Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1982, Page 4, Image 4

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Oak way Halt—142-S3S1
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Israeli jets raid
Lebanon; hit MiGs .
BEIRUT, Lebanon
Dozens of Israeli jets thun
dered into Lebanon in waves
Wednesday, blasting guerrilla
bases and downing two Syrian
MiGs in a fiery raid that shat
tered a nine-month-old truce
with the Palestine Liberation
First Lebanese government
reports said at least 20 people
were killed and 40 wounded in
two hours of bombing, rocket
ing and strafing along a 50-mile
stretch from Beirut's southern
edge to the fishing towns of
Damour and Saadiyat and the
port of Tyre.
Throughout the raid the jets
dropped balloons to decoy
heat-seeking missiles. Beirut
reverberated with the thuds of
exploding bombs and the wails
of ambulance sirens and fire
engines racing to put out blazes
that sent columns of black
smoke billowing into the air.
The Tel Aviv command said
all its planes returned safely
after downing two Syrian
MiG-23s that scrambled to en
gage them. The Syrian govern
ment conceded two of its jets
were hit, but also claimed an
Israeli plane was hit.
The jets went in after an Is
raeli soldier was killed by an
anti-tank mine in southern
Lebanon and as Undersecretary
of State Walter Stoessel was in
Jerusalem trying to see that the
last third of war-conquered Sin
ai is returned to Egypt on
schedule Sunday.
In Washington, State Depart
ment spokesman Dean Fischer
said the U S. governnment
"calls upon all the parties in
If you think a “one-piece shell”is
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Each has a one-piece shell.
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But on a cassette, it’s a
volved to exercise the utmdst
restraint and to avoid actions
which could prolong or escalate
the violence.”
Analyst predicts
automaker profit
The Big Three automakers
may report total profits of as
much as $2 billion in 1982
because of cost reductions that
include concessions by em
ployees, an industry analyst
said today
The five domestic carmakers
lost a total of $12 billion over the
past two years, and the contin
uing industry sales slump has
left slightly less than 250,000
autoworkers on indefinite layoff
But analysts said the turnar
ound should come this year,
with the Big Three carmakers
turning a profit after extreme
cost cuts
General Motors Corp., which
reported a modest $333 million
profit in 1981, is expected to
earn $1 billion to $1 5 billion this
year; Ford Motor Co , which lost
$1 06 billion last year, could
post a $300 million profit this
year, said David Healy of the
investment firm Drexel Burnham
Lambert Inc .
‘That's assuming an increase
in sales for both,'1 said Healy, a
New York-based analyst
Chrysler Corp , which lost
$476 million in 1981, could show
a 1982 profit of $200 million this
year, but "the Chrysler profit
comes entirely on the gain from
the sale of its tank division" to
GM, Healy said
American Motors Corp ,
which lost $137 million in 1981.
likely will earn as much as $80
million this year, other analysts
said No predictions were made
for Volkswagen of America Inc ,
which does not list its U S
earnings separately from its
worldwide operations
Jury gives money
to toxic shock victim
A federal jury Wednesday
found Procter & Gamble Co
liable in the case of a woman
who died of toxic shock syn
drome after using its Rely brand
tampons, and awarded her sur
vivors $300,000 damages
The jury of four men and four
women had been in its second
day of deliberations after 11
days of testimony Attorney for
the plaintiffs had suggested the
jury 'set an example" by pen
alizing the firm up to $30 million
Michael Kehm of Cedar
Rapids filed a lawsuit against
Procter & Gamble, claiming the
company was responsible for
his wife’s death because she
used Rely four days before she
The tampon has been linked
to toxic shock syndrome in
several studies, and Kehm con
tends his wife died of toxic
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