MOTNKM i For ■ Nuclear Free Future will moot today at 5 30 p m in Room 111, EMU Informational presentation followed by discussion of Oregon Freer* Initiative rally and other activities Anyone Is welcome Tits Incidental Fee Cnramates will meet today at 3 p m in Room 337, EMU The public is invited to attend A ooecMng spertaKrstton orientation meeting will be held Tuesday at 5 45 pm in Rom 105,Esslinger Hall The purpose of this Informational meeting will be to clarify the requirements of the coaching specialization program begin preliminary screening for placement into coaching practicums provide counseling for career development and relate up-to-date material regarding course offer ings Call 686-3389 for more information The UntversAy Circle K Chib will meet tonight at 8 at 1653 Agate St (behind the ROTC building) Circle K International Is Pie world s largest collegiate service organization WORKSHOPS /SEMINARS “Job Otdloek For the "SOs" is the topic of a workshop conducted by Dr Larry Smith director of the University s Career Planning and Placement Office today from 1 30-3 30 pm tn Room 101. EMU Topics will include which are the hot" (Ob prospects tor the current decade “Expense and Budget Management" is the topic of a mini-seminar Tuesday from 4-6 p m in the community room of the Beniamin Franklin Savings and Loan 11th Avenue and Pearl Street Sponsored by the Lane-Emer ald Valley chapter of the Administrative Management Society, the seminar will focus on using a budget to identify cash producers and cash drains for appropriate decision making The cost is $5 for AMS members and $10 for non-members "Making a Career Decision" is the topic of s planning seminar series ottered by Or Theresa Ripley on Mondays from 1 -3 p m., beginning April 26 and continuing through May 24 This consecutive series of workshops Is de signed tor the student who has not yet decided on a career For more information call Career Planning & Placement Service at 686-3235 Rltyslcat therapy is the topic of a workshop being offered today at 7 p m at Sacred Heart Hospital’s physical therapy gym The workshop will be led by | registered physical therapist Tim Foley SPEAKERS “The Issues of Entry: The Standard OH Company In Ladn America, 1*11-ISM" is the topic of a lecture by Or Jonathan Brown. Santa Barbara. California, today at 4 p m in Room 101, EMU Sponsored by the University history department “U**" Osa*9" Hi Sweden In die 20th Century" is the topic of a lecture by Fritz Wulz, architecture professor at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, today at 8 p m in Room 107. Lawrence Hall "Lanin in Power: The Social Malory of the Russian Resolution" is the topic of a lecture by Prof Peter Scheibert, University of Marsburg, Germany, today at 7:30 p.m in Rooms 108-110 EMU. Sponsored by the University Russian A East European Studies Center. INTERVIEWS 8*gn-up tor interviews begins on Wednesday morn ings at 7:30 In Susan Campbell HaH. A resume must be turned In at the time of sign up. April 20 Lake Oswego School District — Waluga Junior High School (Language Arts/Social Studies/Science/Math/ Art/Counseling) Price Waterhouse & Company (Acctng. — Internship) AprH 20 F W Woofworth Company (Business Administration) The Oregon Bank (Business) Group meetings and Information sessions being held during tie week of April 26-30 are as foftows: April 29 Internal Revenue Service — group meetings 10-11 a m. and 2-3 p.m.. Room 111. EMU Please sign up Immediately If Interested In iniiTyiewiny WTTn Toiiowiny rccruiiffi April 20 David Douglas School District (Elementary & secon dary education) — group meeting 3:30-4:30 pm. Room 3S8, Susan Campbell Hall April 23 Portland Public Schools — group meeting only — 2:30-4 pm. Room 276, College of Education. FILMS "KRHng U« Softty,” a movie about the media images of women, will be shown tonight at 7:30 In the lounge of McClain Hall, Hamilton Complex The movie and a discussion is sponsored by Women's Referral & Re source Service and McClain residents MISCELLANEOUS Spend an “Afternoon on the Job” at The Emporium. Enjoy an on-site visit and learn about career opportuni ties in the field of training and development on Thursday from 1:30-4 p m Sign up today in Room 246, Susan Campbell Hall Space is limited. Transportation is provided / Episcopal students, especially those from Eastern Oregon, are encouraged to come to dinner at Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid St., today at 6:30 p m. The Rev Rusty Kimsey, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Oregon, and several clergy will be there to meet with students. Dinner and fellowship will be followed by Holy Eucharist. A Holocaust memorial will be observed on the lawn by the statue of the Pioneer Woman today from 6-7 p m If it rains, meet at the Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid St. At 8 p.m, the movie "The 81st Blow’" will be shown at Temple Beth Israel. 2550 Portland St. Bring your own candle and candle shield Music by Yitzhak Hankin. Poetry reading: Juan Epple, Uri Hertz and Steven White will read original works and translations tonight at 7:30 at the Homefried Truckstop, 790 E. 14th Ave I Classif ieds 686-43431 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OFFICE MO EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DEADLINES: Acs mini be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ada mat are to appear m Monday A paper must be n by 1 pm Friday The OOE cannot be reaponstole tor more than one day'* Incorrect advertising xtaerlion The OOE s kabrlity tor typographical error* incorrect neeriiont or ommont m advertising published (had be Unwed solely to the cancel' tertion ot charges tor such portion ot space occupied by the error It your ad appears tooorrecSy. caS HMM3 bate re 1 pm tor correction m the next day s nsue RATES: Rales are 1C cents per word tor the ftreldey and 1? cents per word tor coneecw thn days the ad • run nMieiit change. SI SO minimum lor toe Oral Insertion There M NO rehnM tor ad cancoAoMonr PAYMENT: All ads must be paid tor m advance unless a bdlmg agreement has been established with us For Sale FOREIGN COUNTRIES Voltage 220V-50 cycles Doesn't matter which country you re going to we have the right stereo system or television tot your country Our prices are way below regular dealers Even it you re not going overseas our prices are fantastic Out 1982/8? Stereo-TV Catalog has equipment tor the USA and overseas We are the only company specakwg m international systems ot stereo and television Wine today tor tult catalog CONTINENTAL STEREO Dw ot Eepan Ex port Co 101? Main St Vancouver. Washing ton 98660 Send $1 tor postage (refunded with hmoider)4-19 FRENCH MUE SJ.OS/to. (reg $5 76) 1 Oh off all wme in stock April 19-24 only VALENTINE’S WINE • CHEESE N1E1Wi (neat to Fad Creek Bakery) _4-2? GREAT FOR DORM OR FRATERNITY! Regulation pool table Slate top with Canadian green ten and leather pockets Great shape plus accessories Ca»?4?-6497_ 4-21 POWERBILT CITATION left handed golf clubs with bag Excellent condition $150 After 6 pm. ?4? 7228 4-21 NORTH FACE Expeditions backpack $90 ?45-9?91 4 20 Buy/S«ll THE BUY * SELL CENTER has reopened at 341 Weal 5th, upstairs Musical instruments photo equipment, tools stereos and camping gear BUY-SELL-TRADE 628 ME Instruction Employment Workshop What can you do with what you haw9 April 22, Thursday nite 7-10, Unitarian Church Com munity Consultants. Carl Sheppard. 245 2924. Denrws Chandler 996-6194 4-J? 1 Typing EXPERIENCED TYPIST Essays resumes term papers, and graduate work Call Cindy 689-0553 688 MWF EXPERIENCED TYPIST using IBM Selectric HI - Call Mina between 8 am and 11 pm at 726-9824 ?62 MW TYPING DONNA 344-1816 2?26 MW TYPING: 15 yoors experience Papers disser tations. editing IBM Selectric Pick-up and deanery Cl Carole at 000-1001. 2403 tin TYPING UNUMITEO 747-0200 Qred lehoot Approved/QuennNed ^electric Can tor pricing __189tfn PRO TYPING/EDITING On vacation (yippee1) Ml 4/29 JeiHler 405-1003 _491 4-28 PRO TYPING AU. LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectnc Call Barbara 145-0747 495 MWF TYPING/EDITING Cal Judy or Sara _979HFM CYNOTS PROFESSIONAL TYPING Graduate School Approved 007-0324 _ 355MF PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved Neat campus 144 0750. 460 ttn 20 YEARS EXPERCNCE On campus during day IBM Selectric Call 720-7500 anybme _346HFM TYPING GUARANTEED perfect fast Pickup and dekvery Karen, 741-0486 anytime 4-19 COMPUTER WORD PROCESSING by YOUR WORD'S WORTH 142-7540 _525 6-24 HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Computer system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickup/delivery 143-0511-_4-19 TYPING Guranteed perfect, last Pickup / dekvery Karen 741-0486 anytime 4-23 Instruments STEPHENS Stringed Instruments Since 1972 we have hand built fine musical instruments and offered complete repair ser vice 1417%OUVE*2 404-0015 941 MF 1047 GIBSON ACOUSTIC 5650 with case 1964 Fender Princeton $175 683-1695 4-29 Books 00.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% 10 50% off ksl prices New Books-Text Books-Cliff Notes Magazmes USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF a0 new books SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 70S East lltti 5223 :tfn Bicycles Complete Bicycle Overhauls - $22 Includes bearing repack wheel trueing. brake and gear adiustmenl FREEWHEELING BICYCLE REPAIR 631 Fast 14th Ave 683-5204 718 4-19 Services T-SHIRTS Latler SMkscreen Best service design, printing and prices 343-2306 eves ?42 1927._706:4-22 THE EMU CRAFT CENTER sells art and cratt supplies at very reasonable prices wood, photo film paper and chemicals stonewares, stained glass solder, came and copper toil, lewelery saw blades, tiles, silver batik dyes and tiaunlirtg tools, bike patch kits: much more1 Visit us downstairs in the EMU or call 686-4361 722:4-21 Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1427 Pearl Stoef 343-7643 Monday thru Friday 9-6 pm Saturday 9-1 pm 5635 tin Cars/Cycles 1H1 YAMAHA SPECIAL 400 Low miles, like new. burgundy, tuned and ready, make otter Call 344-5387 4-20 Auto Repair SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair MIS SWIFT SHOP 2529 WNtamatta 404-9333 5635:ttn TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Why not let a professional factory trained and certified mechanic give your little car the personal touch in the privacy of his own home workshop’ Single parent responsibilities tor two small children have forced me to quit my lucrative dealership job to bnng you real savings on quality work for Volkswagen and Alta Romeo vehicles Jerry Berger, 344-4000. Travel EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL: Tour Europe lor a month this summer Lowest prices in years Adults and students welcome High school and college credit available For more information call Stan Hultgren at 687-3400 (days) or Kristi San Romani at 484-6451 (evenings) 4-19 Bike France Paris-Medi terranean JUNE 23-JULY 16 36 MI/DAY Avn-620 Mi. Total Charming country mne, medieval hilltop villages. cNff-perched castets. 5-day stay at a village farmhouse, superb cuisine Support vehicle, bike mechanic, exper ienced leaders $1425 Hotels, break fast, and dinners included 10% discount for couples Write Peter Boyton, 24 Upper Circle. Carmel Valley, CA 92924 (408)659-2519_422. LOUISVILLE, KY. FREE. Enroll now in our summer course at Louisville. KY Travel, room, board, scholarships, and $465 No obligation to continue this fail in our 2-year commissioning program; however, most do and you'll be qualified to elect this option For information call 686 3102/3103 765:4-19 Opportunities WORK IN FRANCE, JAPAN. CHINA! No experience, degree, or foreign language required tor most positions Teach conversa tional English Send long, stamped self ad dressed envelope for details ESL-15, PO Box 336. Centraha.WA 98531 4 19 TALENT NEEDED If you're musical, funny or otherwise talented come to McClain Dorm's Coffee House Tuesday 9-11 pm We need entertainment' Call 485-9299 4-23 THE BOOKSTORE'S ANNUAL MEETING for the membership Here's your chance to look beyond the merchanidise and into the man agement Board of Directors nominations will be taken at the meeting, and the annual report will be given Be sure to come (an bring UO ID too, please) April 22. 3 30 341 Gilbert Hall 772 4-22 Help Wanted OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round. Eu rope, S Amer , Australia. Asia All fields $500-$1200 monthly Sightseeing Free info. Write UC Box 52-OR 3 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 4-23 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING AC CEPTED for the position of 1982-83 Oregon Daily Emerald Editor Appiicants should have knowledge of newspaper journalism and of the University of Oregon Term of office is June 8, 1982 through June 7, 1983 Monthly salary begins May 1,1982 Editor must be enrolled for at least 6 credits during three of four terms at the Unviversity of Oregon while in office. Position requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of 35-40 hours per week. Applications are available in the Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returned to the OOE Board of Directors, 300 EMU, PO Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403 before 5 pm April 22. The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Aff irmative Action Employer that operates under the team management concept Women, min orities and the handicapped are encouraged to apply4-22 WANTED: Single guitarist and vocalist, like country, folk and oldies. Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights Call 345-3606 between 7:30 am and 11 am737:4-22 PART-TIME COCKTAIL WAITRESS wanted The Emerald Valley Forrest Inn in Creswell. For an appointment, call 484-6354 740:4-29 ACCOMPANIEST NEEDED tor "Boyfriend rehearsals Hours flexible - eves only Credit can be arranged Call Barb Fraser 686-4171 4-19 NEED HOUSE SITTER for country home, June 10 to July 3 998-6652 4-20 WORK-STUDY Research Assistant needed Learn valuable research skills working on a school-based smoking prevention assessment team Off campus, will train, enthusiasm necessary $4 hour, 15-20 hours weekly. For more information contact Cheri at 484-2123. 4-20 FOR A GOOD TIME CALL EXT. 4351 Meet people while gaining experience working in busy office Arrange hours around YOUR schedule Position available for work-study person doing reception work, typing, filing Contact Trudy or Phil, room 327 EMU, ext 43S1.755:4-21 TROUBLE BY RISING TUITION and financial aid cuts? Last summer students in our summer work program averaged $1240 a month Must be willing to work hard and relocate tor the summer For an interview, leave and and phone » 1726-1883 4-23 WORK-STUDY POSITIONS Earn $4 64/hr for tutoring Finance 311,314, 389, Accounting 351,360, Economics 375, 416, Genetics 424, D C 330, Sociology 327, Speech 123, French-2nd, 3rd year Gain valuable exper ience and letter of recommendation. Call E.O.P. ext 3232.693 4-20 WORK AT HOME |obs available! Substantial earnings possible Call 504-641-8003, ext 986 tor information 4-19 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Agency's recreation and pre-vocational programs Tuesdays-Satur days ESCAPE credits possible Call Rick Thomas 485-6340._4-23 BUSY THIS SUMMER? It you have six weeks free, you can compete for one of 300 two-year scholarships, receive round-trip air travel to Louisville, KY, plus room, board and $465 Learn more, call 686-3102/3103 765 4-19 START AT THE TOP Sell Avon We re the world s largest direct-selling company Call now 746-6422.683-4718. 458 ttn KEYBOARD/GUITARIST/BACK-UP vucalisi for performing rock band Must have equip ment and understanding of music Call 689-403.1 after 5 4-23 Roommates NEED A PLACE? HAVE A PLACE? Screened people need you now! $20 fee, 6 month membership Don't take chances UNITED ROOMMATES 747-7337 Everyday 11-8 pm FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 2 bedroom furnished apt Easy bike ride to campus $120 month plus 'h utilities. LeJune, 344-3020, message, 342-6056 4-19 ROOMMATE NEEDED: Large 3 bdrm house w/2 fireplaces, dishwasher, Ig. backyard 6 blks from campus. $132 Mimi or Amy, 344-1575.4-20 ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bedroom house. $139 month, split utilities Garage, fenced yard Available May 1 683-1398 4-21 ROOMMATE WANTED to share nice 3 be droom Hendricks Park hous. $132/month. Mile from campus Large yard, garage Non smoker 683-6693.4-20 $50 OFF 3rd month rent. Beautiful home. 2 blocks from campus, private large room with fireplace, laundry $130. Angie, 683-8978. 4-22 HOT TUB? One or 2 roommates wanted to share 4 bedroom house 1W baths, laundry, 2 fireplaces, decks. $160. Dana eves., 344-3354, days 686-3712.4-21 FREE RENT April 19-30. Share gracious 3 bedroom house near campus, jogging and bike paths with two Australian grad student. Quiet area, fireplace, furnishings if needed $132. 683-6024 or 343-7449.4-21 ROOMMATE WANTED to share large 2 bdr house 4 blocks from campus, washer/dryer, dishwasher Fireplace, big backyard, garage and more. $140/mo. plus utilities. Call 344-5387 4-20 For Rent SHARP 3141 WMamette Two bedroom in 6-plex Carpet, drapes. fuHy applianced Off-street parking, laundry facili ties. $209 plus deposit. ALSO •11 EaaUHti One bedroom with carpet, drapes, range, refrigerator, off-street parking, laundry facilites $189 plus deposit Manager 345-8387 IPM CO„ REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-4252 __691 :ttn CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1870 ONYX Studio Drapes, appliances $189 IPM CO., REALTOR 1M5 HIGH ST. 485-8252 927:ttn MCKENZIE TOWNHOUSES 17th and Hays. Two bedroom, 114 baths, appliances, carpet, drapes. $249. Manager 484- 5386 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 _174:tfn 285 EAST 18th One bedroom with drapes, range, refrigerator, off-street parking Laundry facilities. $169 plus deposit IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 389: ttn HILYARD APARTMENTS 971-975 HUyard Close to campus Interesting, personable and homey one bedroom apartments Convenient to campus Amenities include off-street parking and luandry facilities $190 Manager 485- 0721 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 609tfn 745 EAST 15th Two bedroom apartment V> block from cam pus Spacious and comfortable $280 plus $150 fully refundable deposit Manager 343-2081 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 _390:tfn PERFECT LOCATION University Manor 19th and High Large one and two bedroom apartments Appliances, carpeting and hard wood floors Parking, laundiy facilities $205 and $245 Manager 683-1276 IPM CO., REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 608 tfn