UO FAMILY HOUSING has one and two bedroom furnished Westmoreland apartments tor immediate occupancy at $111 $1?1 per mo Also, accepting applications tor two bedroom unfurnished at Amazon at $98 per mo UO student families only Contact UO Housing Dept 686-428! 700 4 20 FOB RENT * large one bedroom apartment View covered parking laundry 'acilrties walk m closet Refundable deposit 888 E 18th 686 074? 4 16 ONE BEDROOM APT One block trom campus near Music Bldg Rent $185 and $50 refundable deposit ?44 -550? 719 tfn Character One bedroom duple* apartmeni ’/» block trom campus Hardwood floors lots of windows wood counlers huge kitchen lots of storage Assume our lease May-August $?00/month Flexible Evenings 484 4184 aflernoon 606-0! ?1 ask tor Men—> 4 14 SIX BEDROOM ? bath fireplace completely renovated $465 month $250 refundable deposit Drive by 1465 W 11 th Unit a 1 <45-0629 484 2470. 485-4899 4-22 THE KINCAID A quiet older bid across trom muse school Summer rates new plus $50 oft first month s rent of $175 Clean furnished one bdrm Call 484 2776 RKM Real Estate 721 4 2? SIX QUADS 1750 i-Myard Carpeted Share bath and kitchen Bats paid Rent by March 10th receive $20 gift certificate and rent discount $95 first last $65 deposit refunds ble Deb or Sally 68? ?20? ?2? tin $99 WEST UNIVERSITY QUADS 7?8 East 16th Vi block trom campus $99 monthly with lease to September 1 1982 682-5197 4 8 pm N»M CO . REALTOR IMS HIGH ST US-S2S2 -- -569 ttn WOODSIDE MANOR 1810 Hams Very nee quads with private a sen* private baths Share kitchen All utilities paid Covered parking St ?9 and St <4 plus deposit Manager 686 2470 IPM CO . REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST 485-8252 aosjn ROOMS IN OLDER HOME ptus quads 1660-66 Harris Carpet drapes on-street parking laundry facilities At utilities paid $129 plus deposit Manager 244 2524 IPM CO REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST 485-8252 227 tin No deposit Free covered parking CLEAN. QUIET QUADS *145 INCLUDING UTILITIES Vi block tram campus on East 16lh Furnished private bath and refrigerator Air conditioned $45-1272. 260 On QUADS-1380 ALDER S126 month includes at utilities Can 405 4167 or 464-0604 808 ttn QUADS MOW RENTING from $129 with ease From $149 month to month Private >» bath private refrigerator One block from mam library CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1S44 ALDER 888-1075 2581tn LARGE QUADS *120 per month utilities paid 1827 Harris St Call 405 0059 065 ttn 601 WEST 11th Quads with private bath and refrigerator Parking and laundry all utilities paid $149 Manager 245-8262 IPM CO REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST 485-8252 _571 ttn 1728 FERRY Quads some with decks Parking $129 and *129 IPM CO . REALTOR 1005 HIGH ST 485-8252 _S70Hn 169-475 East 15th Floom in house plus quads *79-509 a month on lease through August 21 Manager 484 5448 IPM CO- REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST 485-8252 __ 568 ttn 430 EAST 15th Ouad close to campus *120 All utilities paid Manager 245-9466 IPM CO- REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST 485-8252 567 tin Dorm Contracts ONLY TILL WEDNESDAY Contract only *20 Call 242-0451 4 14 ONE MED SIZED black dog needs a home He's lieallhy happy (very) neutered Call Sal 485-5552 4 15 Lost/Found FOUND: Textbook in 146 Straub on 4-12-8? am Call Steven, ext 4125 _4J5 *100 REWARD tor the return ot key set found at McArthur Court late Saturday night No questions asked All keys will be useless by end ol week Call 686-5482 or 242-4148 anytime 4 15 Oregon Daily Emerald REWARD: Lost KAO sorority pin, kite shaped w/pearls Inscription on back. Molly Martin 1959 Extreme sentimental value Contact laune 485-91 ?5 or ext 5289 4-14 LOST: 1?5mm Minolta lens m brown leather case on 4/9 m late atternoon on Spencer s Butte west trail haltway up trail by wood steps $50 reward Dane 686-5511 Adam 686-6069 _ 4-14 LOST: Gold chain wilh nuggets Sentimental vafue Reward Frances. 245-1250 4-16 Events LESBIANS' GAY MEW Celebrate spring at the BACKDOOR COFFEEHOUSE ROTLUCK 1414 Kincaid Thursday April 15 at 6 pm Bring food drink, children and triends Call 686-2260 tor more info 694 4-15 ANNOUNCING THE OREGON SYMPOSIUM ON COURT REORGANIZATION Saturday, 9 am - 3 pm University or Oregon Law School. Speakers and panelists Include Chief Justice Amo Denecke Associate Justice Hans Linde of the Oregon Supreme Court Chief Judge George Joseph of the Court of Appeals State Sen. Ted Kulongoski State Rep. Bill Rutherford and many other prominent court and stateleaders Free admission 6984-16 Eugene Council tor Human Rights m Latin America & Cinema 7 Eugene Premiere of El Salvador Another Vietnam An updated documentary This film provides an examination of the internal causes to the crisis and examination of the policy of the Reagan admmstration ECHRLA Benefit Showings Thurs., April 15 7:30 pm - $2 1236 Kincaid (next to UO Bookstore) Cinema 7 showings April 16 thru April 2? S6B.4 15 Eugene Council tor Human Rights m Latin America presents H. Siguenza Salvadoran Art in Exile lecture The Art of Mural Painting as Political Expression Lecture with slides and videotape on mural painting by Latin American artists-m-exile working in the Bay Area WEDNESDAY - 7:30 pm 1236 KINCAID (next to UO Bookstore) $1 Donation Call 484 5867 tor more information 711 4-14 BATIK IN JAVA! A tree Slide lecture will be presented Wednesday at 7:30 pm in the EMU Forum room Get a feeling for the selling and the traditional process of this old and beautiful craft through slides and examples of work brough back from a recent trip to Java. Indonesia by local artist Dee Curwen Sponsored by the EMU Craft Center 720 4 -14 BALANCING FAMILY A SCHOOL A free workshop featuring Margie Holland and Betty Dale, will be offered Wed , April 14th, from ?-5 in room ??7 EMU Sponsored by Women in Transition, ext 4099 729 4-14 Entertainment Tai Chi SHAPE P E classes MW 7-8 pm. Ger linger Annex, room 350 4-15 CINEMA 7 10ff) & Olive-Atrium Building M7-0733 EUGENE PREMIERE ENDS THURSDAY PiXOTE 1981 Best Foreign Film by N Y and L A film critics, P ixote deserves to be seen SHOWING ONCE ONLY AT 7 PM Red Adm Mat Sun 2 pm STARTS APRIL 16 EL SALVADOR: ANOTHER VIETNAM Tonight through April 22 MARILYN CHAMBERS m all new x-raied INSATIABLE Rated X - over 16 ID required SHOWTIMES FRI A SAT 9:30 PM A 12 MIDNIGHT Sun-Thurs 9 ?0 pm only Mai Sat-Thurs 5 pm _658 4-15 i THEBUOU 492 E. 13th (at Ferry SL) NEW TICKET PRICES!! Associate member S2 Student (Sun.-Thurs.) S2 50 Gen. Adm. S? ENDS THURSDAY EUGENE PREMIERE MY DINNER WITH ANDRE 'The beet picture of the year” Roger Ebert. PBS Sneak Previews " Directed by Louis Male. Starring and written by Wallace Shawn and Andre Gregory. Nightly 7 and 9 20 pm Sal-Sun Mat 3:30 pm $2 Stans Friday LILI MARLEEN 5194-15 YWCA PRESENTS jsse Fonda m DOLL’S HOUSE Henrik Ibsen s play has been a starring vehicle for world famous actresses Nazimova. Laurette Taylor. Ruth Gor don. Helen Hayes. Peggy Ashcroft, have all interpreted the pan of Nora Helmer Nora s search tor individuality and its correspondence with modern feminism was an obvious attraction to Jane Fonda This production was filmed en tirely on location, utilizing interiors of houses in the town of Roros. Norway, a starkly beautiful one time copper mining center which has remained relatively unchanged since the mid- 19th century period of Ibsen s play FRIDAY, APRIL 1 • 7 A • PM 177 LAWRENCE S1.50/S.75 children 725 4 16 BIJOU MIDNITE DANCE CRAZE At last, the movie you've all been waiting tori Featuring the best of British "Ska" - Bad Manners, The English Beat, The Body Snatchers and more1 Wednesday $1 Thursday Rocky Horror $2 Friday & Saturday $2 50 Sunday Matinee 2 30 pm $2 Next April 21 -24 The Harder They Come April 28-May 1 No Nukes 728 4-16 FRANK ‘N FURTER LIVESI THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Now every Thursday and Sunday at midnight, plus Saturday at 1 pm All shows just $2 AT THE BIJOU 727 4-16 Personals 34 IFC CANDIDATES eat quiche One doesn t MARC SPENCE IFC-#24 on ballot Paid Committee for Spence 4-14 VOTE DEVIN WATE IFC ___4-J5 ARCHITECTURE & ALLIED ARTS on SUAB position #10 vote tor MARK LAKEMAN. He will represent your interests Pd Mark Lakeman 4-15 SUAB #8 REBECCA RICOY Paid Ricoy _4-15 DANCE CRAZE TONIGHT General craziness all year long' Thanks to all my friends for a great year' Love JB or BURLY MAMMA 4-14 HAVE YOU HAD PROBLEMS WITH THE EMERALD? Misrepresentation’’ Damaging information'’ We need people who will testily at a public hearing Call Mary, 682-8297 or Pam at 342-4025, 345-4513 4-14 CONGRATULATIONS! to the newest pledges of ALPHA DELTA PI! LisaCavin Erin Knowles Therese Foster JoAnn Furte Hilary Islam Paula Winchester YOU’RE THE GREATEST! 4-14 VIDA BARN RENTALS Under new management Fantastic dance, party or picnic location Reasonable rates 896-3889 or 342-7272. _409 tin HAIR TODAY HAS A HAIR SALON for men and women m the EMU by the Rec Center We do haircuts, styled perms, color and tree consultations Call 687-1347 or stop by tor appointments_068 tfn Horseback Riding HAYRIDES • BARN DANCES C Bow Arrow Ranch 345-5643 370MWF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy testing Birthright 687-8651 4685W HAVE A DIRTY SLEEPING BAG? Find dependable service at Stogmund’s Cleaners 821 E 13th A«e 108 UW MAKE MONEY! Recycling Your Clothes! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing lor men and women For appointment: 344-7039 360 E. 11th 1881 :UWF PLANNED PARENTHOOD for PAP smears birth control (pills, diaphragms. lUDs, con doms. loams) and counseling Day and even inq appointments Call M-F 344-0411 158WF ISOLATION TANK Relaxation through flota tion Call for questions and appointment 663-3666.UW4-28 YOU DON’T HAVE TO TAKE a workshop to use the EMU Craft Center Open studio space is available m photography, ceramics, wood working. graphics, libers, lewelry and metals, stained glass Call 686-4361. or visit us in the basement of the EMU, 664:4-14 A FREE WAY TO SAY THANKS Do you have a professor who makes you leap out of bed to get to class, and never want to be late9 Who inspires you to dedicate yourself to your studies9 Who makes you think and want to learn9 Who is simply a great teacher9 Count your blessings - and nominate this person tor the Annual Ersted Distinguished Teaching Award It's one way you can say "thanks " It only takes a moment, but it makes a great difference to the professor It says, "keep up the good work'" Pick up nomination forms at the ASUO office right away, deadline is Friday. April 23_ 683 4-23 STUDENTS FOR A PROGRESSIVE AGENDA 4-15 BETTER DAYS for PROGRESSIVE FASHION To get you in the swing tor spring. Better Days tor Progressive Fashion is having a spring sale on all clothing in the store Hurry in. sale ends April 16 770 EAST 11 tti Mon-Frl 10:30-5:30 Saturday 11-5 _575:4-16 WANTED: Essays, poetry, illustrations, etc tor publication Payment upon publicaton Please submit manuscripts to Pipers, PO Box 3437, Eugene. 97403 or call 683-7143 for more in tormation_4-19 % PRICE ON SPORT SHOES Baseball, football Reg $24 95 $48 95 Spalding. Puma & Spt Bill Get free pair of gym aborts with each purchase! Teams welcome GOOD BUYS OF EUGENE 350 East 15th Ave 344-0140 7074-19 SUAB #3 ERIN-MICHELLE WILLIS Paid Willis -44A PROFESSIONAL HELP with tax returns, reasonable rates 342-3537. 4-14 PI BETA PHI is proud to annouce their Spring Pledge Class Congratulations Chris Austin Julie Braidwood Michelle Brilhante Anna Dundr Joan Hull Laurlie Kaxhausen Kim Kelsay Bridget Pilip Christina Thurmer Lisa Wood 717 4-14 BIG BROTHER is a form of authoritarian CIA style manipulation , Evil! MOT 4-14 SILLY BILL Happy 1954 4-14 KERMIT Meet me at 10 am tor a New Orleans omelette at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard LOUTA 128 tfn VOTE TODAY BOB MEAD for IFC Pd by Bob Mead 4-15 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DANCE MARATHON AND ALL-NIGHT DANCE April 2? and 24. 8 pm to 8 am, McKenzie Room, Valley River Inn Pledge sheets available in 111 Susan Campbell Hall All-night dance costs $1 50 Ooor prizes for all dancers Weekends at the Valley River Inn, The Embarcadero, and Driftwood Shores for top marathon money earners 726:4-16 PI KAPPA ALPHA invites all Ruahees to check out the Plies, the fraternity. 4-14 S.P.A. STUDENTS FOR A PROGRESSIVE AGENDA ODE says we’re “too concerned with larger political issues, (i.e. El Salvador, Reagan’s military budget)” C.J. Bade thinks students don’t need to be taking stands “on every little war.” Well Now... We were just wondering... Who is it that will fight that war in El Salvador? And where did Reagan get all that money for bombs? Maybe somebody gave it to him... Vote for a change VOTE S.P.A. For President: Kevin Kouns For Vice-Pres.: Ken Packman For IFC (» 15 ballot position) (1) Ted Marks (2) Steve Pacheco (3) Jeff Nudelman (4) Dianne Ritterbund Mason (11) Mary Alice Holmes For EMU Board (2) Mary Hotchkiss (7) Jaued Rasool Pd: Student* lor a Progressive Agenda 4-15 San Francisco State University Continuing Education Wildlands Research Institute Join a Backpacking Research Team m the Mountain West. Canada or Alaska On-site Research to preserve: • Wildlife Species • Wilderness Habitats Summer 1982 — 3 units Course details: Wildlands Research Institute 407 Atlantic Ave Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (408)427-2106 McKenzie Coffee Monthly Special 10% off House Blend Coffee through April Coffee by the cup I We are in the Mayflower Building^ 762 E.11th • 342-2071 Page 7