SPEAKERS Sex-based discrimination and currant woman’s Issues Is the topic of a lecture by Nancy Davis, executive director of Equal nights Advocates in San Francisco, one of the oldest women's law centers In the country, today at 12:30 p m In Rooms 128 and 229, Law School "CtHtatlonlty. Warfare and the Mattery" Is the topic ot a lecture by Ted Qrimsrud. Christians tor Peace and Justice, today at noon at the Koinonla Center. 1414 Kincaid St Qrimsurd's presentation Is today's topic from the Mars Hill Forum WORKSHOPS “Survtvtng Strew: an Experience In Taking Car* of Youraalf’ is the title ot a free public workshop being ottered by Don Nahnsen, M S W , In the Lecture Hall at the Eugene Public Library from 8 a m. to noon on Saturday Topics to be covered in the workshop by Nahnsen. a registered clinical social worker, in clude understanding character structure and per sonality dynamics as they relate to stress, as well as developing coping mechanisms for dealing with stressful situations For more information and to register tor the workshop, call 484-2942 EXHIBITS I ‘-1-**-- aoMaBa Li■ rt hn ■ ■ ,1. ...la Hi m lull—■**— - Uniwrvny Bnrail «il HiTflBa TO WICHTW wiw pOfTTOlTO* tor nWWi M Vie Faculty Chib. Please call James Lesan at 683-1918 before 9 a m Monday through Friday. Don't call the Faculty Club I will view works or portfolios at the club or in your studios FILMS "The Loaf Years of Jesus" will be shown Saturday from 2-4 p m. at the Eugene Public Library. 100 W 13th The film traces Jesus’ travels through the Middle East and into India and Tibet. CLASSES ’‘Paganism and Witchcraft: Thaory and Practical Application” is the topic of a five-week SEARCH class beginning Monday from 7-9:30 p.m. in Room 106. Deady Hail Learn how to spiritually connect with nature, how to channel energy, basic shaminism in the ancient Western European style and more MISCELLANEOUS aiuuvm unmrsny nnanons ^ouncn BppRCaiKmf are to be returned by today at 5 p.m. to the University Relations office. Room 111, Susan Campbell Hall. UOONbSBUnY by Garry Trudeau imHA&teAT mi.i SCHOOUONB' TRY TO DO 1 AND YTX/Rt A MY PARI. i ewnest- mnsp THtimmsnv SHODOI! ANDICANTTHANN Dansptw youaajbn.wmt. TT All IN fcAWMNIUKD ONDPlACt, YOUTNATMANDR ‘NAY’ / AUHAPPCN' O/XW TOOTIN'! fateoe.fat mm' exam coumyANp / ME,MX xatneax.- / rmimr' L&eOFMY CHOKE! BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed W KNOW. TOP.. sowe prue H*e B66N s«y*fe-IM«r TEAM. weouaflTAaw Rtenr. towN saive ntconwues, NUKE PLANTS, THfiPS WHO / / [Classifieds 686-43431 MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY 197? Chev Capos station wagon " Excellent condition, just $900 Ul no 696-6171. Abbie or 6870970 _ 4-12 NOW ON SALE Danners Mountain Trail boots and Cowtown Western boots Reg $99 now $75 CAMPUS SHOE SHOP (43 E. 13tti 343-M13 TRAIL WISE BACKPACK $50 ?4?-6?44 4 9 '(( DODGE Station wagon rebuilt engine new brakes runs well needs transmission repair $200 Georg ?45-2462_ 4-9 CMS SERIES SPEAKERS Dood condition $100 tor both Sound' Big' Call Tina 741-0496 4-9 MOVING SALE: Car motorcycle bicycles stereo misc furniture kitchen and household goods 2??0-4 Patterson 485-8590 4 12 BESLER ENLARGER plus darkroom equip ment women s bike Cheap 484-9227 4-9 Instruction ART CLASSES CLOSED? Registration for EMU Craft Center Workshops continues at the Craft Center (downsta irs m the EMU) Classes still open are Jewelry & Metalsmithing Adv Stone Setting. Sandblasting Glass Stained Glass. Beg Origami Drawing. Book binding & Paper Marbling Watercolor. Silkscreen Beg Sewing Navajo Weav ing Beg Basketry Table Loom Weav »ng Scandinavian Pattern Knitting Mid Easter Rug Weaving Clothing Embellishment Batik, Natural Yarn Dye ing. Beg Woodworking Adv Wood working Building Wood Hand Planes Wood Lathe Router Beg B & W Pho tography. Experimental Darkroom. In termediate Photography, Children's Ceramic Scullpture Raku. Bicycle Maintenance Stop by or call 666-4361 for information 665 4 -1 ? JAZZ: Then Til Now Earn three credits while explotmg jazz history from 1900 lo 1980 Taught by Carl Woideck in an informal non-iechmcai style with lots of m-class listening THURSDAYS 6:30-9:20 PM TLN 8656 MUS 199 $54 FEE IT S TAX TIME ASSOCIATED TAX PROCESSORS I come to you' Call Jerry, 687• 1887 Licensed tax preparer _a_4-16 CUSTOM ROTOTILLING Soil conditioning, composting, and fertilizer Difficult access gardens no problem Any size garden 68? 4267 or 9350 042 4 12 LAFLER SILKSCREEN Bulk printed t-shirts 343-2306 or 342-1927 _528:4-9 RACQUET STRINGING Fast service and low prices Leoina 66, $11; other strings available No Wicson 1 2000's 688-470?. Ken. 4-9 INCOME TAX RETURNS Professionally prepared Special rates to students and faculty ?7 East 10th 484-0303. Typing SPRING SPECIAL Call Karen 883-1117 TYPING: 15 years experience Papers, dis sertations editing IBM Setectric Pick-up and delivery CaH Carole at SM-3M3. 240? ttn TYPING UNLIMITED 747-9294 Gnd School Approved/Guaranteed Selectnc Call lor pricing _1B9ttn PRO TYPING/EDITING On vacation (yippee1) till 4/29 Jennifer 485-3883 __491 4-28 PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Setectric Call Barbara 345-0747 495 MWF TYPING/EDITING Call Judy or Sara 686- 0739 979:HFM PROFESSIONAL OUALITY TYPING at a price you can atiord Call Janice 726-5953. ___ ?67 MWF CYNDI’S PROFESSIONAL TYPING Graduate School Approved 687- 9326 ___ ?55MF PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specia list IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759. 460 ttn 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE On campus during day IBM Selectric Call 726-7596 anytime ?46 HFM COMPUTER WORD PROCESSING by YOUR WORD S WORTH 342-7548 _525 6-24 TYPING GUARANTEED perfect fast Pickup and delivery Karen 741 -0486 anytime 4-9 HAWK WORD PROCESSING:^Computer system makes typing obsolete Theses reports, resumes Free pickup delivery ?4?-551? 4 9 TYPING Elite guaranteed perfect fast Pick up delivery I 85. page Wendy 68?-8684 4-9 NEED TERM PAPERS resumes, letters etc typed9 Cali 689-8112 Reasonable rates 4 15 60.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% ott list prices New Books-Text Books-Clitt Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF all new books SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 522? tin Art Supplies MAN FROM MARS You've got to see this! 10-2 TODAY Special sale 35% off TECH PENS, ONLY AT OREGON ART SUPPLY 683-2787 686 4-9 Sound Systems BEST YAMAHA STEREO evei made CA-2010 amp/pre-amp combined 12C pure watts per channel Other components must sacrifice. Paul, 484-9099._ 4-12 PIONEER CS-88 SPEAKERS Sansui 5000 A amplifier Pioneer PL41 turntable Excellent condition and price 998-8019 4-13 PHASE LINEAR amp-preamp $600, Nakami chi 4802 deck $450. Bang & Outsen turntable $225 Sonab O011 loudspeakers $300, $1500 firm All 3 months old 687-0236 4-9 Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 343-7683 Monday thru Fnday 9-6 pm Saturday 9-1 pm 5635 tfn WE BUY STEREOS SALES AND SERVICE Large selection warranted stereo components STEREO WORKSHOP 1409 Main. Springfield 741-1597 Bicycles RECYCLED BIKE WORKS Ouality Reconditioned Bicycles Repairs - Parts - Service We Buy Sell and T rade 296 Blair Blvd. 465-5666 552 4-14 Cruise into Spring New Zephyr 5-speed cruisers (rear-drum hub-tubular fork) SPECIAL $199 Only at RECYCLED BIKE WORKS 296 Blair 485-5886 592 4-9 SCHWINN VARSITY 10 speed 21 $65 Michelle, 344-2390^ keep trying_4-12 NISHIKI SPORT 21 10-speed metallic blue rack included, $150 345-8379 eves 4-9 UNIVEGA 10-speed 4 months old w fenders and lock Creme brn $160 Can 683-5086 ______4-12 TWO 10-SPEED bicycles musl sell 2330-4 Patlerson, 485-8590 4-12 SCWHINN VARSITY men's 10-speed 21 Mel brown $75 345-1639. _ 4-9 JAPANESE DOLPHIN 10-SPEED Pretty good condition. $70 or otter Schwinn "Varis ty 10-speed good condition $85 or otter 343-7576 4 12 SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair M 6 B SWIFT SHOP 2529 Willamette 484-9333 5635:ttn X-COUNTRY SKIS Rossignol Horizon II (213cm) High pelorm. backcountry and track ski Bindings included John, 683-6292 4-9 Travel STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights, Eurailpasses. Bntrail passes, Int’l student ID cards, tours, books, Ihsurance AYH cards, work programs, and much more Call CiEE Student Travel (206) 632-2448 4-16 Cars/Cycles 75 DATSUN B210 Economical, low mileage, excellent condition $2500 345-5539, leave message4-9 •71 VW SLANTBACK Automatic, doesn't run; trans problem, and needs starter, but good engine $400 or otter 688-92514-9 1973 HONDA 100 Excellent condition $300 or best otter 689-8112. 4-13 1979 DATSUN 210 Low miles, stereo, excel lent condition $3400 CaH 345-5730. 4-14 1979 VW RABBIT Excellent condition 175cc Kawasaki motorcycle, runs great 485-8590 4-9 Rldes/Rlders COMMUTER NEEDS ride, to and from Portland, leaving Friday pm, returning Sunday pm. every weekend. Jack 345-4527. 4-12 RIDER WANTED TO N.V. area Leaving A S A P Cali Claude, 1 -399-9914 (Salem). 4-13 Wanted ALASKAN PRINCIPAL/TEACHER couple wishes to rent 2-3 bdrm nicer home, pleasant neighborhood near college preferred, completely turnished incl dishes and linens about June 15 to Aug . 14. Write soon, no phones here, mail slow Jan Williams, Pouch L. Ketchikan, AK 99901 4-16 Opportunities THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES Program has many opportunities for students to earn up per-division credit while volunteering at a public school We have placements in elementary and secondary schools, many are just a quick bike ride from campus Come check us out n the EMU Lobby, 9-4 daily until April 9, or call us at 686-4351._585:4-9 FRUSTRATED AFTER MAC COURT? The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has placements available in several community service agencies Earn upper-division credit while assisting a handicapped child or an elderly person, leading after-school activities with elementary-aged children, or working on a juvenile corrections program There are many other placements available this spring, so come see us in the EMU Lobby 9-4 daily until April 9, or call us at 686-4351 583 4-9 INTERESTED IN DRAMA? Assist a teacher at Cascade Middle Scholl in her drama class and earn credit through ESCAPE Like PE or Intramurals? At Shasta Middle Schools there are openings in both areas for volunteers to assist teachers Visit the ESCAPE table in the Lobby of the EMU for more information or talk to Lon. ext 4351__597:4-9 IF YOU WOULD UKE to do meaningful excit ing work with the Gay Community, you can earn 3 credits for spnng term with GPA. Call 686-3360 or come by Suite 318 EMU for further info 632 4-9 PROSPECTIVE VIDEO PERSONNEL Service and other video enterprises seeking partner s/investors/sub-contractors Send resume / - prospectus/inquiries to Advanced Commun ications. PO Box 10354, Eugene OR 97440 _4-9 LIVE INEXPENSIVELY touring French waterways by yacht cheap1 Great vacation! 746-2088 _ 4-9 EXOTIC DANCERS Unique opportunity for attractive, extroverted females 342-6675 days4-12 PROFESSIONAL FAMILY in Santa Barbara seeking to trade their charming 3 bedroom home with equally conscientious family in Eugene Write to: Adler, PO Box 11415, Eugene, OR 9744Q. 4-13 WANTED: Models for fashion and glamor photography Experience preferred Will pay Call 485-0193, 6-9 pm4-12 WORK IN FRANCE, JAPAN, CHINAI No experience, degree, or foreign language required for most positions Teach conversa tional English Send long, stamped, self-addressed envelope for details ESL-15. PO Box 336, Centralia. WA 98531 4-19 Help Wanted TOO MANY BILLS? Excellent earning oppor tunity Part-time/full-time For more informa tion. call 746-6422 458:tfn APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED for the position of 1982-83 Oregon Daily Emerald Editor Applicants should have knowledge of newspaper journa lism and of the University of Oregon Term of office is June 8, 1982 through June 7, 1983 Monthly salary begins May 1,1982. Editor must be enrolled for at least 6 credits during three of four terms at the Unvfversity of Oregon while in office Position requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of 35-40 hours per week Applications are available in the Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returned to the OOE Board of Directors, 300 EMU, PO Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403 before 5 pm April 22 The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Affirma tive Action Employer that operates under the team management concept Women, minon ties and the handicapped are encouraged to apply.4-22 TWO WORK-STUDY POSITIONS available in Athletic Department Serve as receptionist by answering main desk telephone and answering questions at counter Must be dependable and well groomed Two shifts available 8 am-11 am or 11-2 pm Pay rate $4 32 Contact Kathy Campbell at 686-5432.673:4-14 FAMILY one block from campus needs 2 hrs or more help with newborn. 345-4577. 4-16 THE SURVIVAL CENTER is looking for volunteers for Project Intercept Recy cling Program Contact Suite 1 EMU, 686-4356_666:4-9 WORK-STUDY POSITION Administrative Assistant to the Director, Office of Student Advocacy Must type 50 wpm; heavy filing: some independent research Requires atten tion to detail and interest in the problems of student government. 15-20 hrs per week. $4 per/hr Contact Marcia at 686-3724 or inquire at ASUO Suite 4 EMU Deadline is April 9th The ASUO is an AA/ EO employer._549:4-9 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round. Eu rope, S. Amer , Australia, Asia. All fields $500-$1200 monthly Sightseeing. Free info Write IJC Box 52-OR 3 Corona Del Mar CA 92625_4-23 JOB INFORMATION: Dallas. Houston, over seas. Alaska, $20,000 to $50,000 possible 602-998-0426 Dept 0394 Phone call refundable 4-9 ESCAPE TUTORS FOR: Swim Instruction Special education after noons Monday through Thursday Easter Seal Pool Limited English Proficient Students Need help with reading 12 25 to 1 25, any com bination ot days McCornack Elementary School Non and Limited English Speaking Students Need tutoring in reading, math, everything Mornings at Willard Elementary, any daytime hours at Jefferson Jr High and South Eugene High, any combination o! days Regular and Remedial Reading Small group wok, 8:30-11, any regular combination of days Gilham Elementary Many other volunteer opportunities available in 4J schools Call Volunteer Services 687-3472 562:4-9 THE SURVIVAL CENTER is looking for volunteers to work at this year's Earth Week Celebration For more into contact the Center, Suite 1 EMU, 686-4356 __ 667:4-9 WANTED: University students with cerebral palsy to volunteer tor bioteedback studies Please call Biofeedback Clinic 686-3566 for information.587:4-9 SUPPORT WORKER Residential training home tor severely retarded adults. Travel training, showenng and hygiene routine with men Monday through Friday, 7 am to 10 am. Experience required $3 40 an hour. Apply 1893 Alder or call 485-1270 weekdays, 8-5 pm640:4-9 CO-COORDINATOR POSITION open at Women's Referral and Resource Service. Leadership, office management, and admmstrative skills necessary Knowledge of women's issues is crucial Work-study only Job description and application in 336 EMU. E0/AA Employer 647:4-9