CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by t pm one day prior to publication Ads that are to appear in Monday's paper must be in by 1 pm Friday PAYMENT: All ads must be paid tor in advance unless a bating agreement has been established vMlh us For Sale OFFICE EQUIPMENT 3-M Thermo-Fax $75. Ditto duplicator $50. AB Dick 525 Mimeograph $200. Olivetti adding machine (electric, mechanical) $15 See at 768 East 16m or call 686-3688 4-16 STEREO: NAD receiver. NAKAMICHI tape deck TECHNICS turntable Perfect 344-3585 eves4-15 ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS 1979 set Sweets catalog $10, drawing table $35 Rob. 686-8273_ 4-15 NEW Tt-SSC CALCULATOR Programmable Constant memory Under warranty $75 Can Rob. 485-4309 4-16 MOVING SALE: Pioneer stereo, large backpack, down sleeping bag, fishing gear blocks and boards, desk. Hamilton blender and other kitchen supplies 2330-4 Patterson 485-8590_ 4-J6 CAMBRIDGE DIET Available in all flavors Call Molly 686-4794 4-15 Instruction EMU CRAFT CENTER WORKSHOPS still open are Beg Woodworking. Ftouter Lathe, Bike Repair, Natural Yarn Dyeing. Origami. Raku, Beg B A W Photography Sandblasting Glass, Adv Stone Setting 723 4-16 rrs TAX TIME ASSOCIATED TAX PROCESSORS I come to you' Call Jerry, 687-1887 Licensed taxpreparer_ _ 4-16 T-SHIRTS Lafler Silkscreen Best service design pnnting and prices 343-2306 eves 343-1927__ 706 4-22 THE EMU CRAFT CENTER sells an and crafl supplies at very reasonable prices wood photo film paper and chemicals stonewares stained glass solder came and copper foil tewelery saw blades, files, silver; batik dyes and ttauntmg tods; bike patch kits much more' Visit us downstairs in the EMU or call 686-4361 722 4-21 Typing SPRING SPECIAL CaH Karan 683-1117 405 HF TYPING/EDITING Call Judy or Sara TYPING: 15 years experience Papers, dis sertations editing IBM Seleclnc Pick-op and delivery Call Carole at 666-3663. 2403 tfn TYPING UNLIMITED 747-6296 Grad School Approved/Guaranteed Setectnc Call tor pricing 189 tin PRO TYPING/EDITING On vacation (yippee!) till 4/29 491 4-28 979HFM PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specia list IBM Correcting Seiectric Graduate approved Near campus $44 07S6. 460lfn 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE On campus during day IBM Seiectric Call 1 anytime 346HFM TYPING GUARANTEED IBM Correcting Seiectric ■ 345-5614 288: UH Sound Systems VEWt 3-way 10" speafiera w/drcmt breakers and passive radiator S135 pr Call Joel. 345-01804-15 YAMAHA BASS AMPLIFIER USED 26 NOUNS $195 (retail $259) MARANTZ I Unboxed'$85 344-2471 4-15 Books All setting 25* to 50% olf lot paces New Books-Text Books-CUf Notes USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 16% OFF as near books 766 East 136i 5223:tfn Ski Stuff BEGINNER’S SPECIAL Krteisel ski. 170cm and poles, $50 Also. Dolomite boots, size 9. $25. Call Joel, 345-0180 4-15 Bicycles BIKE SALE Sekai 100010-speed (Alloy wheels, suntour parts) $25 OFF Only $215 Willamette Vally CYCLE WORKS 663 East 13th 343-7086 _696:4-16 RALIEGH 23” rebuilt with new part $175 or offer 485-9882, Alex 4-16 Page 10 23" FUGI Rides well, good components Best otter around StOO. 344-0021_4-15 Complete Bicycle Overhauls - $22 Includes bearing repack, wheel truemg, brake and gear adjustment FREEWHEELING BICYCLE REPAIR 631 East 14tb Ave 683-5204 718:4-19 Cars>Cycles GOVERNMENT SURPLUS CARS AND TRUCKS many sold through local sales, under $300 Cali 1-714-569-0241 for your directory on how to purchase Open 24 hours 4-16 1S7S VW RABBIT C Regular gas. stereo^ overall excellent condition, must sell 2330-4 Patterson 485-8590 4-16 Auto Repair SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair MIB SWIFT SHOP 2529 W Blamed* 4*4-8333 5635 tin Travel STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights. Euraitpasses. Bntrail passes. Int i student ID cards, tours, books, insurance AYH cards work programs, and much more Call CIEE Student Travel (206) 632-2448 _ 4-16 EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL: Tour Europe tor a month this summer Lowest prices m years Adults and students welcome High school and college credit available For more information call Stan Hultgren at 687-3400 (days) or Knsti San Romani at 484-6451 (evenings) 4-1Q Wanted ALASKAN PRINCIPAL/TEACHER couple wishes to rent 2-3 bdrm nicer home, pleasant neighborhood near college preferred comple tely furnished incl dishes and linens about June 15 to Aug 14 Write soon, no phones here, mail slow Jan Williams Pouch L. Kei chikan. AK 99901 4-16 Opportunities WORK IN FRANCE. JAPAN. CHINA! No experience, degree, or foreign language required tor most positions Teach converse tional English Send long, stamped selt addressed envelope tor details ESL-15. PO Box 336, Centrate. WA 965314-19 EAT FOR *2.50 A DAY At Student's Cooperative Association you can eat three meals a day tor $2 50 Stop by 1670 or 1790 Aider St677 4-16 EARN CREDIT WHILE FILLING AN IM PORTANT COMMUNITY NEED! The ESCAPE Field Studies Program still has placements tor spring term Volunteers are needed to work m several community service agencies like Switchboard. Womenspace juvenile corrections, special education programs and many more Register this week m the EMU lobby or the ESCAPE office - 327 EMU Or cal) us at ext 4351708 4-16 ERIC ENGLUND SCHOLARSHIP 52000 to enable a UO graduate to pursue graduate studies at UO or elsewhere m Amer ican literature or history or related subjects Preference given to students who may not otherwise have the opportunity Apply to English Department by April 22 715:4-15 EARN UPPER DIVISION CREDIT while help ing out m schools Volunteers are needed for ESCAPE practicums working m Eugene/S pnngfietd schools classroom work, tutoring. ESL. coaching, and many more' Be sure to register this week m the EMU lobby or call us at ext 4351730 4-16 REEF UP YOUR RESUME Volunteer for the Peace Corps You’ll gel valuable experience that w4l make your resume stand apart from the rest Call today at 686-3235 734 4-15 WOMEN’S SOCCER Wanted ’EXPERIENCED ” forward to compete m Eugene Sports Program 484-4015 lor in formation 4-16 Help Wanted TOO MANY BILLS? Excellent earning opportunity Part-time/tuli-time For more ntamlion. can 746-6422 458rtfn OVERSEAS JORS Summer/year round. Eu rope. S Amer . Australia. Asia All fields *500-51200 moony Sightseeing. Free into Write UC Box 52-OR 3 Corona Del Mar. CA 92625 4-23 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED for the position of 1962-83 Oregon Daily Emerald Editor Applicants should have knowledge of newspaper journalism and of the University of Oregon Term of office is June 6 1962 through June 7. 1983 Monthly salary begins May 1, 1982 Editor must be enrolled lor at least 6 credits during three ol four Terms at the Unviversity of Oregon while in office Position requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of 35-40 hours per week Applications are availa ble in the Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returned to the ODE Board of Direc tors. 300 EMU, PO Box 3159. Eugene OR 97403 before 5 pm April 22 The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Em ployer that operates under the team management concept Women, minorities and the handicapped are encouraged to apply __4-22 DECISION RESEARCH needs college students for experiments in judgement and decision-making on Thursday and Friday of this week Native English speakers only 55 for about an hour and '/« Call 485-2400 from 9 am to 5 pm 690:4-16 WANTED: Hashers /dishwashers for a sorority house Call 342-4150 for more information ■ 4-16 WANTED: Models lor fashion and glamour photography Experience preferred Will pay CaM 405-0193, 6-6 pm.4-15 WANTED: Single guitarist and vocalist, like country, folk and oldies Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights Call 345 3606 between 7:30 am and 11 am_ 737 4-22 PART-TIME COCKTAIL WAITRESS wanted The Emerald VaHey Forrest Inn m Cresweil For an appointment, call 484-6354. 740:4-29 ACCOMPANIST NEEDED tor Boyfriend rehearsals Hours flexible • eves only Credit can be arranged Can Barb Fraser 666-4171 __4-19 NEED HOUSE SITTER tor'country home! June 10 to July 3, _ 4-20 WORK-STUDY Flesearch Assistant needed Learn valuable research skills working on a school-based smoking prevention assessment team Oft campus, will train, enthusiasm necessary $4 hour. 15-20 hours weekly For more information contact Chen at 484-212? 4-20 Roommates FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED Furnished 2 bedroom apariments near campus $145 monthly plus *i utilities 344-65944-16 NEED A PLACE? HAVE A PLACE? Screened people need you now' $20 tee. 6 month membership Don t take chances UNITED ROOMMATES 747-7337 Everyday 11-S pm MALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 2 be droom apartment close to campus $1 ?0/month plus V? utilities ?42-802? _ 4-15 ROOMMATE WANTED to till four person home on 12th & Mill Washer, dryer, dishwasher, fireplace, $l20/month 682-90?? _ _ 4-16 SPRING TERM Female V? block from campus Nice 2 bdrm apt $120 ?4?-?10! 4-15 $132 TO SHARE pleasant ?-bedroom house ? blocks from campus with 2 male Australian grad student Quiet, spacious Fireplace, wood floors 682-6029 343-7449 4-16 1 OR 2 ROOMMATES wanted to share 4 bedroom house w/1 other Two fireplaces 1W bath. laundry facilities hot tub and deck $160 Mature independent person desired Alter 6 ?44-3?54 4-16 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 2 bedroom turmshed api Easy bike ride to campus $120 month plus Yi utilities LeJune 244-2020 message, 342-6056_4-19 ROOMMATE NEEDED: Large 2 bdrm house w/2 fireplaces dishwasher Ig Backyard 6 blks from campus $122 Mimi or Amy 244-1575 _____ 4-20 ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bedroom house $139 month, split utilities Garage fenced yard Available May 1 683-1396 4-21 ROOMMATE WANTED to share nice 3 be droom Hendricks Park hous $132/month Mile from campus Large yard garage 683-689? 4-20 For Rent AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 5 bedroom. 2 bath. dmtng room fireplace big tot, BBQ, nice landscaping N Grand Street $475/mo Deposits and pets negotiable M4ce 485-1506 days, 485-159? eves ftp SHARP Two bedroom m 6-ptex Carpet drapes fully applianced Oft-street parking, laundry facili ties $209 plus deposit ALSO 811 East 11 »i One bedroom with carpet, drapes, range refrigerator off-street parking, laundry faciktes $189 plus deposit Manager ?45-8?87 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HtOH ST. 485-8252 691 Tin mckenzie townhouses 17th and Hays Two bedroom. 114 baths, appliances carpet, drapes $249 Manager 484-5386 MM CO., REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-0252 _174.Kn 286 EAST ISMi One bedroom with drapes, range, refrigerator off-street parking Laundry facilities $169 plus MM CO.. REALTOR 1SS8HMHST. 485-8252 _ 389:tfn CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1870 ONTO Studio Drapes. appkancae $189 __827Hn FIVE AO0888 AVAILA8EE In older house One Mock from campus Share 3 baths, kit chen and living area Beck yard with brick barbeque Parking Rams start at 5100-5135 plus utilities and deposit 667-9721. 5-6 pm. Mon-Fri 579:tfn 071-875 IWyard Close to campus Interesting, personable and homey one bedroom apartments Convenient to campus Amenities include off-street parking and luandry facilities $190 Manager 485-0721 MM CO., REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 __609:tfn 745 EAST 15th Two bedroom apartment H block from campus Spacious and comfortable $280 plus $150 fully refundable deposit Manager 343-2081. IPM CO., REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 _ 390:tfn PERFECT LOCATION University Manor 19th and High Large one and two bedroom apartments Appliances, carpeting and hardwood floors Parking laundry facilities $205 and $245 Manager 683-1276 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 608 tin Centennial Apartments New Tenant Bonus Special Discount Rates Large swimming pool Tennis courts Sauna RV parking ? to 8 minutes to downtown Eugene, Spring field. Of U ot O Cell 747-2045 710:ttn Apartment for Rent 1 bedrm ell utilities peid $220 per month 485-885906? rtfn ACROSS FROM CAMPUS Large furnished two bedroom apartment Dishwasher, garbage disposal S255/month 30S-10S1._290:ttn CAMPUS Excellent modern one bedroom apartment in quiet 4-unit building New carpet and paint $165 485-8070._ 295 tin COMFY 4 PLUS BEDROOM home 10 min utes from campus 18m and Lawrence $4?5 per month ?44-4806_ 328:tfn SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM S1S0 month Near Island Park, river bike path and down town Small complex with laundry Water and garbage paid 14S North -A’ Call Frank 741-1506 or Nancy 344-8888 _363-On Walk to campus Quiet one bedroom apartment al 1345 Ferry Carpet drapes appliances, storage parking $195 Helen 344-2081 or Nancy 344-8888 _391 4-29 QUADS Newer convenient location, starting at $100 plus utilities 343-5616 and 683-273?. 201 tin FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedroom apartments near campus $150 to $250 485-0359. 485-0062. 100 tin SHOOT SOME BASKETS take a dip in the pool pump some iron and take a hot sauna Beautiful south hitls townhouses Fireplace dishwasher carports/garage close to bus lines and shopping Only 3 bedrooms available 4427 Fox Hollow Rd 484-6393 547 tfn 625 EAST 16th One and two bedroom apartments Parking and laundry $159-$189 summer rates begin ning 5/15 on 5 month lease Manager 345-6417 I PM CO., REALTOR 1005 HIGH ST 405-0252 _57?M CO.. REALTOR 1005 HIGH ST. 405-0252 _ 564 tfn 1505 ORCHARD One bedroom apartment Pool, laundry Fur nished $179 and *196 Manager 343-3014 mi CO.. REALTOR 10*5 HIGH ST. 485-8252 _ 563:tfn 1600 FERRY Furnished one bedroom Carpel, drapes, covered parking Cal 343-1458 1312 MILL Newly renovated studio Beautiful hardwood floors *166 343-1458 1591 HIGH One bedroom in funky older home *159 343-1458 1511 HIGH One bedroom in older house Carpet, all utilities paid *160 343-1458 *RM CO.. REALTOR _ 622ifn FIRWOOD 2111 WEST 12th On take path Lovely one and two bedroom apartments Carpal, drapes, laundry faculties patios *239 and *196 Call Manager 683-6270 maco., REALTOR ISO IE0II ST. 4SS-SM2 _ 627191 1551 HIGH Nice one bedroom Carpel, drapes, fully appkanced. laundry Call now. 485-8252 m» CO., REALTOR ISM HUM ST. 496-82S2 ___626191 1965 PATTERSON Deluxe two bedroom apartment Carept. drapes, fully applianced Laundry facilities Exclusive fenced courtyard for you atone' Only $265, this won’t last Call 687-0430 or 343-1458 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8292 __625:ltn 2705 OAK One bedroom apartment, great view Carpel, drapes, fully applianced $223 or two bedroom! $259 Call now. Manager 345-1926 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 _ 624 tin 1677 PEARL Three bedroom house Appliances, carpet, drapes garage $319 343-1458 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 623:tfn TWO 8TUDI08 AVAILABLE May 1 64? Bast 17tti Must stay through August 31 Furnsihed $1 50 for two month 's rent Last $185 Da posit $96 683-8273 634 tin ALDERWOOD Live only one block from campus in a high quality, spacious. luHy furnished apartment' One. two and three bedroom units available. $239. $314 and $399 Contact Resident Manager at 1860 Alder # 11 or call 484-6113 IPM CO., REALTOR IBM MOM ST. 4SS-S2S2 BLACKSTONE MANOR 17(0 ALDER Furnished one and two bedroom apartments available immediately Spacious apartment laundry facilities, parking Across from UO tennis courts Ca» 887-0664 607 4-16 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT one block from campus $158/mo 686-9459 between 6-8_ ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent Close to campus $155 996-8369._4-23 UNFURNISHED ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in quiet 6-ptex near campus New carpet, drapes, stove refrigerator, dis posal. covered parking Deadbolts many security features Recycling containers provid ed No pels or weterbeds Month to month $170 end $185 1161 Mill Street Manager »5 344-4516 4-16 4 BLOCKS U OF O $21$ One bedroom unfurnished duplex All appliances, including dishwasher carpeting Joy 666-1130 (office) /344-7216 (home) SPYGLASS ASSOC. REAL ESTATE 702 ttn UO FAMILY HOUSING has one and two bedroom furnished Westmoreland apartments for immediate occupancy at $ 111 -$ 131 per mo Also, accepting applications for two bedroom unfurnished at Amazon at $96 per mo UO student families only Contact UO Houamq Dept 666-4281_700 4-20 FOR RENT X-large one bedroom apartment View covered parking Laundry facilities walk in closet Refundable deposit 888 E 18th 686-0743 _4-16 ONE BEDROOM APT One block from campus near Music Bldg Rem $185 and $50 refundable deposit 344 5503 __719itn SIX BEDROOM 2 bam fireplace completely renovated $465 month $250 refundable deposit Drive by 1465 W 11th Unit sr ! 345 0629 464 2470. 485-4899 4 22 THE KINCAID A quiet older bid across from music school Summer rates now plus $50 oft first month s rent of $175 Clean furnished one bdrm Call 484-2776 RKM Real EstaSa_721 4 23 STUDIOS 73$ EAST 14m Manager »6A 484-4194 1331 WOH Manager «2B. 344-0315 TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER TERM Live dose to campus Private bath share kitchen with one other utilities paid Contem porary furnishings SUMMER RATE S11S-S12S BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 4B6Eaat 2nd 465-6691 736 4-23 Quads SIX QUADS 1750 Mkyard Carpeted share beth and kitchen Bats paid Rent by March 10th. receive $20 gift certificate and rent discount $95 first/lest. $65 deposit refunds We Dab or SaMy 683-3203 3231tn WOODSIDE MANOR 1810 Harris Very nice quads with private or senw-pnvate bams Share kitctian All uttetieapard Covered parking St29and S144 plus deposit Manager 686-2470 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1M6MMHST. <81 013 ---B06.Ha rooms m oum monk plus quads 1858-68 Hams Carpal drapas. ofl-slraal parking, laundry taaMes All uSkties paid SI 29 plus depose Managar 344-2524 IRM CO.. REALTOR _327itn V> (Sock from campus on Easlieth Fumrshed, pnvate bam and rafngarator An condaionad MHW._268:tfn ouwn-iwi mjmh $ 125 month ncludes an uWittos Call 485-4167 or 484-08048081tn QUADS HOW REMTtHG from St39 with tease From S149 monm to month Private Vi bath private refrigarator One block from mam library CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1S44 ALDER 886-1075 ?58:tfn LARGE QUADS $120 per month, utilities paid 1827 Harris St Call 485-8859 066 tin 601 WEST 11th Quads with private bath and refrigerator Parking and laundry all utilities paid $149 Manager 345-8262 »»M CO., REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST 485-8252 __ 571.tin 1728 FERRY Quads, some with decks Parking $129 and $139 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST 485-8252 570 tin Thursday, April 15,1982