Balfe given endorsement Pres, candidates tell views to IFC By Richard Burr Olthm Emerald The Interfraternity Council endorsed C.J. Balfe, a member of Phi Kappa Psi, for ASUO pre sident after a Thursday forum. The forum, conducted before about 40 people, allowed the six presidential candidates to announce their policies and answer audience questions. Incidental fee funding for the athletic department is “ridiculous" and should be totally severed, said Ed Col ligan, a business junior. Balfe, a psychology junior, and Debbie Mellow, a senior in management and telecommu nications, agreed on cutting the athletic department, but Mellow said such an action is unlikely Making the department accountable to Pres Paul Olum would be a better alternative, she added Holding a concert in Autzen Stadium, as the athletic depart ment did last year, is one meth od of offsetting the dollar shortage, said Tom Brannon, a political science senior Program redundancy exists, but ASUO funded programs would "not be left out in the cold,” he added A mixture of budget cuts and incidental fee increases would be used to keep ASUO program funding at present levels unless a funded program is determined to be self-serving, said Jeffrey Houston, a senior majoring in Russian. "Anything and everything will be done to save programs," he said. Promoting better program ef ficiency and attempting to re gain overrealized incidental fees are ways of dealing with a money shortage, said Kevin Kouns, a junior in sociology and women’s studies More money could be raised by the ASUO taking over the student film series on campus, Kouns added. Such a takeover would not be profitable because the film sponsors do not make much money, Colligan said. By eliminating the athletic department, ASUO would be spared of budget cuts since "there’s been enough damage with cuts," he said Having a check-off box on tax return forms allowing taxpayers to give money to higher education would also help, Colligan added Fundraising events, such as the spring Street Faire, should be held every term, Mellow said. ASUO programs should be Two forums slated for IFC, ASUO candidates ASUO elections candidates will be heard at two more ASUO forums, says Gus Palmitessa, ASUO executive vice president and elections director All 35 candidates for the In cidental Fee Committee will have the opportunity to answer five prepared questions in five minutes in a candidates' forum to be held tonight at 7:30 in Room 167, EMU Alan Contreras, ASUO vice president of program admin istration and a former IFC member, will moderate the ses sion A forum for ASUO presiden tial and EMU Board candidates will be held at 1:30 Monday in Room 167, EMU Jim Edmunson, a former ASUO vice president of program administration, will moderate the presidential candidates' session, while David Gibson, a member of the IFC and EMU Board, will moderate the EMU Board candidate forum. Candidates for the Student University Affairs Board and OSPIRG were heard at a forum Thursday night No candidates filed for the Emerald board student-at-large post jSfegj. Hours: M-S 10-6 SUN 12-5 160 E. 5th St. 343-3622 ■ I T-7-r-T-T-r-7 T"f r-i-T-fr-w L.Li.uLkkUUl.i.i.i.Lkl.U L. Dv w \ i.LUULU( L CV VT- *- L. L t 11 L 1-L.i. I.CCU4.4.1.LLLL iX I _ ALL OUR POSTERS HAVE MOVED DOWN THE STREET TO OUR ANNEX Freshen up your room with posters! Spring sale on now 10-50% OFF COME IN AND SELECT SOME NEW STYLES, CLASSICS & OLDIES BUT GOODIES! reviewed on a cost-benefit basis to determine funding, although whole programs would not be cut. she added Besides cutting the athletic department, budget cuts would also be implemented, Balfe said. Whole programs would not be cut, he agreed. Student apathy has been caused by an insular, isolated ASUO leadership, and he would open the ASUO office to the student body, Kouns said. Brannon said the ASUO should reverse policy and provide programs with funds to recruit students. A special open forum should be established for student access, “if for nothing else, to make it a bitch session," Houston said. Getting students involved in lobbying by appealing to special interest group issues will gen erate motivation and student involvement, Balfe said. e00u* SWOBS! 0*Uf st T>(a*a