OAKWAY CINEMA Oakway Mall—342-5391 HELD OVER! Adults $2.00 2 Hits! 4 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS DON’T YOG WISH YOG WERE ARTHGR? Dudley Liza Moore Minnelli The most fun money can buy. Arthur o PLUS SECOND BIG SHOW CEORCE BURNS pH, GOD! 0 BOOK Him] Cultural Forum Distinguished sociologist Robert Bellah Author of The Broken Covenant mm ['ilWfPfl Iippppuupf ivill speak on “The New Conservatism in Politics and Religion 8 p.m. EMU Ballroom Monday, April 12th FREE Tina Turner’s Las Vegas Review With Special Guests Fantasy Recording Artists SHOCK Limited Seating— Buy Tickets Early!! Ticket Outlets: Emerald Valley Forrest Inn, Creswell Mazama Sporting Goods, Valley River (next to Bi-Mart) Mon. April 26, 1982 Two Shows 7 & 10 P.M. Tickets $8.50 Reserved Everybody’s Records, Eugene & Corvallis Round-tu-it Gifts, Cottage Grove 21 and over. Tickets subject to service charge. Come early and have dinner— reservations recom mended. TIM TITBNER EMERALD VALLEY FORREST IXX 83293 DALE KUNI ROAD. CRESWELL. OREGON 895-2147 EUGENE • SPRINGFIELD 485-6796 ‘Dinner’: a feast for the mind “My Dinner With Andre" Wallace Shawn, Andre Gregory Bijou Theatre "My Dinner With Andre" is an American pseudo-European film Everyone knows only a Eu ropean would attempt a two hour film shot almost entirely in one setting But Louis ("Atlantic City”) Malle did His film records a dinner conversation between Wally Shawn, a dumpy, balding playwright, and Andre Gregory, a remarkable director who, according to his friends, has lately become strange. Wally has been hooked into a dinner with Andre, and decides to keep out of trouble by questioning Andre instead of actually taking an active role in the conversa tion. And what a conversation it is. We accompany Andre on his strange journeys through Poland, Tibet and realms un known. We journey with him through birth and death, and team the real hazards of electric blankets Andre questions many aspects of the “typical” life, leaving the viewer, and Wally, dazed at the end of the meal. Director Malle somehow manages to pull it off, keeping the "talking heads” interesting There are only so many angles you can use of a dinner table, but rarely do the angles become awkward. We feel that we are participating in the conversation, not merely eavesdropping The acting is also wonderful. True, it’s not terribly difficult to play yourself, but the characters are wonderfully vital Wally, with his Uncle Fester voice and quizzical expressions, and Andrea, with his Sherlock Holmesian manner, come across naturally and real istically “My Dinner with Andre" is a delightful two-hour feast for the mind, and the whole thing is filled with rich dessert. Unfor tunately. that much dessert tends to be a little filling, and "My Dinner With Andre" shares this problem It gets a tad bit much by the end, for my tastes Nevertheless, it's a remarka ble movie for what it attempts and achieves, and marks an im portant step in American feature films by matt meyer APRIL 8 M U S I c TODAY Musical Smorgasbord concert at 12.30 p m in 198 Music Free Charles Dowd (percussion) will present a Faculty Artist concert at 8 p m in Beall Hall Students and seniors tree general public $2 FRIDAY Jools Holland and his Millionaires will play at the EMU Ballroom at 8 p m Students $1 general public S1 50 Mindy Kaufman, principal piccolo player with the New York Philharmonic will conduct a workshop in the Gerlinger Lounge Friday - Sunday SATURDAY Joanne Kong (pianist) will give a doctoral recital at 8 p m in 198 Music Free The Pacifica String Trio appears at 8 p m at the Friends Meeting House. 2274 Ony St 13 -5 donation requested A Benefit Dance featuring the music of the Salt and Pepper Band and the Cyclones will be held at the WOW Hall at 6.30 pm Sliding scale $3 - 5 SUNDAY Holly Stern (violin) and Christopher Schindler (piano) wild present a guest recital at 8 p m in Beall Hall Free MONDAY Larry Hudson (trumpet) presents a master s recital at 8 p m in Beall Hall TUESDAY The Aspen Soloists give the final Chamber Music Series concert at 8 p m in Beall Hall $3 $5 and $6 WEDNESDAY The Silverwood Chamber Players perform at 8 p m in Gerlinger Lounge Free CLUBS, ETC. B.J Kelly s Midnight Orchestra, tonight Midnight Orchestra and the Bosworth Brothers Band Friday & Saturday David LaFlame Monday & Tuesday The Legendary Blues Band and Craig Carottiers Wednesday The International Jonah s Whale tonight Saturday Jo Federigo s Valinda Aletha and Jett Kirsch tonight Emmett Williams and Forrest Moyer Friday and Saturday Andre St James Trio Sunday and Monday Nancy King and Steve Christotferson Tuesday and Wednesday Saturday Market Just Friends THEATRE "You Can t Take tt With You University Theatre Friday - Saturday at 6 p m University students $2 75 other students S3 50 general public 54 50 Gershwin1 Oregon Repertory Theatre tonight through Monday at B p m Sunday matinee at 2 p m Prices vary "On The Edge" (comedy improvisation) Oregon Repertory Theatre Friday and Saturday at 11 30 p m $3 50 ' Koolaid Kaberet Oregon Repertory Theatre Sunday alll am and 1 p m Adults $3 children $1 50 Change The Way It Is'" at Aunt Lucy s Wine Lott Friday and Saturday at 8 p m S3 FILM FRIDAY The Stuntman at 7 and 9 30 p m in 1B0 PLC SI 50 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail' at 7 and 9 p m in 150 Geology Adults S1 50 children Si Resurrection al 7 arid 9 15pm in 177 Lawrence Adults S1 50 children $ 1 SATURDAY "Orchestra Rehearsal with Mystery ot the Leaping Fish" al 7 arid 9pm in 180 PLC Adults $1 50. children $1 "The Virgin and the Gypsy at 7 15 and 9 15pm in 107 Lawrence Adults SI 50 children 75 cents Manhattan" at 7 and 9 p m in 177 Lawrence Adults $1 50. children 75 cents Last chance to sign up for spring FRATERNITY Suite 5 April 12-15 By joining a fraternity you can experience all the fun times your college years can bring you. Get involved in social, athletic, academic, community involvement and brotherhood ORIENTATION April 12, 5:30 p.m. in Room 167 EMU