Evolution theory debated A lecture and discussion on the controver sies surrounding Darwin's theory of evolution will be held tonight as a fund-raising activity for the University's natural history museum. The lecture - entitled "100 Years after Dar win - Why Darwinism?" will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Room 150 Geology Today is the 100th anniver sary of the death of Charles Darwin, the English naturalist who in 1858 propounded the theory of the evolution of species through natural selec tion. Tickets are $3 and are available at the EMU Main Desk and the natural history museum. University Pres Emeritus Robert Clark will moderate the program, including the question and answer portion. David Wagner, director of the University herbarium, will present the evolution ary biologist's view, while Scott Chambers, assis tant chemistry and physics professor at George Fox College in Newberg, will present the crea tionist's view. Chambers, who holds a doctoral degree in physical chemistry from Oregon State University, is expected to discuss the role of intelligence in the development and utilization of genetic codes, and will try to place the question of geochron ology in perspective He also will deal with the charge that creationism is nothing but religion in disguise. Wagner, who uses evolutionary theory in his research on plants, will explain why scientists typically ignore creationist theory. PRECISION HAIRWORKS 343-1182 no appointments 29 th & Willamette 2 30-6:00 Mon.-Fri . . . « * 9=30*5:00 Saturday (behind Patty’s Pizza) coupon good thru May1 1982 Tax resisters collect Many people don't pay their income taxes, but not many want to admit it Peace Concerned Tax Con sultants, however, is vocal about tax resistance Members — opposing military spending — refuse to pay federal income taxes Of federal taxes, 53 percent goes to military-related expen ditures, says co-founder John Koehn. This figure doesn't in clude the CIA, nuclear weapons technology produced by the energy department, or other government organizations that aid the military and are funded by the federal government, he adds Peace Concerned Tax Con sultants emerged from tax re sistance workshops held in the past four months Despite small membership — 15 — it is the largest Eugene tax resistance group in a decade. Koehn says People do not join the group to shirk their responsibilities. Koehn says, but because of “deeply held moral beliefs." They believe that the federal government's emphasis on the military is not “life-giving" or "socially uplifting " While conscientious objec tors have the right to refuse being drafted, “the money is still being drafted," he says. "There are some risks in volved," says Koehn The government acts as a “big col lection agency" and sends let ters that become increasingly threatening The penalties are something each person "con tinually weighs out at each step of the way," he says, adding that some members are adamant about refusing to pay anything, while others withold a small portion as a symbolic state ment r Correction A recent Emerald story incorrectly stated that IFC candidate Dale Penegor thought the IFC should not be told by the athletic department how its ASUO subsidy is being spent. Penegor believes the ath letic department should tell the IFC how it is spending student funds. N. Stunning the Senses with Orchestrated Images and Sounds — Oregon Magazine loin Mountain Visions in a magical montage of wilderness adventures and nature's power places. A multi-image stereo concert produced and presented by CARY Q GRIMM & KATY FLANAGAN EMU Ballroom FREE 7 pm Mon., April 19th Two New Shows “Yellowstone Plateau” Images of geysers, waterfalls, lakes and wildlife in the high plateau. “Chase the Clouds Away” From winter in the outback to summer and whitewater . . from jazz to rock & roll. I s V Sponsored by tha Survival Cantor SPORTING GOODS SALE! Speedo Swim Goggles Reg. $4.50 NOW $2.99 Marathon Backpack Reg.$T0:95 NOW $5.48 All Racketball JL Squash Rackets 20% Off All Racketballs Squash Balls 20% Off Sandals Vi Price - All Styles FRAME IT NOW SALE! All colored Redi-Mats All Wood Picture Frames All Metal Picture Frames All Frame Sections (Includes new wooden sectional frames) NOW 20% Off In the Art Department Film & Film Processing 126 FOR ('.(HUM PRINTS UAYUGHJ IVP£ fujicolorF Fuji 12-EXP Reg. $2.40 NOW $1.59 13th & KmcakJ Mon*Fli 7:30-5:30 Sale ends 4/30/82 Sat 10:00-3:00 LlmW to stock on hand Textbooks 888-8S28 • General Books 6M-351Q • Supplies 888-4311 5*7 COLOR ENLARGEMENT Fromyour u«ufiie slide or C 41 process negative One we slide or negative only QHei Eiprrei On* Coupon Pe* Customer Hedevr'mMt Casn Value |<30 ul One Coni | COUPON MUSI »CC0MP»N» ORDtR COLOR REPRINTS ' P*»l lunil ttt Oiler One Coupon Per Cuslomei RdMniWli i. j»r> Value 1 20 •'[ Out- v •-■il [ coupon MUSI RCC0MPAN1 ORDI h »8gS8 Spring is coming!