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On Wednesday, the final piece will be put in place, revealing our name, and the solution to your puzzle. emerald -inter/national Its Haig peace shuttle heads into third day BUENOS AIRES, Argentina Secretary of State Alexander Haig’s attempt to avert war over the Falkland Islands stretched into a third day Sunday The Argentines were pessimistic, but Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker said in Washing ton there was a "new dimen sion" to the talks Argentine Foreign Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez said the only positive factor “is the fact that the negotiations continue McKenzie Coffee Moetlity Special 10% off House Blend Coffee through April |Co(lee by the cup Wt are in the ®* | Mayflower Burtdmg^a ^ .782 E.11lh. 342-207 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT Now serving LUNCH Monday thru Friday 11-4 SOUP & SALADS Salad served with your choice of Oil & Vinegar, Blue Cheese, Thousand Island or French Dressing 1. Tossed Green Salad . $.95 2. Chef s Salad . $2.30 Tomato, Egg, Cheddar Cheese & Ham 3. Soup and Salad . Jl.40 Garden fresh vegetables served with a cup of soup. 4. Bowl of Soup . Jl_50 Different soup made daily. k _ COMBINATION Make your own combination plate bv choosing one item from each group below. A. B-B-Q Pork Fried Rice B. Pork Chow Mein C. Sweet & Sour Chicken Wings 1. Braised Bean Curd • S2-50 2. Beef Broccoli • $2.80 3. Sweet and Sour Pork • $.245 4. Shrimp Egg Rolls • $2.40 5. Pineapple Sweet and Sour Chicken • $3.00 6. Three Shreds with Bean Sprouts • $2.65 Shredded Pork, Bamboo, Black Wood Ear and Bean Sprouts 7. Fried Mushrooms • $2.10 8. Sweet and Sour Fish • $2 JO 9. Curry Beef • $2.80 10. Special of the Day 7 The Race is NOT over . . . See the candidates at the ASCJO Presidential Debate TODAY at 1 P.M. in the emu, room to be announced. What is not so positive is that there has been no definite pro gress. We still believe that negotiation is better than war and we re putting all our efforts behind the talks " Argentine air force C-130 transports continued to ferry men and war material to the Falklands as a British fleet of some 40 vessels approached from the north Official sources estimated about 9,000 Argen tine soldiers, supported by armored vehicles and anti-air craft guns, were on the islands seized from Britain April 2 Britain's ambassador to the United States. Nicholas Hen derson, told Cable News Network in Washington that he believed Haig prolonged his talks in Buenos Aires because he “must have run into con siderable intransigence" on the part of the Argentines Baker, R-Tenn , on CBS' “Face The Nation," said: "There is some ray of hope now There is a new dimension in the conversations and they are pur suing it at this moment There is some hope that it may produce some break in the negotia tions " He declined to specify what the new element was Sources close to the Argen tine Foreign Ministry said Haig has proposed Argentina with draw its troops from the islands and Bntain order its fleet back to England American diplomat smooths snags JERUSALEM Deputy Secretary of State Walter Stoessel shuttled back to Israel from Egypt on Sunday seeking to smooth out the last snags in Israel's Sinai with drawal Tension mounted among op ponents of the withdrawal as Jewish extremists, most believed to be Americans, threatened to kill themselves if the army tries to evacuate them from the Israeli town of Yamit, in the Sinai Israel Radio said the govern ment had decided to begin the evacuation of Yamit on Monday Stoessel was to meet with Begin later Sunday He said on leaving Cairo that he was confident of success, and at the airport in Israel he said he looked forward “to going over again where we now stand and the progress we have made ” He was expected to remain here through the Wednesday Cabinet meeting and the arrival of Egyptian Foreign Minister Kamal Hassan Aly. The most serious dispute remaining is over the precise demarcation of the border. The dispute involves about 1,000 yards of coast on the Gulf of Aqaba and 14 other points along the peace frontier In Yamit, in the section to be ceded to Egypt, about a dozen ultra-nationalists passed a note ' out of a bomb shelter, where they have locked themselves in, saying that every tviib hours one of them would commit suicide and the last one alive would open fire on the troops Solidarity broadcast boldest action yet WARS A W, Poland The broadcast by "Radio Solidarity" lasted only 8% min utes over 70 1 on the FM dial, but it was the boldest action yet by Poland's underground union movement Until that clandestine broad cast April 12, Solidarity's un derground activities were con fined to the distribution of crudely printed, often hard to read leaflets and bulletins passed hand-to-hand But despite the broadcast, the first by the independent union since it was suspended when Gen Wojciech Jaruzelski de clared martial law Dec. 13, the union underground is still small "The goals of the union at the moment remain obscure," a Polish journalist said "Having been driven underground, it has also had its aims reduced to the status of pious wishes ‘ Said another Pole who has had contact with independent unionists "Whenever you speak to these people, they al ways say that they are getting ready for a general protest and that they will never give up "But they probably don’t know themselves yet what this general protest should be like and when it should take place." "Radio Solidarity" limited it self to reminding Poles not to forget the interned union ac tivists, including leader Lech Walesa, and to douse their lights for 15 minutes starting at 9 p m on April 13, which marked the fourth month of martial law Few lights went out in several districts that could be observed that night, but candles burned in many windows. A Solidarity leaflet had urged the lighting of candles