offer expires May I. 1983 20 W. 25th 342*7661 -coupon -- OAKWAY CINEMA OAKWAV HALL 343-5331 Now Showing! The story of a boy suddenly alone In the world. KIRK DOUGLAS THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER 20th CENTURY FOX FILMS THIS COUPON WILL ADMIT TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE ADMISSION • $2.00 At !H( HUiK j r-j'| u irjf- ;n( H MQPMNG IULT CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS Welcomes you to an evening with EKL KLUGH WED. APRIL 20 HULT CENTER TICKETS 12.50 & 10.00 for Information Call 687 5000 presented by Entertainment Consultants FESTIVAL OF EAST EUROPEAN PEOPLES April 10 - May 1, 1983 University of Oregon A series of free public events concerning the cultures of Eastern Europe, both in the Old World and in North America. rWEEK OF APRIL 10- 14: Opening reception for the exhibit "Macedonian Bridal Costumes” with live Balkan folk music and refreshments Sunday, April 10. 3:00 pm. Museum of Natural History Yiddish film: “Yidl Mitn Fidl” Poland, 1935, with English subtitles Monday. April 11.8:00pm, 150 Geology Slide-lecture: "Ukrainian Icons from Galicia: Tradition and Innovation” Tuesday, April 12. 3:30 pm, 177 Lawrence Three documentary films about the Ukrainian immigrants in Canada and the United States: "Luchak’s Easter”, "Pysanka”, and “Jaraslawa” Tuesday, April 12, 7:30 pm 177 Lawrence Yiddish film: "Mamele” Poland, 1938, with English subtitles Wednesday, April 13. 7 30 pm. 177 Lawrence Ukrainian film: “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors” (J.S.S.R 1964. with English subtitles Thursday, April 14, 7:30 pm, 177 Lawrence All of these events are open to the public without admission charge. 1 college credit may be obtained by registering for Anthropology 4100 ("East European Peoples”). For further information, contact: Mark Levy UO Russian & East European Studies Center 686-4877 or 342-4130 Made possible in pan by a gram from the Oregon Committee _far tht Humamtie* Lxxmxl Tt'l ¥T eeweeee Calendar FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 7 -13 FILM THURSOAV The Man Who Would Be King" and "Kagemusha Cinema 7 $3 Call 687-0733 for times FRIDAY Bonnie and Clyde" 150 Geology 7 and 9:30 pm $1 50 ' The World According to Garp" 180 PLC 7 and 9:30 p m $1 50 Swan Lake" 198 Music 7 and 9 p m $1 50 "Le Beau Manage and "Cousin Cousine" Cinema 7 through Wedsnesday $3 Call 687-0733 for times SATURDAY "Harold and Maude" 180 PLC 7 and 9 p m $1 50 "The Wall" 150 Geology 7 and 9 p m $1 50 The African Queen" 177 Lawrence 7 and 9:15 p m $1 50 adult, $1 children All About Eve" 180 PLC 8 p m $1 50 SUNDAY "Le Beau Manage" and "Cousin Cousine" Cinema 7 $2 50 matinee, $3 evening Call 687-0733 for times MONDAY "Yidl Mitn Fidl" 150 Geology 8pm Yiddish film made in Poland in 1935 Commentary by Anthropology Professor Carol Silverman TUESDAY Ukrainian Films: "Luchak's Easter,” "Pysanka, and "Jaraslawa" 177 Lawrence 7:30 p.m Three documenta ries concerned with the customs, folk art and foodways of Ukrainian immigrants in Canada and the United States Commentary by Professor Sharon Sherman WEDNESDAY "The Grand Illusion" 123 Science 8pm Free Mamele 177 Lawrence 7:30 p m Yiddish film made in Poland in 1938 Commentary by Anthropology Professor Carol Silverman MUSIC THURSDAY Musical Smorgasbord 198 Music 12:30pm Free Senior Recital Kent Berry, composition Beall Concert Hall 8 p m Free Phi Beta Award Winners' Concert Emerald Baptist Church. 19th and Paterson 6pm Free, but donations for future Phi Beta scholarships will be accepted Call 343-7677 for further info Jo Federigo's Mapenzi 9 30 p m No cover B B King, with The Paul deLay Band Silva Hall, Hult Center for the Performing Arts 8 p m S8-S10 Call 687-5000 for reservations and further info Shilo Inn: Larry Younger Band 9 30 p m No cover Jazz Album Preview KLCC-FM, 89 7 9 p m FRIDAY Codona (Colin Walcott. Don Cherry, Nana Vasconcelos) in Concert Eugene Hilton Composers Hall 9 30 p.m $6 50 advance. $7 50 at the door Tickets available at EMU Main Desk. Earth River Records, and Everybody's Records Homefried Truckstop Jon and Paul Dinner Jo Federigo's: (See Thursday's listing) Shilo Inn: (See Thursday s listing) Classical Album Preview KLCC-FM 89 7 8 30 a m Just Folks KWAX-FM. 91 1 9 30pm Modern Mono KLCC-FM. 89 7 11 30 p m SATURDAY Student Recital Karen Curtis-Bodeen. soprano 198 Music 8pm Free Super Pops III with special guest Ella Fitzgerald Silva Hall. Hult Center for the Performing Arts 8 30 p m Call 687-0020 for reservations and further info Max's Tavern The Cashiers 9 30pm Homefried Truckstop Emmy Fox Breakfast Mark Pope Dinner Jo Federigo's (See Thursday's listing) Shilo Inn (See Thursday s listing) Saturday Cate KLCC-FM. 89 7 9am Blackberry Jam KLCC-FM. 89 7 6pm A Prairie Home Companion KLCC-FM. 89 7 7pm SUNOAY Homefried Truckstop Thom Bergeron Breakfast Eagle Park SMm Dinner Jo Federigo's Jam Session with the Jerry Gleason Trio 9 30 p m No cover Mist Covered Mountain KLCC-FM. 89 7 9am MONDAY Senior Recital Alan Phillips, horn Beall Concert Hall 8 p m Free Master Class In Baroque Music Performance by guest artists Concert Royal 107 Music 2 30pm Free Jo Fedengo s (See Sunday's listing) From the Leftside Best in Folk KLCC-FM 89 7 7 30 p m TUESDAY Chamber Music Concert by guest artists Concert Royal Beall Concert Hall 8 p m $3 University students, $4 general Homefried Truckstop Banning Eyre Breaktast Nicki Ehrlich Dinner Jo Federigo's: Sammy Epstein Trio 9:30 p m No cover WEDNESDAY The Oregon Symphony, conducted by James DePriest Silva Hall, Hult Center for the Performing Arts 6 30 pm $3 75-S15 25 The program includes Antonin Dvorak s "Symphony No 9 in E Minor, From the New World Maurice Ravel s "Mother Goose Suite, and the overture from Peter Mich Tschaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet Call 687-5000 for reservations and further info Northwind, a Santa Cruz jazz trio Soreng Theatre, Hult Center for the Performing Arts 7:30 p m $5 50-S7 50 Call 687-5000 for reservations and further info Eugene Guitar Association Meeting Amazon Communi ty Center 7:30 pm Any level, any style welcome Call 342-2816 for further info Homefried Truckstop Jon and Paul Dinner Jo Federigo's: (See Tuesday's listing) The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon Marigolds' by Paul Zindel Arena Theatre. Villard Hall April 7-9, 14-16. and 21-23 8 p m $2 This Pulitzer Prize winner examines hope and despair, growing up. and recognizing the truth of who we are through the story of a woman and her two daughters as they struggle to rise above their circumstances Directed by Janet Kenny Call 686-4191 for reservations and further info Ah. Wilderness by Eugene O'Neill Robinson Theatre. Villard Hall April 8-9, and 13-16 8 pm. $5 general. $3 25 University students and senior citizens. $4 other students O'Neill's only comedy looks back at his New England childhood, not as it was, but the way he would have liked it to be Directed by Horace Robinson Call 686-4191 for reservations and further info The Public Eye ' by Peter Shaffer, performed by the Cascade Balzac Company The Brass Rail. 453 Willamette across from Amtrack April 7-9, 14-16, and 21-23 9 pm $2 50 Directed by Martha Wehmeier Call 342-2298 for reservations and further info "Tarfuffe" by Moliere. performed by Willamette Theatre Willamette Auditorium. 1801 Echo Hollow Road Thursday 8 p m $2 Part of the 1983 Oregon Thespian Conference Call 689-6090 for reservations and further info The Empire Strikes Back New Allies, New Enemies" KLCC-FM. 89 7 Thursday 7 30pm "The Empire Strikes Back New Allies, New Enemies" KWAX-FM, 91 1 Saturday 6pm Country Dance, called by Rick Meyers McKenzie Room. Valley River Inn Thursday 8:30 p m $3 50 "Folk! Center Stage" Soreng Theatre, Hult Center for the Performing Arts Saturday 7:30 p.m $6 75 The program includes dances from Romania, Bulgaria. Poland, Armenia. Turkdey. Yugoslavia, and America Performed by the Sobranie Folk Ensemble, directed by Dave Bucy from Corvallis and the Tolpa Folk Ensemble, directed by Lucy Mclver of Eugene The music will be performed by the Brothers of the Baladi. Mark Levy, Carol Silverman, and Chuchk Ruff Call 687-5000 for reservations and further Info "Harlequins, Gods and Dancers" performed by the New York Baroque Dance Company and Concert Royal Soreng Theatre. Hult Center for the Performing Arts Sunday 7:30 p m $6 75 $8 75 This performance, with live music and period costumes, will include recreated choreography by Louis Pecour as well as music by Handel. Rameau, and Lully Tickets available at the EMU Main Desk and the Hult Centet Box Office, 687-5000 Veselo Community Folk Dancers Westmoreland Com munity Center. 1545 W 22nd Ave Sunday 7-10 pm 75 cents Program and request dancing Master Class in Baroque Dance Performnance presented by the New York Baroque Dance Company 354 Gerlmger Annex Tuesday 9 30pm Free A Lecture Performance with costumes and live music presented by the New York Baroque Dance Company and Concert Royal Beall Concert Hall Tuesday 2 30pm Free to University students St general Cindorella performed by the Houston Ballet Silva Hall. Hult Center for the Peforming Arts Tuesday 8pm S14-S25 Call 687-5000 tor reservations and further info Eugene Folk Dancers Friend's Meeting House. 2274 Onyx St Tuesday 7 15 pm St Instruction at 7 30 pm Beginners and newcomers welcome Scottish and English Country Dancing. Knights of DANCE Pythias Hall, 12th and Lawrence St Wednesday 7:30 p m $1 MISCELLANEOUS THURSDAY The Etruscan Tomb, Paintings of Tarquinia" lecture by Friedrich-Wilhetm von Hase. Stadtisches Museum. Manheim, Germany 166 Lawrence 8 p.m "Shakespeare's Comic Time” lecture by Susan Snyder. Swarthmore 133 Library 2 p m Public Autograph Party with Seventeen Oregon Authors Valley River Inn 4:30-6 p m Refreshments and copies of all the author s books will be available FRIDAY Jazzercize — Benefit for Jr Achievement Lane County Auditorium 7-8:30 p m $3 single, $8 family SATURDAY Concert with Linda Tillery and Adrienne Tort, Poetry Reading with Pat Parker Lane County Convention Center Theatre. 13th and Madison 8pm Call 686-3360 for further info The Cascade Valley Waldorf School Annual Auction. Lane County Fairgrounds Conference Center Preview at 10 a m , auction at 11 a m Artwork to bicycles to gift certificates to tools to singing telegrams Winter Skies " at 1 p m Red Star in Orbit" at 3 p m Willamette Science and Technology Center $2 adults. $1 students and senior citizens SUNDAY Macedonian Bridal Costumes Opening Reception University Museum of Natural History 3 p.m Six rare 19th century village costumes from Yugoslav Macedonia Live Balkan folk music and refreshments Benefit for the National Abortion Rights Action League The Brass Rail, 453 Willamette, across from Amtrack 4-8 p m S3-S5 sliding scale, children free Live entertainment provided by Whiskey Creek String Band. Richard Crandel. Helen Folsom, and On the Edge Light dinner, desserts, beer, and wine will also be available Call 484-9720 for further info Rajneesh quiet meditation and bioenergetics exercise class 3072 Willakenzie Road 1-4 pm $5 Call 343-8516 for further info Eugene Flea Market Lane County Fairgrounds Auditor ium 9 a m -4 p m 50 cents adults. 25 cents children PiccaDilly Flea Market Lane County Fairgrounds Expo Halls 1-3. 10a m - 4 p m 75 cents adults. 50 cents children "Winter Skies" and Red Star in Orbit" (See Saturday s listing) MONDAY Poetry Reading by Jean Vogel Homefried Truckstop 7:30 p m The Women's Symoposium Information Faire EMU Ballroom 10 a m.-4 pm. TUESDAY "Ukrainian Icons from Galicia Tradition and Innovation" slide-lecture by A Dean McKenzie. Art History 177 Lawrence 3:30 p m Ra)neesh Dynamic Meditation 6:45 a m $2 Call 343-8516 for further into WEDNESDAY "How Not to Interpret Chekhov's Plays' lecture by Harvey Pitcher. British author and scholar 101 EMU 11 30 am Chekhov's Sense ol Humor the Man and His Writings” lecture by Harvey Pitcher, British author and scholar 101 EMU 4 p.m Rafting Workshop Outdoor Program. EMU. 7:30 p m Reception for Graduating Seniors and Graduate Women sponsored by the American Association of University Women Gerlinger Hall 3-5 p m An Evening of Bhagwan An introduction to meditation and discourses 3072 Willakenzie Road 7-9:30 p m $2 Call 343-8516 for further into NORTHWEST Winter Poets Reading Series Newport April 7, 8. and 9 Tess Gallagher. William Stafford, and Mark Strand will conduct workshops readings, and a forum Call 265-9231 for further info Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, with Nick Lowe anj Paul Carrack Paramount Theatre. Portland Saturday 8 p m $15 Tickets available at Everybody's Records and Meier 8 Frank Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band Memorial Coliseum. Portland Tuesday 8 p m $14. Tickets available at Everybody s Records Compiled by Bob Webb Campus events: 686-INFO, Tape 651 Photo courtesy of Associated Booking Corp Blues king B.B. King, Lucille play Eugene By Cort Fernald Of tfw Emerald He was born Riley B King — but now he's better known as "Beale Street Boy" King, or B B. King He was reared on a cotton plantation near Indianola, Mississippi, the heartland of the blues. At this time he was working in the fields six days a week for $15 a month Now, B B. King is universally hailed as "King of the Blues." The "King of the Blues” is appearing for one show tonight at 8 p.m. in the Hult Center’s Silva Concert Hall. Tickets for main floor seats are still available. This is King’s only other Oregon appearance. Any devotee of blues and music in general shouldn’t miss this rare treat. King is a master of the blues style On a Gibson Stereo he calls Lucille, King gets a "trill” sound that is his interpretation of the sound of Bukka White and other bottleneck guitarists. He does it with a unique fingering style, a perpendicular-to-the-neck vibrato "My ears told me that when I trilled my hand I’d get a sound similar to the sound they were getting with a bottleneck,” King said in an interview with Guitar Player magazine. King is well known for his phrasing which he says was influenced by T Bone Walker and Django Reinhardt. "Even though some are jazz and some are blues, when I hear them phrase, each note seems to say something,” King said "My style is a mixture of people that I’ve idolized. People like Blind Lemon (Jefferson), Robert Johnson and Elmore James. Some of them used a slide and I could never do that The closest that I could get to that sound was through trilling with my hand. That would make the note sustain," King said King’s vocals have the same tone of 'worry’’ that tinges the singing of Jefferson, Leroy Carr and Lonnie Johnson. King sought to imitate the "worry’’ they infused in their lyrics. He adapted this melisma effect (elongat ing syllables over different notes and lingering on words) to his own style. Since King's first major R&B hit Lowell Fulson's "Three O'Clock Blues" recorded in the Memphis YMCA in 1950, King estimates he’s recorded over 300 sides. Some of this prodigious output became regional hits but reaped King little money in return. In the early 1960s King was signed by ABC-Paramount records One of his best efforts in this period was "B.B. King Live at the Regal." He did a stint on ABC’s Bluesway label and reached the R&B charts with "Paying the Cost to be the Boss." At this time he was produced by Bill Szymczyk who went on to produce the Eagles and pioneer the Southern California sound. King finally got out of the strict R&B category with the nationwide million seller "The Thrill is Gone ' This recording, cut in a multi-track studio, with a string section, is a far cry from the Memphis YMCA where King began The trills of Lucille and the worry of King’s singing voice will resound the Silva Concert Hall as he begins his performance, as he has almost every performance, with the song that is more a statement of King’s life “Everyday I Have the Blues." Wed. April 27 8 pm EMU Ballroem I*-* V-* : :} * fTAim*r *9: >&#&**:: 3tfi»< W-okm’^ j * **.*** »,. * * ir*A % *V ** «•-»>* ** * r*v »*i>>r v>w*>y f. > t ^ 1 Cat's Meow Jazz & BIues Jazz & Blues, ReqqAE & Gospel Reconds Books, Tftpcs & Collector's Accessories In rkf Fihhpual BuildiNt, FiFtIi & PearI * CuqENE 686-8742 "AT LAST, A STORE FOR THE TRUE COLLECTOR." ^Jet in shape for summer 50 % off joining fee now through April 11 Only $15 Short term memberships for students • lap pool • weight room • racquetball/handball/squash • basketball/volleyball • sauna, steamroom, whirlpool, sunroom Cal! about Excrdance, aerobics, and other fitness classes. Non-members: join a fitness class and use the facilities free all day! Only 4 blocks from campus kV EUGENE FAMILY YMCA V 2055 Patterson 686-YMCA non-profit organization We are ^)pCH til 9:00 Friday Nights for burgers, omelettes,"soups salads and sandwiches. L Open Mon Thurs 7 6. Fri til 9, Sat 8-6, Sun 9 5 PBSf--Hart i bun^et 7em£ ' more tfum just bunjers^iSr omelettes! downstairs at the 5th.St. Public Market