Publisher Editor-in-Chief Music Editor Contributing Editors Design Director Production Manager Illustrator Production Circulation Manager Office Manager Staff Typography Durand W Achee Judith Sims Dyron Laursen Jacoba Atlas, Bill Braunstein, Steven X. Rea, Davin Seay Catherine Lampton Chip Jones Dan Eicholtz Art & Design Roxanne Padilla Barbara Harris Cathey Halley Lynne Barstow Composition Type, Inc. Advertising Offices West Coast President, Sales & Mktg JEFF DlCKEY Nat ! Sales Coordinator JENNIFER OWENS 1680 N. Vine, Suite 900 Hollywood, CA 90028 (213) 462-7175 East Coast Manager JAMES SPANFELLER Sales Coordinator ADRIENNE SCOTT 134 Lexington Ave. Third Floor NYC, NY 10016 (212)696 0994 Midwest Director RAY TOBIN Manager MAUREEN RlLEY 4753 N. Broadway Chicago, II. 60640 (312) 561 9334 ©1983 Alan Weston Publishing, a division of Alan Weston Communications, Inc., corpo rale offices —1680 North Vine, Suite 900, Hollywood, CA 90028, Richard J Kreuz, Presi dent. All rights reserved. Letters become the property of the publisher and may be edited. Publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts Published six times during the year. Annual subscription rate is *3-00. To order subscriptions or notify change of address, write Ampersand, 1680 North Vine. Suite 900, Hollywood, CA 90028. DURAN DURAN A PHENOMENON No other word describes them. In the past two years they've sold more than three million records and played to sold-out audiences worldwide. Their amazing videos, filmed in the globe's most exotic locations, have redefined the visual - music scene. And now they're taking America by storm. DURAN DURAN RIO featuring "HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF" and "RIO" ON RECORDS AND NEW HIGH QUALITY XDR CASSETTES