Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1982, Page 2, Image 2

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Earth Week, Ground Zero, forces for life
It’s ironic that the Earth Week activities spon
sored by the University Survival Center coincide
with the week-long national observance of
Ground Zero. Whether intentional or not, both
activities are inextricably bound.
Earth Week activities and events include a
multi-image concert, a film on energy — and
speakers who’ll explore areas of environmental
concern such as nuclear power and world hunger.
The week is concluded with a clean-up of the
drained Millrace at the bridge on Alder Street
Ground Zero is a national movement to alert
Americans of the lethal realities of nuclear war.
Groups on 450 campuses and in 750 communities
across the United States plan to hold seminars
and teach-ins and various activities — such as a
“dance against death” and a “run-for-your-life”
The Earth Week activities on this campus
include a Thursday convocation on preventing
nuclear war.
While the populous movements that have
been touted by the media as more representative
than the '60s and 70s Viet Nam war protests are
calling for a nuclear freeze, Pres. Ronald Reagan
is clothing his hawkish inclinations in doveish
Reagan, in a weekend radio address, held
firm to his stance that has this country and the
Soviet Union tracked on a veritable collision
course. The semantical trickery Reagan speaks
would bring a blush to Nazi propagandist Joseph
r lKMtr
Goebbels' cheeks. The gambit is pure Goebbelian
— speak the lie, repeat the lie until the truth is
forgotten and the lie becomes accepted as the
Reagan said “to those who protest against
nuclear war, I can only say I’m with you.*’ His
actions and previous statements indicate other
wise. He told the radio audience he opposed
nuclear war, but that the United States cannot
“unilaterally reduce its nuclear arms stockpile
without similar action by the Soviets.”
He went on to acknowledge the movement
calling for a nuclear freeze — debasing the
movement while intimating a continued arms race.
"That (nuclear freeze) would be fine if we
were equal (to the Soviet Union) in strategic
capacity. We re not. We cannot accept an
agreement which perpetuates current dispari
ties ”
Statements such as the above only serve to
perpetuate the nuclear belligerence between the
United States and the Soviet Union.
Are these "misstatements" — or dangerous
Reagan challenges? Reagan repeated the con
servative dogma that the U S and Soviet Union
were in a balance of power after World War Two
That’s not altogether true Through the '50s and
into the mid-1960s the U S had the greater
strategic power Reagan says the military balance
which permitted the U S to maintain peace in the
world is now threatened That "peace" was a
"peace" achieved only through the threat of
The lies continue to be compounded
Populous movements such as Ground Zero and
activities like the University Survival Center’s
Earth Week, are the means to break the structure
of lies regarding nuclear armaments constantly
foisted upon the people
SPA tactics
The Students for a Progres
sive Agenda have shown that by
running a dishonest, illegal, and
misleading campaign, they may
be able to take control of the
IFC; and thus be able to spend
$2.2 million in student money on
their own special interests.
A glance at the campaign
flyers for SPA candidates shows
that SPA has made an orga
nized effort to avoid the real
issues of the campaign. SPA
knows that if we are made aware
of SPA's "stand'’ they would
surely be defeated The real is
sue in the IFC election is how
$2.2 million of student money
will be spent. The information
SPA has let slip out indicates
SPA will consider only their own
special interests and not the
interest of the rest of us. By
SPA’s “stand” on the issues
they have shown they don't de
serve our support or votes
An even more compelling
reason to withhold our votes
from SPA is their dishonest, il
legal campaign tactics. They
have used an office paid for by
student money for campaign
ing. Campaign posters for other
IFC candidates have been
covered by SPA material Worst
of all it is charged that a poll
worker campaigned for SPA
candidates while working in a
polling booth All SPA
candidates should withdraw or
give up their claim to ethical and
honest campaigning
SPA managed to pull the wool
over our eyes in the primary
election, but in the run-off, we
must rise up and deliver our
message: We won't be fooled
Michael A. Larson
Law school
I would like to thank Ann
Portal for writing the two-part
article in Thursday and Friday's
issues of the Emerald on the
Maranatha Ministry Having
been through the whole ordeal
of this ministry myself I strongly
suggest any student of this
campus to stay away from the
house for the very reason that
they have been charged with
They practice mind-control
techniques and are considered
a cult
Maranatha uses the Bible to
cover up their absurd and spur
ious ways The ministry's main
concern lies in lifting their own
narrow views above everyone
else's by slapping people in the
face and never taking the time
to listen True Christianity isn't
this way folks so please keep
both your eyes and ears open
Pamela S. Burnt
Freshman, journalism
Don't care
All students complain that
their interests aren't represent
ed by government The issues
complained about range from
legalization of marijuana and
lowering the drinking age, to
military involvement in various
jungles to cuts in financial aid;
however, only 30 percent of the
voters in the 18 to 25 age
bracket vote. Fewer write their
elected officials How can
elected officials represent our
interests if they don't know
The same can be said for
those students elected to
various ASUO positions 85
percent of the students at the
University didn't vote in last
week's primary, and 90 percent
of the independents running for
the IFC were eliminated (In the
presidential race all indepen
dent candidates were eliminat
ed.) The top 12 vote receivers
were endorsed by two relatively
small yet highly organized coa
litions — Students for a Pro
gressive Agenda and the
Greek/Law school coalition
Each of the independent
candidates had a slightly differ
ent view of how the incidental
fees should be allocated, and, if
voters had spent a few minutes
and talked to a candidate, read
statements in the Emerald and
Voter's guide, or read campaign
materials, they would have
known who they wanted to
represent them
At a time when money
becomes increasingly tight, I
find it ironic that 12,000
students don't care how $2 mil
lion dollars will be allocated
next year
Bob Meed
IFC candidate
A typographical error
appeared in the letter entitled
Scapegeeks published in last
week's Letters column. The fol
lowing is the corrected version.
The Emerald regrets any
misinterpretation the typogra
phical error may have caused.
I don't think I'm a stereo
typical Greek However, if that
stereotype includes those who
have worked for the ERA, the
nuclear arms freeze, rallied
against U S. assistance to El
Salvador, and condemn elitism
and white, male supremacy,
than perhaps I do represent the
stereotype, because there are
many other Greeks who fight for
the same goals as I Yes, it’s
true Greeks are people too
Juliet Hyams
Junior, journalism
Tha Oragon Dally Emaratd te pubbshad
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