emcAce style meia take-outs 345-4114 652 EAST BROADWAY GET STUFFED! wanna stuff you an' yer favorite wid a small SouthskJer pizza anna pitcher a soft drink er beer fer IFC candidates join 'gang’ Students for a Progressive Agenda isn't the the only group of candidates running on the same platform in the ASUO elections begin ning today The "Gang of Four” — Incidental Fee Com mittee candidates Mike Cross. Doug Green, David Ridenour, and Eric Stillwell — say that while they are running on the same platform, they serve no special interest, and if elected, would "work for students, not against the students " An incidental fee hike would be a "regres sive tax," says Green, an economics freshman. Higher fees will cause more students to drop out of the University — demonstrating a princi ple of "diminishing returns," he says "We re aiming our campaign at the majority of the students" who are unaffiliated with special interests, says Cross, a senior in poli tical science and psychology "Our special interest is just representing the students at large ” Students are going to focus their attention on incidental fees, and they should be kept down, Cross says Other parts of their platform include de regulating fundraising, a five to ten percent cut in ASUO program staff salaries, starting a night student escort service, and legislative invol vement by the IFC — "the main fiscal body" of the ASUO Members of the Gang of Four also object to Students for a Progressive Agenda, on whose platform six students are running for the IFC. The SPA could be the beginnings of a political machine on campus. Green says Ridenour and Green currently serve as chairer and vice-chairer respectively of the College Republicans. Cross is also head of Young Americans for Freedom Two drop out of ASUO race Ed Colligan. a business jun ior, withdrew from the ASUO presidential race and announced his alliance with Kevin Kouns and Students for a Progressive Agenda on Tuesday Jeffrey Houston, a Russian senior, also withdrew from the race and announced his sup port of C J Balfe. during a Re sidence Hall Governance Com mittee forum Monday night ' Generally we don't have a lot of'ideological differences." Colligan said of his support of Kouns, a junior in sociology and womens' studies Colligan says Kouns has more experience than he does and that the student body should address international issues such as El Salvador — which Kouns has promised to do "C J is basically not going to be much different from Rich (Wilkins. current ASUO president)," Colligan said "We re happy that Ed has en dorsed our organization," said Kouns. adding there are ' no barriers" to cooperation between CoIHgan and the Students for a Progressive Agenda Houston spoke at a Monday afternoon ASUO-sponsored forum and made no indication of withdrawing, but said after the RHGC forum that he was “not willing to sacrifice" school time, relationships, and other things important to him if he were elected president “C J (Balfe) really has a foot in the door and would make a damn good president," he said, adding that his supporters should shift their allegiance to Balte Houston, who said he will be in Israel part of the summer and wouldn't be at the University for that first part of a possible term, emphasized that he plans to participate in student govern ment next year anyway Balfe had no comment on Houston's withdrawal and sup port for him FOR ALL THAT YOU DO COMING EVENTS 'M-Men W-Women C-Coed INTRAMURALS Track Swimming Gotf Minimum M Division M-W-C M-W M-W ALL CAMPUS CHAMPIONSHIPS Squash Singles M-W Volleyball Doubles C Fun Run M-W Racquetbail Singles M-W Ultimate Frisbee M-W-C (League) 1 2 1 1 7 Entry Deadline Tue Apr 6, 5 pm Thu Apr 22 . 5 pm Wed May 5 5 pm Wed Apr 14 5 pm Fri Apr 16. 5 pm Fn Apr 23. 5 pm Mon Apr 26 5 pm Starting Dais/ Dais at Event Apr 16 6 17 Apr 26 May 8 Apr 15 Apr 19 6 21 Apr 22 Apr 24 Apr 28 SWIMMING Gerlinger Pool Leighton Pool BADMINTON Gerlinger Annex VOLLEYBALL Gerlinger Annex OPEN GYMS Gerlinger Annex OPEN RECREATION HOURS SPRING 1982 . 7 am - 8:30 am MUWHF 11 30 am-130 pm MUWHF 5 pm - 6:30 pm MUWHF 7:30 pm-9 pm MW 1 pm - 4 pm Sunday 6 pm - 9 pm UH 6 pm - 9 pm M W 3 pm- 9 pm MUWH* 3 pm - 6 pm F * 10 am - 6 pm Saturday * 1 pm - 6 pm Sunday * Esslinger Hall 7 am- 9 pm MUWH* 7 am - 6 pm F * 8 am - 6 pm Saturday * Sunday * ‘Gyms are available during these times EXCEPT where scheduled for classes, intramurals, athletics, club sports or special events EXTENDED HOURS - RACQUETBALL AND TENNIS COURT RESERVATION In response to increased demand for court space the hours have been extended on Friday, Saturday and Sunday three additional hours from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm Entry to the courts for these hours only will be on the 15th Street entrance to the outdoor racquetball courts (enter here also for covered tennis courts) For details of hours and how to make reservations come to 103 Gerlinger Hall SQUASH SINGLES - Today is the last day to enter this tournament The tournament will be played tomorrow April 15 beginning at 3:45 pm Entry available at 103 Gerlinger VOLLEYBALL - MIXED DOUBLES - Get your favorite guy or gal and sign up NOW for mixed doubles Volleyball rules apply except you only need two per team to play Games will begin Monday, April 19 at 4:30 pm in Gerlinger Annex, B-54 Bucfcwaiaar pntmtt tht* papa a* a aarvtca to atudanta Intaraatad In racraatton and Intramural* Publication of RIM Naw* should not by Irrtarpratad In any way an andoraamant of tha sponsor's product by tha untwwy ot urt9on,