ROOMY 2 PLUS BEDROOM furnished Near 12th & Patterson $280 monthly Adults, no pets 484-1057 651 tin HI RISE STUDIO Enjoy quality and secure living in our twin tower, one bedroom, hi-rise, just I minutes from campus Managed by people who care Eugene, Manor, from $218, including utilities. BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 460 East 2nd 485-6991 _712:4-8 APT. LARGE BASEMENT one be Idroom. 2 blocks U O $160. incl utilities No smoking, pets 344-9185_2-21 1684 GARDEN AVE "A” Classic one bedroom, carpeted, ap plianced Extra storage, garden area, laundry facilities (Bahmd Wendy's I Franklin Blvd ) $145. 245-7268 745 tfn FIRCREST APARTMENTS 630 East 14th *1. 89 Large one and two bedroom, ap plianced. carpeted, laundry facilities $175 and $260 245-7268 746 tfn 433 WEST 8TH 87, 85 A studio and a one bedroom, carpeted, applianced, water and garbage paid Laundry facilities. $125 and $125 745-7268_ 747:tfn SUNNY ROOM own bath, one other, non-smoker, quiet 242-6160 4-1 ROOMY 1 BEDROOOM furnished near Sacred Heart $195 monthly Adull no pets 484-1057.652 tfn IT’S A STEAL! No rent until April 14th Furnished, spacious 2 bedroom apt 1647 Mill St Call 245-8262 4-1 I-—-—i Houses for Rent , 1837 HIGH 3 bedroom, hardwood floors, low maintenance yard, ample storage (no garage) Washer/dryer pet possible $295 V I P 345-7368 428 tin CLOSE, SPFLD., 2 Bdrm house. No pets, children Quiet Wood $180 in centives. 746-1977 ?-?1 Quads ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Alder No. 65 Month-to-month $100. Tenant pays electricity. 343-2613. 484-0804 333 tfn THE BROWN DERBY QUADS Newer convenient location starting.,at $115, includes utilities 441 East 17th 343-8616.__15 T;ttn 1728 FERRY Newer, some with decks Clean, plea sant surroundings $109 and $115, utilities paid. Manager 345-9120 IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 _,_ 465:tln Vi BLOCK FROM CAMPUS WEST UNIVERSITY QUADS 738 East 16th $134 Private bath, laundry facilities, refrigerator in room, reserved parking available Manager, unit 1.345-1540 IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 ___439:ttn CLASSY QUADS 430 E. 15th Handy to campus or town $134 includes utilities Manager 345-9466 ' IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 ___962:tfn LARGE QUAD $110 per month $75 deposit Utilities included For more information call 485-8859 981 tfn HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Quads and get your weekly cleaning included in the rent - along with cable TV, utilities, private bath and lots of other goodies CALL TODAYI CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Aider 686-1075 L___025:tfn NEWER QUADS All utilities paid $129 Near University 1866 Harris 344-2524 or 344-8941. 273 tfn <75 EAST 15th Clean, pleasant surroundings. Fur nished. all utilities paid $99 344-94^5 ■PM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 — ..._ 62? tfn CAMPUS QUADS 751 E 16th St -45-1272. First month plus move-m $1 ?9 Each month thereafter $1 ?g 676 4-5 [ Food/Drink aocTlBBrhacej, 13th and * Hllyard aocnQonaoaarrTW^hnacjocrjpooaa PLJilJTG MJJTDJULIjr nnantmaaa n n q asccccaoon o n a no NOW SERVING dim sum on Sundays, noon-? pm i$fl B 4 -f 0? 0 EVENTS Women In Communications will be holding a very important meeting regarding tl*e elections on April 5th All interested students must attend 201-b Allen Hall, 4 00 pm Thursday 772:2-21 ECKANKAR OPEN HOUSE Sunday April 2, ? 20 - 6 pm, 1122 Alder St. Come join us for free punch and munchiesl Music and short talk at 5 pm ___ 772:4-1 U of 01983 WOMEN’S SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SUNDAY, APRIL 3 3-5 PM: Opening reception tor 1982 Women's Art Show Refreshments and music The art show will be open Mon day through Wednesday as well 167 EMU. 5-6 PM: Giving Away Ceremony. A spirtual celebration incorporating women's visions, dreams, and exper iences This original ceremony was inspired by a poem by the Native Amer ican woman, Chrystos, and is presented by the Women and Religion group of the Unitarian Church. The room will be open at 2 pm Rm 101 EMU. 7:30 PM: Two films. “We re Alive" is a story about women in prison It is a good overall introduction to the prison system Rape Culture" is about how our culture condones rape and the film attempts to expand our society's narrow and sexist concept of rape 177 Lawrence Hail. _782:2-21 Search and the Survival Center present courses on WNdlife Management UH 11-12:20 and Oregon Wildlands UH 12:20-1 50 for more information call the Survival Center 686-4256 779 4-4 Entertainment 17th Century Dazzlement: New York BAROQUE DANCE COMPANY Watch for it! _ 7164-1 EMU CULTURAL FORUM HULT CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS present B.B.KIH WITH SPECIAL GUEST Thurs., April 7 8 pm Silva Concert Hall Hult Center tor the Performing Arts $10, $9, $8 Tickets at EMU Main Desk, Valley River Records and Hult Center usual outlets TONIGHT FRONT PAGE Pat O' Brien 9 pm KOZY Cable TV 11 \ kelly’s \ TON\GHT S3£Is*" L MO COVER' FBI-SAT ROBERT cray CUBt,S8RLOAOO iM YO FAct * W ..Tools party’ Apf SSze- Dinner 0Swo«lW'UmO 1 service ^o0' STARR presents 'ss^r* ,o:r— parke=nkVAPR'L 2 lj?wren S1 0° \ SATURDAY* V.S0,cH*'*%c>±1 ) 180 Pt-C ___ BLUES & BOOZE on APRIL FOOLS ROBERT CRAY BAND at the BEER GARDEN EMU Ballroom Friday, April 1 4-7 pm $1 admission - get your tickets now at the EMU Mam Desk Presented by EMU Cultural Forum and Food Ser vice - FRIDAY - Winner of four Oscars including Best Actor and Best Actress NETWORK Peter Finch, Faye Dunaway and Robert Duvall star in this behind-the scenes probe of a cut-throat television netowork APRIL 1 180 PLC 7 A 9:30 PM SHOWS - SATURDAY - Carl Reiner’s hilarious spoof of private eye movies DEADMEN DON’T WEAR PLAID Steve Martin is plunged into 1940's movies with Humphrey Bogarl, Ingrid Bergman, James Cagney and others Also starring Rachel Ward APRIL 2 150 GEOLOGY 7 A 9 PM SHOWS - SUNDAY - Bogie stars as Sam Spade in this classic private eye adventure flick THE MALTESE FALCON Humphrey Bogart returns from Satur day night's "DEADMEN" spoof to his true form as a detective who stumbles on to a desperate group who seek the jeweled falcon of Maita APRIL 3 180 PLC 8 PM SHOW ONLY ALL SHOWS: Students/Adults $1 50 Children $1 Pick up a free Cultural Forum film list in the EMU _ 781 4-1 THE BIJOU 4*2 E. 13th 686-8UU ; (4 blocks from UO Bookstore) HURRY, MUST END THURS. Jeremy Irons In MOONLIGHTING One of the top 10 films of I982 Roger Ebert, Gene Siskel, Newsweek Nightly 7:30 ft 9:30 pm Gen Adm $2 50 Students $2 50 w /ID Starts Friday: YOL Winner, Best Film Award, Cannes FWm Fest 82 KZEL welcomes BIJOU LATE NIGHT Held over by popular demand Eraserhead A dream of dark and troubling things from David Lynch, director of "The Elephant Man ' Wed-Thur 11:15 pm $1.96 Frt-Sat 12 am *2.50 Next week Rocky Horror returns! Reservations on sale Monday _756:2-21 PREMIERE THRU MAR. 31 VERONIKA VOSS Rainer Fassbinder's dazzling story ot an aging movie star shows at 7:30 pm only. plus Nightly at 9:30 pm thru Thursday ROOMMATES Rated XXX-over 18 Separate admis sion.___741 2-2i The Real Stuff Ramones Ramones with D.O.A. Mon. May 2 EMU Ballroom Tickets on sale soon __727 2-21 P-FARM APRIL FOOLS BASH WOW HALL with THE NOMADS Fri. April 1 $2 50 '_____s avails ble spring term from Oregon Hal! ca shiers through Friday. April 8 Student coverage for spring term is only $49 00 and for spring and summer is $97 05 SEARS WILL GIVE YOU $5 toward $10 purchase for completed credit applies tioo._ 3.3 j IS YOUR BANK GIVING YOU THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY? Pick up our tree brochure comparing the ser vices of all the banks in Eugene They are available at the OSPIRG office. Suite 1 EMU_ 771 4-4 PROGRESSIVE FASHION is full of new spring merchandise ready to wear If you haven't visited our store yet, stop by to see what we have to otter for spring Mon-Fri 10:30-5:30 Sat 11-5 (by the Mayflower Theatre) STUDENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS BOARD will have 1 ? open positions for the spring election AH interested must file by April 1 at ? pm in Suite 4 EMU. We are the legislative body of the ASUO, and serve on the University Senate and the General Assembly 777 4-1 Easter cards • Flower cards • Wind-up Easter toys • Plush lambs, bunnies and chicks by Gund • Imported Easter chocolate • Easter baskets and bags • Easter stickers • All kinds of unusual and fun Easter basket stuffers. appl 344-0411. ?89:UH 7?9 4-6 774 4-4 1308 HILYARD MON-FR110-5:30 484-0530 SAT 10-5 We cut hair for your ®®0, no* our? supercutr ALL HAIRCUTS $« M-F10 am-7 pm Sal9am-7pm 2526 WHIamette 683-1405 - _ 406:2-14 mprove your rale, comprehension, and recall ol academic materials by enrolling in a SPEED READING WORKSHOP New sessions begin next week Call the Learning Resources Center at 686-2226 for more information _7594-4 There's still time to enroll in the GRAMMAR REVIEW WORKSHOP (preparation for J250) For more information, contact the Learning Resources Center. 5 Friend y Hall, 686-2226758 4-4 Preput e lor GRE GMAT LSAT Sign up now to take a 4-222k work shop designed to help you prepare for these standardized tests. $20 covers all materials For more information or to register call 686-2226 or corns by Ihe Learning Resources Center, 5 |:riendly Hall.760 4 4 ELEMENTARY STUDENTS n DEADLINE FOR MAKING APPLICATION TO T E E M I AND T E E M II AND STUDENT TEACHING FOR* FALL TERM 1983 IS APRIL 11. 1983 Application materials may be picked up at the FIELD EXPERIENCE OFFICE, College of Education. TURN IN SCREENING PACKETS ON APRIL 11, 1983 _F or more information call MtWBk Rebecca at 686-3530. TZ Note: the office of Field Experience Programs will be closed April 7 & 8 SCHOLARSHIPS! The U.S. Navy has scholarships available for highly qualified Engineering, Physics and Math majors. You will receive s1100 per month for your last two years of college. Job positions after graduation. ★ Nuclear Power Plant Manager ★ Graduate Level Technical Teachers ★ Civil Engineering ★ Research and Development For more information contact: Travis Luz at the Placement Center on April 4 - 6 from 9 am to 4 pm.