PRECISION HAIRWORKS haircut the way you want it cut ! ********** no appointment need6d***»****** 29th & Willamette 9:30™0™..Fr, behind Patty s Pizza 9:30-5:qq Saturday emerald inter/national From British subs prowl Falkland sea lanes LONDON Britain declared Thursday it will “shoot first" if any Argentine ship enters its war zone around the Falkland Islands, hinted British subma rines already were prowling the area and said other elements of its armada probably will be there by the weekend. The warning sharply com pressed the timetable for reaching a diplomatic resolu tion of the crisis, escalated the pressure on Argentina to withdraw from the British colony it seized, and complicated the peace-seeking task of Secretary of State Alexander Haig Haig, who called Britain "the Miller times starring MWer High Life it be cjrtfaftpbe •fr&terTutij?' United States’ closest ally and friend,” met for an hour with Foreign Secretary Francis Pym and conferred with Prime Min ister Margaret Thatcher at a working dinner. British sources said the leaders met in a "serious atmosphere," and Thatcher stuck to her position that Britain will not negotiate with Argentina unless it withdraws from the islands as demanded by the U N Security Council Haig will fly to Buenos Aires on Friday to meet leaders of Argentine's military junta He is accompanied by 30 aides and other officials jargentine reservists and volunteers lined up for possible military duty against Britain In a decision affecting some 120,000 men, the government announced Wednesday night that all draftees discharged within the last year must report Thousands of volunteers also were said to have shown up Pym, in a special broadcast to the islands on the British Broadcasting Corp s World Service, said: "We will come to your aid as soon as we can — we hope by peaceful means ." Shortly before Haig's arrival in London on a two-stage mis sion that will also take him to Argentina. Defense Secretary John Nott warned that British warships will fire on any Argentine vessel entering the blockade zone around the Falklands that Britain will im pose beginning Monday "As far as we are concerned, we ll shoot first if any Argentine ship comes in." Nott told ABC TV News "We will sink them certainly within the 200-mile limit " The British Defense Depart ment said the armada headed for the Falklands — 250 miles east of Argentina s southern tip — will attack not just warships but Argentine merchant vessels found within the 200-mile war zone, whether carrying supplies or troops Your CHOICES make the difference. P Planned Parenthood 134 F. 13th • Near Campus . 344 V4il BIRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTS PAP SMEARS MKH ' M:TV t HU tJ!At'Ht