Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 14, 1982, Page 8, Image 16

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‘White Hotel ’
continued from pago 7b
be published in April 1982
Birthstone has never been pub
lished in America,
The urge to write did not hit
Thomas until his mid-20's He
spent the early part of his career
writing poetry and in 1968 Pen
guin Books published his worlk
as part of it Modern Poetry ser
ies. In addition to his original
poetry, Thomas also gained no
toriety for his translations of
Russian poetry He is well
known for his two volumes of
translation from the Russian
poems of Anna Akhmatova and
he has recently finished
translating the "Selected
Poems” of Puskin
"I began writing seriously
after I'd taken my degree at Ox
ford," said Thomas in a recent
interview "I tend to be obses
sive with my work so while I was
getting my English degree I did
nothing but read Milton, Keats,
and so on When I finished at
Oxford I had no idead what I
wanted to do I decided to
become a teacher
"Then one day I saw an
accident on the street A little
girl had been run over It sent a
shiver down my spine and when
I returned to my room I realized
that I wanted to write a poem
about it That was my first poem
At the same time. I realized that
this was above all what I wanted
to do in life
“I was 24 at the time, a late
start by most standards "
by william coriander
continued from page 6b
Bonoff s superb earlier offer
Bonoff's debut album was
filled with powerful songs, in
cluding "Someone To Lay
Down Beside Me." "Isn't It
Always Love," "I Can't Hold
On" and "Home " Her second
album continued this trend with
tunes like "Baby, Don't Go."
"Restless Nights' and "Only A
Fool " Although her latest
release has a couple of songs of
this calibre, the collection as a
whole is a little shallow
"Just Walk Away" is unar
guably the best cut on the
album Basically a nice end-of
love ballad, she tosses in some
good chord changes and voic
ings. which are accentuated by
producer Kenny Edwards lush
arrangement Layers of
harmonies by Bonoff. Edwards
and Wendy Waldman, and some
nice orchestra synthesizer lines
make the song click Unfor
tunately. a typical pop sax solo
is added, giving the song a
top-40 sound The song is
strong enough to withstand this
addition, however, and de
serves a good deal of airplay
Other strong songs include
the title cut, "Please Be The
One" and "I Don't Want To Miss
You " Even in these songs
Bonoff’s excellent songwriting
abilities seem to have suffered
somewhat While they could
compete well with any other of
fering in the AOR/pop category,
they lack the emotion and heart
of Bonoff's earlier works
Bonoff is still looking for the
perfect love and saying good
bye to her imperfect ones She
may not be doing it with the
finesse of her earlier albums,
but she still does it quite well.
by matt meyer
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