$99 WEST UNIVERSITY QUADS 738 East 16th V4 block from campus, $98 monthly with lease to September 1 1982 883-5197, 4-6 pm IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 MIOH ST. 485-8252 --- S60:Bn 469-475 East 15th Room tn house plus quads $79 *89 a month on lease through August 31 Manager 484-5448 PM CO., REALTOR 1066 HIGH ST. 466-6262 568 tin 430 EAST 15th Quad close to campus $130 AH utilities paid Manager,345-9466 PM CO.. REALTOR 1066 HIGH ST. 465-6262 567 tin Fets ONE MED SIZED black dog needs a home He's healthy happy (very), neutered Call Sal 485-5553 4-15 Lost/Found LOST: Gold Cham with nuggets Sentimental value Reward Frances, 345-1250 4-16 FOUND: Textbook in 146 Straub on 4-12-82 am Can Steven, ext 41254-15 6100 REWARD lor the return o( key set found at McArthur Court late Saturday night No questions asked AH keys wiW be useless by end of week Call 686-5483 or 343-4148 anytime 4-15 Market Basket BEE POLLEN High energy food lor active people Also Spuukna powder Propoll* & Royal Jetty 120 E.111fi Honey Heaven 244-MS* Service*QuaSfty*Ecanomy 576HF Events EMU Cultural Forum invites you to ASHLAND JULIUS CAESAR SPOKESONG WINGS (We hue McAeM reeervsdl) Memorial Day Weekend May 28, 29, 30 Cat 8S8-4378 tor into' 742 4-16 Cugene Council tor Human Refits m Latin America & Cinema 7 Eugene Premiere ol El Salvador Another Vietnam An updated documentary This lilm provides an examination ot the internal causes to the crisis and examination ol the policy of the Reagan admmstration ECHRLA Benefit Showings Thurt., April 15 7:30 pm - $2 1236 Kincaid (next to UO Bookstore) Cinema 7 showings April 16 thru April 2? --MB.4-1S ANNOUNCING THE OREGON SYMPOSIUM ON COURT REORGANIZATION Saturday, 9 am - 3 pm University or Oregon Law School. Speakers and panelists include Chief Justice Arno Denecke Associate Justice Hans Linde ot the Oregon Supreme Court Chief Judge George Joseph of the Court ot Appeals State Sen. Ted Kulongoski State Rep. Bill Rutherford and many olher prominent court arid stale leaders F ree admission 698 4-16 JOHN BELUSHI ON CAMPUS REVISITED" B'W photos shot on location ot Animal House Prints available at GRAPHICALLY YOURS! "Computerized Pictures & Gifts’ 1128 Alder 343-4343 687 4-20 Oregon Deily Emerald LESBIANS! GAY MEN! Celebrate spring at the BACKDOOR COFFEEHOUSE POTLUCK l4t4Klncaid, Thursday, April I5at6pm Bring lood. drink, children and friends Call 686-3360 for more Info 894 4-15 DRAFT REGISTRATION What's happening now"? General meeting Coalition Opposing Registration & the Draft, tonight 8 pm. City Hall, room 104 More into 485-4611 4-15 U.S. OUT OF El Salvador SAT., APRIL 24 March and rally featuring speaker from FDR El Salvador, San Francisco Mime Troupe 10:30 am START 13th A KINCAID 12 NOON RALLY FEDERAL BLDG. The April 24th Coalition includes over 11 7 co-sponsoring and endorsing University/community groups Attend march and rally, then come to 8 pm Mime Troupe program, 1330 Madison, and 10 pm Pany/Dance 591 High St benefit tor El Salvador relief 741 4-23 Entertainment YWCA PRESENTS in A DOLL’S HOUSE Henrik Ibsen s play has been a starring vehicle for world famous actresses Nazimova. Laurette Taylor. Ruth Gor don. Helen Hayes. Peggy Ashcroft have all interpreted the pan of' Nora Helmer Nora’s search tor individuality and Its correspondence with modern feminism was an obvious attraction to Jane Fonda This production was filmed en tirely on location, utilizing interiors ol houses in the town ol Roros Norway, a starkly beautiful one-time copper mining center which has remained relatively unchanged since the rmd-19th century period of Ibsen s play FRIDAY, APRft. IS 7 A • PM 177 LAWRENCE *1.50/1.75 children 725 4-16 CINEMA 7 10th & Olive-Atrium Building •37-0733 EUGENE PREMIERE ENDS THURSDAY PIXOTE 1961 Best Foreign Film by N Y and L A film cmics. P ixote deserves to be seen SHOWMQ ONCE ONLY AT 7 PM Red Adm Mat Sun 2 pm STARTS APRIL IS EL SALVADOR: ANOTHER VIETNAM Tonight through April 22 MARILYN CHAMBERS m all new x-rated INSATIABLE Rated X - over 16 ID required SHOWTIMES FRIA SAT 9:90 PM S 12 MIDNIGHT Sun-Thurs 9:30 pm only Mat Sal-Thurs 5 pm _ 658:4-15 THE BMOU 492 E. 13di (at Ferry SL) NEW TICKET PRICES)! Btudewl (Sun.-Thors.) $2 50 Oan. Adm. S3 ENDS THURSDAY EUGENE PREMIERE MY DINNER WITH ANDRE "The best picture at the year" Roger Ebert. PBS Sneak Previews ” Directed by Louie Malta. Starring and written by Wallace Shawn and Andre Gregory. Nightly 7 and 9:30 pm Sal-Sun Mat 3:30 pm S2 Starts Friday ULI MARLEEN __■ 519:4-15 HELD OVER ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Thursday 4 Sunday midnight Saturday Matinee 1 pm All tickets $2 On sale V) hour before showtime First come-first serve 73S:ttn BIJOU MIDNITE DANCE CRAZE At last, the movie you'v • all been waiting lor1 Featuring the best ot British "Ska" - Bad Mannara. Tha Engllah Baal. The Body Snatchers and more! Wednesday $1 Thursday Rocky Horror $2 Friday & Saturday $2 50 Sunday Matinee 3:30 pm $2 Next April 21 24 Tha Hardar Thay Coma April 28-May 1 No Nukes 728 4-16 SPRING DANCE PLASTIC AMERICANS CARSON HALL Sat. April 17,9 pm-1 am 4-16 Auirr Lucvs wine loft presents UNDER MILK WOOD By Dylan Thomas, with At Strobel, Jacquie McClure, Bill Reid and Chris Boyd FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL ■*, 17,23 A 24 • pm, S3. Reservations SS3179S _7?? 4-16 The Ananda Marge Society RICHARD PRYOR and GENE WILDER m STIR CRAZY Pryor and Wilder have great comic "chemistry' in this very tunny film about two show biz hopefuls who find them selves framed for a bank heist and railroaded into the state pen Our heroes "tough guy" entrance into a swarming fail cell is one of the tunmest scenes m recent memory "Gene WHder and Richard Pryor are the best comic team to hit the screen since Laurel and Hardy." - ABC-TV FRIDAV. APRIL 16 7 A 9 30 PM ISO GEOLOGY SI.50 7144-16 HERMANHESSE'S Steppenwolf Hesse's fine rxjiel about a man who s tom between his “respectable sett and he tower nature s brilliantly brought to life in this highly-unusual cinematic experience Harry Haller, the Steppen wolt. struggles to understand the nature ot self and reality, he finally stumbles into the Magic Theatre in one of the most mind-boggling sequences ever put on film SATURDAY, APRIL 17 7 9 9:30 PM 107 LAWRENCE SI .50 713 4-16 The U of O HAWAII CLUB presents their annual HAWAIIAN LUAU THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 18 EMU BALLROOM AUTHENTIC HAWAIIAN FOOD AND ENTERTAINMENT An enjoyable evening for all DINNER SHOW S PM General $7 50 Students S6 50 Children & Se,"~ Citizens $5 50 ENTERTAINMENT ONLY 2 PM Alt tickets $3 Tickets available now at U of O Bookstore GET THEM TODAY! Tickets wW not be sold at the door 732 4-16 TONIGHT BASEBALL Seattle at California 7:301*5 Big Broadcast of 1937 8urns 4 Allen Jack Benny 10:30 pm KOZY cable TV 11 __7PR4-1S SUFI CIRCLE PRESENTS DIVINE MADNESS Bette Midler's unique mixture of music, comedy, dance and clowning is the subject character and plot of this wild movie Stomp along and scream with the "Divine Miss M' and her funky Harlettes " in this bawdy screen version ot her raucous concerts SATURDAY. APRIL 17 7 A 9 PM 150 GEOLOGY $1.50/31 children _ 739 4-16 The Original Motion Picture M*A*S*H with Robert Duvall and Donald Suth erland, also Elliot Gould SATURDAY. APRIL 17 7.9. * 11 PM 177 LAWRENCE Admission $1.50 4-16 Tai Chi SHAPE PE classes MW 7-8 pci, Ger Nnger Annex., room 350. 4-15 Personals VIDA BARN RENTALS Under new management Fantastic dance, party or picnic location Reasonable rates 896-3M9 or 342-7272. 409Ifn HAIR TOOAV HAS A HAIR SALON tor men and women in tbe EMU by the Rec Center We do haircuts, styled perms, color and tree consultations Call 887-1347 or stop by for appointments._068:tfn PLANNED PARENTHOOD has a pregnancy test that is 98% accurate Call tor appt 844-9411._157UH THE SPECIAL YOU AND PREGNANCY Free pregnancy testing Birthright. 687-8651 ___4683:H GET FAST, DEPENDABLE SERVICE on Alterations at Siegmund’s Cleaners 821 E. 13th Ave ;_;_I08:H A FREE WAY TO SAY THANKS Do you have a professor who makes you leap out ol bed to get to class, and never want to be late7 Who inspires you to dedicate yourselt to your studies7 Who makes you think and want to learn7 Who is simply a great teacher7 Count your blessings - and nominate the person for the Annual Ersted Distinguished Teaching Award It's one way you can say "thanks " It only takes a moment, but it makes a great difference to the professor It says, "keep up the good work!’" Pick up nomination forms at the ASUO office right away, deadline is Friday. April 23__683 4-23 STUDENTS FOR A PROGRESSIVE AGENDA 4-15 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DANCE MARATHON AND ALL-NIGHT DANCE April 2? and 24.8 pm to 8 am, McKenzie Room, Valley River Inn Pledge sheets available in 111 Susan Campbell Had AH-nrght dance costs SI .50 Door prizes tor aH dancers Weekends at the Valley River Inn. The Embarcadero. and Driftwood Shores for top marathon money earners 726:4-16 WANTED: Essays, poetry, illustrations, etc for publication Payment upon pubkcaton Please submit manuscripts to Pipers. PO Box 2437. Eugene. 97403 or call 683-7143 for more in formation4-19 V, PRICE ON SPORT SHOES Baseball, football Reg $24 95-S48 95 Spalding. Puma & Spt Bitt Gel free pair of gym shorts with each purchase1 Teams welcome GOOO BUYS OF EUGENE 360 East 15ttl Ave. 344-6146 _ 707:4-19 VOTE TODAY BOB MEAD forlFC Pd by Bob Mead 4-15 S.P.A. STUDENTS FOR A PROGRESSIVE AGENDA ODE says we’re “too concerned with larger political issues. (i.e. El Salvador, Reagan’s military budget)’’ CJ. Balts thinks students don’t need to be taking stands “on every little war.” Well Now... We were Just wondering... Who is it that will fight that war In El Salvador? And where did Reagan get all that money for bombs? Maybe somebody gave It to him... OR, MAYBE HE TOOK IT Vote for a change VOTE S.P.A. For President: Kevin Kouns For Vice-Pres.: Ken Packman For IFC (# Is ballot position) (1) Ted Marks (2) Steve Pacheco (3) Jeff Nudelman (4) Dianne Ritterband Mason (11) David Lesser (29) Mary Alice Holmes For EMU Board (2) Mary Hotchkiss (7) Javed Rasool Pd: Students for a Progressiva Agenda _ 4-15 BETTER DAYS for PROGRESSIVE FASHION To pet you in the swing for spring. Better Days for Progressive Fashion is having a spring sale on alt clothing in the store Hurry in, sale ends April 16 770 EAST 1101 Mon-Frl 10:30-5:30 Saturday 11-5 575:4-16 VOTE DEVIN WATE IFC _' _ 4-15 ARCHITECTURE A ALLIED ARTS on SUAB position *10 vote tor MARK LAKEMAN. He will represent your interests Pd jMark Lakeman _ 4-15 SUAB #8 REBECCA RICOY Paid: Ricoy 4-15 RA RA RA HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michele, Greg, Katy, and Terry _4-15 SANDY Are you ready for some of the best damn hamburgers in town? P S. Shelley - you're on dish detail'4-15 STAFF NEEDED Camp Namanu on beautiful Sandy River Cooks, counselors and waterfront positions available Contact Twila Jordahl, 405-9844 evenings, for info and applicaltons._4-23 WRITE-IN Penny Evans SUAB #13 4-15 to the three TIMS i-ound one parol green boxers near the sboweronecanopeoer with toaster cover, and one kiss me I rn baW mug. in P S condo For more into contact the Ger at Bronco Bittys._ FRANK BURNS Meet me in the supply hut in 177 Lawrence Saturday night HOT UPS Mash 4077th 4 DAN^OULKES^ IFC-#30 on ballot CHI RSI’S Simon said and so we did , we drank aid danced ail night Wehada let's do it again, all nght! Love, THE ALPHA 0*8 MIKE HANAUSKA KOZY cameraman lor Me. He is a Greek at Oregon and he always will be on Thetevr The proud The SAE's Call someone, somewlwe for appointment. NEB) TO MEND YOUR CLOTHES? bike7 Build a bookcase? Make a coffee mug We can help you with this and much more at the EMU Cratt Center, dovn^tatrs in me EMU Stop by next time you need a break, or 686-4361._ HENRY Meet me at midnight tor a vanilla egg " earn at Lenny s Nosh Bar in the Courtyard MeeMor LUNCH at the FACULTY CLUB Collier House, across from EMU_2 ROOTBEER MUGGER srrr.a'ss aH you can drink (rootbeer). eat and OANCEH OntvSl ----— Pat Widmer SUAB #3 Business/Economics Paid by Pst Widmer ^ THE BROTHERS OF DELTA TAU DELTA welcome our new members DanLanghott CONGRATULATIONS ^ MIKE ANNIS SUAB #17 Paid Anms 4-15 Get a bigger bang tor the buck! MARC SPENCE IFC-#24 on your ballot Paid Committee tor Spence ^ ^ ^ . BANANA © SPLIT ^ SALE , Buy 1 at the regular price |and get the second tor only 1 cent! today) only f* 13th & Hilyardl Dairy Queen] Page 11