IT HAPPENS HERE Every Friday is HAT DAY Wear a Hat, ANY HAT.... $1 and get 00 OFF ANY ADULT DINNER Late Great SPAGHETTI FEED Every Friday & Saturday Night After 8 P.M. ! All you can eat plus Yi liter of wine or small pitcher of beer or coke t your FREE Birthday Dinner” OPEN EVERY DAY 5PM Recycle This Paper Library survives budget crises The day after the first Monday closure of the Eugene Public Library, nearly 6,000 books waited to be reshelved That was March 15, and it took library employees a week to "recover," remembers Carol Hildebrand, assistant city libra rian. "Usually we can get books back on the shelves within 24 hours." Almost a month later it still takes "an extra couple days to recover from Mondays," Hil debrand says. The library began closing on Mondays after it was asked by the city to reduce expenditures It will also be closed on Sundays after May 23. The library needed to cut $75,000 from its budget, so all part-time employees — the equivalent of 11 or 12 full-time workers — were laid off. The book budget was frozen and a vacant full-time position was left unfilled The city of Eugene asked for a 5-percent cut, but it has a i” German A U TO St RVICt VWs-MERCEDES-BMWs DATSUN-TO YOT A-AUDI Reliable service for your foreign car 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene. Oregon ON S16 PER DAY including transportation and camping accommodations for the 18 to 35’s There is no way you can do it cheaper! Ask any travel agent for the FREETIME VACATION BROCHURE GET YOUR JEANS AND TOPS FROM THE BUFFALO! his 3? hers ievrs •HMMK-1D-FIT 15.99 « his 3? hers Calvin Klein Jeans 25.99 his “3? hers 3? kids Jeans, Bibs & Colors from 16.99 PLUS 10 OTHER FAMOUS DESIGNER BRANDS AT VERY LOW PRICES. They may be factory seconds, but no one will ever know. EUGENE 77 West I 1 th 342-8495 ALBANY 122 Last 1st 926-7355 CORVALLIS 312 S W 3rd 739-1 170 SALEM Salem Plaza 371-9500 “FACTORY SECONDS” 15-percent impact because it only covers one-third of the year, Hildebrand says Salary is the main expendi ture of the library, she says, because the building is open to the public for more than 50 hours a week, which means a lot of employee overtime. Most of the Monday business is showing up on Tuesday, Hil debrand says "I don't know if business will level off, but let me put it this way — there will be no time off on Tuesdays " Library workers have to face large stacks of returned books when they show up Tuesday "People probably drive up, see we're closed, say Oh, darn! I forgot,’ and leave their books," she says "The public's biggest prob lem is just trying to remember The staff's biggest problem is dealing with the same number of people in less time " The library decided to close Mondays rather than Sundays because Sunday hours were already short (1-5 p m.) and would not cover the cutbacks requested by the city, Hil debrand says The overall community re sponse has been positive. Hil debrand says The library has acquired 15 to 20 new volun teers "The volunteers are very helpful, so we take the time to train them," she says "People do care about the library." Law school event features chief justice Arno Denecke, chief justice of the Oregon Supreme Court, will be the keynote speaker at a Student Bar Association-spon sored symposium on Oregon court reform April 17 at the University’s law school The symposium is set to begin at 9 am with Denecke's address, and will continue through the morning with various speakers from the con gressional and judicial branches of Oregon govern ment Three successive panel dis cussions are planned The first will focus on the upcoming May 18 ballot measure that would give the governor the authority to appoint the State Supreme Court chief justice The others will focus on authority over administrative and fiscal control of circuit courts and consolida tion of circuit and district courts In addition to Denecke. other speakers will include state Sen Ted Kulongoski, D-Junction Ci ty, Hans Linde, associate justice of the Oregon Supreme Court, and George Joseph, chief judge of the Oregon Court of Appeals Safer Streetsl ( The West University neighbors I486 Farry 8t • Eugana, Ota. 97401 • 067-5386