Invite Our Easter Bunny to Hop your way with a Ballon Bouquet ^1 Candy Baskets, Bunny Mugs, Easter Mylars 126-4992 Free Delivery in Eugene - Springfield. Myths, opinions probed Class explores lesbianism By Debbie Howlett Of th» EmuraU Some people term lesbianism a deviation from the norm, while others ask why gays “make such a big deal" of their chosen lifestyle. Barb Ryan, a senior in psychology, says the lesbian community is an oppressed minority. She says their issues are unknown and also wrong fully frightening to a "straight" society. Her remedy, for the second term in a row. is to teach a course on the subject. "Les bianism: Myth and Reality," is a women's studies course con ducted through the SEARCH program Student’s reasons for en rolling in the class vary. Some say they have been “waiting for a class like this to be taught," some want to define their own sexuality, or some enroll simply out of curiosity Twenty-five students registered winter term and 20 have registered so far this term “I’m teaching the class, first of all, to dispel some myths about us, to make lesbians and the issue of lesbianism more visible to the community," Ryan says. "And secondly, to educate people on how varied lesbian culture and lifestyle really is " Areas the course could cover are in fact so varied, she says, that each topic could become a ten-week course in itself Issues that the class has discussed UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS KAUFMAN CHARTS CLASSIC C0Mg| YOU CANT TAKE IT WITH TOP ROBINSON THEATRE *RM> APRIL 9 10 14- (7 FOR TICKETS CALL 686-419! we cut your ego not our/. uiHRT 15 a supercut ? 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Myths Ryan deals with most frequently, she says, come in three forms, centering around men, sexuality, and “deviant things.” “The (myths) we grow up with and the ones we hear most, center around men,” she says "Everything from lesbians hate men, to lesbians want to be men, to men could cure a les bian.” In each of these explanations, “a man gets the credit,” for the woman's own choice of lifestyle Dealing with sexuality, Ryan quotes myths claiming that les bians are "over-sexed, at tacking straight women, at tacking children. Those to me are the most ridiculous, and aren’t based on any truth whatsoever.” And added to that, says Ryan, lesbians are called "deviants, sinners, unhappy, suicidal, alcoholic, every bad title,” to explain a choice that differs so much from prescribed 'norms " "Lesbianism threatens a lot of the institutions based on heter osexism, which I define as the assumption that all people are heterosexual The myths are perpetuated because they ben efit our society the way it's set up right now, our white, capita list, patriarchal society,” says Ryan Ryan adds that she is most frequently asked by heterosex uals why lesbians 'make such a big deal out of it, if it's their own personal lifestyle ” Her re sponse is that ''we're not the one's who are making the big deal.” Through prejudicial em ployment laws and housing policies, and society's unre sponsiveness to the needs of a lesbian couple, Ryan says les bians are denied basic civil rights "There have always been homosexuals, throughout his tory, and there always will be Because of that fact, you can’t assume that everyone you meet is heterosexual," says Ryan "When people realize that one out of ten women is a lesbian, when they see how normal les bians are, maybe they won't feel so threatened Although social tolerance remains from the political liberalism of the 1960s and 70s, Ryan says the approaching conservative swing is causing two extreme reactions among the lesbian community Some go back into the “closet," while others unite in an effort to make their issues heard This trend is noticeable in her classroom in the form of audit ing students From five to ten people attend class each week unregistered, in part, she says, to prevent the course title from being indelibly inscribed in their transcripts Class members are taking this approach who might even be straight, but it would "look real bad if some day someone would look back and say Aha! You took a lesbianism class ’ Why is that so horrible and scary to these people?" Ryan welcomes students who would rather not enroll She says that it is better than not having them attend at all ‘ I'm more interested in educating people,' Ryan says Ryan's long term goal with the course is to see it become a regular entry in the women's studies department catalog, where she feels it will be "taken seriously ” She hopes that her strict grading procedure and thorough preparation of cur ricula and reading materials for the class will enable a University professor to take over the class next year Almost 4,000 strike EUGENE — Nearly 4,000 Weyerhaeuser Co workers in Oregon and Washington were honoring picket lines on Thursday of workers who are on strike in Raymond, Wash., a company spokesman said Lee Bjorklund said 1,600 workers at Springfield and Cottage Grove in Oregon walked off the job Thursday morning, along with 400 at Snoqualmie Falls, 200 at Enumclaw and 50 at Tacoma, Wash They joined 1,100 workers at North Bend, Ore , and 600 in the Raymond-Aberdeen, Wash , area who had begun honoring the picket lines on Wednesday Another 550 workers at Chehalis, Vail and Pe Ell plants had also walked out in support of the Raymond workers on Wednesday The company decided to shut those operations down on Thursday and Friday as an inventory control measure, Bjorklund Ft Tin UR IROUi FREE DINNER Buy one and receive one of equal or lesser value free. 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