MEETINGS The Political Science Student Union will meet today at 3:30 p m tn one ol (he EMU Century rooms (room number to be posted) By-laws will be discussed and voted on The University Salting team will meet tonight at 8:30 In the EMU (room number to be posted). The Student University Affairs Board will meet today at 3 30 p m In Century F. EMU Agenda Includes LTD proposal, energy-lighting conservation proposal, and department representation The Students lor Kulongoshl will hold an organiza tional meeting today at 11:30 p m In Century Room D, EMU For information call 342-4066 The Christian Science Organization will meet today at S p m In the EMU The University Bookstore will hold Its annual meeting today at 3:30 p.m in Room 341, Gilbert Hall The annual report will be given and nominations for the board ol directors will be accepted The Coefftion Opposing Regie trsboii and the Draft will hold an informational meeting today at 8 p m In the Hawthorne Lounge The effects of registration and the draft will be discussed WORKSHOPS “Self-Defense lor Disabled Wonwn" is the topic ot a planning) meeting for a workshop today at 3 p m in the Three-Main Conference Room at Sacred Heart Hospital. 1255 Hilyard St Co-sponsored by Sacred Heart and the YWCA Wellness Project For more information call Nadia Telsey at 345-2022 or 687-7692 The University Outdoor Program Is sponsoring a series of bicycle touring workshops this week Today's workshop at 7 p m at the Outdoor Program in the EMU will cover basic bicycle maintenance with emphasis on "on the road" repair For more information contact the Outdoor Program. 686-4365 “Saif Psfanas for Woman of All Ages” is the topic of a workshop today from 2-4 30 p m at the Wellness Project, 358 W 10th Ave Sharpen your awareness, increase your ability to avoid and repel attack, and gain a greater understanding ot the dynamics of situations of assault Cost Is SI-S3 suggested donation Child care provided, please call In advance For more information call 345-2022 SPEAKERS “Pinsal Evolution" is the topic of a lecture by Michael DOONESBURY rr by Garry Trudeau T r—" I'm B mmrasmm.sommmp fwiHttec-imanALorcrwu hope the BMsmimfinte stuff ttb an orv&tm. mmmmm ■Aw!BL£Mmic Menaker today at 4 30 p m in Room 317, Science III This is part of a series on "Environmental Physiology Organismal and Ecology Seminars " “The Strategic Meaning ol Sinai, Judea, and Sa maria” is the topic of a lecture by Israeli Col Yaakov Heichal today at 7:30 p m in Room 107, Lawrence Hall "Solzhenitsyn's One Day In the Life of Ivan Deni sovich” is the topic of a lecture/film by Russian artist Ersnt Neizvestny today at 7 p.m in Room 177, Lawrence Hall Neizvestny’s lecture is part of a week-long presen tation of events by the Russian & East European Studies Center on "Human Rights and the Arts in the Soviet Union " “Cover Up: What You Are Not Supposed to Know About Nuclear Power," a book dealing with the nuclear power industry, is the topic of a lecture by author Karl Grossman today at 8 p.m at the Conference Center next to the Lane County Fairgrounds, 13th Avenue and Monroe Street "Argentina Labor and the Foundations of Early Porontsm” is the topic of a lecture by Dr David Tamarin. University history department, today at 5 p m in Room 184, PLC Sponsored by the history department MISCELLANEOUS Whtteblrd Clink will be holding a benefit pizza and beer night at 5 p m on Sunday (daylight savings day) at Blair Island Restaurant. 3rd Avenue and Blair Street For more information call 342-8255 A veterans labor pool is now forming in Eugene to serve the employment needs of Lane County veterans It will be organized along co-operative lines and will attempt to match veterans with the labor market Veteran’s ideas and energy are needed now. so if you're interested, call Bob Galvan or Mark Darienzo at 686-5576 or drop by 1479 Moss St "Rape! What You Don’t Know Hurts ...” lbs first in a four-part aortas prssonlsd by the Rapa Crisis Net work, will begin tonight from 7-9 p.m. in Room 242, Gil bert Hall Tonight's presentation will include: Aware ness and prevention, presented by Margo Bel den; a verbal assertiveness demonstration by Amazon Kung Fu: and "Escape without Violence,” a film of fering practical information on how to avoid rape. For more information call 485-6700. Co-sponsored by Wo men's Referral A Resource Services and Campus Min istry BLOOM COUNTY r by Berke Breathed ■ '"I !"■■■ ■■"■■Mil I ■■■■■■ " —.. .. SURE. I Classifieds 686-43431 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DEADLINES: AOs mus) be placed by 1 pm one day poor to publication Ads mat are to appear m Monday's paper must be in by 1 pm Friday Tbe OOE cannot be responsible tor more man one day's Incorrect advertising insertion The OOE s liability lor typographical errors incorrect insertions, or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancel lation ot charges lor such portion ot space occupied by the error It your ad appears Incorrectly, call MS-4343 baton 1 pm tor correction in me next day s issue RATES: Hates are 15 cents per word tor me tint dey and 12 cents per word tor consecu tive day* me ad is rui without change 11.50 minimum lor the lint Insertion SUD minimum lot coneeuttve Insertions Then Is NO ntund lor ad cancettattons PAYMENT: All ads must be paid tor in advance unless a billing agreemenl has been established with us For Solo FRENCH BRIE 13.85/lb.(reg $5 76) 10% oft all wine in stock April 19-24 only VALENTINE’S WINE 1 CHEESE Ml E. 13th (nest to Fall Creek Bakery) 4 2? ONE DAY GARAGE SALE At Willamette Family Nudist Park 27000 Parson Creek Road Marcola Saturday April 24, 10 am to 5 pm only Come out tor luncfi and brouse around 689-1225 or 922-9955 No nudism during hours ot sale 4-22 Instruction SUMMER COURSE Ihrough Malheur Field Station examines fossil evidence of forest communities and climate through time Fossil collecting during extended field trips to the John Day fossil beds and Steens Mountain are Fterb Meyer Department of Paleontology. University California Berkeley. CA 94720 4 22 Services T-SHIRTS Latler Silkscreen Best service, design printing and prices 242-2206 eves 242-1927 706 4-22 EDITOR 345-5576 Dissertations articles, papers professionally edited for grammar. Clarity structure format $10/hr 4-22 Typing SPRING SPECIAL Call Karen 683-1117 _406:HF TYPING: 15 years experience Papers, disser tations. editing IBM Selectric Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at 6M-3M3. 2402 tin TYPING UNLIMITED 747-9266 Grad School Approved/Guaranteed Selectric: Call for pricing 189 tin PRO TYPING/EDITING On vacation (yippee!) till 4/29 Jennifer 485-3863 491 4-28 TYPING / EDITING Call Judy or Sara MS-0730 979 HFM PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved Near campus NLB7H. 460:ttn 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE On campus during day IBM Selectric Call 720-700S anytime_ 346 HFM TYPING GUARANTEED IBM Correcting Selectric Ruth 345-5614 288 UH COMPUTER WORD PROCESSING by YOUR WORDS' WORTH 342-7548 525 6-24 TYPING Guranteed perfect, fast Pickup delivery Karen. 741-0486 anytime 4-23 HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Computer system makes typing obsolete Theses reports, resumes Free pickup/delivery 343-5513.4-23 EXPERIENCED TYPIST IBM Selectric Will do most typing |obs including papers, tables, theses, etc Have seven years experience 688-8134 0394-2? 1047 GIBSON ACOUSTIC $650 with case 1964 Fender Princeton $175 683-1695 4-29 80,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% oft list prices New Books-Text Books-Clift Notes Magazmes USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF all new book* SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 5223 tin Ski Stuff MUST SELL: X-country skis. Rossignol Ho rizon II (213) Excellent backcountry and track ski Includes bindings $ negotiable John. 683-6292 4-23 Bicycles 24" PEUGEOT RECORD One month old New $335, sell tor $265 344-4355._4-23 MOPED Excellent condition $325 o.b.o Call late night, 343-2055. Mike 4-23 MUST SACRIFICE Custom Tour bike, select ed parts, 25," black $400 or b o Also a 23" Miyala. $300, like new. extras Call 485-9442 alter 4 4-23 24" MEN'S PEUGEOT Course Lightweight Great condition $200 o^ otter 342-6187 4-23 Men's 25” NISHIKI ROYALE Execellent condition Suntour parts $245 345-0135 4-23 Cars/Cycles TWO 1081 PEUGEOT MOPEDS low miles, good condition, $450 each. $800 tor both 342-8052. alter 5 pm._4-23 69 DATSUN 510 WAGON All mechanicals new or rblt within 20,000 miles Dependable, clean and extremely usetul, over $3800 in vested, all receipt^. $1675 484-5587 4-26 Auto Repair SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair Mil SWIFT SHOP 2529 Willamette 484-9333 _ 5635:ttn TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Why not let a professional factory trained and certified mechanic give your little car the personal touch ' in the privacy of his own home workshop5 Single parent responsibilities for two small children have forced me to quit my lucrative dealership job to bring you real savings on quality work tor Volkswagen and Alta Romeo vehicles Jerry Berger 344-4806. 762 tin Bike France Paris-Mediterranean JUNE 23-JULY 16 36 MI/DAY Avg.-620 Mi. Total Charming country mne, medieval hilltop villages, cliff-perched castels. 5-day stay at a village farmhouse, superb cuisine Support vehicle, bike mechanic, exper-. lenced leaders $1425 Hotels, break fast and dinners inck 'ded 10% discount for couples Write Peter Boyton, 24 Upper Circle, Carmel Valley, CA 92924 (408)659-2519_4-22 STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights Eurailpasses Britrailpasses mt'l student ID card, ATH card, tours, books, insurance, work programs language centers and much more Write or call for free travel catalog CIEE Travel. 1214 N.E 4?rd St #210, Seattle, WA 98105 (206) 622-2448 6-7 Wanted Votes wanted tor GORDON MALLON and RICK BRAUN tor IFC 4-22 Responsible non-smoking teacher hWim to sublet furnished apartment near campus. June 21-August 12 Write Connie Horton, Box 79/K8T. Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 4-2? Opportunities TALENT NEEDED It you're musical, funny or otherwise talented, come to McClain Dorm's Coffee House Tuesday 9-11 pm We need entertainment! Call 485-9299 4-2? THE BOOKSTORE'S ANNUAL MEETING for the membership Here's your chance to iook beyond the merchanidise and into the man agement Board of Directors nominations will be taken at the meeting, and the annual report will be given Be sure to come (an bring DO ID too, please) April 22, ?:?0, ?41 Gilbert Hall 7724-22 ERIC ENGLUND SCHOLARSHIP $2000 to enable a UO graduate to pursue graduate studies at UO or elswhere in Amer ican literature or history or related subiects Preference given to students who may not otherwise have the opportunity Apply to English Department by April 2?. 715:4-2? EAT FOR $2.50 A DAT At Student's Coop by campus. Call Tom, 686-426? or Alan, 686-5189 786:4-2? PUZZLED? Don 't be Come talk with us at the Peace Corps about career opportunities lor you! 797 4-22 Help Wanted OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round Europe. S Amer . Australia, Asia All fields $500-51200 monthly Sightseeing Free info Write IJC Box 52-OR ? Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 4-23 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING AC CEPTED for the position of 1982-83 Oregon Daily Emerald Editor Applicants should have knowledge of newspaper journalism and of the University of Oregon Term of office is June 8, 1982 through June 7, 1983. Monthly salary begins May 1. 1982 Editor must be enrolled for at leasl 6 credits during three of four terms at the Unviversity of Oregon while in office. Position requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of 35-40 hours per week Applications are available in the Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returned to the ODE Board of Directors, 300 EMU, PO Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403 before 5 pm April 22 The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Affirma tive Action Employer that operates under the team management concept Women, minori ties and the handicapped are encouraged to apply4-22 WANTED: Single guitarist and vocalist, like country, (oik and oldies Thursday. Friday and Saturday nights Call 345-3606 between 7:30 am and 11 am._737:4-22 TROUBLED BY RISING TUITION and finan cial aid cuts? Last summer students in our summer work program averaged $1240 a month Must be willing to work hard and relocate for the summer For an interview, leave and and phone » at 726-18834-23 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Agency's recreation and pre vocational programs Tuesdays-Saturdays. ESCAPE credits possible Call Rick Thomas 485-6340 4-23 START AT THE TOP Sell Avon We re the world's largest direct-selling company Call now 746-6422, 683-4718 458:tfn KEYBOARD/GUITARIST/BACK-UP vocalist for performing rock band Must have equip ment and understanding of music. Call 689-40? 1 after 5 4-23 EARN UP TO $500 or more each year begin ning September for 1-3 years Se your own hours Monthly payment for placing posters on campus Bonus based on results Prizes awarded as well. 600-526-088?* 4-26 GRAD STUDENTS PREFERRED Psychiatric Halfway House will have opening tor house manager in June Education and/or exper ience with mentally and emotionally disturbed individuals helpful $1,300/couple/month plus fringe benefits Call 686-8438 for info between 9 am and 4:30 pm any weekday4-27 REPORTERS WANTED An onentation meet ing for students interested in writing for the Oregon Daily Emerald will be held Saturday at noon in the Emerald office. 300 EMU Call Gabriel Boehmer at 686-5511 for more infor mation. 4-23 SEARCH NEEDS a temporary office helper Spring term only $4 per hour, work-study only Approx 10 hours per week 686-4503, EMU M111.787:4-23 RESIDENT MANAGER small apt bldg June 15, 1982 to June 15, 1983, preferably longer Apply including personal data, references PO Box 5314, Eugene, 97405 4-23 PAID SIX-WEEK training course. Louisville. KY, room and board Compete for one of 300 two-year scholarships Qualify without obliga tion for our 2-year commissioning program Call 686-3102/3103 768 4-22 PART-TIME COCKTAIL WAITRESS wanted. The Emerald Valley Forrest Inn in Creswell For an appointment, call 484-6354. 740:4-29 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is now accepting applications for graphics editor. Applicant must be able to draw a variety of graphics including cartoons and graphs The position is paid per issue and per graphic; workload is approximately 15 hours per week Applications are availabe n the ODE offices, room 300 EMU, and are due April 29 The ODE is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer; women, the handicapped and min orites are encouraged to apply. 4-29 Roommates NEED A PLACE? HAVE A PLACE? Screened people need you now! $20 fee, 6 month membership Don't take chances UNITED ROOMMATES 747-7337 Everyday 11-3 pm __ 828:tln $50 OFF 3rd month rent Beautiful home. 2 blocks from campus, private large room with fireplace, laundry $130. Angie. 683-8978 __4-22 ROOMMATE NEEDED lo share 4-bedroom house Dishwasher, fireplace, sundeck $123.75 345-8333.4-23 TWO ROOMMATES NEEDED to share 3 bedroom house Fenced backyard with gar den, mostly furnished, washer, dryer No tobacco smokers, no dogs. 8 blocks from campus $110 per month Phone 683-3660. __4-22 QUIET, NEAT non-smoking female to rent small bedroom in W. 18th area home $125 month, including utilities, laundry facilities, kitchen privileges. Joan 345-4587 or 686-8438.4-26 ROOMMATE WANTED to share nice 3 be droom Hendricks Park house $132/month Mile from campus Large yard, garage Non smoker. 683-6893 4-23 ROOMMATES TO SHARE 3 bedroom duplex S100-S118. Campus 4 blks, 342-5402. 4-22 $95 V4 block from campus, nice 2 bedrm apt female roommate, 343-3101 4-27 Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9-6 pm Saturday 9-1 pm 5635:tfn For Rent SHARP 3141 WHiamette Two bedroom in 6-plex Carpet, drapes, fully applianced Off-stre8t parking, laundry facili ties $209 plus deposit ALSO 611 Eaat 11th One bedroom with carpet, drapes, range, refrigerator, off-street parking, laundry facilites $189 plus deposit Manager 345-8387 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 465-8252 _ 691 tin CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1870 ONYX Studio Drapes, appliances $189 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 927:tfn