emerald Oregon Daily Emerald Sports Supplement Wednesday, April 21,1982 happened? ies spoil Oregon's football hopes, or were the Ducks just a bunch of quacks? By JeM Dickerson *t>t the Enwald Sphng is a time for forgett ng the past' Warm sunshine and pleasant showers thaw the earth life bfegips to spring forth mto abundance once again abd footbalt tedTns across the nation begin preparations for arnjther fall season Bi>t abnormally coqi weather this spring has made spring dnlls less than ideal in Eugene where the Oregon football team is still trying to figure what happened to cause last season s bitterly < old'' fa Hope sprang up everywhere last August, as the '981 Ducks gathered for the media on pirn." day As the sun beat down on the-Autzen Stadium turf coaUdant smiles were reflected on many of the face as coaches and players speculated at spending the holidays in the Sun Beit. Betsrid them vy^n-Mw sk r. essh;'1 seasons Br-f ;e them w*s a season of «air'v easy r, jn-conferem e opponents did a conference schedule that 'eft m.? USd and placed their most powerful pponeots tp the friendly confines o' Autzen. Star urn The experts' had fht Ducks bait ny tor the Pac he 1 '),■Conference crown After ait they a reasoned );■.« was pas ally the m e team that had gone o- ' ? the year befu'e, oeatuic la - uos Angeles Washington in Seattle and tying USC The Ducks were expected to have a watershed year : Hoopla died Air the hoopia died down however, after the Ducks fell to underdog Fresno State in the season opener m California The Bulldogs thwarted the flat unemotional Ducks whenever the VVebfoots wer’en t do-nq i? to'themselves Their confidence was again shaken the neu weekend as they tell to a good Kansas club Again mistakes plagued a disappointed Duck squad What resulted was a headlong dive the rest ojlh# season into the cellar of the conference Instead 'ht playing hard to find wins the Ducks were merely afraid to. lose Oregon, took a 6-3-? regard from the previous year and convened it into a 2-9 disaster But where dm the experts - including head coach P oh Brooks — go wrong ' What happened to this seemingly bowl-bound team’ Tnp answer may be found m one of severa. theories about the Ducks problems „ No offense A omparisor) of statistic s dver the two-year penortw i show where the Ducks' problem* have lam — the offense pf .w nq one htrasquad mimmage-|dst spimg % Hr ,q- sm.Myf. : /,nai ter oit> pa major Achilles' Ht-ei for the Ductn continued on page 2B