Cash For Textbooks Mon.- Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Bl From Campus 345-1651 BANANA SPLIT SALE Buy 1 at the regular price^ and get the second-' for a penny Wednesday September 29 1 3th & Hilyard Continued from Page 7B McKays Market Bleached flour 5 lb«. Head Lettuce Peanut Butter 36 oz. White Bread Whole Milk half gallon Eggs medium doz Sugar 5 lbs Cooking Oil 24 oz. Margarine 1 lb Potatoes S lbs Totals regular $1.15 69 4 39 59 1 05 75 1 79 1 24 53 69 12 87 generic 2 99 1 09 47 Fred Meyer regular generic $1.05 59 2 89 3/99 1 05 .73 1 79 1.12 39 69 10.63 1 88 2 99 1 05 48 Albertsons regular generic $1 29 59 3.49 65 1.05 79 1 95 1 19 62 99 12.61 1 88 2 99 1.77 (38 oz ) 49 Waremart Food Stores regular generic $115 48 3 29 69 98 69 1 70 1 07 46 88 11 39 2 49 43 Safeway regular $1 05 59 4 35 2/1 00 1 05 .76 1 89 1.12 47 79 12 57 A speaker that gives more space than it takes. Introductory Offer •109” Each Wall mount brackets available napier audio 2705 WILLAMETTE CALL 485-1945 372 W. 10th • Eugene 344-7006 Gr*ot for us« os b*d or couch I Consider a Futon! • Firm yet comfortable sleeping surface • Affordable price • 100% Cotton • Handcrafted Bed Frames also available GET MONEY for used texts. Smart students know how to get more money for used textbooks. At the AAF Book Sale, you determine the price for your used books. We don't mark it up so the money goes to you instead of a bookstore. Bring your used textbooks to 115 KMIJ beginning Thursday. Sept. 23. Then pick up your cash or unsold books on Friday, Oct. 1 Book Sale Generic packaging ffights‘name’ brands By BARBARA HICKS Since the 1977 introduction of generic packaging coupled with high volume warehouse-style supermarkets that reduce ser vices to cut prices, American supermarkets and manufac turers have been obliged to change the way they package and sell goods This trend, described by Business Week Magazine (March 23, 1981) as a "wave of no-thrills retailing," has led to a noticeable reduction in the number of name brands sold in stores To combat this situation, many leading brand manufac turers, such as Borden, Scott Paper, Union Carbide, and Glad, have begun making gen eric products, often selling in competition with their own products This is why, when asked where generics come from, an employee at Fred Meyer Food Store in Springfield declined to answer, and chose to remain unidentified The employee did, however, say that he believes generics tend to be "standard grade or better," comparable to the store brands A supermarket might buy generics from one company for several months, then switch Thus, quality is not always con sistent in a particular item, ac cording to the Fred Meyer em ployee The combination of generic items and limited services came from Europe in 1977 via a Ger man chain, Albrecht Group, which opened up its first Aldi store in the Midwest Aldi stocked 500 items in contrast to 12,000 items in a comparable American-style store It was only a few months later that a Chicago-based American firm, Jewel Company, picked up on Aldi’s apparent success and begun making the nation's first line of generic products LAKEVIEW STABLES ★Western ★English ★Jumping ★Indoor and Outdoor Arenas ★25 Well Trained School Horses ★Carpools available Instructor 20 hours Sue Pruitt * $75 For registration and schedule * Cali 6M-7980 SCHEDULE ★TRAIL RIDES ★HAY RIDES ★BARN DANCES 27S37 Royal Sve LAKEVIEW STABLES 688-7980