Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1982, Page 4, Image 19

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Music sets the tone in your life. Creates a world of
enjoyment all your own. If you want nothing to inter
fere, choose TDK. TDK cassettes make music live.
With a performance as full and vibrant as the original.
In its special way TDK does more than record.
It recreates. Music is magic. ■ 1 ; 'j.—
Don't lose any of it, now that
you know where it lives.
Associate Publisher
Editor- in - Chief
Music Editor
Contributing Editors
Design Director
Production Manager
Office Manager
Public Relations
Advertising Offices
National Director
West Coast Sales
East Coast
Marketing Director
Sales Manager
Marketing Director
Sales Manager
Duhand W. Achee
Jepf Dickey
Judith Sots
Byron Laifrsen
Jacoba Atlas. Martin
Clifford, Steven X.
Rea. Davin Seay,
Fred Setterberg
Catherine Lamfton
Chip Jones
Dan Ejcholte
Art & Design
Christopher Thor
Cathey Halley
D’wana McIntosh
Michael Gershman
Composition Type. Inc
Jeff Dickey
Jennifer Owens
1680 North Vine, Stc. 900
Hollywood. CA 90028
( 213) 462-7175
Larky Smuckler
Howard K_ Jacoby
134 Lexington Ave.,
Third Floor
New York. NY 10016
(212) 696-0994
Tobin, Kreitman Assoc.
Ray Tobin
Maureen Riley
4753 North Broadway
Chicago, II 60640
(312) 561-9334
(g> 1982 Alan Weston Publishing. Inc., 1680 North Vine.
Suite 900. Hollywood. CA 90028 All rights reserved let
tens become the property of the publisher and may be
edited Publisher assumes no responsibility for unso
licited manuscripts Published sis times during the
school year Annual subscription rate is $6 00 To order
subscriptions or notify change of address write Amper
sand 1680 North Vine. Ste 900, Hollywood, CA 90028
Summer Travel Section
Our annual guide to assorted | ^
places & thing?
Clifton Chenier
The King of Zydeco rules with ^
a hot accordion
Nastassia Kinski Stars in Cat People
Director Paul Schrader looks
into animal desires "
Small Film Distributors
Special care for special films
in One Ear
& Out the Other
News & rumor
On Screen
Missmg, One from the Heart, etc
On Disc
Johnny Otis, Beach Beat, etc.
On Tour
Armatradtng Milstein, etc.
Off the Wall f\
Gabon Wilson's Weird Visions X vj
Our Cover
Nastassia Kinski in her
look for Cat People
With reference to your
January/February issue of
Ampersand, your article,
Tim Hutton America's Best Young Ac
tor?” was both insightful and interest
ing However, on page 21, column 4,
you make reference to the biography
American Caesar which you claim to m
be the life story of General George S
Patton In fact, American Caesar, writ
ten b\ William Manchester, ls the biog
raphy of another great military man.
General Douglas MacArthur 1 have just
completed a lengthy history term ^
paper on the life and times of Mac
Arthur in which 1 used Manchester's
book extensively as a source of infor
mation 1 felt obliged to call your arten
non to this error
1 feel that your magazine is one of
the best in its genre
Ranch Agneu
.Austin, TX
Mustc Editor Laursen rechecked his
copy, heaved a stgb of relief, and re
plies "What was taken to he an apfiosi
the is actually two elements in a list
"American Caesar, (and] a biography of
General George S Patton " While
Laursen admits his sentence wasn 't en
ttrelv clear, he refuses to confess any
Three cheers for your cover story
on Timothy Hutton He deserves
all the recognition he can get
America s best young actor? Probably
My favorite-' Definitely*
Naomi Wender
L'ntuersit) of Maryland
Ive been an Ampersand reader for
almost two years, and 1 really enjoy
For the past four or five months Ive
been watching this late night comedy
show that's on Saturday night on ABC
It's from the "Thames' network in
England It's "The Kenny Everett Video
He does some wild stuff with video,
and has music stars performing their
own video songs
I'd like to see something in your
magazine about him, and whai makes
his show tidc
An told Reader
Send letters to In One tar, 1680 North
Vine, Suite 900, Hollywood, CA 90028
Neu' Contributors
Jody Eve Grant (On Screen) toiLs in the
CMPS division of Alan Weston Communica
nous Inc, studied film at UCLA (graduated
when she was 20) and is a twin
Darlene GuILDNEF (On Screen) attended
Long Beach State and proved shes a better
proofreader than anyone on our blind staff
But did it get her a job? Are you kidding’
Travel Section
BUDDY Basch has his own Travel feature
Syndicate out of New York, which sounds
like a not unpleasant way to earn a living
Bonny Christina Celine once worked ai
Summerfest and is now pursuing a writing
career in Milwaukee
DEBORAH Levin , a former airlines pilot, as
pires to start a Polynesian-style hand laundry
on the banks of the Los Angeles River
Dan Roberts, in real life, is an editor of an
Oregon-based wildlife magazine, and loves
to toy with alliteration, hyperbole, litotes,
oxymoron, you name it.
Keith Wallan sent us this gem unsolicited,
and that s all we know about him