Instruments > STEPHENS Stringed Instruments Since 1972 we have hand built line musical instruments and offered complete repair ser vice 1417% OLIVE *2 484-0615 _941 MF 1947 GIBSON ACOUSTIC $650 with case 1964 Fender Pnnceton $175 682-1695 4 -29 <0.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% oft list prices New Books-Text Books-Ckff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF aH new books SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 522?:tfn Bicycles BIKE SALE Sekai 1000 10-speed (AHoy wheels, suntour parts) $25 OFF Onty $215 WOamette Vaky CYCLE WORKS (S3 East 13th 343-7086 __696 4-16 RALJEGH 23" rebuilt with new part $175 or otlef 465-9682, Aten4-16 Complete Bicycle Overhauls - $22 Includes beanng repack. wheel truemg. brake and gear ad|usfment FREEWHEELING BICYCLE REPAIR 631 East 14th, Ave 683-5204 7184 19 GOVERNMENT SURPLUS CARS AND TRUCKS n-any sc«3 through loca; sates, unae' $300 Can t-714-569-0241 tor your directory or now to purchase Open 24 hours 4 -16 1978 VW RABBIT C Regular gas stereo overall excellent condition must set 223C-4 Patterson 485-8590 4-16 76 YAMAHA 650 Must sen $800 or best otfe' 683 6292 4-16 SAAB anc VOLVO maintenance and repan M & B SWIFT SHOP 2329 Willamette 484-9333 5635 tfn STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights. Euraiipasses Britrail passes Int! student ID cards tours Pooks insurance AYH cards work programs and much more Cali CIEE Student Travel (206)632-2448 4-J6 EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL Tour Europe for a month this summer Lowest prices in years Adults and students welcome High school and college credit available For more information call Stan Huttgren at 687-3400 (days) or Kristi San Romani at 484-6451 (evertings.i 4-19 Wanted ALASKAN PRINCIPAL/TEACHER couple wishes to rent 2-3 bdrm nicer home pleasant neighborhood near college preferred comple lely furnished mcl dishes and linens about June 15 to Aug 14 Wnte soon, no phones here, mail stow Jan Williams. Pouch L. Ket chikan. AK 99901 4-16 Opportunities WORK IN FRANCE, JAPAN, CHINA! No experience, degree or foreign language required lor most positions Teach conversa tional English Send long, stamped self addressed envelope tor details ESL-15, PO Box 236, Centraha WA 985314-19 EAT FOR $2.50 A DAY At Student s Cooperative Association you can eat three meats a day tor $2 50 Stop by 1670 or 1790 Aider St677:4-16 EARN CREDIT WHILE FILLING AN IMPORTANT COMMUNITY NEED! The ESCAPE Field Studies Program still has placements tor spring term Volunteers are needed to work in several community service agencies like Switchboard, Womenspace juvenile corrections, special education programs, and many more Register this week in the EMU lobby or tbe ESCAPE oftice - 327 EMU. Of can us at ext. 4351. 708:4-16 EARN UPPER DIVISION CREDIT while help ing oul in schools Volunteers are needed tor ESCAPE practicums working in Eugene/S pringfietd schools classroom work tutoring, ESL, coaching, and many more1 Be sure to register this week in the EMU lobby or call us at ext 4351 730:4-16 WOMEN S SOCCER Wanted "EXPERIENCED" forward to compete n Eugene Sports Program 484-4015 tor in formation4-16 SENIORS TIME'S RUNNING OUT Graduation's almost here Check with the Peace Corps about work opportunities nght after graduation Don't wait it's later than you think_ 744 4-_16 TALENT NEEDED It you're musical, tunny or otherwise talented come to McClain Dorm's Coffee House Tuesday 9-11 pm We need entertainment! Call 485-9299 4-2? Help Wanted AVON TOO MANV BILLS? Excellent earning oppor tunity Part-time fuH-time For more informa tion. call 746-6422 458:ttn OVERSEAS JOBS Summer r year round Eu rope, S Amer , Australia. Asia All fields $500-51200 monthly Sightseeing Free into Write UC Box 52-OR ? Corona Del Mar CA 92625 4-2? APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED for the position of 1982-8? Oregon Daily Emerald Editor Applicants should have knowledge of newspaper tourna tem and of the University of Oregon Term of office IS June 6 1962 through June 7. 198? Monthly salary begins May 1.1962 Editor must be enrolled tor at least 6 credits during three of tour terms at the Unvwersity of Oregon while in office Position requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of ?5-40 hours per week Applications are available in the Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returned to fie OOE Board of Directors. ?00 EMU. PO Box ?159 Eugene OR 9740? before 5 pm Apnl 22 The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Affirma tive Action Employer that operates under the team management concept Women mmori ties and the handicapped are encouraged to apply4-22 WANTED: Hashers /dishwashers tor a sorority house Call ?42-4150 tor more information 4-16 WANTED: Single guitanst and vocalist like country folk and oldies Thursday. Friday and Saturday nights Call ?45-?606 between 7 ?0 am and 11 am7?7:4-22 PART-TIME COCKTAIL WAITRESS wanted The Emerald Valley Forrest Inn in Creswell For an appointment call 484-6?54 740 4-29 ACCOMPANIEST NEEDED 'or Boyfriend rehearsals Hours flexible - eves only Credit can be arranged Cal! Barb Fraser 686-4171 4-19 NEED HOUSE SITTER lor country none June 10 to July 2 998-6652 4-26 WORK-STUDY Research Assistant needed Learr. valuable research siciis working on a school based smolung prevention assessment team Oft campus ml tram enthusiasm necessary $4 hour, 15-20 hours a rev , Tor more information contact Cheri af 464-2122 FOB A GOOD TIME CALL EXT. 4351 people white gaming experience working in Dusy office Arrange hours around YOUR schedule Position available for worn-study person doing reception work typing fifing Contact Trudy ot Phil room 22 EM ext 4251 755 4-21 JOB INFORMATION a DVB seas Alaska S20 000 to S50.000 possipie 602-998-0426 Dep* 0294 Phone call refundaote 4-2? NEED A PLACE? HAVE A PLACE? Screened people need you now S20 fee 6 month membership Don't taxe chances UNITED ROOMMATES 747-7337 Everyday 11-« pm 828:tfn FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED . bedroom apartments near campus $145 monthly plus ’/? utilities 244-6594_4-16 ROOMMATE WANTED to fill lour person home on 12th & Mill Washer dryer dishwasher lireplace $120/month 682-902?_4-16 $132 TO SHARE pleasant 2-bedroom house 2 blocks from campus with 2 male Australian grad student Quiet spacious c (replace wood doors 682-6029 242-7449 4-16 1 OR 2 ROOMMATES wanted to share 4 bedroom house w/1 other Two fireplaces, 1 'h bath laundry facilities hot tub and deck $ 160 Mature independent person desired After 6 344-2254 4-16 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 2 bedroom furnished apt Easy bike ride to campus $120 month plus 'h utilities LeJune, 244-2020, message. 342-6056 4-19 ROOMMATE NEEDED: Large 2 bdrm house w/2 fireplaces dishwasher, Ig backyard 6 blks from campus $132 Mimt or Amy, 244-1575_ 4-20 ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bedroom house $139 month, split utilities Garage fenced yard Available May 1 682-1298 4-21 ROOMMATE WANTED to share nice 2 be droom Hendricks Park hous $122/month Mi . from campus Large yard garage 682-6692 4-20 $50 OFF 2rd month rent Beautiful home. 2 blocks from campus, private large room with fireplace laundry $120 Angie, 682-8978 4-22 For Rent 1677 PEARL Three bedroom house Appliances, carpet drapes garage $219 242-1458 I PM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-6252 622 tin SHARP 3141 WMameMe Two bed room in 6-ptex Carpet, drapes fully appliances Off-street parking, laundry facili ties $209 plus deposit ALSO •11 East 11th One bedroom with carpet drapes, range refrigerator, off-street parking, laundry tacilites $189 plus deposit Manager ?45-8?87 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 ___ _ _ _ 69! tin CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1870 ONYX Studio Drapes, appliances $189 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST 485-8252 __ _ 927 tfn MCKENZIE TOWNHOUSES 17th and Hays Two bedroom. 1W baths, appliances carpet drapes $249 Manager 484- 5286 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 __174 tfn 265 EAST 18th One bedroom with drapes range refrigerator off-street parking Laundry facilities $169 plus deposit IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST 485-8252 389:ttn HH.YARD APARTMENTS 871-975 HMyard Close to campus Interesting personable and homey one bedroom apartments Convenient to campus Amenities include oft-street parking and luandry facilities $190 Manager 485- 0721 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 609ttn 745 EAST 15th Two bedroom apartment Vi block from campus Spacious and comtorlable $280 plus $150 fully refundable deposit Manager 243-2081 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST 4858252 _ 390:ttn PERFECT LOCATION University Manor 19th and High Large one and two bedroom apartments Appliances carpeting and hardwood floors Parking laundry facilities $205 and $245 Manager 682-1276 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 608 ttn ALDERWOOD i Live only one block from campus in a high quality spacious fuMy furnished apartment’ One. two and three bedroom j units avaiiatte S2'79 $314 and $399 I Contact Resident Manager at 1860 Alder aril cr cap 484-611? IPM CO. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 625 EAST 16th On€* and two bedroom apartments Parking and laundry Si 59 $ 189 summer rates beg-r ning 5 15 on 5 month lease Manager 345-6417 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 57? Hn 2666 HIGH ST. One tearoom apartment Appliances parking and laundry $205 Manager 343-0459 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 465-8252 566tfn 3501 HILYARD OneDedroom apartment Applicances parking and laundry $197 Manager 683-4330 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-6252 565 tin 2345 PATTERSON One and two bedroom apartments Parking and laundry Adults only $249-5309 Manager ?44-4242 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 __564;tfn 1505 ORCHARD One bedroom apartment Pool laundry Fur nished $179 and St99 Manager 34?-2014 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 56? tin 1668 FERRY Furnished one bedroom Carpet, drapes covered parking Call 343-1458 1312 MILL Newly renovated studio Beautiful hardwood floors $169 343-1458 1591 HIGH One bedroom in funky older home $159 343-1458 1511 HIGH One bedroom in older house Carpet all utilities paid $160 343-1458 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 622 tin 4 BLOCKS U OF O $215 One bedroom unfurnished duplex All appliances, including dishwasher. carpeting Joy 686-1130 (office) / 344-7215 (home) SPYGLASS ASSOC. REAL ESTATE 702 :ffn FIRWOOD 2111 WEST 12th On Dike path Lovely one and two bedroom apartments Carpel drapes laundry facilities patios $229 and $199 Call Manager. 682-6270 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 627 tin 1551 HIGH Nice one bedroom Carpel, drapes, tully applianced laundry Call now 485-8252 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 626 tin 1965 PATTERSON Deluxe two bedroom apartmeni Carept drapes tully applianced Laundry facilities Exclusive fenced courtyard tor you alone' Only $265. this won't last Call 687-0420 or 242-1458 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST 485-8252 625ttn 2705 OAK One bedroom apartment great view Carpet drapes fully applianced $222 or two bedroom $259 Call now Manager 245-1926 IPM CO., REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST 485-8252 _ 624 tin Apartment tor Rent 1 bedrm all utilities paid $220 per month 485-8859 067ttn ACROSS FROM CAMPUS Large furnished two bedroom apartment Dishwasher garbage disposal $255'month 142-1401._290 Ifn CAMPUS Excellent modern one bedroom apartment in quiet 4 umt bunding New carpet and paint $165 485-8070 295 ttn COMFY 4 PLUS BEDROOM home 10 minutes from campus 18th and Lawrence $425 per month 244-4606_228 tin SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM 8180 month Near Island Park river, bike path and down town Small complex with laundry Water and garbage paid 145 North A' Call Frank 741-1506 or Nancy 244.8886 _ 262 tin Walk to campus Quiet one bedroom apartment at 1245 Ferry Carpet drapes appliances storage parking S195 Helen ’’44 2081 or Nancy 244 8888 '91 4 29 QUADS Newer convenient location starting a? $100 piw' utifctoeb *4?-5616 and 20" Ttr FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED jne and two Oedroon' apartments neaf campus ?o$2S) 485-0359 485-0062 !»« SHOOT SOME BASKETS take a dip m me Beautiful south hills townhouses f--replace dishwasner carports-garage close to bus imes arid shopping Only ? oedrooms avauabie Centennial Apartments New Tenant Bonus Special Discount Rates Large swimming pool Tennis courts Sauna RV parking 2 to 8 minutes to downtown Eugene Spnng tleld, or U 0(0 Call 747 2045 710 ttr ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT wttn kitchen and bath living and dining room, $220 rent, $125 g d and you pay utilities Student Plaza 945 E 19th. 344-2413 _501 ■: “Rooftop Decks” These two bedroom apartments oiler cozy quiet living with large sunny decks tor study breaks We re next to campus and have a recent vacancy you can take advantage ot Find us benmd Wendy 's Franklin SI location 1803 GARDEN AVE. 344-1043 _ 542:4-28 FIVE ROOMS AVAILABLE in older house One block from campus Share ? baths, kit chen and living area Back yard with brick barbeque Parking Rents start at $100-$1?5 plus utilities and deposit 687-9721. 5-8 pm Mon-Fri 579 tin TWO STUDIOS AVAILABLE May f 642 East 17th Must stay through August 21 Furnsiheo $1 50 tor two month s rent Las! $165 Deposit $95 682-827? 624 ttri AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 5 bedroom 2 bath dining room, fireplace big lot B8Q nice landscaping N Grand Street $4 75/mo Deposits and pets negotiable Mike 485 1506 days 465 159? eves Hi BLACKSTONE MANOR 1750 ALDER Furnished one and two bedroom apartments available immediately Spacious apartment laundry facilities parking Across from UO tennis courts Call 687 0684 69/ 4 16 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT one block from campus $158/mo 686-9459 between 6-8 UNFURNISHED ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT m quiet 6-plex near campus New carpet, drapes, stove, refrigerator dis posal, covered parking Deadbolts, many security features Recycling containers provid ed No pets or waterbeds Month to month $170and$185 1161 MillStreet Manager #5 244-4516 4-16 UO FAMILY HOUSiNU nas one ana wo bedroom lurmshed Westmoreland apartments tor immediate occupancy at $111-$1?1 per mo Also, accepting applications tor two bedroom unfurnished at Amazon at $98 per mo UO student families only Contact UO Housing Dept 686-4281 700 4 20 FOB RENT x large one bedroom apartment View, covered parking Laundry facilities walk-in closet Refundable deposit 888 E 18th 688 074? 4 16 ONE BEDROOM APT One block from campus near Music Bldg Rent $185 and $50 refundable deposit 344-550? _ 719 tin SIX BEDROOM ? ball, fireplace completely renovated $465 month $250 refundable deposit Drive by 1465 W 11th Unit » 1 345-0629, 484-2470, 485-4699 _4-22 THE KINCAID A quiet older bid across from music school Summer relee now plus $50 ott lirsl month s rent ot $175 Clean furnished one bdrm Call 484-2776 RKM Real Estate 721 4 23 STUDIOS 73S EAST 14th Manager # 6A 4 84 4194 1331 HIGH Manager =2B, 344-0315 TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER TERM Live close to campus Private bath share kitchen with one other utilities paid Coniem porary furnishings SUMMER RATE S115-S12S BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 460 East 2nd 465-6M1 736 4-2? character One bedroom duplex apartmem Yt block trom campus Hardwood Boors lots ot windows wood counters huge kitchen lots of storage Assume our lease May-August $200/mo Flexible Evenings 484-41B4 afternoons 686-0t?! ask tor Melissa 4-16 SIX QUADS 1750 Hityard Carpeted share Oath and kitchen Bills paid Ren! by March 10th receive $20 gift certificate and rent discount $95 lirst las! $65 deposit refunoa ble Deb or Salty, 68? 320? 32? tin I-— -1 WOODSIDE MANOR 1810 Harris Varynicequads with private j or semi-private baths Share xrtctier Ai utilities pad Covered parking $129 and $! 44 pfuf. deposit Manage# t&b 24 70 IPM CO REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 465-6252 •-BQS.nn i ROOMS IN OLDER HOME plus quads 1858-66 Harris Carpet drapes oft street parking laundry facilities AJ! utilities paid $129 plus deposit Manager *44 2524 IPM CO REALTOR 1065 HIGH 6T. 485-6252 227 ffn No deposit Free cowered parking CLEAN QUIET QUADS $145 INCLUDING UTILITIES '•> Woe* Irom campus on East '6th Furmsneo private bath ana refrigerator Air conditioned 34S-1272. QUADS-1380 ALDER $! 25 month includes all utilities Call 485-4167 or 484 0804 808 8n QUADS NOW RENTING Irom $129 with lease From St49 month to month Pnvate Vi bath private refrigerator One bloc* from mam library CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 ALDER 686 1075 _3 58 Tin LARGE QUADS $120 per month utilrties paid 1827 Mams St Call 485-8859 )65 Hr 601 WEST 11th Quads with private bath and refrigerator Parking and laundry all utilities paid $149 Manager 245-8262 IRM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 465-8252 ___571 :Hn 1728 FERRY Quads, some wilh decks Parking $129 and $129 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 570:fln $99 WEST UNIVERSITY QUADS 728 East 16th block from campus $99 monthly with lease to September t 1982 682-5197, 4-8 pm IRM CO„ REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 - — --—SfiS.tln 469-475 East 15th Room in house plus quads $79-$89 a month on lease through August 21 Manager 484-5448 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 ____568:8n 430 EAST 15th Quad dose lo campus $120 All utilities paid Manager 245-9466 IPM CO., REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 567 Hn