MEETINGS The UnWerslly ohapSsr ot AJimeety International will meet today at 12 30 p m In Cantury Room D. EMU Interacted non-member* are welcome May Flrot - International Workers Day - planning ineeMng Thursday at 7 30 p m in the EMU (room to be potted) Sponsored by Friends ot the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade WORKSHOPS A workshop tor 1SS2 applicants to dental school will be ottered tonight at 6:30 In Room 16. Science I Or Jack Mitcham, chairman of the Admissions Committee at the Oregon Health Sciences University, and Marine Strange. Office of Academic Advising S Student Service*, will present information to students planning to apply this year The workshop will cover such topics as calendar of application, the costs of application, the profile of accepted 1981 applicant*, and required letters of recommendation "RataaaUon lor Man” Is the topic of a workshop by The Wellness Protect today from 7-9.30 p m at 358 W 10th Ave Presentation and discussion will focus on relasa tlon techniques, creative visualization, and coping with frustration and depression Cost: $1-$3 suggested donation Child care provided For more information or child care call 345-2022 The University Outdoor Program Is sponsoring a aortas ol bicycle tourtng workshops arts week. Today's workshop will be held at 7 p.m at the Outdoor Program in the EMU and will focus on touring equipment, clothing supplies, and camping gear. For more information contact the Outdoor Program, 686-4365. SPEAKERS “Secrets lor Out ot dm Body Traveling" is the topic of a lecture by Dr Louis Pigeon today from 3:30-5:30 p m In Room 102, Gilbert Hall “Art and Freedom: A Personal Account el LMe asd Work In die USSR and die Free World" is the topic of a slide-lecture by Russian artist Ernst Neizvestny today at 7 p m in Room 150, Geology Building The documentary film "Ernst Neizvestny" will also be shown, and a panel discussion on "Human Rights and the Arts in the Soviet Union," with Oregon artists and Slavicists, will be offered doonesbury by Garry Trudeau you mbm gtaauv;’ mmvw utnnour imn’Hatt, ABmaott. cmauiouT. s«’ nomr 'W6TiiM.CHmat>t>ruA$Bno MMOUNCl M ucuiavt X Mr numtt aa/Kt w m umrinu mxiANO ISiAMPi OOP rWMie■» iaeuitVTDCtMODt urm rue 'p&rrmsmiMmtmimTw setvefWLMemmoFAtaAL WYOKMTOtimCHHStXyiNmL mam HumM comm Of worn aso-ounn. miusm, ffijncx-- new*™ maw wm HOcumesoH' winning works today atSpm in Room 146. Straub Had FILMS "Tha Last Epidemic," a film which describes the consequences of nuclear war. will be shown today at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2 of the Springfield City Hall. 225 N. 5th St MISCELLANEOUS Students tor Anachronism »HS hold a medieval dance pracdce today at 7:30 p m in the Agate 2 classroom Dowsing is the topic of a free lecture/demonstration by Tom Urban today at noon in the EMU Craft Center This is part of the continuing "Noon Freebie" program A dance marathon and si night dance wNI be held ) from 8 p m Friday to 8 a m Saturday at Valley River Inn j to help raise money for the American Cancer Society Danceathon '82" will be held in the McKenzie Room: , semi-formal dress is required Pledge sheets are avails- ! ble on campus at Susan Campbell Hall, Room 111, or from the American Cancer Society. 1625 Oak St. For more information, contact John English. SURC events coordinator, at 688-5555 Tha UniveraMy'e Environmental Wadhi Cantar wM hold an open houaa today from noon to 5 p.m. In an effort to acquaint students and the general public with our resource faculty The center is located In Room 104. Condon HaK Refreshments will be served >"*«n«»sd In the South Slough National Estuarine tanchaary, whets watching, trekking In Me dunes, Hde P®ol exploring, Oregon Inetttutv of Marine Biology, shorebtrd watching? A pro-trip meeting wHI be held today at 7 p.m. in Suite 1, EMU Sponsored by People and the Oregon Coast and the Survival Center For more information and reservations contact 686-4073 or 686-4356 Whhsbtrd Clinic w« be holding a bottom pizza and bear idgM on Sunday (daylight savings day) at 5 p.m at Blair Island Restaurant. Third Avenue and Blair Street For more information please call 342-6255 Earth Week: Today's events include a bike workshop from noon to 3 p.m. next to the EMU's main desk; a film, "Watt's America,'' at noon in the EMU Forum: and a lecture by architect Victor Papanek at 7 p m in the EMU Ballroom on "Design for the Real World.” BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed Pii£OnmLen„, STEtNBBCKONm RGHTWPmveHOHt rxk amp prieiH rue MIDPL5! \^csrx~.. ML RIGHT/ UGHT'M UP// i THE VMH l. OSMONP ^ PUS? WHERE'5 I Classifieds 686-43431 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OFFICE 100 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads that are to appear m Monday s paper must be m by 1 pm fnday The OOE cannot be responsible tor more than one day's Incurred advertising insertion The OOE s liability tor typographical errors incorrect insertions or omissions m advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancel lation of charges tor such portion at space occupied by the error It your ad appears Incorrectly, call SW-4M3 belore 1 pm tor correction m the nexl day s issue RATES: Rates are IS cants par word to' the first day and 12 cants per word tor consecu tive days me ad is run without change. SI .50 minimum lor the first Insertion $1.20 minimum lor conseuttv* Insertions There Is NO refund lor ad cancellations PAYMENT: All ads must be paid lor in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us For Sale FRENCH BRIE »3 85/fc reg $5 76) 10% oh ali wine in slock April 19-24 only VALENTINE’S WINE A CHEESE U1 E 13th (next to Fall Creek Bakery) __ 4-2? GREAT FOR DORM OR FRATERNITY! Regulation pool table Stale lop with Canadian green let! and leather pockets Grea! shape plus accessories Call ?4?-6497 4 21 POWERBILT CITATION let! handed goll clubs with Pag Excellent condition $150 Alter 6 pm ?4? 7228 4 21 NEED A BED? Full size bed available $50 686-827? Rob 4 21 FOR SALE: Sony STR-2800 receiver and PS-T1 direct drive turntable also Sound 404 speakers $275 oiler Keith 244-5264 4 21 FOREIGN COUNTRIES Voltage 220V-50 cycles Doesn't mailer which country you're going to we have right stereo system or television lor your country Our prices are way below regular dealers Even it you re nol going overseas our prices are fantastic Our 1982 8? Stereo TV Catalog has equipment for the USA and overseas We are the only company specialized In the international systems ol stereo and televisions Write today lor lull catalog CONFIDENTIAL STEREO Div ol Fepan Expod Co 101? Mam SI Vancouver, Washington 98660 Send $1 tor postage (refunded with tirsl order) 4 21 Instruction Employment Workshop What can you do with whal you have? April 22 Thursday nite 7-10, Unilarian Church Com munity Consultants Carl Sheppard. ?45-?924 Dennis Chandler 998-6194 4 21 Typing Forget the rest, hire the BEST. Sue 688-9799 __ 777 MWI TYPING; 15 years experience Papers, disser tations, editing IBM Selectric Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at 688-3983 . 240? tin TYPING UNLIMITED 747-9296 Grad School Approved / Guaranteed Selectric Call tor pricing 189 tin COMPUTER WORD PROCESSING by YOUR WORD'S WORTH 342-7544 _S2S 6 24 PRO TYPING /EDITING On vacation (yippee1) till 4/29 Jennifer 485-3883 _491 4-28 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Stat specialist IBM Correcting Seiectric Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759 460 tin EXPERIENCED TYPIST Essays resumes term papers and graduate work Call Cindy 689-0553 668MWF EXPERIENCED TYPIST using IBM Seiectric III Call Mina between 8 am and 11 pm at 726-9824 _?62 MW TYPING DONNA 344-1816 2226MW PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Seiectric Call Barbara 345-0747 _ 495MWF TYPING Guranteed perlect, tasl Pickup delivery Karen 741-0486 anytime 4-2? hawk WORD PROCESSING: Computer system makes typing obsolete Theses reports, resumes Free pickup delivery 343-5513. 4 22 - T-SHIRTS Latler Sillcscreen Best service design, printing and prices ?4?-2?06 eves ?42-1927 706 4 22 THE EMU CRAFT CENTER sells an and craft supplies at very reasonable prices wood, photo film paper and chemicals, stonewares, stained glass solder came and copper foil, lewelery saw blades files silver batik dyes and (jaunting tools, bike patch kits much more' Visit us downstairs in the EMU. or call 686-4261 _ 722 4-21 EDITOR 345-5576 Dissertations articles papers professionally edited tor grammar clarity structure, tormat $10 hr 4 2? 1647 GIBSON ACOUSTIC $650 with case 1964 Fender Princeton $175 682-1695 4-29 Books 60.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% off list prices New Books-Text Books-Clitf Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ' 10% OFF all new books SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 13th 522? tin FREE PUBLICATIONS on public issues Soviet chemical watlare. others Research by maior think-tank, poster brochures Quantities available The National Center. 41? East Capitol Washington D C 2000? 4-21 MUST SELL: X-country skis, Rossignol Ho rizon II (21?) Excellent backcountry and track ski Includes bindings $ negotiable John. 682-6292 4 2? Bicycles SECOND NATURE BICYCLES 1712 WMamette 343-S362 WE BUY USED PARTS 716 UW 24” PEUGEOT RECORD One montti old New S??5. sell tor $265 344-43554-23 MOPED Excellent condition $325 o b o Call late night, 343-2055 Mike4-23 MOTEBECAME Spnngtour. men s 10-speed. 20" like new' $150 342-2094 4-21 MUST SACRIFICE Custom Tour bike select ed parts 25, " black $400 or b o Also a 23 " Miyata $300 like new extras Call 485-9442 after 4 4-23 MUST SELL 10-speed Univega Very good condition Pfi 484-0117 $150 or offer 4-21 Cars/Cycles TWO 19*1 PEUGEOT MOPEDS low miles good condition $450 each $800 for both 342-8052. after 5 pm 4-23 69 OATSUN $10 WAGON All mechanicals new or rtolt within 20,000 miles Dependable clean and extremely useful, over $3800 in vested all receipts, $1675 484-5587 4-26 Auto Repair SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair M A B SWIFT SHOP 2529 Willamette 484-9333 _5635 ttn TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Why not let a professional factory trained and certified mechanic give your little car the personal touch” in the privacy of his own home workshop7 Single parent responsibilities for two small children have forced me fo quit my lucrative dealership job to bring you real savings on quality work tor Volkswagen and Alta Romeo vehicles Jerry Berger 344-4806. 762:tfn Travel Bike France Paris-Mediterranean JUNE 23-JULY 16 36 MI/DAY Avg.-620 Mi. Total Charming country mne, medieval hilltop villages, cliff-perched castels. 5-day stay at a village farmhouse, superb cuisine Support vehicle, bike mechanic, exper ienced leaders $1425 Hotels, break fast, and dinners Included 10% discount for couples Write Peter Boyton, 24 Upper Circle. Carmel Valley. CA 92924 (408) 659-2519_ 4-23 STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights. Eurailpasses, Britrailpasses mt'l student ID card. ATH card, tours, books, insurance, work programs, language centers and much more. Write or call for free travel catalog CIEE Travel, 1314 NE 43rd St. #210. Seattle. WA 98105 (206) 632-2448 6-7 Votes wanted for GORDON MALLON and RICK BRAUN lor IFC 4 22 Responsible non-smoking teacher wishes to sublet furnished apartment near campus. June 21 - August 12 Write Connie Horton, Box 79/KBT Jakarta Setatan, Indonesia 4-23 Opportunities SUMMER ON THE SLOPES Earn up to I* credits m French or Italian or Spanish in four weeks this summer on Mt Hood as a par ticipant in Portland State s A'L'P'S in OREGON Program For details, call (503) 229-4081 or write PSU Summer Session, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207_W 4-21 TALENT NEEDED If you're musical, tunny or otherwise talented come to McClain Dorm's Coffee House Tuesday 9-11 pm We need entertainment1 Call 485-9299 4-23 THE BOOKSTORE’S ANNUAL MEETING for the membership Here's your chance to look beyond the merchanidise and into the man agement Board of Directors nominations will be taken at the meeting, and the annual report will be given Be sure to come (an bring UO ID too, please) April 22. 3:30, 341 Gilbert Hall 7724-22 ERIC ENGLUND SCHOLARSHIP $2000 to enable a UO graduate to pursue graduate studies at UO or elswhere in Amer ican literature or history or related sublets Preference given to students who may not otherwise have the opportunity Apply to English Department by April 23. 715 4-23 EAT FOR $2.50 A DAY At Student's Coop by campus Call Tom, 686-4263 or Alan, 686-5189 _786 4-23 12 VACANCIES left for qualified U of 0 students in six-week summer course at Louis ville, KY Paid travel, room, board, and $645 Student from over 285 colleges and universi ties in attendance For enrollment information call 686-3102/3103 767 4-21 Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9-6 pm Saturday 9-1 pm 5635 tin Help Wanted WANTED: Single guitarist and vocalist, like country, folk and oldies Thursday, Fnday and Saturday nights Call 345-3606 between 7 30 am and 11 am _ 737 4-22 PART-TIME COCKTAIL WAITRESS wanted The Emerald Valley Forrest Inn in Creswell For an appointment, call 484-6354 740 4-29 FOR A GOOD TIME CALL EXT. 4361 Meet people while gaming experience working in busy office Arrange hours around YOUR schedule Position available for work-study person doing reception work, typing, filing Contact Trudy or Phil, room 327 EMU, ext 4351 _ 755:4-21 TROUBLED BY RISING TUITION and finan cial aid cuts9 Last summer students in our summer work program averaged $1240 a month Must be willing to work hard and relocate for the summer For an interview, leave and and phone # at 726-1863 4 23 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Psychiatric Rehabilitation Agency s recreation and pre vocational programs Tuesdays-Saturdays ESCAPE credits possible Call Rick Thomas 485-6340 4 23 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round. Eu rope, S, Amer . Australia, Asia. All fields $500-$1200 monthly Sightseeing Free info Write IJC Box 52-OR 3 Corona Del Mar CA 92625 4-23 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING AC CEPTED tor the position of 1982-83 Oregon Daily Emerald Editor Applicants should have knowledge of newspaper journalism and of the University of Oregon Term of office is June 8. 1982 through June 7, 1983 Monthly salary begins May 1. 1982 Editor must be enrolled tor at least 6 credits during three of four terms at the Unviversity ol Oregon while in office Position requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of 35-40 hours per week Applications are available in the Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returned to the ODE Board ol Directors. 300 EMU. PO Box 3159, Eugene OF! 97403 before 5 pm April 22 The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Affirma tive Action Employer that operates under the team management concept Women, minori ties and the handicapped are encouraged to apply4-22 START AT THE TOP Sell Avon We re the world s largest direct-selling company Call now 746-6422, 683-4716 458:tfn KEYBOARD / GUITARIST /BACK-UP vocalist tor performing rock band Must have equip ment and understanding of music Call 689-4031 after 54-23 EARN UP TO $500 or more each year begin ning September for 1-3 years Se your own hours Monthly payment for placing posters on campus Bonus based on results Prizes awarded as wen. 800-526-0883.4-26 GRAD STUDENTS PREFERRED Psychiamc Halfway House will have opening for house manager in June Education and/or exper ience with mentally and emotionally disturbed individuals helpful $1,300, couple/month plus fringe benefits Call 686-8438 for info between 9 am and 4 30 pm any weekday_4-27 NEEDED Oualified students tor six-week course in Louisville, KY Travel, room, board, $645 Details 686-3102/3103, 767 4-21 REPORTERS WANTED An orientation meet ing for students interested in writing for the Oregon Daily Emeral will be held Saturday at noon in the Emerald office. 300 EMU Call Gabriel Boehmer at 686-5511 for more infor mation 4-23 SEARCH NEEDS a temporary office helper Spring term only $4 per hour, work-study only Approx. 10 hours per week 686-4503, EMU Ml 11.787:4-23 RESIDENT MANAGER small apt bldg June 15. 1982 to Juen 15, 1983, preferably longer Apply including personal data, references PO Box 5314, Eugene, 97405. 4-23 Roommates ROOMMATE WANTED lo share 2 bedroom house S139 month, split utilities Garage, tenced yard Available May 1 662-1398 4-21 $50 OFF 3rd month rent Beautiful home, 2 blocks from campus, private large room with fireplace, laundry $130 Angie, 683-8978 4-22 HOT TUB? One or 2 roommates wanted to share 4 bedroom house 1 Vi baths, laundry, 2 fireplaces, decks $160 Dana eves , 344-3354, days 686-3712 4-21 FREE RENT April 19-30 Share gracious 3 bedroom house near campus, togging and bike paths with two Australian grad student Quiet area, fireplace, furnishings if needed $132. 683-6024 or 343-74494-21^ HOUSEMATE WANTED: Christian community seeking responsible female to share large home Near bus line, bike paths Rent $125 Share food, utilities Call 746-8041