. ..... Photo by Bob Baker Stephanie Heltler "She doesn't lust pitch hard, she pitches smart ” Waiting for the sunshine By Paul Darner Ol Vw emarmld Had Mother Nature cooperated and supplied the state of Oregon with drier softball diamonds this week, Oregon's Stephanie Heisler would have pitched her first game as a collegiate player before the hometown crowd this Saturday. But wet grounds have postponed the contest at Lewis and Clark this weekend, so the sophomore from Lake Oswego will have to wait for her homecoming appearance Waiting is nothing new to Heisler, though The Ducks mound ace spent her entire freshman season waiting for her knee to heal after she tore ligaments in a skiing accident in February of last year While Heisler admits it has been frustrating having to wait through last year's injury and this year's weather, she is not one to dwell on past rainy days. "I don’t even think about it,” she said of the injury's effect on her play this year. “It’s fine now, but I’m still trying to make it stronger," she added She was referring to her knee, but she could have been referring to her pitching Although she is the ace of this year’s squad on the mound, sharing the pitching duties with sophomore Marcy Sowa, Heisler is not satisfied with where she is right now “I’d like to be a little higher up than I am now in terms of strength and accuracy," she said of her level of performance. In her only performance so far she mounted the hill for the Ducks a week ago and came away with a solid three-hit performance and a 1-0 victory in Oregon's opener against Portland State. Ironically, it was PSU hurler Deb Fitzhugh, a teammate of Heisler at Lake Oswego High School, who provided the Ducks with the victory by walking four straight Oregon batters. Fitzhugh, who is a junior, wound up with a no hitter, but Heisler came up with the win. While at Lake Oswego, Heisler played on two state tournament teams. During her junior year, Heisler shared the pitching duties with Fitzhugh, but she said that it never caused problems between the two “Sure we were competitive (with each other), but it was never that big of a deal," she said. Not making too big of a deal out of softball is one of Heisler's strengths according to Duck coach Charles Sylvester "She doesn't live and die the game of softball,” he said. “She is mature enough to go out and pitch with a fierce competitiveness, but is also mature enough to see the humor in it.” “I agree with it to a point,” she said of her coach’s assessment “I can forget about it when I leave the field, but when I’m on the field I do live and die softball because I want to win. I hate to lose .” That is one reason that Sylvester describes his front line pitcher as a veteran even though she has pitched only one game at Oregon. Another reason is that Heisler has seen top notch competition while playing summer league softball. After graduating from high school, Heisler spent the summer playing for the Eugene Chicks, a team which won state and regional championships to earn a berth at nationels. The only game the Chicks won at the national tourney that year was the only game Heisler pitched. “She just doesn’t pitch hard, she pitches smart,” said Sylvester, who feels that what Heisler needs now is to pitch against some good competition, a chance she should get when the Ducks travel to the Berkeley tournament next week. Right now, Heisler would be happy to test her 1-0 record against anyone with a dry field. "I just need to get into the swing of things again.” SPEAKERS "Creative ftoHnQuIehmewt" m the topic ot a lecture by Graham Kerr, former Galloping Gourmet' and current director of Protect LORD — Youth With a Mission Ministry today at noon at the Koirtoma Center. 1414 Kincaid St “Diamond Craters of Oregon — Rocha, Flowers, and Birds" is the topic of a lecture by Dr Ellen Benedict, a Portland naturalist who teaches at Pacific University, today at 6 pm in Room 123. Science I For more information contact Ben Ross at 4B5-0857 WORKSHOPS "The Fly Fishing Festival" will offer a tree day-long series of workshops and demonstrations Saturday from 10-4 p m at South Eugene High School The festival in the high school cafeteria will include fly tying, fly casting, fishing strategies and much more MISCELLANEOUS A benefit auction for Iho Lana County Republican Party will be held today from 7-10 p m at the Black Angus Restaurant. 2133 Franklin Boulevard The cost is $7 50 per person Among the items to be auctioned off are a Barry Goldwater letter opener (with his signature), a paperweight from vice-president George Bush, an autographed photograph of David Stockman, and much, much more For more information call the Lane County Republican Central Committee at 484-1872 A banal bcoalrtaal lor the Natural Earth Foundation will be held Monday from 8-11 30 a m at the Hometried Truckstop. 790 E 14th Ave Music provided by Cecilia Ostrow Proceeds will help fund Naturesource a public access television show, and the Portrait Petition Drive for Wilderness individuals and organizations tovtarastad in baiping wiui me irwrienance one unure ovvviopmvni 01 mion Baker Park are encouraged to attend a brown bag work party Saturday at 10 a m at the park picnic shelters For more information, contact the Lane County Parks Division at 687-4231 Food lor under S2 a day is the topic of a four-week class, offered by the Lane Community College Home Economics Department, beginning Wednesday at the Lane County Fairgrounds OSU Extension Auditorium The class schedule will include: Week 1: April 21. 7-9 p.m.. Using Herbs and Spices. Week 2: April 28, 7-9 p m.. Low Cost Snacks; Week 3: May 5, 7-9 p m.. Vegetarian Cooking. Week 4: May 12. 7-9 p m.. Making Your Own Convenience Foods Preregistration is required by calling Beth Naylor at 747-4501. ext. 2533 The University Hawaii Club presents Its annual luau, “Aloha Aina" (Love of the Land), on Sunday in the EMU Ballroom There will be a 2 p.m show with refreshments and a 5 p.m dinner and show Tickets are available at the EMU Main Desk, in front of the University Bookstore, at Lei Hawaiian Fashions in Center Court, and at Meier & Frank in the Valley River Center. The prices are: show only — S3, dinner and show — $7.50 for adults, $6.50 for students, and $5.50 for senior citizens and children under 12. For more information call the EMU Main Desk at 686-4362 The Baha’i Campus Association will have an In formation taMe In Sie EMU lobby today from 9 a m. to 3 p m. Your questions are welcome. Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 4 p m Sunday at the Koinonia Center. 1414 Kincaid St., by the Rev. J. Jon Bruno, vicar of St. Mathhews Episcopal Church. Sister Mary Sharon of Pis Episcopal Community of the Holy Spirit wM be on campus Sunday to speak with people aboui the religious life and her life in the community Sharon will be at the Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid St . at 3 p.m. DOONE5BURY by Garry Trudeau BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed M lKt fabulous'inm ms tm IS sum/ Normeooprunty Bcmr.wm N6K)tMamTHt mwsuuo tmmsr stem. Bun me id thick SOft HM CHOUS* SJ*S5-»S sum> units to oven me CMayvt twtsax mar Bomcntes asmOMLY taineyic mmta man skuokt tCTW-BHj HAKE.**1 WHOSE teimunm secsetaiyy tveal 00Y0U6UYS — KEAPYKEN THINK’ VJHfiTTHZ mu fry ALX&WA &C5TmN *ey,eexm.caju? WCMAN UJH/LE KXJGUYS HNtSH or* THE PLANET* O57Bn01H!4G(rt5_ 5e? TNflT1H0?e 'S MOW RftWWT WP WIPWFREW AWiMveyiHePuecjc 1DWARP5 THE WBKX6 RTO of ms iWNer... "YOUNG KUCS PONT awe about things anymore™ «P THEY (ARE ABOUT IS FUN. BAN/CAN YOU eeueuemey saipthbt, GUVS ’ CAW YW SCUiVC n? Classifieds 686-4343 WORKBENCH, DESK, double bed. kitchen items carl, clothes, small dresser and much more' April 18 and 19 9 am to 4 pm 1459 City View 4-16 Buy/Ml THE BUY * SELL CENTER has reopened at 361 Weet 5th, upstairs Musical instruments, photo equipment, tools, stereos and camping gear BUY-SELL-TRADE 628MF Instruction EMU CRAFT CENTER WORKSHOPS still open are Beg Woodworking. Router Lathe, Bike Repair, Natural Yarn Dyeing, Origami, Baku, Beg B & W Photography, Sandblasting Glass, Adv Stone Setting 72? :4 16 For S*le MOVING SALE: Pioneer stereo, large backpack, down sleeping bag. fishing gear, blocks and boards, desk. Hamilton blender and other kitchen supplies 2330-4 Patterson 485-8590 4-16 NICE LARGE SPEAKERS! CMS Series, good condition tor only $80 00 tor both Call Tina 741 2358 or 686-5511 4-16 MUST SELL: X-country skis, Rossignol Ho rizon II (213 cm) Backcountry & Track ski, includes bindings Kelty. large tioga external Irame backpack Excellent condition negotia ble $$ John 683-6292_ 4 16 MOVING A SELLING ALL: Backpack, stereo equip . furniture, clothing and much more Good quality stuff at reasonable prices. All this weekend 500 Jefferson No 8 4-16 FOR SALE 3 used toosball tables Sealed bids accepted until 2 pm 4/23/82 Request bid forms and inspection intormation from UO Property Control Manager, 122 Oregon Hall, 686-3163 Available “shere is" and "as is " State reserves all rights 756 4 16 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 3-M Thermo-Fax $75. Ditto duplicator $50. AB Dick 525 Mimeograph $200. Olivetti adding machine (electric, mechanical) $15 See at 768 East 16th or call 686-3688._ -_4-16 NEW TI-S8C CALCULATOR Programmable Constant memory. Under warranty $75. Call Rob. 485-4309 4-16 T-SHIRTS Latler Silkscreen Best service, design printing and prices 343-2306 eves . 342-1927, 706:4-22 THE EMU CRAFT CENTER sells art and cratt supplies at very reasonable prices: wood; photo tilm; paper and chemicals; stonewares; stained glass solder, came and copper toil; jewelery saw blades, tiles, silver, batik dyes and tiauntmg tools, bike patch kits, much more! Visit us downstaus in the EMU, or call 686-4361 7224-21 Typing SPRING SPECIAL Call Karan 683-1117 TYPING: 15 years experience Papers, dis sertations. editing IBM Setectric Pick-up and delivery. Call Carole at 688-3983. _2403 tin TYPING UNLIMITED 747-9296 Grad School Approved Guaranteed Selectric Call for pricing ___ 169tfn PRO TYPING/EDITING On vacation (yippee!) till 4/29 Jennifer 485 3883 _491 4-28 PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectric Call Barbara 345-0747 495MWF TYPING/EDITING Call Judy or Sara 686- 0739 _979:HFM CYNDI’S PROFESSIONAL TYPING Graduate School Approved 687- 9326 355;MF COMPUTER WORD PROCESSING by YOUR WORD'S WORTH 342-7548 ___5256-24 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specia list IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759. 460;ttn 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE On campus during day IBM Selectric Call 726-7596 anytime,346.HFM NEED TERM PAPERS resumes, letters, etc typed? Call 689-8112 Reasonable rates 4-16 TYPING GUARANTEED pertect, fast Pickup and delivery Karen, 741-0486 anytime 4-19 HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Computer system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickup/delivery 343-5513. 4-19 Sound Systems SANSUIG-4700 150w receiver $200 Genesis 2 100w lifetime warranty speakers $300 Technics SL2? turntable $100 Make otter 683-6292 4-16 SHARP STEREO SYSTEM: Cassette AM/FM. turntable, speakers $160 686-4903 485-6361 4-16