Food Service introducing New Item Burrito Supreme Refried Beans Sour Cream Chopped Olives All wrapped in a flour tortilla Also Serving Homemade Cheese Enchiladas Cheddar Cheese Onions $1.50 UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS KAUFMAN $ HARTS CLASSIC COMEDY YOU CAN'T TAME IT WITH YOU ROBINSON THEATRE SRH APRIL 3 SO (4 ■ 17 FOR TICKETS CALL SiS~A|.3i CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT Now serving LUNCH Monday thru Friday 11-4 SOUP & SALADS Salad served with your choice of Oil & Vinegar, Blue Cheese, Thousand Island or French Dressing 1. Tossed Green Salad . S.95 2. Chef s Salad . S2.30 Tomato, Egg, Cheddar Cheese & Ham 3. Soup and Salad . SI.40 Garden fresh vegetables served with a cup of swup. 4. Bowl of Soup . Different soup made daily. S1.50 COMBINATION Make your own combination plate bv choosing one item from each group below. A. B B-Q Pork Fried Rice B. Pork Chow Mein C. Sweet &c Sour Chicken Wings 1. Braised Bean Curd • $2.50 2. Beef Broccoli • $2.80 3. Sweet and Sour Pork • S.245 4. Shrimp Figg Roils • $2.40 5. Pineapple Sweet and Sour Chicken • S3.1MJ 6. Three Shreds with Bean Sprouts • $2.65 Shredded Pork, Bamboo, Black Wd Far and Bean Sprouts 7. Fried Mushrooms • $2.10 8. Sweet and Sour Fish • S2.50 9. Cum Beef • $2.80 10. Special of the Day -_ - ^ * Great Cards * Gifts ) 1 *Posters *Blank Books Specializing in thoughtful Christian literature Introductory special through April 15th Buy one card, get 2nd card Vz price (same price or less) 446 E. 13th Open 10-6 Mon.-Sat. Next to Bijou theater 342-8339 Student board hopefuls espouse goals, strengths By Dave Banks OflAt Emtrtkl Candidates for a host of SUAB and OSPIRG positions met briefly Thursday to answer questions and speak about their philosophies for the upcoming ASUO elections “OSPIRG is on shaky ground," said Gretchen Brevoort, the only one of five OSPIRG candidates in attendance “I foresee more budget cuts We ll have to work around that," she added “I want to be involved and aware of my school," said Randelle Thompson, a candidate for the SUAB Journalism/Speech position She claimed that her exper ience with student government at OSU, from where she recently transferred, would help her in this job, adding that she has the "time, energy and drive to handle the job Dave Bauer, an incumbent SUAB member running for re election in the Journalism /Speech position, said he believes that ‘‘SUAB had good forward progress’’ this year “I’ll have the time and energy to retain my position," Bauer said “I know the right people on campus to make things work Citing apathy as the biggest problem on campus, Erin-Michelle Willis, a candidate for the Business/Economics position said ' people are very important regardless of who they are." Thus, to ’preserve the integrity and spirit of the people here" is of primary im portance "I want to be a part of the decisions on campus," said Lori Lieberman, a candidate for one of SUAB’s undeclared posi tions "You can’t complain and you can't take credit unless you are involved," she said "I want to be in the middle of things," said Rebecca Ricoy, candidate for the Biology/ Chemistry position "As a re source person I could be effec tive I'm task oriented." Leadership is a first goal for Jozell Johnson, candidate for the Computer Science position In such a capacity as SUAB member Johnson said she could work well with the people in her department. Gilbert Recla, candidate for one of the Architecture and Allied Arts positions "would like to get involved," saying he could stretch his schedule around SUAB "SUAB and ASUO needs consistency," said Michael Prothe, current SUAB vice chairer running for re-election in another of the Architecture and Allied Arts positions As vice-chairer "I've worked with the administration and the ASUO I'd like to continue " Penny Evans, running for the SUAB position representing the Political Science department, is "tired of sitting back and watching all these other people making decisions " Granting that consistency is important to SUAB, candidate for the Humanities. Music, and Foreign Language position Tom Ford asserted that “perhaps a new member can promote new ideas " "I'm running for SUAB be cause I'm on SUAB," said Dan Allen, running for re-election in the same position as Ford "It does take time to learn how to legislate," he said "I now feel comfortable with the legislative process and with SUAB as a group ” "I don't have a lot (of exper ience)," said Gay Butler, run ning for one of the undeclared SUAB positions, "But I have done a wide variety of things I have the time and I think I could do a good job " There are a total of five candidates running for six OSPIRG positions and a total of 27 candidates running for the 18 available SUAB posi tions. .JCtt VWs-MERCEDES-BMWs DATSUN-TOYOTA-AUDI Reliable service for your foreign car 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon XT1 jTtrTTT] Advertise Your Act! ODE Classifieds offers both contract and non-contract / rates \ Call 680-4343 or stop by 301 EMU