Lost/Found LOST: Gold chain wllh nuggets Sentimental value Reward Frances, 345-1250 4-16 LOST: Brown wallet and ID Reward Ext 4?94, Susan 4-20 Market Basket BEE POLLEN High energy tood for active people Also Sptrulina powder. Propolis & Royal Jelly 12S E. 11th Honey Heaven 344-S831I Service • Quality "Economy 576HF Food/Drink EARLY BIRD SPECIAL M am 2 eggs, homefnes & toast tor $1 95 THE HOMEFRCD TRUCKSTOP 14th and Alder 745 UF Events "JOHN BE LUSH! ON CAMPUS REVISITED" B/W photos shot on location of Animal House Prints available at GRAPHIC ALLY YOURS' "Computerized Pictures & Gilts 1128 AMer 343-4343 667 4-20 EMU Cultural Forum invites you to the OREGON SHAKESPEAREAN FES TIVAL JULIUS CAESER SPOKESONG WINGS I a rials t*n~ SeL Sun. - May 28-30 Please call if interested1 Ask tor Frank at 880-4378. *We need a minimum ot 15 interested people by Monday. April 19 We will help in pooling transportation Meals and lodging will be your responsibility 74? 4-16 ' u.a. uu i w El Salvador SAT., APRIL 24 March and rally featuring speaker trom FDR El Salvador San Francisco Mime Troupe 10:30 am START 13th A KINCAID 12 NOON RALLY FEDERAL BLDG. The April 24th Coalition includes over 1 17 co sponsoring and endorsing University /community groups Attend march and rally then come to 8 pm Mime Troupe program 1230 Madison and 10 pm Party/Dance 591 High St benetil tor El Salvador reliel 741 4-2? NEXT THURSDAY. APRIL 22 is the Book store s Annual meeting It you want to be on the Board ol Director s tor the Bookstore come to the meeting It you wonder how the Bookstore operates be sure to attend it's your chance to look beyond the merchandise and into the management April 22. 3 30 341 Gilbert Hall 752 4-16 JERRY RUST will speak m front of the fish bowl 12 noon today___4-16 THE EMU OUTDOOR PROGRAM is spon soring 3 free bicycle touring workshops Workshops start at 7 pm at the Outdoor Program APRIL 26 - Skde presentation about 10 local cyclists recent 10 day bike tour ot the San Juan Islands m Washington state Plus a description ol local routes and upcoming regional bicycle events APRIL 21 - Discussion on touring equipment clothing supplies and camping gear APRIL 22 - Basic bicycle maintenance with emphasis on "on the road' repair Call 686-436$ 746 4-22 ANNOUNCING THE OREGON SYMPOSIUM ON COURT REORGANIZATION Saturday, 9 am - 3 pm University or Oregon Law School. Speakers and panelists include Chief Justice Arno Denecke Associate Justice Hans Linde ot the Oregon Supreme Court Chief Judge George Joseph ot the Court ot Appeals State Sen. Ted Kulongoski State Rep. Bill Rutherford and many other prominent court and state leaders Free admission 698 4-16 MOTHER'S DAY 10 KILOMETER ROAD RUN Saturday. May 18th 8:30 am island Park, Springfield T-shirts, numerous merchandise prizes and refreshments All pre-registered moms receive a carnation Register at Nike Eugene, Feels, and Stu's Locker Room Cost $7 before May 1, $8 alter' For more into call 746-1669' 596 4-16 Entertainment The Ananda Marga Society HERMAN HESSE’S Steppenwolf Hesae s fin# nrfcel about a man who is torn between his " respectable1 sett and his lower nature is brilliantly brought to life in this highly-unusuat cinematic experience Harry Haller, the Steppen wolf. struggles to understand the nature ot sett and reality, he tmally stumbles into the Magic Theatre in one ot the most mind-boggling sequences ever put on Him SATURDAY, APRIL 17 7 A 9:30 PM 107 LAWRENCE SI .SO __713 4-16 SUFI CIRCLE PRESENTS DIVINE MADNESS Bette Midler's unique mixture ot music, comedy, dance and clowning is the subteci. character and plot ot this wild movie Stomp along and scream with the Divine Miss M" and her funky Hartettes in this bewdy screen version of her raucous concerts SATURDAY, APRIL 17 7 A (PM 1 SO GEOLOGY SI .SO/SI cNMran 739 4-16 The Original Motion Picture M*A*S*H with Robert Duvall and Donald Suth erland. also Elliot Gould SATURDAY. APRIL 17 7.9.A11PM 177 LAWRENCE Admission $1 .SO 4-16 BUOU MIONTTE DANCE CRAZE At last the movie you ve all been waiting tor1 Featuring the best ol British "Ska" • Bad Manners, The English Beat, The Body Snatchers and more' Wednesday St Thursday Rocky Horror $2 Friday & Saturday $2 50 Sunday Matinee ?:?0 pm $2 Next April 21 -24 The Harder They Come April 28-May 1 No Nukes 728 4-16 The U of O HAWAII CLUB presents their annual HAWAIIAN LUAU THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 18 EMU BALLROOM AUTHENTIC HAWAIIAN FOOD AND ENTERTAINMENT An enjoyable evening for all DINNER SHOW S PM General $7 50 Students $6 50 Children & Senior Citizens $5 50 ENTERTAINMENT ONLY 2 PM All tickets S? Tickets available now at U of O Bookstore GET THEM TODAY! Tickets wt* not be sold at the door 7?2 4-16 CINEMA 7 10th & Olive-Atrium Building 687-0733 PREMIERE-MUST END APRIL 22 EL SALVADOR ANOTHER VIETNAM 1982 Academy Award nominee This stunning documentary examines the civil war in El Salvador It includes archive and TV material trom six countries, providing an overview of American policy in Central America since 1948, and new footage showing the background to the current political crisis Co-directed by Glenn Silber (War at Home) and Tele Vasconcellos The narration is by Mike Farrell (B.J on Mash) Plus the short AMER ICAS IN TRANSITION SHOWTIMES Complete showings ot both lilms at 7:30* 9:15 PM Red Adm Mat Sun 2 pm FRI-SAT MIDNITE ONLY Marilyn Chambers newest X-rated INSATIABLE X, over 18, ID required 750:4-22 ***' ncKf?*J»)' Sf > (Sun •Tn®®* ip OOe* ^ A*JT?°*?5o u« •Stflgen *°cK?£y£R ss^sSS*" 'serve ^"uou ills 9l°*i»ne Tn# Ananda Marys Society RICHARD PRYOR and GENE WILDER in STIR CRAZY Pryor and Wilder have great comic chemistry ' hi this very tunny film about two show biz hopefuls who find them selves framed tor a bank heist and railroaded into the state pen Our heroes tough guy' entrance into a swarming tail cell is one of the funniest scenes in recent memory "Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor are the best come team to hit the screen since Laurel and Hardy " ABC-TV FRIDAY, APRIL 1« 7 A *30 PM ISO GEOLOGY S1.S0 714 4-16 Saturday, Apri! 17, 9 pm RED ROCKIT Rock ft Roll Band t the Pour House Tavern 444 N. 42nd, SpftngAetd • NO COVER - 4-16 Monte Carlo Night aftne Valley River Inn FRIDAY, APRIL 23 *30 pm2:30 am Dancing, games galore, complimentary food, and flowers Ticket holders from the last MV LTD function will be allowed in for free $3 per person Presented by MV LTD 749 4-2? THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM o LUCKY MAN! Malcolm McDowell stars as the hero who decides that 'darn it< I'm gonna make it Fresh from his virtuoso in Kubrick s A Clockwork Orange, he's the lucky man on his tourney through life, symbolizing man's reliance on late to form his des tiny A comic, cynical, picaresque masterpiece about the exciting and twisted average" life Presented by the EMU Cultural Forum FRIDAY. APRIL 15 7 4 10 PM 180 PLC $1.50 747 4-16 COMMITTEE FOR MUSICAL ARTS In Recital HARPIST HEIDI LEHWALDER She is a resourceful and sensitive musician as well as a thoroughly accomplished virtuoso ” New York Times Wednesday, April 21 Beall Had 8 pm School of Music Tlcfcats 84.50 83.50 students A seniors 754:4-21 COMMITTEE FOR MUSICAL ARTS presents Music from other Cultures JAVANESE GAMELAN and PUPPET SHOW Sunday, April 25 Bead Concert Had 2 pin School of Mutlc Tickets 83 82 students A seniors 753 4-2? TONIGHT Seance On A Wet Afternoon Kim Stanley Richard Attenborough 8pm Yellow Jack Robert Montgomery Virginia Bruce 11 pm KOZY cable TV 11 761:4-16 Diana's presents "MODERN MONO" Eugene's only new rock radio show KLCC 89 FM, Friday. 11 30 pm Not tor the faint of heart. 760:4-16 THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents Breathless Jean-luc Godard helped start the French New Wave of the early sixties with this, his first film A shy, mysterious film. Breathless is about the relationship between a spoiled American woman in Paris and her French lover. He's a small-time crook and his crimes even tually cause him to be killed, fostering that famous Godardian quote, "You really are a little bitch " A landmark in alternative cinema, and the first film of a modem film master SUNOAY, APRIL 18 7 A 9:30 PM 180 PLC 81-50 748:4-16 YWCA PRESENTS Jane Fonda in A DOLL’S HOUSE Henrik Ibsen's play has been a starnng vehicle for world famous actresses Nazimova. Laurette Taylor, Ruth Gor don, Helen Hayes. Peggy Ashcroft, have aU interpreted the part of "Nora Helmer'1 Nora's search for individuality and its correspondence with modern feminism was an obvious attraction to Jane Fonda This production was filmed en tirely on location, utilizing interiors of houses in the town of Boros, Norway, a starkly beautiful one-time copper mining center which has remained relatively unchanged since the mid-19th century period of Ibsen s play FRIDAY, APRIL 16 7 A • PM 177 LAWRENCE S1.S0/6.75 children 725:4-16 Personals VIDA BARN RENTALS Under new management Fantastic dance, party or picnic location. Reasonable rates 896-3889 or 342-7272. 409 ttn BETTER DAYS for PROGRESSIVE FASHION To get you in the swing for spring, Better Days tor Progressive Fashion is having a spring sale on all clothing in the store Hurry in, sale ends April 16 770 EAST 11 th Mon Fri 10:30-5:30 Saturday 11-5 __575:4-16 WANTED: Essays, poetry, illustrations, etc. tor publication Payment upon pubiicaton Please submit manuscripts to Pipers. PO Box 3437, Eugene, 97403 or call 683-7143 for more in formation 4 19 Vf PRICE ON SPORT SHOES Baseball, football Reg $24 95-548 95 Spalding, Puma & Spt Bill Get free pair ot gym shorts with each purchase! Teams welcome GOOD BUYS OF EUGENE 360 East 15th Ave. 344-0140 707 4-19 HAIR TODAY HAS A HAIR SALON for men and women in the EMU by the Rec. Center We do haircuts, styled perms, color and free consultations Call M7-1347 or stop by tor appointments. 068 tfn Horseback Ridina HAYRIOES • BARN DANCES C Bow Arrow Ranch 345-5*43 _ 370:MWF PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U ot O telephone hotline, 24 hours/7 days, strictly confidential. Call «**44W.779.MF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy testing Birthright. 687-8651. _ 4685F MAKE MONEY! flEcycinq Your ChHhtf! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appointment. 344-7039 3*0 E. 11th 1881UWF PLANNED PARENTHOOD for PAP smears, birth control (pills, diaphragms. lUDs, con doms, foams) and counseling Day and even ing appointments. Call M-F 344-M11 156WF A FREE WAY TO SAY THANKS Do you have a professor who makes you leap out of bed to get to class, and never want to be late? Who inspires you to dedicate yourself to your studies? Who makes you think and want to learn? Who is simply a great teacher? Count your blessings - and nominate this person for the Annual Ersted Distinguished Teaching Award. It's one way you can say "thanks.'' It only takes a moment, but it makes a great difference to the professor It says, "keep up the good workt" Pick up nomination forms at the ASUO office right away; deadline is Friday, April 23. 683:4-23 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DANCE MARATHON AND ALL-NIQHT DANCE April 23 and 24,8 pm to 8 am. McKenzie Room. Valley River Inn. Pledge sheets available in 111 Susan Campbell Hall All-night dance costs $1 50 Door prizes lor all dancers Weekends at the Valley River Inn, The Embarcadero. and Driftwood Shores for top marathon money earners 726:4-16 STAFF NEEDED Camp Namanu on beautiful Sandy River Cooks, counselors and waterfront positions available. Contact Twila Jordahl, 485-9844 evenings, for info and applications.4-23 NEED TO MEND YOUR CLOTHES? Fix your bike? Build a bookcase? Make a coffee mug? We can help you with this and much more at the EMU Craft Center, downstairs in the EMU. Stop by next time you need a break, or call 686-4361_ 724:4-21 ROOTBEER MUGGER Fri., April 16th, 8 pm, at the Philadelphia House on the corner of 19th and University St. all you can drink (rootbeer), eat and DANCE!! Only $1__4-16 I DON’T HAVE HERPES and 2000 other badges at Diana's. 126 Broadway, downtown mail.759:4-16 PIERRE Meet me at noon for a chocolate egg cream at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard LOUTA128:tfn GERRY T. (BOOM BOOM) Sir! Lost at sea my heart one year ago two survivors found. Ahoy matie! I'll continue to hoist your anchore into port, if you keep swabbing my decks May we set sail for another great year Happy Anniversary Love. YOUR SHIPMATE 4-1S HOT LIPS I'll see you in 177 Lawrence Saturday to see if you're really a true blond! HAWKEVE Mash 4077th.4-16 THE PIKES invite all Ruehees and woman to a Friday at 5 blowout4-16 COME SAY GOODBYE to Owen Englemann Saturday night at the Rugby party.4-16 RICK BRANSON I wanted to advertise, but I knew you'd kill me. Don't work too hard. I love you SB2B 4-16 Happy 21er Susie T. from the gang LA. D.L. A T.S. 4-16 CHI-O PLEDGES We love you aill THE MEMBERS 4-16 CONGRATS Ursula Bishop and Mark Johnson on your engagement Best wishes. THE THETAS 4-16 PHI PSI From the pancakes in the morning to imported beer at night PM Pal we are warning you Alpha Chf't know how to party right.751:4-16 ATTENTION LACROSSE GROUPIES U of O Lacrosse Club challenges Oregon State this Saturday at 1 30 on the 18th and Agate playing field All spectators are invited to post game function Sponsored by Club Sports 757:4-16 Duck Bucks Coupon book with over $400 in values for just $9.95. Call 689-3344 for free locaTdeirvery"1" Your purchase helps support the U of O _athletic program