Chief’s ‘racist’ words elicit suspension call LOS ANGELES (AP) — A civil rights group on Tuesday called for the suspen sion of Police Chief Daryl Gates because of his comment that blacks might be more likely to die from chokeholds since their arteries do not open as fast as they do on "normal people.” John W. Mack, president of the Los Angeles branch of the Urban League, said Gates should apologize for the remarks published Saturday and said Gates needs time off to "remove his foot from his mouth and the chokehold from the necks of black people ” "It was incredible that he would make such an outrageous statement and such a stupid statement," Mack said, calling the comments of the white, 33-year police veteran "racist, archaic and ig norant." The Urban League's executive com mittee voted Monday to demand that the Police Commission censure Gates and suspend him without pay, Mack said, and also resolved to seek a ban on bar-arm and carotid holds Since Saturday, three City Council members and 20 community representa tives have called for Gates to resign. Mayor Tom Bradley, who is black, criticized Gates but did not call for his resignation. Following the mayor's order, the Police Commission will meet Wed nesday to consider whether to discipline Gates. Carotid holds, which render a suspect unconscious by cutting off blood to the brain, have come under growing crit icism from groups that claim they con stitute brutality. Groups criticizing police use of bar arm control holds and carotid holds have said 15 people have died in Los Angeles because of such holds since 1975. C< those, 12 were black. Last week, Gates banned the bar-arm hold, in which the forearm is held across the throat to subdue a suspect. The carotid artery hold, which is under review by the U S. Supreme Court, involves pinching off the artery in the neck with the hand In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Gates said “It seems to me that... we may be finding that in some blacks when it (chokehold) is applied, the veins or the arteries do not open as fast as they do on normal people ... I'm having my people look at that very carefully ." Gates said he got the idea that blacks may have a different physiological re sponse to carotid holds from a report quoting Dr. Wallace Gaye of Harbor UCLA Hospital Gaye said Gates "misinterpreted'' his statements Gates said he would not apologize for the remarks. Cartoonist to lecture ISU Meet trie press mm • ■; • An Oregon newspaper executive and a nationally syndicated cartoonist will be on the University campus in May as a part of the seventh annual Ruhl Symposium on Journalistic Eth ics and Press Performance. Jeff MacNelfy. a Pulitzer Prize-win ning editorial cartoonist and comic artist, will deliver the Ruhl Lecture on May 25. m gg| Phillip Neiswanger, editor and pub lisher of the Roseburg News, will serve as a Ruhl Fellow in a working visit to the journalism school He cur rently is in Eugene and will be at the University until May 13. Neiswanger, who is also vice pres ident of the Oregon Newspaper Pub lisher's Association has 30 years of experience in the newspaper field. He has also worked with news organizations in Oregon, Washing ton, California. Idaho, and Montana before going to Roseburg eight years ago. : ' Oave Juenke, president of the ON PA, was on campus from April 26-29 Juenke gave several presentations and talked with faculty members. ’ We are fortunate to have two out standing leaders of the Oregon press share their insights and experiences with our students and faculty,” Everette Dennis, dean of the jour nalism school, said. The spring quarter symposium cul minates with the MacNefiy lecture and "provides an opportunity for thought ful reflection about media account ability anh performance at a time when journalistic ethics are under considerable public scrutiny,’ Dennis said The Ruhl Symposium is supported by income from a journalism school endowment that was created by Mabel Ruhl of Medford as a memorial to her late husband, Robert, a long time editor and publisher of the Med ford Mail-Tribune. Library gets $770 in teacher’s name Forty-two contributions totaling $770 have been made to the University Library in memory of the late Fredrica Coons, a popular Eugene teacher for many years. Coons, who died last November, taught language arts and social studies at the elementary and Junior High grade levels in the Eugene School District from 1945 to 1972. She graduated from the University. Classifieds CINEMA 7 10Oi & Olive-Atfturn Building M7-0733 MAY 7-13 SACK BY POPULAR DEMAND Dominique Sanda-Geraldine Chaplin VOYAGE EN DOUCE BHOWS 7:30 A P.30 PM Rad Adm Mai Sun 2 pm __955:5-13 GARP Is coming next wak _033:5-14 SCHLCHUTZ BEER and tha EMU Cultural Forum proaant HITCHCOCK DOUBLE FEATURE Spellbound Starring Gregory Pack and Ingrid Bergman and North by Northwest Starring Cary Grant. Eve-Mane Saint and James Mason THURSDAY, MAY 13 7 PM 177 LAWRENCE $1.50 Coming next week REBECCA and NOTORIOUS __ 985:5-13 TONIGHT The Postman Always Rings Twice Larta Turner 9:30 pm Ride The Pink Horse Roben Montgomery 10:10 pm KOZY cable TV 11 --.SS5.5-12 EMU Cultural Forum presents an evaning of fusion with THE DON LATARSKI GROUP JAZZ GIG in fha Fishbowl TONIGHT P-10 PM 001:5-12 LAUGH & SAVE! LIVE MATINEE UVE COMEDY ONSTAGE AT CINEMA 7 FRIDAY EVENINGS May 14 * 21 al 10 pm New low price: $3.90 Sat Mat only May 15 A 22 at 2 pm $2.90 No children under 12 admitted 0075-14 The Artanda Marge Society WATERSHIP DOWN SATURDAY, MAY 15 7*9 PM 177 LAWRENCE $1.50 996:5-14 Personals JABBERWQCKY CAKD5 GIFTS Our graduation and Father s Day cards are now on display 1300 HMyar 404-0530 975:5-14 COME ONE, COME ALL To 150 Geology Hall The winners win sing It's an all Greek thing Songs could be clean or They could be dirty Either way, be there at 10:30! 5-12 PIKES The mai tae were great We an had an excellent time Let's do it again soon - don't forget to bring your ties Love, THE ALPHA PMS 5-12 ALPHA PHI BETA CHUGGERS You wore awesome! That’s the way to show the Greek spirit! S-12 ATTENTION: DRIFTWOOD SHORES SUITE 233: Drink, drank, dumk. names on our cups, alfalfa sprouts, bullshit, two of spades, inside (Okes, Chapsbck. pictures, pool party, football on the beach, crashing outside, crashing inside, cheerleading at 6:30 am. waking up and drinking, beer runs m the morning, laugh mg, drinking, and pictures “I have to go to the bathroom for the first time because of drinking beer '" Bathroom shots . no big thing, stoned, the bleeding toe. Mos And we wonder why now talks to us anymore Thanks, “YOUR DATES"5-12 SQUAD BROS You broke the Alfalfa Swear! Your name is MUD! 5-12 PHIBLES: The race is awruily cold You might swim soon5-12 KEEPER OF THE SNAIL: Here's to our new life Wherever it may be' TINKER 5-12 OPEN SEASON on Greek lish Catch one today THE DELTS _5-12 AX ROBIN You're the best lil sis' There will be massive wild times ahead so get psyched1 Love, YOUR BIG SIS JILL_5 -12 LINDA THORPE Here's to all the wild times ahead You'll be a great liT SIS. AX Love, JOAN 5-12 Alpha Chi Maggie You're the greatest little sis anyone could have, and I’m glas you're mine! Get ready for all the tun and exciting times ahead, mlcuding photo sessions." Love, YOUR BIG SIS_5-12 KATHY JOLLY To the greatest III' sis Here's to more partying times Love, your AX Big Sis. BETH SMITH _5-12 JUUE DIERKS: You foxy Alpha Chi! I'm so excited to have you as my little sis! Wild time are ahead so get ready! Massive mini skirt and bop sessions! Alpha Chi Love. GIGI 5-12 GET PSYCHED SORORITIES Tonight is the SORORITY SING FLING and FRATERNITY BOOZE CRUISE! Love, THE FRATERNITIES 5-12 PIERRE Meet me at noon lor a chocolate egg cream at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard LOLITA128:lfn PSSU Elections Students interested in politics and political science are encouraged to come to 111 EMU at 3:30 Thursday and participate in the Politcal Science Student Union elections. We do make a difference!!!998:5-1? GARP is coining next week _032:5-14 Suzy Bartholemy I'm so happy you're my little sis! We ll be awesome together! Get psyched tor wM times in Ihe tutors*! Love. CHRIS5-12 CAREY BENEKE: Alpha Chi loves you and so do I Your Big Sis , FLO5-12 TO KATHLEEN: the best dam 'IT sis in all candy land Yip yahoo! Welcome to the speza clan! Fun wild times in store Get psyched I'm proud! I luv ya honey.