Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1983, Page 24, Image 24

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NETWORK (1976) Here* fmr.h Faye Dunaway and
Beatrice Sfiaiqbi won Oscar. in this cwovrti probe Qt
the cynic* world of tetevis*on a wood where you re
onty ai (food as you* overnight 'aimgs
Of AO MEN OORT WEAR PI AIO 1982) The ultimate
spool OR povale eye move- Steve Man* plunged in
to scene*, iron 1940s movie*, with Humphrey Bogan
Ingod Reign*,*- jame* Cagnev Joan Crawford and
other* in this hiianous lampoon
THE MALTESE FALCON -1941) -.am Spade (Humphrey
Bogart) pursues the fcriler of f>»* panne; and rsnds up w’h
a group o* desperate individual' who want trie ,ewe*ed
*a»con of Malta John Houston direr r, Pete; l or re
Sidney Greensrreet and Mar, Astor co Mar
I HE WORLD ACCOWMMG TO 6ARP n98?) Based on ttw*
he St selling novel by John Irving GARB is tender tom it
t'agrt affectionate and lunatic Starring Robin Williams -
Mary Beth Hun John : ahgow and Glenn Close
PINK FLOYD THE WALL (198?) The memories The
madness The music pink FlOYD THE WAM is an all
nut attach on the senses m which a British rochet m
response to alienating growth e*per«nces builds a
defensive wan around his feelings
ALL ABOUT EVE (19S0) A tilm of theatrical ambition
and conceit pride deception and hypocrisy in her
greatest role Bette Davts plays a powerful aqinq
theatrical actress who battle*, wilt a treacherous
THE CRANO ILLUSION 11937) Another free Wednesday
foreign trim jean Renoir s classic focuses on French
prisoners die mg World War i and the dying codes of
chivalry and disintegrating class structure French with
English subtitles
COMMG HOME (1978) Jane Fonda and Jon Voight won
0*.i a'*; tor thi*. love .tory dealing with •,nattered relation
.fiip^ ami new perspectives a*, a result of the Vietnam
LA CAGE AUX FOLLES (1979) The greatest drag
show »ance Some Ithe ft Hot The son of an aging
nomosevuai rogbtciufi ownereat)ei ro get married but
the fiancee s father not likely to approve of hts new ,n
(aw* French with Engu-.n subtitle
Z (1969) The director 0< WIGGING Cosfa Gavra‘
created a devastatoogfy true and turning poirtir ai thoffer
about government ordered minder and corruption m
Greece French with English suOtiMes
SHAME (1969) Another free Wednesday foreign trim
Director Ingmar EJergman observe*, the powe*iessne\s of
two musician*, who flee to an island to avoid the ravage
of f.'vii wa» Swedish with subtitles
SMASH PALACE 1981) Another highly a< i aimed friot
from A i Kir aha SMASH F’Al ACf is a heartbreaking m
tethgeru story that !»are* the disintegration of a mrsmai
ched marriage made m a mnkyard
and toll horror trim that s i ot of fun this spool revdfves
around two American student* hackparkmq m the
wrong English moor on the wrong fuH moon
THX 1138 (19/1) George l uca* s chriimg view nt fh*
?*>fh century where computer* control the subterranean
populace through the use of mmd tonfroHmq drugs
Starring Robert DovaK and Donald F'teasance
KNIFE Bt THE WATER (196?) A free Wednesday foreign
him Roman Potanstu s suspense tbiriier -n which
vitmu* tensions grow between a young yarhfing couple
and a mate hitchhiker Polish with f ngfrsh subtitles
FRASERHf AO (197 7) This fwghimansh story concerns
a pomiy headed man whose ga (friend gives bulb fo a
prematura chicken baby Event symboh/e the leiatmn
ship of monster and man tear*, of famriy fies/patncide
and trirthonfamnde
ANMd HALS (1978) Woody Alien s 0sr a» winning ne»
vous romance star*. Diane Keaton tony Roberts Carol
Kane SheRy Dovah and Omtophe» Walken Packed
wrfh good laughs
April 16 180 PLC 7 and 9 p.m.
April 23 180 PLC
7 and 9 p.m.
THE MUPPET MOV* 1979) join Kerrmt and the q^ng
as they make ft»c*r way to Hollywood despite the oppo'x
tmn of Ooc Hopper the eyii king of a fast fond cham p*o
motmg trench fried frog s legs Special 4pm matinee
THE LONG GOOO FRtOAY M98?i A pig shot m I.onflon
underworld »s perched atop hn, empire but on a never
ending day of terror he sees his empire begm to "un
hie A great new gangster movie f»om Bust
EMU Balfroom otters a bigger screen and Better sound to
enhance this encitmg sc- ft set m deep spate Starring
fhe U S S Enterprise s cast of favorites
CARNAt KNOWIE06E f!9M) A pemmjr ,
of American se*u«H mores jutes feiffer s script spar,-,
two decade* m fhe lives of two friend* won develop
from «r» s’ar *ed students to bewildered adults Starring
Jack Nrchoison Candice Beigen Ad Garfimkef and Ann
RARBAROSA (198?) The hw the out
cast and the legend that was tugger than both of
them The Hedbeard i$ Wsty Neison He stars with Gary
BtdCy in this beautiful and stirring Western drama
PERFORMANCE (19/0) A spend* r -rji gh’ ’ win, ‘
his psychological drama about an underwood figure who
hides out m the house of a loci' star prayed fry M*>
Jagger intertwined they probe fhe border- betweec
fantasy illusion and reality
MIDNIGHT COWBOY l i%9) Jnti Vo, /.: and r\,stm Hoff
man star m this Atademy Award winner a- two losers
a would be gigolo and a mppied con artist who i*arn tc
survive the ferocity of the urban world
MEPHWTO (1981) This ama/ing Hungarian him wr>n an
Academy Award for best foreign trim for its penoirata'g
analysis of an actor who after being seduced by Na/r
promises of fame and powm abandons hi* eth»car i.on
Xiderahnns fix staQe *.* r e< > A la si mat r>q • inry with
super** acting
CATCH 22 < 1970) A bnthant anti wa« sat** of ep« pin
portionn CATCH 77 is the tale of a imaM group »f Wood
War if ftyeis frightened often profane and sometimes
pathetic they are a« a wile biter »/y
MARATHON MAN i197R) This WWiing and dead,
drama p«ts an unwitting graduate Mildew (Dustin Hoff
mam against a sadist* Na/< dentist (I awience Qkvwr)
who seeks mithons m diamonds e w«u leave you gasp
A MIOSUMMf R NIGHT'S ORE AM . i «US) Ail me *,* amt
fantasy o» Shakespeare s marvffmis piay came together
at this ambiboux Warner Brothers fern Starr mg James
Cagney fte* Rowan Olivia de Havriiand and M-ckey
April 29180 PLC
7 and 9 p.m.
The Long >.
‘ .Good I
May 6 180 PLC
April 30 180 PLC 7 and 9 p.m.
T ifCldy
7 Vi t W IMa* 7 EMU B*,,room 7 and 9:30 p m
• ano 9.15p.m. I
May 13180 PLC
7 and 8.45 p.m.
May 13
12 a.m. 180 PLC
Midnight Show
May 20160 PLC
7 and 9:30 p.m.
8 180 PLC 8 p.m. only
Dustin Hoffman
Jon VofQht
May 15 180 PLC 8 p.m. only
Mav 22180 PLC
8 p.m. on’y
thi coNVtmnoM .i9M( g««*••>
Ctiito CinOy Wmianv- fm &*» Hamyon *u*fl
fWCW* *vrt»ffSl 4»VJ Hohtf't ChlV»*> Xt*r al
fotil Coppoij lot on the peist>«ai »ie o* i
{Mfantvfl m<v\dQO>rm <uj*we?»»ant*
movie info
Alt shows:
$1.50 students/adults
S1 children
Spec**/ A p.m mefinee *er TNf MUPPif
MOWS Specie* midnight •now of PfftPOft
M4MCC efe'riAp Mu* Jsggmi
Cuttufi Fomm events information if •##
|l> II uttll
May 27
m. only
uf idesv
A Midsummer
Night's Dream
f May 29
"180 PLC 8 p.nrt. only
•mazing cast in Francia Ford Coppola a
June 3 180 PLC 8 p.m. only
' pt
Baroque Dance Company
iff rendffuy
• ‘ft. tm ** <'** M*»M #i H«4U I i.».
■ .--:.-.
Afrffttt+f Aft}
Folk Festival
May 20,21, 22
Sun tun and mu»*c for 3 day* outs«de on me
iof me fcrto Memo'.a' un«or» The o«r»< focal
'*9*>na) and natwnei acts a* for trae