H you think “dropouts” lead to street gangs, you’re not ready for Memorex. What dropouts can do to cassette recordings is criminal. Dropouts are the annoying moments of signal loss that steal the clarity-and the life-from your music. So every part of a Memorex cassette tape is specially en gineered to help eliminate dropouts. We developed an extraordi nary binding process called Permapass™ to protect against dropouts caused by oxide wear off. Permapass locks each oxide particle, each musical detail, onto the tape. For true sound reproduction play after play, even after 1000 plays. Our tape transport mechanism is tooled to such precise toler ances,it virtually eliminates signal loss caused by tape-tracking error. And to prevent those dropouts caused by dust, fingerprints and other mishan dling of the in side, we rein vented the out side: a unique fumble-free album that accepts the cassette upside down or right side up. So don’t risk your good music to a bunch of dropouts. Record on Memorex. In HiGH BIAS II, METAL IV or normal bias MRX I. Each gives you true sound repro MOW MORE THAN EVER WK ASK: IS IT LIVE, OR IS IT MEMOREX duction even after 1000 plays. In fact, a Memorex cassette will always deliver true sound repro duction, or we’ll replace it. Free. To settle for anything less would be a crime. c 1981 Memorex Corporation Sant* Clara California 95062 USA