emerald inter/national Conservatives call for Bell’s dismissal WASHINGTON Two conservative leaders today called tor the resignation of Education Secretary T.H. Bell r for failing to "stop the flow of federal dollars to radical groups." The two, Conservative Digest Publisher Richard Viguerie and Conservative Caucus head Howard Phillips, also urged Pres. Reagan to cut off all federal aid for "leftist groups" that oppose his policies. Among the "leftist groups" they listed were the National Wildlife Federation, the National Retired Teachers Association, the AFL-CIO, Rev. Jesse Jackson's PUSH-EXCEL self help program, Planned Pa renthood of San Francisco, the National Organization for Women's Legal Defense and KWAX 91.1 FM d Older Jazz 6:30 p.m. jazz Revisited: with NPR's Hazen Schumacher 7:00 p.m. Jazz Songbook: Jazz and popular American music 1900-1980 with Steve Stone 8:00 p.m. Old Grooves: Oider jazz with Jim Lemert 8:30 p.m. Straight Ahead: More jazz with Jeff Ogburn 9:30 p.m. Nightcap: A mix of jazz and classical with Dave Denz -emu Cafeteria The Cafeteria-Grill Monday-Friday Opens for Breakfast 7 ajn. to 10:30 a.m. Opens for Lunch 1030 am. to 2:00 p.m. The grill features breakfast prepared for individual likes and specific tastes. Our cafeteria features daily lunch specials with a choice of salads, sandwiches and desserts. Education Fund, the American Friends Service Committee, the American Bar Association and the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund. Viguerie said Reagan should immediately replace Bell and freeze all grants to activist groups while converting grant programs into contracts. The call for Bell's removal met with immediate reaction from Sen Jake Gam, R-Utah, a con servative himself, who labeled the proposal “a cheap shot" and “a great disservice" to the conservative movement. Viguerie. who also operates a conservative, direct-mail, fund raising operation, said in a news conference that, "De-funding the left should be our No 1 priority in 1982 "The ultimate success or failure of the Reagan pres idency may depend on whether he can stop the flow of tax dollars to his opponents " Viguerie and Phillips said their reseach had shown that the "left" groups they named plus several others, were receiving or had gotten federal aid that helped them maintain staff and operate programs Armed forces open Caribbean games NORFOLK, Va. The Navy says 60 warships, 350 planes and more than 45,000 troops will head to the Caribbean later this month in the largest naval operation ever planned for that area The maneuvers will empha size command and control of forces in a simulated combat environment, Adm Harry Train, commander-in-chief of the Atlantic Command, said Tuesday ROLFING Jon Carroll Certified Rolfer 683-3689 FREE EVALUATION GET YOUR JEANS AND TOPS FROM THE BUFFALO! his “3? hers Levns •HBINK-TO-FIT 15.99 « his *8? hers Calvin Klein Jeans 23.99 his hers kids (X.&mdU, Jeans, Bibs 81 Colors from 16.99 PLUS 10 OTHER FAMOUS DESIGNER BRANDS AT VERY LOW PRICES. They may be factory seconds, but no one will ever know. EUGENE 77 West 11th 342-8495 ALBANY 122 East 1st 926-7355 CORVALLIS 312 SW 3rd 759-1170 SALEM Salem Plaza 371-9500 “FACTORY SECONDS’ The operation, called Ocean Venture '82, comes on the heels of an exercise involving 40 ships now being conducted in the same area Together, the war games focus considerable attention on the Caribbean, where Train said a “major chink in our strategic armor" exists because of the rapidly growing military capability of Cuba. The Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Air Force, in addition to units from the Royal Netherlands Navy and Marines, and Puerto Rican and Virgin Islands National Guard, will participate in the exercise. Train said It will begin April 27 and con tinue through May 16 Officials deny the U S exer cise has anything to do with turmoil in El Salvador or the Argentine invasion of the Bri tish-claimed Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic However, officials concede the exercises are designed to show Cuba that the U S is capable of quickly protecting the sea lanes in that region Feds agree to take plant's nuclear core HARRISBURG, Pa. An agreement was signed today insuring that the federal government will dispose of the damaged Three Mile Island nu clear core once it is removed from the plant The reactor core won't be ready for removal until 1985, said Robert Arnold, president of General Public Utilities Corp., owner of the electric generating plant Meanwhile, GPU announced it has a $25 million plan for repairing 8,000 to 10,000 steam generator tubes at the plant's undamaged reactor, TMI 1, Repairs should be completed by fall and the plant should be ready to be restarted before year's end. GPU said The tentative agreement on disposal of the damaged core from TMI 2 was signed today by officials from GPU and the federal Department of Energy in the office of Gov Dick Thorn burgh “The signing of the agreement should be recog nized as a major accomplish ment in establishing a plan for removal of radioactive wastes from TMI,'' said Arnold The reactor was damaged March 28, 1979, in the nation's worst commercial nuclear accident Assistant DOE Secretary Shelby Brewer said GPU must reimburse the department for the expected $10 million to $20 million cost of removing the core Details of the contract between GPU and the Depart ment of Energy will be worked out in the next six to nine months, officials said eooui s-zossf 0*0} "DuUut 4 Downtown Mall Phona PUNA-45_