Welcome to Kve reggae rock folk jam party Saturday. 8 pm. at! night $1.60 Into 344-8737 Daniel Sporean.4-9 BLKHJ MIDNfTE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON in 3-D!! Or green gfNs la back, tearing the heck out of Jutte Adame and you as he bulges from the silver screen once again' 3-0 glasses on sale Wednesday $1 Thursday - Rocky Horror only Friday & Saturday 32 SO Saturday 4 Sunday mat 1 pm, $2 Coming April 14-17 Oonce Craae April 21-24 The Harder They Come 828:4-9 The l;MU Cultural Forum ' presents MARLON BRANDO In On The Waterfront Winner ot eight Academy Awards, this hard-hitting drama about corruption in the longshoreman's union stands as a maior achievement in American Him Not only does n tackle complex social, poll seal, and personal issues without losing any of its dramatic force, but it has become a lasting influence on American culture Brando and Eva Mane Sami are superb along with Karl Malden. Lee J Cobb. Rod Steiger. Martin Balsam and FradGwynne SUNDAY, APRIL 11 7A3PM 180PLC *1-30 671 4-9 EUGENE FOLKLORE SOCIETY presents CHANGE THE WAYjT ISI of oofNnf pooplo With Lmde Demetsor end Randi Douglas Young SATURDAY 4 SUNDAY APRIL 10,11 I PM AUNT LUCY'S WINE LOFT Tickets $3 Reservations 883-1795 _548 4-9 COMMITTEE FOB MIMICAL AMTS presents Great Opera Rims TOSCA SATURDAY. APRIL 10 7 A 0:18 PM BEALL HALL School of Music "*'"**"* 569 4-9 The EMU Cultural Forum la now accepting AUDITION TAPES for the TWELFTH ANNUAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY FOLK FESTIVAL This year the Cultural Forum is encour aging performers and groups Irom ail folk and ethnic traditions to submit tapes The locus ot the festival is music, but is not limited to that Poets, writers, dancers and any other performers with folk related acts are encouraged Tapes should be cassettes and must be received by April 2? Please include name, number of people and in strumentation ot group, along with the address and phone number ot a contact person Send to WMametie valley Folk Festival Suite 2 EMU University ot Oregon Eugene Oregon 9740? 505 4-9 EMU CULTURAL FORUM proaonte START THE TERM OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT WITH THE Spring Square Dance OREGON COUNTRY DANCE ORCHESTRA SATURDAY, APRIL 10 8 PM EMU BALLROOM CHEAP! f 1.50 UO etudents $2 general public Allha door 504:4-9 DON’T BE A FOOL COME SEE JOOLS For |ust 1 dollar for students and $1.50 for the general public you can see what ex-squeeze member JOOLS HOLLAND Is up to with his new band. Tonight at 8 pm In the Ballroom Ttctah available at Mm EMU MMn Dealt, Everybody's Nocords, and Earth Rbor Rocorda. Praaantad by the EMU Cultural Forum. SS8:4-S -cmawAcnowroN LASTING SECUNtTY STUDENTS FOR A NUCLEAR FREE FUTURE Dr. Strangelove Director Stanley Kubrick's Irreverent spectacular about nuclear war The film is an outrageously brilliant satire the most original American comedy in years and at the same time a supersonic thriller that should have audiences chomping their fingernails right down to the tunny bone Starring George C Scott as Gen "Buck" Turgidson and Peter Sellers in three major roles as Mandrake the U.S President, and Dr Strangelove SATURDAY, APRIL 10 7 A 8.30 PM ISO GEOLOGY SI S0/S.75 children HOTEL CAFE DANCE at the Valley River Inn In the Columbia Room FRIDAY, APRILS Free cocktails, tree food, door prize. A free party w* be gwen on Saturday tor those who attend the Friday party Pre sented by MV LTD 639 4-9 SOCCER Men interested m playing soccer tor ttie U of0 Club Sports team rtexl tan should attend a meeting tor all player on Friday, April 9 at 3 pm in room 337 EMU 603:4-9 The EMU Cultural Forum presents THE STUNT MAN This innovative energetic masterpiece ol pure moviemaking places director Richard Rush m the class ot cinematic virtuosos A movie within a movie, a suspensetul mystery, an offbeat romance No lormula applies to The Stunt Man which weaves innumerable and dazzling stunts and impressive performances into a complex story about paranoia and illusion versus reali ty Peter O’Toole delivers a brilliant ponrayai ot a satanic movie director Steve Railsback stands in as a stunt man, the previous one was killed on the set Frenetically paced and tautly edited tor continuous thrills, cleverly written and scored The Stunt Man is a pleasurable puzzle ot cinematic delights FRIDAY. APRIL 9 7 * 9:30 PM 190 PLC $1.50 670 4-9 SUFI CIRCLE AND ANANDA MARGA SOCIETY present Resurrection Ellen Burstyn was nominated for an Oscar tor her role in this powerful, dramatic film She sensitively and in timately portrays a young woman who regains life after a momentarily fatal car accident, only to discover that she has the power to heal through touch FRIDAY. APRIL 9 7 A 9:15 PM 177 LAWRENCE S1.50/S1 children 66? 4-9 The EMU Cultural Forum , presents ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL The Decline of the West in C Maior Written and directed by Federico Fellini Orchestra Rehearsal is simply what is sounds like This rehearsal however, is constantly interupled by different mu sicians and then union representations The poor German conductor is unable lo hold things together The situation becomes a metaphor tor dictatorial government and the result is hilarious, even slightly musical Orchestra Rehearsal will be shown with the short. Mystery ol the Leaping Fish, a 1916 Douglas Fairbanks film which is an utterly outrageous parody on Sherlock Holmes addiction to cocaine SATURDAY. APRIL 10 7 A 9 PM 180 PLC *1.50 _ 669 4-9 Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Center U of O telephone hotline 24 hours/7 days, strictly confidential Call 000 4403.779MF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy testing. Birthright 687-8651. 4685F MAKE MONEY! Recycling Your Clothes! RAGE TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appotnPnom. 344-703* 300 E. lift 1881UWF PLANNED PARfcNTHOOO for PAP smears, birth control (pills, diaphragms. lUDs. con doms. foams) and counseling Day and even tng appointments CaH M-F 344-0411 1S8WF A8UO STUDENT INSURANCE « available from Oregon Mall cashiers spring term through Friday, April 9 The cost is $41 30 for spring term or $81 65 tor sprtng and summer 5274-9 LEADERSHIP BROTHERHOOD ACADEMICS SOCIAL COMMUNITY FRATERNITY Sign up for spring fraternity rush, Suite 5 EMU or call 666-3701 608 4-9 Jabberwocky CARDS A GIFTS r is tits Sunday (April 11) and our selection of Easter cards, candy and toys is dwindling rapidly This year we have hendpeinted wooden Easier ornaments, panorama eggs, chick stickers. aB kinds of wind-up critters, as wen as baskets, boxes and bags to put them in Don't be i JABBERWOCKY 1300 Hftrard . 444-0530 10-0 MON-FRI • 10-5 SAT 659 4-9 SOCCER Men interested m playing soccer tor the U of O Club Sports team next fan should attend a meeting for an player on Friday, April 9 at 3 pm in room 337 EMU -6034-9 MAN FROM MARS You’ve got to see this! 10-2 TODAY Special sale 35% off TECH PENS, ONLY AT OREGON ART SUPPLY 683-2787 686 4-9 BILL MOSHOFSKY Vice-Pros Georgia-Pacific Ha was a Greek at Oregon. Sign-up tor spring fraternity rush at Suite 5 EMU or can 686-3701. _ 680 4-9 VIDA BARN RENTALS Under new management Fantastic dance, party or picnic location. Reasonable rates IW 3490 or >42-7272. 409itn HAM TOO AY HAS A HAIR SALON for men and women in the EMU by the Hoc Centei We do haircuts, styled perms, color and free consultations Call 447-1447 or stop by lor appointments068itn Horseback Riding HAVIUOES . BARN DANCES C Bow Arrow Ranch 346-5443 370:MWF TED KOPPEL Newscaster He was a Greek at Oregon. Sigrv-up tor spring fraternity rush at Suite 5 EMU or call 686-3701 679 4-9 BETTER DA YS for PROGRESSIVE FASHION To get you in the swing tor spring. Better Days tor Progressive Fashion is having a spring sate on aft clothing in the store Hurry in. sale ends April 16 770 EAST 11th MorvFrt 10:30-5:30 Saturday 11-5 _ 575:4-9 Kappa Alpha Theta Proudly announces their Spring ‘82 Pledge Class Paulawetlinglon Lisa Nuvinsky Liza Davis Monica Kaqa Teresa Cochrane Stephanie Pnnmger Breda Kiety Debbie Johnston Tina Mane Gehrig Lisa Muss Hilary Hanson Maria Lindgren Payy Shantey _ _4-9 KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA is proud to announce Its tenteettc Spring Pledge Class: Karen Baber Barbara Beniamin Coileen Dripps Christine LaCasse Sue Marlin 4-9 MEN OF SMITH The beer, the Beatles, the games, the tun To us you stW are # 1. Until next weekend, we ll have to wait, to party hardy into a drunken state!! LOVE, HAWTHORNE 4-9 BERNIE RICE Have a super 22nd HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 4-9 HEY ALPHA O CHICKS Here's to a gnarly spring term! Happy Easter! P S. See you on the sun porch. _4-9 Vote TOM BRANNON tor ASUO President, for new ideas and way to help solve the U of O's budget problems Paid Tom Brannon lor ASUO President4-9 ALPHA PHI INIATIATES Initiation week has come to an end and now as members you are our forever friends Congratulations to an excellent bunch We love you sooo much Love THE ALPHA PHIS4-9 ALPHA PHI warmly welcomes its Spring Pledge Class 011982: Courtney Goodman Heather Muirhead Pamela Hodges Jane Norcross Tammy Landson Laura Pedersen You are the BEAR-Y BEST 4-9 PETER B. is 21 and he sWI has all of his hair Happy belated babe. I love you!4-9 WE MINED OUR RUSH COUNSELORS Jan Calvin, Loan Stauss and Randi Thompson. We re glad to have you home Alpha love, YOUR SISTERS4-9 ALPHA OMtCRON PI is proud to announce their Spring 1982 Pledge Class Lynn Betts. Padideh Ala i, Brooke Bradford, Susan Ein binder. Laura Lane. Andrea Mayes. Welcome to the best. Alpha love, THE MEMBERS 4-9 LIL' SIS LYNDA Congratulations - you made it through!! Here's to many good times ahead Love, USA4-9 HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOLLY MOORE Welcome to the "22” club! fc2 ESSAYS, POETRY, ILLUSTRATIONS etc for possible publication. Payment upon publica tion Please submit manuscripts to Pipers, PO Bo* 3437. Eugene 97403 or call 683-7143 for more information__4-12 WANTED: GOALIE^ For a city league soccer team Call Isaac, 48S-9455._4JJ JIM: Spring fraternity rush is finally here1! Don’t forget to go to the orientation on April 12 at 5:30 pm in room 167 EMU. XXOO CATHY 607 4-9 YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE a workshop to use the EMU Craft Center. Open studio space is available in photography, ceramics, wood working. graphics, fibers, jewelry and metals, stained glass Can 686-4361, or visit us in the basement of the EMU.664:4-14 DUKE Meet me at 9 pm for a cup of herbal tea at Lenny's Nosh Bar m the Courtyard. LUIGI _ 033:tfn LEO B. JORDAN Former Gov. of Idaho He was a Greek at Oregon. Sign-up for spring fraternity rush at Suite 5 EMU or call 686-3701. __681:4-9 JUUE I challenge you to become an “Iron Duck." MARY_ 678:4-9 Ru9£y,£arty 4-9 A FREE WAY TO SAY THANKS Do you have professor who makes you leap out bed to get to class, and never want to be late? Who inspires you to dedicate yourself to your studies? Who make you think and want to learn? Who is simply a great teacher? Count your blessings - and nominate this person for the Annual Ersted Distinguished Teaching Award. It's one way you can say "thanks" ft only takes a moment, but it makes a great difference to the professor It says, "keep up tie good work!” Pick up nomination forms at the ASUO office right away; deadline is Friday, April 23 683:4-23 HAMOCRAFTED AMERICAN-MADE ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR Now available at Hutch’s Bicycle Store 960 Charnelton 342*3336 174 East Broadway Eugene