Jury clears football player of burglary At his second trial in less than a year, former University football player Andrew Paige was found innocent Tuesday of two burglary charges. A 12-member jury voted to acquit Paige on the two charges, following a seven-day trial that involved several former University coaches and athletes Paige, who was a quarterback on the 1979 football team, had been accused of breaking into the home of former University wrestler Donald Brown and stealing his stereo. The second robbery charge was the result of a burglary in the dormitory room of Jurgen Ware, a former Upward Bound coun selor, in which a leather coat, rings and money were taken. Darryl Larson, Lane County assistant district attorney and the case's prosecutor, declined to comment Thursday on the out come of the trial Paige, who currently lives in San Diego and is on scholastic probation from the University of Hawaii, testified at the trial that he had purchased the stereo from "a blond-haired man" for $150. He said the stereo was returned to Brown after University athletic department officials informed him it had been stolen from Brown's residence. During the summer, Paige was acquitted on a charge of attempted rape in the first degree. On May 25, he stands trial again on a charge of attempted sodomy in the first degree A remaining charge of first degree sodomy and coercion is on appeal to the state Supreme Court. When the party is BYOB (Bring Your Own Brush), you find out who your friends are. Friends aren’t hard to find when you’re out to share a good time. But the crowd sure thins out when there’s work to do. And the ones who stick around deserve something special. Tonight, let it be Lowenbrau. Lowenbrau. Here’s to good friends. ' 1982 beer Brewed by Miller Brewing Co Milwaukee Wis Library thefts on the increase Thefts at the University Li brary Wednesday and Thursday cost at least nine people their wallets, backpacks and purses, according to Sgt. Rick Allison of the Eugene Police Department The belongings were taken on all floors of the library, some from students who had only left their seat for a matter of seconds. Allison says “It’s getting really bad," he says "We want to caution students to not leave their stuff unattended." Janitors have found empty wallets and purses in various buildings around campus with "anything of value" removed, Allison says There appear to be no wit nesses of the thefts and campus security has no suspects, he says Meanwhile, the tally of locks cut in the Esslinger men's locker room incident several weeks ago ended up at 14. not three as earlier reported Bicycle thefts remain a major problem, Allison says, with any where from zero to five bikes reported missing daily Selec tive thieves are leaving the bike frames and just taking wheels, racks, handlebars and carrying packs, he says Institute picks speech expert A member of the University speech department has been selected to participate in an in ternational communication seminar this summer at the East-West Commumcabon In stitute m Honolulu, Hawaii Deanna Robinson, director of graduate studies in telecom munications and film, is one of about 20 communication ex perts chosen for the institute s third annual seminar set May 18 to July 24 She has done extensive re search on violence on television and presented a report, ‘ Viewer Definitions of Violence," to the 1980 International Communica tion Association Convention in Acapulco, Mexico The institute granted Robin son a Professional Associate award that covers the expenses for attending the two-month program This year's seminar is titled “The Communication Revolu tion" and will focus on the social impact of new communication technologies Topics include satellite communication, new television and communication technologies and national development Participants attend classes and develop instructional ma terial for use at their campus McKenzie Coffee Monthly Special 10% off Houee Blend Coffee through April ) Coffee by the cup We are in the Mayflower Building^ ^ ,782 E. 11th-342-2071. catch the ode!