MEETINGS Alpha Kappa Pal business fraternity is holding a general meeting today at 6 p m in Room 338. Gilbert Hall All business and economics mators are welcome to attend There will be a discussion on the Half-Day On The Job" program The American Advertising Federation will meet today at 4 30 p m in Room 301 -A. Allen Hall A pay men's rap praupwill meet today at 7pm at 1414 Kincaid SI A guest speaker will present a seminar on Communication — Loving S Living Gay For more information call or stop by the Gay Peoples Alliance m Suite 318. EMU, or phone 686-3360 A coaching specialisation orientation meeting de signed to provide information on the program will meet today at 5 45 p m m Room 105. Esslmger Hall For more information, call 686-3389 The Aslan American Student Union will hold an important meeting today at 7 p m in the AASU Office The Graduate Teaching Fellow's Federation will meet today at 7 30 p m in Room 238, Gilbert Hall The mam topic will be whether to defer salary increases in exchange tor a freeze on GTFF layoffs Shirley Menaker, associate dean of the graduate school, will be available to answer questions The EMU Budget Committee will meet today at 4 p m in Room 337, EMU Food services and the Program office/Cultural Forum will be discussed The April 24th CoaMHon to End the War In El Salvador will meet today at 7:30 p m in the Wesley Center. 124S Kincaid St.. to plan tor Saturday’s demonstration and rally WORKSHOPS Applying to graduate school? A workshop today at 3 30 p m in Room 164, Oregon Hall, will cover how to select a graduate school, how early to apply, when to take graduate admission tests, letters of recommenda tion. and campus resources available to help with application The University Outdoor Program la sponsoring a a arias ot bicycle touring workshops this week Today's workshop begins at 7 p m at the Outdoor Program in the EMU and will offer a slide presentation about a recent 10-day San Juan Islands bike lour by 10 local cyclists SPEAKERS “1S7S S ISIS: The Belling Democracy Movement In Historical Perspective' is the topic of a lecture by Prof Ralph Croizier, University of Victoria, today at 3:30 p m in Room 307, Chapman Hall "Dostoevsky and Dante: INustratlona of their Works" is the topic of a slide-lecture by Russian artist Ernst Neizvestny today at 7 p m in Room 177, Lawrence Hall Neizvestny's presentation is part of a series of free public events this week on "Human Rights and the Arts in the Soviet Union’' sponsored by the Russian and East European Studies Center Neizvestny's recent graphic art will be on exhibit this week in the University's Lawrence Hail Gallery CLASSES A class in Christian Awareness will be offered through Campus Interfaith Ministry's Cross Currents Education Program Call the Rev Linda Harrell Bruno at the Koinonia Center, 484-1707, for more information MISCELLANEOUS Holocaust Memorial Day - Please stop by the Hillel table in the EMU Lobby today from 9:30 a m. to 2 p m A veterans labor pool is now forming in Eugene to serve the employment needs of Lane County veterans It will be organized along co-operative lines and will match veterans with the labor market Interested vets are encouraged to call Bob Galvan or Mark Darienzo at 686-5576 or drop by 1479 Moss St. A student support group lor the Eugene Council lor Human Rights In Latin America will be collecting signatures and donations to pubNah a fUH page ad In t«e Emerald protesting U.S. Involvement In El Salvador. A table will be set up in the EMU Tuesday and Wednesday For more information contact 464-5667 The Baha’i Campus Association will have an informa tion table in the EMU lobby today from 9 a m. to 3 p m. Your questions are welcome A lecture-demonstraton on making wooden bowls will be offered by Micheal Turi today at noon in the EMU Craft Center This is part of the craft center's continuing "Noon Freebie’" program DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau Htrmmaus they a* MB&tS’ r/mratt A NOISY LOT SI* ru mi you. honey, this INVASION B PURE OOU>! NOT TOO MANY AMIS THOSE PAYS AHCAE you eer mo meets yes. sk, it AtAS QUITE A BREA* TOR ONCE. A/E HADCHOUSHTm TO SET A PECEMT BROCHURE OUT BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed OKAY. WHO PUT memeom smittHm?/ omame mom fOLUMBIS ARE 1HR0MN& A BOOK DRW flDWN AT THE SCHOOL HWKM& lot mom. 'its. "THEY'RE CALLING IT ROAST A BOOK FOB. WCJWCi." WL0 5AID HEWtoJIP DROP BY. Classifieds 686-4343 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOC OFFICE 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DEADLINES Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads mat are to appear m Monday s paper must be ri by 1 pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible tor more than one day * Incorrect advertising insertion The OOE s liability tor typographical errors incorrect insertions or ormssons m advertising published shall be smiled solely to the cancel lation of charges tor such portion ot space occupied by the error It your ad appears Incorrectly call MM343 before 1 pm tor correction in the next day s issue RATES: Rates are 1S cants per word lor the tiret day and 12 cents per erord tor consecu tive days the ad is run arfthout change S1 -50 minimum tor tie drat insertion SI 20 minimum tor coneeuttvs Insertions There Is NO refund tor ad cenceAatton* PAYMENT: All ads must be paid tor m advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us For Sale FRENCH BRIE *3.85/».(reg 55 76) 10% oft all wine in stock April 19-24 only VALENTINE’S WINE A CHEESE Ml E. 13Bi (neat to Fat Creek Bakery) ____4-2? GREAT FOR DORM OR FRATERNITY! Regulation pool table Slate top with Canadian green felt and leather pockets Great shape plus acoessones Call ?4?-6497 _ 4-21 POWERBILT CITATION left handed golt clubs with bag Excellent condition $150 Attar 6 pm, 342-7228._4-21 NORTH FACE Expeditioner backpack $90 345-9391 4 20 Reagan SCARY MONSTER SUPER CREEP and 2000 other badges at DIANA'S. 126 West Broadway _downtown mak 764 4-20 NEEO A BED? Full sire bed available $50 666-8273, Rot)_4-21 FOR SALE: Sony SIR 2B00 receiver and PS-T1 direct dirve turntable, also Sound 404 speakers $275/olter Keith. 344-5264 4-21 Instruction Employment Workshop What can you do with what you have'' April 22 Thursday nite 7-10. Unitarian Church Com munity Consultants, Carl Sheppard, 345-2924, Dennis Chandler 996-6194_4-21 HOW TO WRITE A JOB RESUME a concise guide with sample resumes $2 95 plus $ 75 mailing House ot Bri-Mar, PO Box 729D. Newberg, Oregon 97132 4-20 Services T-SHIRTS I after Silkscreen Best service design printing and prices 343-2306 eves 342-1927 _706:4-22 THE EMU CRAFT CENTER sells ad and craft supplies at very reasonable prices wood photo film, paper and chemicals, stonewares stained glass solder, came and copper foil, tewelery saw blades, tiles, silver, batik dyes and (taunting tools, bike palch kits, much more1 Visit us downstairs in the EMU. or call 686-4361 722:4-21 Oregon Dally Emerald Typing TYPING: 15 years experience Papers disser tations editing IBM Setectric Pick-up and denrery Cak Caroie a' 686-3983. 240? tin TYPING UNUMITEO 747-9296 Grad School Approved/Guaranteed Setoctnc Cal lor prong 189 Tin PRO TYPING/EDITING On vacation (yippee')-*ll 4/29 Jennifer 4*5-38*3 _491 4-28 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Correcting Select! ic Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759. 460 tin TYPING GUARANTEED IBM Correcting Setectnc RuBt 345-5614 288 UH COMPUTER WORD PROCESSING t>y YOUR WORD'S WORTH 342-7546 __525 6 24 TYPING Guranteed perfect, fast Pickup 'delivery Karen. 741-0486anytime 4-2? HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Computer system makes typing obsolete Theses reports resumes Free pickup/delivery 343-5513. 4-2? Instruments 1947 GIBSON ACOUSTIC 5650 with case 1964 Fender Prmcelon $175 682-1695 4-29 Books 80,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 253b lo 503b ott kst prices New Books-Text Books-Clift Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 103b OFF all new book* SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 E**t 13*1 522? tin Bicycles SECOND NATURE BICYCLES 1712 WM*matte 343-5362 WE BUY USED PARTS _ 716UW 24" PEUGEOT RECORD One month old New >335. sell lor $265 244-4255_4-23 MOPED Excellent condition $?25 o b o Call late night, 343-2055, Mike4-23 MOTEBECANE Spnngtour men's 10-speed 20" like new! $150 342-2094 4-21 Cars/Cycles 1N1 YAMAHA SPECIAL 400 Low miles like new burgundy, tuned and ready, make otter Call ?44-5?87 4 20 Auto Repair SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair MSB SWIFT SHOP 2529 Wllamotto 464-9333 VW OWNERS: support academia and save money by having me, a graduate student and a mechanic with eight years ot professional experience fix your VW's I guarantee all my work and offer campus pickup and delivery Call Dennis Todd 344-7906. 785 U TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Why no* let a professional factory trained and certified mechanic give your little car the personal touch" m the privacy of his own home workshop7 Single parent responsibilities for Two small children have forced me to quit my lucrative dealership job to bring you real savings on quality work for Volkswagen and Alfa Romeo vehicles Jerry Berger 344-4606. 762 tfn Travel Bike France Paris-Mediterranean JUNE 23-JULY 16 36 MI/DAY Avg.-620 Mi. Total Charmmg country inne, medieval hilltop villages, cliff-perched cast els, 5-day stay a1 a village farmhouse, superb cuisine Support vehicle, bike mechanic, exper ienced leaders $1425 Hotels, break fast and dinners included 10% discount for couples Write Peter Boyton, 24 Upper Circle. Carmel Valley. CA 92924 (408)659-2519 _ 4-2? STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights. Eurailpasses Britrailpasses. int'l student ID card. ATH card, tours, books, insurance work programs, language centers and much more Write or call tor tree travel catalog CIEE Travel. 1314 N E 43rd St #210. Seattle. WA 98105 (206) 632-2448 6-7 Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 343-7663 Monday thru Friday 9-6 pm Saturday 9-1 pm 5635 tfn Opportunities Veterinary or Medical Schools MEXICO-PHILIPPINES English Curriculum Low Tuition Live in the USA 2 year program PhD . D C. D P.M -M 0 PROVEN STUDENT SERVICE 100 La Stile St, NY. NY 10027 212-864-393? 300 TWO-YEAR SCHOLARSHIPS Full tuition books, lab lees and $1000 cash per year You are competitive if your GPA is 2 9 or higher Competition is held at Louisville. KY. Free travel, room, board. $645 tor the six weeks No obligation to continue other program courses this fall To determine qualifications call 686 3102/3103 7664-20 THE BOOKSTORE'S ANNUAL MEETING for the membership Here's your chance to look beyond the merchamdise and into the man agement Board of Directors nominations will be taken at the meeting, and the annual report will be given Be sure to come (an bnng UO ID too, please) April 22, 3 30. 341 Gilbert Hall 772 4 22 TALENT NEEDED If you're musical, funny or otherwise talented, come to McClain Dorm s Coffee House Tuesday 9-11 pm We need entertainment! Call 485-9299 4-2? Help Wanted OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round Eu rope, S. Amer , Australia, Asia All fields $500-$1200 monthly Sightseeing Free info Write IJC Box 52-OR 3 Corona Del Mar. CA 926254-2? APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING AC CEPTED for the position of 1982-83 Oregon Daily Emerald Editor Applicants should have knowledge of newspaper journalism and of the University ot Oregon Term of office is June 8. 1982 through June 7. 198? Monthly salary begins May 1.1982 Editor must be enrolled tor at least 6 credits during three of four terms at the Unviversity of Oregon while in office. Position requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of 35-40 hours per week Applications are available in the Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returned to the ODE Board of Directors, 300 EMU, PO Box 3159, Eugene OR 9740? before 5 pm April 22. The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Affirma tive Action Employer that operates under the team management concept Women, minori ties and the handicapped are encouraged to aPP'y4-22 WANTED: Single guitarist and vocalist, like country, folk and oldies Thursday. Friday and Saturday nights Call 345-3606 between 7:30 am and 11 am.737:4-22 PART-TIME COCKTAIL WAITRESS wanted The Emerald Valley Forrest Inn in Creswell For an appointment, call 484-6354 740 4-29 NEED HOUSE SITTER lor country home. June 10 to July 3 998-6652. 4-20 WORK-STUDY Research Assistant needed Learn valuable research skills working on a school-based smoking prevention assessment team Oft campus, will train, enthusiasm necessary $4 hour, 15-20 hours weekly. For more information contact Chert at 484-2123. *20 FOR A GOOD TIME CALL EXT. 4351 Meet people while gaining experience working in busy office Arrange hours around YOUR schedule Position available tor work-study person doing reception work, typing, filing Contact Trudy or Phil, room 327 EMU, ext 4351755:4-21 TROUBLE BY RISING TUITION and financial aid cuts? Last summer students in our summer work program averaged $1240 a month Must be willing to work hard and relocate for the summer For an interview, leave and and phone # at 726-1883 4-23 WORK-STUDY POSITIONS Earn $4 64/hr for tutoring Finance 311.314, 389, Accounting 351,360, Economics 375, 416, Genetics 424, D C 330, Sociology 327, Speech 123, French-2nd, 3rd year Gain valuable exper ience and letter of recommendation. Call E.O.P. ext. 3232.693 4-20 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Agency's recreation and pre vocational programs Tuesdays-Saturdays ESCAPE credits possible Call Rick Thomas 485-6340 4-23 START AT THE TOP Sell Avon We're the world's largest direct-selling company Call now 746-6422,683-4718_458ttn KEYBOARD/GUITARIST/BACK-UP vocalist for performing rock band Must have equip ment and understanding of music. Cali 669-4031 after 54-23 EARN UP TO $500 or more each year begin ning September for 1-3 years Se your own hours Monthly payment for placing posters on campus Bonus based on results. Prizes awarded as well 800-526-0883 4-26 SIX WEEKS, paid adventure training Travel, room, board, $645 and chance for 2-year scholarship For qualifications call 666-3102/310?. 766:4-20 Roommates NEED A PLACE? HAVE A PLACE? Screened people need you now! $20 fee, 6 month membership Don't take chances UNITED ROOMMATES 747-7337 Everyday 11-8 pm _B28ttn ROOMMATE NEEDED: Large 3 bdrm house w/2 fireplaces, dishwasher, Ig backyard 6 blks from campus $132. Mimi or Amy, 344-1575.4-20 ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bedroom house $139 month, split utilities Garage. fenced yard. Available May 1.683-1398. 4-2t ROOMMATE WANTED to share nice 3 be droom Hendricks Park hous $132/month Mile from campus Large yard, garage Non smoker. 683-6893.4-20 $50 OFF 3rd month rent. Beautiful home, 2 blocks from campus, private large room with fireplace, laundry. $130 Angie, 683-8978. 4-22 HOT TUB? One or 2 roommates wanted to share 4 bedroom house. 114 baths, laundry, 2 fireplaces, decks $160 Dana eves., 344-3354, days 686-3712 4-21^ FREE RENT April 19-30. Share gracious 3 bedroom house near campus, jogging and bike paths with two Australian grad student Quiet area, fireplace, furnishings if needed $132. 683-6024 or 343-7449.4-21 ROOMMATE WANTED to share large 3 bdr house 4 blocks from campus, washer/dryer, dishwasher Fireplace, big backyard, garage and more $140/mo. plus utilities Call 344-5387.4-20 HOUSEMATE WANTED; Christian communi ty seeking responsible female to share large home Near bus line, bike paths Rent $125. Share food, utilities. Call 746-8041 4-21 ROOMMATE NEEDED to share 4-bedroom house Dishwasher, fireplace, sundeck. $123.75 345-9333. 4-23 For Rent COMFY 4 PLUS BEDROOM home. 10 min utes from campus. 18th and Lawrence $435 per month 344-4806328:tfn SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM $180 month Near Island Park. nver. bike path and down town Small complex with laundry Water and garbage paid 145 North ‘A’ Call Frank 741 -1506 or Nancy 344-8888 363:lfn Walk to campus Quiet one bedroom apartment at 1345 Ferry Carpet, drapes, appliances, storage, parking $195 Helen 344-2081 or Nancy 344-8888 391 4-29 QUADS Newer convenient location, starting at $100 plus utilities 343-5616 and 683-2733 201 :ttn FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedroom apartments near campus. $150 to $250 485-0359,485-0082._IQO tfn SHOOT SOME BASKETS take a dip in the pool, pump some iron and take a hot sauna Beautiful south hills townhouses Fireplace, dishwasher, carports /garage, close to bus lines and shopping Only 3 bedrooms available 4427 Fox Hollow Rd 484-639? 547 tfn Pages