Rape lectures begin this week A free, four-part^ weekly ser ies on rape and other subjects begins Thursday on campus with a workshop on “Rape Awareness and Prevention." Thursday's workshop, from 7 to 9 p.m. in 242 Gilbert Hall, will be conducted by Margo Belden. the director of the Rape Crisis Network The Amazon Kung Fu group will demonstrate verbal assertiveness, and the program also will include a film. "We feel It's really important because awareness makes a big difference," Belden says. “If you’re aware of all the myths. you have a better chance of preventing a rape ” The next workshop, scheduled for April 29, will cover "What To Do When Rape Occurs" and will be conducted by Gail Wiemann, a former network director. A film also will be shown The third lecture, scheduled for May 6, will deal with incest. Former network director Lisa Miller, who now is director of the network’s incest survival group, will discuss the problems facing adults, who were victims of in cest as children, as well those facing recent incest victims . Local attorney Martha Evans will present the May 13 lecture on sexual harassment. The film "Workplace Hustle,” narrated by Ed Asner, will be shown. The network decided to hold the campus series after the Women's Referral and Re source Service and Campus Security contacted them, Bel den says. The four-part series will be held each Thursday evening from 7 to 9 in 242 Gilbert Hall. For additional information, call 687-6000. Classifieds EMU CULTURAL FORUM * THE SAN FRANCISCO MIME TROUPE lecture-demonstration by members of the Troupe Devetopmg A Script Cot lectwy 'Factperson,' fad Wno. ana More TMURSOAY, APRIL 22 4:36-430 EMU FORUM ROOM FREE! _m±zL Personals VIDA BARN RENTALS Under new management Fantastic dance party or picnic location Reasonable rates 444-3444 or 342-7272. 409 tin HAM TODAY HAS A HAM SALON tor men and women m the EMU by tie Rec Center We do haircuts styled perms color and tree consultations Can 447-1347 or stop by tor appointments __MSB* PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free prog nancy teetmg Btrthnght, 887-8651_4680U PLANNED PARENTMOOO has a pregnancy tesi that is 98% accurate Call lor appt 344-4411^ ___ 157 UH HAVE A DMTY SLEEPING BAG? Find dependable service at 4 la genet If» CTaeners 421 E 134i A»e __108 UW MAKE MONEY! Racycffwg Your ClBfhsat RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns and trades secondhand clothing tor men and women For simians i it 344-7434 344E.114I _ 1881 UWF ISOLATION TANK Retaxabon through nota tion Call for questions and appointment 413-4444. UW 4-28 A FREE WAY TO SAY THANKS Do you have a professor who makes you leap out ot bed to get lo class and never want to be Met wno msptres you lo dedcate yourself to your studies7 Who makes you think and want to learn? Who « empty a great teacher? Count your Hastings - and nomeiate the person lor the Annual Ersted Distinguished Teaching Award It's one way you can say ' thanks it only takas a moment, but it makes a great difference to the professor n says, "keep up tie good work'" Pck up nomination forms at the ASUO office right away deadline is Friday April 2?__ 68? 4-2? STAFF NEEDED Camp Namanu on beautiful Sandy River Cooks, counselors and waterfront positions available Contact Twila Jordahl. 485-9844 eventngt. for info and applications_4-2? LAMONT Meet me at 2 pm tor chocolate rum cheesecake at Lenny s Nosh Bar m the Cour tyard LOUTA 128 ttn MEED TO (MEMO YOUR CLOTHES? Fix your bike? BuM a bookcase? Make a coffee mug? We can help j»u wen tea and much mom at •be EMU Crall Comae, downstairs in (he EMU Slop by new ante you need a break, or cal MS-«361724:4-21 BILL WOLLUM: Today, with dstmekoo You! write your exam The poem 's to Mi you Mow confident I am dial your concepts wff dazzle. Your analyses shme. the names and tie play plots WIMMuikne Shakespeare and Marlowe Wff approve al your proses and tie butding won’t crash down At question tour's (dose HO. SCUMBAG _4-20 ALL PRAISE Glory and honor to Jesus Christ Orr Lord the Almighty God • forever COME QUICKLY LORO JESUS 4 20 KEEP DAVID BAUER SUAB #2 Journalism/ Speech Experience you can trust1 Pd Bauer 4-22 CATHY YORK Did you know your the most beauMui get on camped-’. ,_4-20 Women’s LL Nov. 4 Way to go at Corvatks You're great1 4-20 RICK BRAUN GORDON MALLON FOR IFC Pd The candidates ___4:20 J Pat Widmer SUAB *3 Business /Economics Paid Pat Widmer _4-22 GET INVOLVED WHILE GAMING EXPER gNCEl Panheaemc is looking tor an sdKcr lor a new Greek newsletter and a photographer tor al Greek events Editor wff be responsible for creating and publishing the newsletter Photgrapher must own camera. Panheltenic pays other costs tt you're interested you can Ml out an application m Suita 5 EMU by Friday or cal Leake a»68S-48>l.4-21 YOU CAN STILL go through sorority rush' Spring Informal Sign-up is r\ Suite 5 EMU Don't mat out on fte spring ton* Sign up now' 4-20 KAPPA is proud to announce Its newest members Liz Berry Julie Gertennch Cynthia Boggs Naomi Greenberg Jennifer Bnles Kelly Hall Rhonda Cardelia CONGRATULATIONS! 4-20 4*1 HAWTHORNE; Net stockings on Friday night was hard to beat, but Saturday mght you did in bar* feat The punch, the rum, the white bed sheet, more tun well have when next we meet Loire. MB SMITH4-20 KAM HOSMAR Thanks lor betng a great nurse and friend. Get psyched tor Buttet. dieting, and anything ales w* can think of! SUE_4-20 THERE'S A BAD RUMOR going around Some people are putting me down Someone's ego must of tett a threat, from a naturally intelligent Vet Maybe they've heard "stHl m Saigon.'' and think I'm worrying about memor es by gone Wei. I've never been to Vietnam, and what they think doesn’t mean a damn They start rumors to cause me strife, to bright en up their pitiful life Study hard to get a job. because then you ! see in forty years you'll be retired like me Remember. I don't go around lulling people with axes. I just get my share of the taxes So rumor starting turkeys. I hope you're through The only problem I have, is you1 You're the one that's sick! A. NON VMOUS4-20 UNCLE NED Thanks tor saying hi at DFW Please arrange a business meeting. A.S A P Your friend. WEJMAH4-20 CHI-PSI'S We began with crazy drinking games and kept it up till we felt no pain Then on to dancing and lots more tun. Chi-Psi. you are number one. Love, THE TRI-PELTS 4-20 AX LAURA STORIE Happy anniversary' It's been one wonderful yaa;, hope there's many more (ust like it Love. DAVE4-20 KAMMCAZEE KIDS: Top secret party on 3rd floor with Mack men m white stuns, do yaw remember? Rubber Chicken does! Kahluachips-ahoy Love. THE MUTANT MONKEY WOMEN 4-20 HAPPY B-DAY PETE!! 4-20 DELTA GAMMA would like to congratulate thee newest members Lies Amgom Jennifer Bair Saty Joeaph Nancy Lndley Gmny HoAngsworth Nancy Thornton Salty Biornson Robyn Beckiey 4-20 MG EPS The barbecue was rained out. but that's ok because the room to room was greet We had an encalent time Love. THE ALPHA PHTS 4-20 ERIC ENGLUND SCHOLARSHIP $2000 to enable a UO graduate to pursue graduate studies at UO or elsewhere in American literature or history or related subjects. Preference given to students who may not otherwise have the opportunity. Apply to English Department by April 23. Cafeteria QUICHE 80* IL VINO'S SPAGHETTI I] TINO’S • Full dinner menu • 23 varieties of Pizzas • Whole wheat and white crust • Pizzas to go -cooked and uncooked 15th and Willamette New Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 11:00-Midnight Frl. 11:00-1:00 a.m. Sat. 5:00-1:00 am. Sun. 5:00-1:00 a.m. Abortion: A woman's choice Abortion is safe and legal in a clinic setting. The Portland Women’s Health Center offers abortion services up to 18 weeks from the last menstrual period The abortion procedure used up to 12 weeks, is vacuum aspiration with minimal dilation. ^^^fc^Dilation and Evacuation (an adaptation of the suction method) is used for abortions 13 to 18 weeks. Abortions are performed with optional local anesthetic. Medicaid, insurance and major credit cards are accepted. Other referrals available. Call for further information. PORTLAND WOMEN'S HEALTH CENTER 6510 SE FOSTER ROAD PORTLAND, OREGON 97206 503/777-7044 GET A HEAD START IN A NUCLEAR CAREER Train for a career as a Nuclear Propulsion Officer in the Navy. The Navy has the most advanced nuclear training officers to maintain and operate it. The graduate level training you’ll receive in this program could cost $30,000. As a Nuclear Propulsion Officer, you’ll be rewarded with increased responsibilities and promotional potential. QUALIFICATIONS: Age—19 to 27Vi years old. Education—Working towards (or have completed) BA or BS degree. Citizenship—U.S. citizenship required. Applications may be submitted after completion of sophomore year in college. If you think nuclear propulsion is your future, then you know the Navy is the place to begin. Call the Naval Management Programs Office for more information. 800-452-3872 Toll Free