c< s Peat. Marwick Mitchell and Company (Accounting internship) April 22 -23 Del Monte Corporation (Economics Business) FILMS "The Last Epidemic” will be shown today at 7.30 p m at Wtnteaker School. £1 N Grand St The film is in preparation tor the May 15th Nuclear Freeze Parade Call 686-9328 lor further information Sponsored by Citizen Action for Lasting Security CLASSES "Latin America: People. Culture and Politics," a SEARCH class ottered by the Eugene Council tor Human Rights in Latin America will meet today from 3:30-5 20 p m at 1236 Kincaid St This week s class looks at art and politics in Central America with Salvadoran artist m-exite Herbert Siguenza discussing me work ol Latin American political artists working in exile in the Bay Area Call 484-5867 tor more information MISCELLANEOUS Winter and spring graduates: What you do after graduation is important to us Please notify Career Planning and Placement Service of |Ob offers you receive and the position you accept We need this information tor counseling purposes It will be kept confidential South Slough National Estuarial Sanctuary, whale watching, Ssk In the dunes, tide pool exploring, Oregon Institute at M si Ins Biology, shore bird watching. Trip sponsored by People and the Oregon Coast and the Survival Center For more information and reservations. contact 686-4073 or 686-4356 The American Advertising Federation's book co-op will remain open one tmal day tor those who didn't pick up books or money Today in Room 115. EMU (inside cafeteria) Aahland Shakespearean Festival trip being planned for the Memorial Day weekend. May 28-30 Anyone interested In more information on seeing Juhut Caesar. Wmfft or Spotnaong should call Frank at 686-4373 But and rooms at Southern Oregon Collage have been reserved Tickets to plays are at a 20 percent discount for group of 15 or more _... • ,.r-Si-"*»*.*? • CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to pubfccatton Ads that are to appea* >r Monday s paper must be in by 1 pm Fndav Tbe ODE cannot be responsible tor more ttiar one day's Incorrect advertising insertion Tbe ODE s liability for typographical errors incorrect insertions or omissions m advertising publistieO shall be fcmited solely to tbe cancel lation of charges tor such portion of space occupied by tbe error It your ad appears Incorrectly, cad 686-4343 before 1 pm tor correction in tbe next day's ssue RATES: Rates are 15 cents per won! tor me first day and 12 cents per word tor consecu tive days tbe ad s rur without change SI 50 minimum tor the first Insertion S1-20 minimum tor coneeudve Insertions There is NO refund tor ad cancadations For Sale HIGH INTENSITY GROW LIGHT 400 watts S110 Oder cad 242-40294-14 SKIS Oltn Mark IV Comps 175cm Look Mevacla bindings $125 Txigie-Hamilton room 104. ext 9774 _4-1? OFFICE EQUIPMENT ?-M Thermo-Fax $75 Ditto duplicator $50. AS Dick 525 Mimeograph $200 Olivetti adding machine (electric mechanical) $15 See at 768 East 16m or call 686- 3666 4-16 WURLTTZER ELECTRIC PIANO 'Call Lantz 687- 0951. 4-1? ART CLASSES CLOSED? Registration for EMU Craft Center Workshops continues at the Craft Center (downsta irs m the EMU) Classes sSH open are Jewetry & Metatsmithing Adv Stone Setting Sandblasting Glass Stained Glass Beg Origami Drawing Book Omdng & Paper Marbling Watercoio' Sitkscreen Beg Sewing Navajo Wear ing Beg Basketry Table Loom Weav ing Scandinavian Pattern Knitting Mid Easter Rug Weaving Clothing Embel lishment Batik Natural Yam Dyeing Beg Woodworking Adv Woodworking Building Wood Hand Planes' Wood Lathe Router Beg B & W Photography Experimental Darkroom Intermediate Photography. Children s Ceramic Scuftpture Baku Bicycle Maintenance Stop by. or call 686-4361 tor informa tion_665 4-1? IT'S TAX TIME ASSOCIATED TAX PROCESSORS l come to you' Can Jerry 687-1887 Licensed tax preparer 4-16 Typing TYPING: 15 years experience Papers dis sertations editing IBM Smectnc Pick-up and dBfcwy Can Carole aUSUSSl. 2403rttn MO TYPING/EDITING On vacation (yippee1) Hf 4/29 COMPUTER WORD PROCESSING by YOUR WORD'S WORTH 342-754* ___525:6-24 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specia list IBM Correcting Seledric Graduate approved Near campus 344-075*. 460itn TYPING aUAAAirTEED IBM Correcting Setoctric _ Ruth 345-5614 NEED TERM PAPERS resumes letters etc typed9 Call 689-8112 Reasonable rates 4-15 TYPING GUARANTEED perfect last Pickup and delivery Karen. 741-0486 anytime 4-16 HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Computer system makes typing obsolete Theses reports resumes Free pickup / deli very 340-5511. _ 4-16 TYPING-ELITE Guaranteed fast, perfect Pickup, delivery, S 85/page Wendy. 683-8684 . 4 )9 WANTED: Fender Stratocaster Chris P 465-5846 days 343-2292 eves and weekends 4-14 PIONEER CS-M SPEAKERS Sansu. 5000 A amplifier Pioneer PL41 turntable Excellent condition and price 096-8019 _4-13 VERfT 3-way 10 speakers w circuit Dreakers and passive radiator SI 35 pr Call Joel 345-0180 4-15 YAMAHA BASS AMPLIFIER USED 20 HOURS SI 95 (retail S259) MARANTZ SPEAKERS unboxed1 $85 344-2471 4-15 60.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All setting 25% to 50% oft ttst prices New Books-Text Books-Cttft Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF a* new books SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 760 East 13*i 5223 Itn Ski Stuff DOWHILL SKI’S Rossignol GT-II. 180cm equ*>ped w T yroha bindings Excellent condi tion Good fun tor S75 or best otter 344-2026 4-14 BEGINNER'S SPECIAL Kneise) ski 170cm and poles S50 Also Dolomite boots size 9 $25 Cal! Joet 3450180 4-15 RECYCLES BIKE WORKS Quality Reconditioned Bicycles Repairs - Parts - Service We Buy Sen and Trade 296 (Hr Blvd. 4*5-58*6 552 4-14 BIKE SALE Sekai 1000 10-speed (Alloy wheels suntour parts) *25 OFF Only *215 WiBamette vaHy CYCLE WORKS 663 East 13tti 343-7066 696 4-16 RALIEGH 23” retxutt with new part $175 or otter 485-9682 Alex 4-16 BUV-SELL-TRADE Reconditioned Cukes used parts SECOND NATURE BICYCLES 1712 W Barnette 343-5362 WE BUY USED PARTS SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair MSB SWIFT SHOE JCM WMameMe 464-6333 5625ttn VW OWNERS: support academia and save money by having me a graduate student and a mechanic with eight years of professional experience fix your VW's I guarantee all my work and after campus pickup and dekvery Ca« Dennis Todd 344-7666. 785:U Travel STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights Euratfpasses Bril rail passes mt'l student ID cards tours books insurance AYH cards work programs and much more Call CIEE Student Travel (206) 622-2448 _ 4-16 EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL: 'our Europe for a month Bus summer Lowest prices m years Adults and students welcome High school and college credit available For more information call Stan Huflgren at 687-2400 (days; or Kris! San Fiomani a! 484-6451 (evenings) 4-19 Rides/RIders RIDER WANTED TO N.V. area Leaving A.S.A.P Call Claude 1-299-9914 (Salem) 4-12 1*79 DATSUN 210 Low r.utes stereo excel lent condition $3400 CM 245-5730 4-14 1973 HONDA 100 Excellent condition S200 or best otter 689-81'2 _ 4-13 GOVERNMENT SURPLUS CARS AND TRUCKS many SOW through local sales under S20G Call t-714-569-0241 tor your directory on how to purchase Open 24 hours 4 16 ALASKAN PRINCIPAL/TEACHER couple wishes to rent 2-2 bdrm nicer home pleasant neighborhood near college preferred compte tely furnished met dishes and itnens about June 15 to Aug 14 Write soon no phones here mail slow Jan WtHiams Pouch L. Ket chtkan AK 99901 4 16 Opportunities WORK IN FRANCE. JAPAN. CHINA! No experience degree or foreign language required lor most positions Teach conversa tional English Send long stamped sett addressed envelope tor details ESL-15 PO Box 236, Centraha WA 9BS214-19 EARN CREDIT WHILE FILLING AN IM PORTANT COMMUNITY NEED! The ESCAPE Field Studies Program still has placements tor spring term Volunteers are needed to work in several community service agencies like Switchboard Womenspace juvenile corrections special education programs and many more Register this wee* in the EMU lobby or me ESCAPE office - 227 EMU Or call us at ext 4251 7084 16 PROFESSIONAL FAMILY m Santa Barbara seeking to trade their charming 2 bedroom home with equally conscientious family tn Eugene Write to Adler PO Bo* 11415 Eugene OR 974404-12 EAT FOR 92.50 A DAY At Student s Cooperative Association you can eat three meals a day tor $2 50 Stop by 1670 or 1790 Aider St 677 4-16 Help Wanted APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED for the position of 1982-8? Oregon Daily Emerald Editor Applicants should have knowledge of newspaper journa lism and of the University of Oregon Term of office is June 8 1982 through June 7 198? Monthly salary begins May 1 1982 Editor must be enrolled lor at least 6 credits during three of four terms at the unvtversity of Oregon while m office Position, requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of ?5-40 hours per week Applications are available in the Oregon Daily EmeralO offices and must be returned to the OOE Board of Directors ?00 EMU PO Box ?159 Eugene OR 9740? before 5 pm April 22 The EmeralO is an Equal Opportunity Affirma tive Action Employer that operates under the team management concept Women minori ties and the handicapped are encouraged to apply_ _ 4-22 TWO WORK-STUDY POSITIONS available m Athletic Department Serve as receptionist Dy answering main des* telephone and answering questions at counter Must be dependable and well groomed T wc shrfrs available 6 am-It am or 11-2 pm Pay rate S4 22 Contact Kathy Campbell at686-54?2_67? 4-14 FAMILY one block from campus needs 2 hrs or more help with newborn ?45-4577 4-16 DECISION RESEARCH needs college students tor experiments in judgement and decision-making on Thursday and Friday of this week Native English speakers only S5 lor about an hour and 'A Call 485-2400 from 9 am to 5 pm_ _ 690 4 -16 WORK-STUDY POSITIONS Earn U 64/hr lor tutoong Finance ?11,214 ?8G Accounting 251,260 Economics 275 416 Genetics 424 D C 220 Sociology 227, Speech 122 French-2nd. 2rd year Gam valuable exper ence and a letter of recommendation Call E O P ext 2222 692 404 ASSISTANT MANAGER T iffany Food Service is accepting applications tor its University of Oregon concessions operation Send letter or resume to Tiffany Food Service, 125 East 8th Ave , Eugene Oregon 97401 Interviews will be arranged for the most qualified An equal opportunity em ployer___ 4-12 ECOLOGY-EVOLUTION Work-study summer 16 hrs week as 4 days every 2 weeks (flexible) Flesearch on rare plant species Camp near Metolius River Rides provided Interest needed Kate Field 221 Science III 686-4548. 747-6485 4 12 WANTED: Hashers dishwashers lor a soronly house Call 242-41 50 tor more information 4)6 TOO MANY BILLS? Excellent earning oppor tumty Part-lime full-time For more information can 746-6422 458 !fn OVERSEAS JOBS Summer year round Eu rope S Amer Australia Asia All fields $500 S' 200 monthly Sightseeing Free info Write UC Box 52-OR ? Corona Del Mar CA 92625 4 2? ROOMMATE NEEDED Large 7 bedroom house w 2 fireplace dishwasher Ig backyard 6 blocks from campus $132 Mimi or Amy 244-1575 _4-t2 $100 PER MONTH Furnished room m my home lo female non-smoker Becky 242-2661 evening 244-0462 4-1? MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE Large room with fireplace for studious female in beautiful home Close to campus laundry $50 off 3rd month rent Angie 682-8978 4 14 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED ‘ imisned 2 bedroom apartments near campus $145 monthly plus Vi utilities 244-6594 4 16 ROOMMATE WANTED - are ? bedroom apartment beginning May i 225 E 19th *11 Rent decreasing $245 to $190 beginning June Kevin 485-8280 4 14 MALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 2 be droom apartment close to campus $120 month pkis ’n utilities 242-802? 4 _1_5 ROOMMATE WANTED 1C HH four person home on l?th 6 Mill Washer dryer dishwasher fireplace $120 month 682 902?_4-16 SPRING TERM Female V> bfoc> t Nice 2 bdrm apt $120 242-2101 4 15 NEED A PLACE’ HAVE A PLACE? Screened people need you now1 $20 tee 6 month membership Don t take chances UNTIED ROOMMATES 747-7337 Everyday 11-8 pm 828Ttn ROOMMATE WANTED house $128 month split utilities Garage fenced yard Available May 1 68? 1298 4 14 1551 HIGH Nice one bedroom Carpet drapes fully appiartced taundry Call now 485-8252 IPM CO., REALTOR 10S5 HIGH ST 445-8252 626 tin 2345 PATTERSON One and two bedroom apartments Parking and laundry Adults only S249-J209 Manager 244-4242 IPM CO.. REALTOR t0«5 HIGH ST 485-8252 _564m 1505 ORCHARD One bedroom apartment Pool laundry Fur nished S'79 and $199 Manager 242-2014 IPM CO , REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST 485-8252 _56?:ttn 1604 FERRY Furnished one bedroom Carpet drapes covered parking Call 242-1458 1312 MILL Newly renovated studio Beautilul hardwood toors *169 242-1458 1591 HIGH One bedroom in lunky older home *159 242-1458 1511 HIGH One bedroom in older house Carpet all uWfties paid *160 242-1458 IPM CO , REALTOR 188* MOM ST. 485-8252 622Hn FIRWOOD 2111 WEST 12th On bike path Lovely one and two bedroom apartments Carpet drapes laundry families patios *229 and *199 Cali Manager 682-8270 •PM CO.. REALTOR 106* HIGH ST 485-8252 _ 627«n 2705 OAK One bedroom apartment greal view Carpet drapes fully appltanced *222 or two bedroom *259 Call now Manager 345-1926 I PM CO.. REALTOR 10*5 HIGH ST 485-8252 _624 tin 1677 PEARL Three bedroom house Appliances, carpet drapes garage *219 242-1458 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 622 tin 2666 HIGH ST. One bedroom apartment Appliance*, parking and laundry $208 Manager 24? 0459 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 465-6252 __ 566 tin 3501 HILYARD One bedroom apartment Appliances parking and laundry $197 Manager 68? -4??0 IPM CO., REALTOR 108S HIGH ST 4SS-82S2 625 EAST 16th One and two bedroom apartments Parking and laundry $159$ 189 summer rates begin ning 5/15 on 5 month lease Manager 245-6417 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-6252 57? tin 1965 PATTERSON Deluxe two bedroom apartment Carept drapes fully applianced Laundry facilities Exclusive tenced courtyard tor you alone Only $265 this won t last Call 687-0420 or 24? 1458 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-6252 625 ttn SHARP 3141 WMamette Two bedroom m 6-pte» Carpel drapes tutly applianced Oft street parking laundry tacil' ties $209 plus depose ALSO •11 Eaai lift One bedroom with carpel drapes range refrigerator on street parking laundry tacilites $! 89 plus deposit Manager 245-8287 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-S2S2 691 ttn CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1870 ONYX Studio Drapes appliances $189 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1005 HIGH ST 465-6252 ___927 On McKENZIE TOWNHOUSES 17th and Hays Two bedroom 115 oaths appliances carpel drapes $249 Manager 484 5286 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 465-6252 265 EAST 186i One bedroom with drapes range refrigerator ott-street parking Laundry facilities SI69 plus deposit H>M CO.. REALTOR 1005 HIGH ST 465-0252 _389 tin ML YARD APARTMENTS •71-675 H6yerd Ctoee to campus interesting personable and nomey one bedroom apartments Convenient to campus Amenities include oft-street parking and luandry facilities $190 Manager 485-0721 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 465-6252 609 tin 745 EAST 15th Two bedroom apartment Vi block from campus Spacious and comfortable 5280 plus S1S0 fully refundable deposit Manager 343-2081 I PM CO. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 465-6252 _?90ltn PERFECT LOCATION Unrversity Manor I9«h and High Large one and two bedroom apartments Appliances carpeting and hardwood boors Parking, laundry facilities 1206 and 5245 Manager 682-1276 MM CO.. REALTOR IMS MOM ST. 166 8117 _608ttn Walk to campus Quiet one bedroom apartment at 1345 Ferry Carpet drapes appliances storage parking $196 Helen 344-2081 or Nancy 344 8888 _3914-29 Apartment for Rant 1 bedrm all utilities paid $220 per month 485-8859_ Q63 dn ACROSS FROM CAMPUS Large furnished two bedroom apartment Dishwasher garbage disposal $255/month W-16R1._290 tin CASARUS Excellent modern one bedroom apartment in quiet 4-umt building New carpel and paint >165 485-8070, 206 tin COMFY 4 PUIS BEDROOM home 10 mm utes from campus 18th and Lawrence $435 per month 344-4806 _ 328 tin SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM $160 month Near Island Park, river, bike path and down town Small complex with laundry Water and garbage paid 145 North A’ Call Frank 741-1506 Of Nancy 344-8888 363 tin