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Say you heard it in the Emerald Jeb’s 1350 Alder UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS «A WORLD PREMIERE DRAMA* BENJAMIN DIZZY Tor tidati and information sail the Unhmraity Thaatra boa office 686 4191 Time crunch made 4 IFCers bow out By Rich Burr Otth*Em»raM Time constraints and other school activities were reasons why tour of six eligible IFC incumbents did not run for office next year The time constraints imposed on third-year law students was the main reason he did not run, IFC chairer Karsten Rasmussen said. “The only office I would have run for would have been ASUO president," he says. "I was encouraged by many people within the ASUO and outside to run." "The temptation to run was very great," Rasmussen adds "There are many things that need to be done." But he could not be both an ASUO president and a third-year law student without one aspect being adversely affected, he says “It makes no sense to sacrifice my academic position any more than it already has," Rasmussen says. "I don’t think the people (running for IFC next year) understand the pressures that go along with this job." For two other IFC members who are also law students, election to Student Bar Association leadership positions influenced their decisions not to run The SBA presidency will take much of his time next year, Steve Baldwin said. "In all candor, I would not have run for IFC again," he says Since he had learned all the intricacies of the job, the personal satisfaction derived from doing the work would have diminished, Baldwin says Since she was elected SBA business officer, Cathi Bulone decided to forego re-election The position will take up as much time as the IFC, she says Because of previous involvement with the Student University Affairs Board and IFC, the SBA position was "kind of like coming home for me.” Bulone says The position is more plausible because it is related to her major, she adds David Gibson says he did not run for re-election because he is campaigning for fraternity candidates to enhance his possibilities for a vice presidential position A busy schedule and a desire to avoid “sb/t-flinging” during the IFC elections were reasons she did not run, Sheila Schain says Center plans open house An open house at the Environmental Studies Center is planned from noon to 5 p.m. today in observance of the Earth Week celebration. The center, in 104 Condon Hall, contains approximately 6,000 books and 200 periodicals r 0 6®. A* o«" j-'itSV® ‘Real world’ designer speaks to academia Victor Papanek, "J L Constant Distinguished Professor of Design" at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, speaks tonight at 7 in the EMU Ballroom Papanek, author of Design tor the Reel World — a book published in 23 languages, was brought to the University by the Survival Center in celebration of Earth Week Architecture and anthropology form the backdrop for Papaneks work He studied under Frank Lloyd Wright and lived with Navajo Indians, Eskimoes and the Balinese For more information on Papanek $ presentation, or other Earth Week events, call the Survive* Center at 686-43S6 Mellow for Kouns, if only for 2 hours By Dane Claussen Otlht emmrmtd As the hours speedily ticked toward the ASUO general elec tions today and tomorrow, some ex-candidates made eleventh hour endorsements and Gus Palmitessa, ASUO elections director, changed the location ot several polling booths Debbie Mellow, who finished third in the ASUO presidential primary, told the Emerald Tuesday she was swinging her support to Kevin Kouns But, less than two hours later, she decided to withdraw support for either presidential candidate Kouns and C.J Balfe have platforms with which Mellow says she cannot totally agree And there are the alleged campaign violations. Mellow added “Kevin Kouns would have a much more open office and would actually do things for students,” Mellow said in her earlier Kouns endorsement statement Kouns, a junior in sociology and women's studies running on the Students for a Progressive Agenda platform, finished a close second to Balfe in last week's primary voting "I think the choice continues to get clearer between C.J and the SPA,” Kouns said when Mellow announced support for his campaign "I think the more constituent groups we can pull in, the better we ll do." he added "I think she's going against her platform," Balfe said after hearing of Mellow's support for Kouns “I am very surprised and disappointed that Debbie has changed her mind,” Kouns said upon hearing of Mellow's change of support "I am also surprised at the method by which I was informed of her decision," he added Kouns was informed of Mellow's withdrawal of support by an Emerald reporter "It is unfortunate that she did not think through her decision before making a public commitment," Kouns said Also Tuesday, the "Gang of Four" endorsed Incidental Fee Committee candidates Marc Spence and Bob Mead The "Gang" consists of four IFC candidates who did not make it onto the general elections ballot — Mike Cross. Eric Stillwell, David Ridenour and Doug Green Cross did receive enough votes to get into the general election, but was disqualified for failing to submit a campaign finances statement on time In other election news, Palmitessa announced polling booth changes Polling booths located at the music school and Agate St bike crossing during the primary will be located at the education school and Oregon Hall respectively during the general election In addition, new booths will be located in Carson and Hamilton dormitory lobbies, he said us out of El Salvador Saturday April 24 Eugene, Oregon Featuring: A speaker from El Salvador FDR - San Francisco Mime Troupe Solidarity with the people of Central America March begins: 10:30 at 13th & Kincaid Rally at Noon at the Federal Building 8 PM: S.F. Mime Troupe - Musical comedy 10 PM: Party/Dance - 591 High St. Fund Human Needs not War TEETH Ignore them and they will go away Teeth Cleaning and Exam 525 Will Morningsun O.D.S. Thomas R. Muhn O.D.S. call for appointment 746-6517 1 V? miles from campus next to the Bike Path 528 Mill St. Springfield