For Solo HIGH INTENSITY GROW LIGHT 400 watts SIIO-oRar, ctf 342-4029_ 4-14 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2-M Thermo-Fa* $75 Ditto duplicator $50. AB Dick 525 Mimeograph $200 Olivetti adding machine (electric mechanical) $15 See at 768 East !6th or call 686-26884-16 STEREO: NAD receiver NAKAMtCHt tape deck TECHNICS turntable Perfect 244-2585 eves _4-15 ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS 197S se! Sweets catalog $10 drawing table $25 Hob 686-82724-15 NEW TLS8C CALCULATOR Programmable Constant memory Under warranty $75 Can Rob 485-4209 4 16 EMU CRAFT CENTER WORKSHOPS Still open are Beg Woodworking Ftouler Lathe Bike Repair Natural Yarn Dyeing Ortgami Raku Beg B & W Photography Sandblasting Glass Adv Stone Setting 722 4-16 rrs TAX TIME ASSOCIATED TAX PROCESSORS I come to you! Call Jerry 687 1887 LcenseC tax preparer_4-16 T-SHIRTS Latter Silkscreen Best service design, porting and prices 242-2206 eves 244-1927_ 706 4-22 THE EMU CRAFT CENTER sells art and craft supplies at very reasonable prices wood photo Nm paper and chemicals stonewares stained glass solder came ana copper toil lewelery saw Dlaoes Ikes sifver bat* dyes and daunting tools bike patch kits much more; Visit us downstairs in the EMU, or call 686-4261 722 4-21 EXPERIENCED TYPIST using IBM Selectrsc II - Cali Mina between 8 am and 11 pm at 726-9624__362 MW TYPING DONNA 344-1816 _2326 MW TYPING: ' 5 years experience Papers dis sertations eortmg IBM Seiectnc Pick-up and deliver, Cal' Caroie a' 688-3983. 240? ttr TYPING UNLIMITED 747-9296 Grad School Approved 'Guaranteed Seiectnc Call tor pricing _189 tin PRO TYPING EDITING On vacation (yippee ) tril 4 29 Jeon Iter 486-3883 ____ PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Seiectnc Cali Barbara 345-0747 _495MWF PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statist ica specie list IBM Correcting Seiectnc Graduate approved Mear campus 344-0759. 460 tfr NEED TERM PAPERS resumes letters etc typed-? Call 689-8It 2 Reasonable rates 4-15 TYPING GUARANTEED ceded fast Pickup and delivery Karen. 741 -0486 anytime 4-16 HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Computer system makes typing obsolete Theses reports resumes Free pickup delivery 343-5513.4.16 COMPUTER WORD PROCESSING by YOUR WORD’S WORTH 342-754* 525 6-24 TYPING-ELITE Guaranteed last per fect Pick-up delivery, $ 85 page Wendy 683-8684 4-14 WANTED: Fender Stratocaster Chris P 485-5846 days. 343-2292 eves and weekends 4-14 VERIT 7-way 10 speakers w circuit breakers and passive radiator $135 pr Can Joel 345-0180. 4-15 YAMAHA BASS AMPLIFIER USED 20 HOURS $195 (retail $259) MARANTZ SPEAKERS Jnboxed'$85 344 2471 4 15 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% o*f Itsl prices New Books-Text Books-Clitf Notes Magazmes USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF all raw book* SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13Bt 5223 :tfn SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair M 8 B SWIFT SHOP 2529 Willamette 484-9333 5635 tin DOWHILL SKI’S Rossignol GT-II. 180cm equipped w/Tyrolia bindings Excellent condi tion Good tun tor $75 or best offer 344-2026 4-14 Page 6 BEGINNER'S SPECIAL Kneisei ski 170crr and poles S50 Also Dolomite boots sue 9 $25 Can Joe) 245-0180 4 15 RECYCLED BIKE WORKS Quality Reconditioned Bicycles Repairs Pads - Service We Buy. Sell and Trade 296 Blair Bbd 465-5686 __552 4-14 BIKE SALE Sekai 1000 10-speed (Alloy wtieets suntour parts $25 OPE Only $215 Wdamette valiy CYCLE WORKS 663 East 13th 343-7066 ___ 6964-16 RALKGM 23" rebuilt with new pan $175 or otter 485 9682 Alex _4-16 BUY-SELL-TRADE Reconditioned bikes used pans SECOND NATURE BICYCLES 1712 Willamette 343-5362 WE BUY USED PARTS _ _ 716 UW 23" FUG! Rides well good components Best otter around $100 344-00214-15 Complete Bicycle Overhauls - $22 Includes bearing repack wbee) truemg brake and gear adjustment FREEWHEELING BICYCLE REPAIR 631 East 1417. Ave 683 5204 7184 19 MEN'S 25” NISHIKI ROYALE E»ec cond Suntour parts S245 345-0135 4-16 1979 DAT SUN 21® low m»ies stereo excel lent[condition $3400 Cafl?45-57?C 4-14 GOVERNMENT SURPLUS CARS AND TRUCKS many sold through >oca sales unde' $?00 Call 1-714-569-0241 tor your directory on how to purchase Open 24 hours 4 16 STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights Eurailpasses Bntrari passes Infl student ID cards tours books insurance AYH cards worx programs and much more Can CIEE Student Travel '206) 622-2448 4-16 EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL: ’our Europe tor a month this summer Lowest prices in /ears Adults and students welcome High schoo1 and college credit available For more information cal! Stan Huttgren at 687-2400 (days) or Knst San Flomani at 484-645’ (evenings) 4-19 ALASKAN PRINCIPAL/TEACHER couple wishes to rent 2-2 bdrm nicer home pteasan' neighborhood near college preferred compte tely furnished mci dishes and linens about June 15 to Aug 14 Write soon no phones here mail slow Jan Wiliams Pouch L. Ket chikan AK 99901 4 16 SUMMER ON THE SLOPES Earn up to 12 credits m French or Italian or Spanish in four weeks this summer on Mt Hood as a participant in Portland State s A'L'P'S in OFIEGON Program For details call (503) 229-4081 or write PSU Summer Session PO Box 751 Portland OP 97207 W 4 -21 WORK IN FRANCE. JAPAN. CHINA! M< experience degree or foreign language required tor most positions Teach conversa tional English Send long stamped sell addressed envelope tor details ESL-15 PO Box 236 Gentraka, WA 96521_4 19 EAT FOR S2.50 A DAY At Student s Cooperative Association you can eat three meals a day tor $2 50 Slop by 1670 Of 1790 Alder St 677 4-16 EARN CREDIT WHILE FILLING AN IM PORTANT COMMUNITY NEED! The ESCAPE Field Studies Program still has placements for spring term Volunteers are needed to work in several community service agencies like Switchboard Womenspace juvenile corrections, special education programs and many more Fiegister this week in the EMU lobby or the ESCAPE office - 227 EMU Or call us at ext 4281 708 4 -16 ERIC ENGLUND SCHOLARSHIP $2000 to enable a UO graduate to pursue graduate studies at UO or elsewhere in Amer ican literature or history or related suejects Preference given to students who may not otherwise have the opportunity Apply to English Depanmem by April 2? 715 4-15 Help Wanted TOO MANY BILLS? Excellent earning oppor tumty. Part-time full-time For more informa tion call 746-6422 458 tin OVERSEAS JOBS Summer year round Eu rope S Amer Australia Asia All fields $500-$1200 monthly Sightseeing Free info Write IJG Box 52-OR ? Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 4-2? APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED to' the position ot 1982-8? Oregon Daily Emerald Editor Applicants should have knowledge ot newspaper touma hsm and ot the University ot Oregon Term of office is June 8 1982 through June 7 198? Monthly salary Begins May 1 1982 Editor must Be enrolled tor at least 6 credits during three of tour terms at the Unviversity of Oregon while in office Position requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of ?5-40 hours per week Applications are available in the Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returned to the 00E Board ot Directors ?00 EMU PO Box ?159 Eugene OB 9740? before 5 pm April 22 The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Affirma tive Action Employer that operates under the team management concept Women minorities and the handicapped are on cou raged to apply__4-22 TWO WORK-STUDY POSITIONS available m Athletic Department Serve as receptionist by answering main desk telephone and answering questions at counter Must be dependable and well groomed T wo shifts available 8 am-11 am or 11-2 pm Pay rate S4 ?2 Contact Kathy Campbell at 6B6-5422 67? 4 14 DECISION RESEARCH need students tor experiments in luOgement ana decision-making on Thursday and Friday ot this week Mahve English soeakers only $5 tor aDout an hour and '* Call 485-2400 from. 9 am to 5 pm_ 690 4 16 WORK-STUDY POSITIONS Ean 04 64 tor tutoring Finance ? 11 ? 14 ?B0 Accounting ?51.?60 Economics ?75 416 Genetics 424 D C ??0 Sociology ?27 Speech 12? French 2nd ?rd yea' Gam vaiuaple exper lence and a letter ot recommendation Call E O F ext 3222_ 69? 4 14 WANTED: Hashers dishwashers tor a sorority house Can ?42-4150 tor more information _ 4 16 HOMEOWNER with ok) home large yard seeking student with handyman skills for yard wort home maintenance S3.SO to $4/hr Approximately S7S to S125 monthly Prefer local resident, also available In summer PO Box 3730. Eugene. 97403 4-1* WANTED: Models to* fashion and glamour photography Experience preferred Win pay Cat! 485-019? 6-8 pm 4 15 S10 PA® tor class notes - - 686-610? 4 14 HEED A PLACE? HAVE A PLACE? Screened people need you now $20 tee 6 month membership Don t lake chances UNITED ROOMMATES 747-7337 Everyday 11 -8 pm _ _ _ 828 tin ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bedroom house $128 month split utilities Ga'age fenced yard Available May 1 68'- ; 298 4 t Carpet drapes tuHy applianced Oft-sheet parking laundry tacih lies $209 plus aeposi! ALSO 611 East 11th One bedroom with carpel arapes range relrigerator ott-st'ee'parking laundry lacilttes $ 189 plus deposit Manager n45-6?87 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 465-6252 _____ 691 tin CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1870 ONYX Studio Drapes appliances $189 I PM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 927 Mr MCKENZIE TOWNHOUSES 17th and mays Two bedroom 1 Vs baths appliances carpet drapes $249 Manager 484 5?86 IPM CO REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 __174Hn 265 EAST 18»! One bedroom with arapes range refrigerator oft-street parking Laundry facilities $169 plus deposit IPM CO . REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 _38B tin HILYARD APARTMENTS 971-675 Hltyard Close to campus Interesting, personable and homey one bedroom apartments Convenient to campus Amenities include ofl-street parkirig and luandry facilities $190 Manager 485-0721 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 ________ 609 tin 745 EAST 15th Two bedroom apartment Vi block Irom campus spacious and comlorlable $280 plus $150 lully refundable deposit Manager 94;- 2081 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 3W tin PERFECT LOCATION University Manor 19th and High Large one and two bedroom apartments Appliances carpeting and hardwood floors Parking laundry facilities $205 and $245 Manager 68? 1276 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 6081fn ALDERWOOD Ltve onty one block Irom campus in a high quality spacious fully turmshed apartment' One two and three bedroom units available $2?9 $214 and $?99 Contact Resident Manager at 1860 Alder » 11 or call 484-611? IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 Apartment for Rent 1 beorm all utilities paid $220 per month 485-8859_ 06? ttn ACROSS FROM CAMPUS Large furnished two bedroom apartment Dishwasher garbage disposal $255 month 343-1491 290 ttn CAMPUS Excellent modern one bedroom apartment in quiet 4-unit building New carpet and paint $! 66 485-8070 2»S:tlf COMFY 4 PLUS BEDROOM home 10 minutes from campus 18th and Lawrence $4?5 per month ?44-4806 ?28 tin SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM $1S0 month Near island Pan* river bike path and down lown Small com pie* with laundry Water and garbage paid 14S North A' Can Frank 741 1506 or Nancy 744-8888 767 ttn Walk to campus Quiet one bedroom apartment at 1745 Ferry Carpet drapes appliances storage parking $195 Helen 744 -7081 or Nancy 744 8886 _ 791 4 79 QUADS Newer convenient location, starting at $100 plus utilities 747 5616 and 68? 7777 701 ttn FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedroom apartments near campus $' 50 48&-0359. 485-0062 100 ttn SHOOT SOME BASKETS take a dip in the poo* pump some iron and take a not sauna Beautiful south hills townhouses Fireplace dishwasher carports garage close to bus lines and shopping Only ? bedrooms available 4427 Fok Hollow Fid 484-679? 54 7 ttn Centennial Apartments New Tenant Bonus Special Discount Rates Large swimming pool Tennis courts Sauna RV parking ? to 8 minutes to downtown Eugene Spring held, or UotO Call 747 2045 710 tin FURNISHED STUDIO 735 EAST 14th Campus location utilities paid Contemporary lurmsttings Private bath snare kitchen wttn one oine' Covered parking and laundry available $169 Manager 4S4 4194 BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO 460 East 2nd 465-6M1 __466 1th ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT * and bath living and dining room $220 rent $125 g d and you pay utilities Student Plaza 945 E 19m 244 ?41 ? 501 4 90 FURNISHED STUDIO 1331 HIGH Utilities paid Contemporary furnishings Private Pattis snare kitchen with one other Campus downtown area $169 Manage' 2B 244-0215 BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 460 East 2nd 465-6991 524 tin “Rooftop Decks” These two bedroom apartments otter cozy quiet living wilt large sunny decks tor study breaks We re next to campus and have a recent vacancy you can take advantage of Eind us behind Wendy's Eranklm St location 1803 GARDEN AVE 344-1043 542 4 26 FIVE ROOMS AVAILABLE ' older bouse One block from campus Snare ? baths. kit cben and living area Back yard with brick barbeque Parking Bents start at $100-$125 plus utilities and deposit 687-9721 5-8 pm Mon-Frl 679Ttn ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT upper , ot house Separate entrance ga'dent a'ea iots of windows and charm $250 plus 1718 Lincoln 687-9721 between 5-8 pm Mon-Fri 578 tin TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT $175 Untur mshed Very nice large and clean Quiet building campus one block Hot water paid laundry facilities drapes and carpet balcony Olt-slreet parking 750 East 18th 245-7987 68 7 8205 S77:ttn CAMPUS 2 BEDROOM $175 Large nice 750 E t8tn 246-7967 687-8205 6t2ttn TWO STUDIOS AVAILABLE May 1 642 East 17th Must stay through August 21 Eurnsihed $1 50 tor two month s rent Last $165 Deposit $95 682 -8272 624 tin AVAILABLE SEPT 1 Eairmounl Blvd 2 be droom den 2 baths 2 fireplaces fully fur mshed artistic laundry TV year s lease $540 242-0663 _ 4i4 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 5 bedroom 2 balti dining room fireplace big lot BBQ nice landscaping N Grand Street $476 mo Deposits and pets negotiable Mike 485 1506 days. 485 1592 eves tfn BLACKSTONE MANOR 1750 ALDER Eurmshed one and two bedroom apartments available immediately Spacious apartment laundry facilities parking Across Irom UO tennis courts Call 687-0684 697 4-16 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT one block Irom campus $158-mo 686-9459 between 6-8 ONE BEDROOM -apartment lor rent Close 10 campus $155 998-8">89 4 2? UNFURNISHED ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in quiet 8 pier near campus New carpet drapes stove refrigerator dis posal, covered parking Deadbolts many security features Recycling containers provided No pets or waterbeds Month to month $170 and $185 1161 Mill Street Manager »5 244-4516 4 16 4 BLOCKS U OF O $215 One bedroom unfurnished duplex All appliances including dishwasher carpeting Joy 686-1130 (office) / 344-7215 (home) SPYGLASS ASSOC REAL ESTATE 702 fin Wednesday, April 14,1982