Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1982, Page 8, Image 8

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174 East Broadway
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Hawk plans to retire
after 32 years here
Ray Hawk, vice president for
administration and finance,
plans to retire at the end of the
After weathering 32 years of
service that have seen him
through times of expansion,
rebellion and severe budget
cuts, he's ready to step aside
and let some else take over his
"hot seat" position
Hawk says he has enjoyed his
job's uncertainties and has
thrived on the controversy The
times of greatest excitement —
but also of greatest concern —
were during the unrest of the
late 1960s and the early 1970s
"when you never knew when
you were going to have a sit-in
and the students (would) try to
occupy the building."
"I’ve been in this office with
rocks coming through my win
dow,” Hawk says
However, the growth and
development of the University
has been the most satisfying
part of his job, he says
The current budget crisis has
been "kind of like walking down
stairs," Hawk says
The latest step will come in
the form of deferment of salary
increases and unpaid time away
from jobs, he says. About 85
percent of the University's bud
get goes for salaries, and that
means staff positions inevit
ably suffer when the budget is
Over the past two years, the
University has lost about 60
faculty members and 40 or 50
classified personnel, including
secretaries, janitors and phy
sical plant employees. Hawk
Regarding the opening that
will be created when he leaves,
Hawk says he believes it will be
"an opportunity to save more
money toward the budget
deficit" if his position will be left
open for the remainder of the
fiscal year
Hawk, who was briefly acting
president when Charles John
son died in an auto accident in
1969, has been in his current
position for the past 12 years
For retirement, he and his wife
plan to travel and spend more
time at their beach home
University conducts
management forum
A program aimed at helping
management executives in
crease productivity and profits
is being offered this summer by
the University s graduate school
in management
University faculty and busi
ness leaders will conduct the
Executive Management Pro
gram Aug 16-20 at the Univer
sity business administration
“This is the only extensive
strategic management program
to be offered by a major univer
sity in the Northwest this year,"
said James Reinmuth, dean of
the business college
Major topics will be strategic
planning, financial and market
ing management, economic
planning and human resource
In view of the declining in
dustrial growth rate in America,
program faculty also will dis
cuss recently successful
Japanese productivity strat
fhe program fee of $1,200
includes all transportation,
course materials, single-unit
lodging, meals, social hours
and recreation
For additional information,
call Reinmuth at 686-3300
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