Entertainment HELD OVER ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Thursday & Sunday midnight All tickets $2 On sale % hour before showtime First come-tirst serve AT THE BIJOU 592 4-9 YWCA PRESENTS WOODY ALLEN and DIANE KEATON in MANHATTAN Woody plays a television writer whose search tor the perfect woman leads him through a variety of relationships "It's possibly Allen's best movie elegant, even beautitul MANHATTAN is very tunny " (Newsweek) SATURDAY, APRIL 10 7 A • PM 177 LAWRENCE *1.50/.75 chUdren 651 4-9 The EMU Cultural Forum presents THE STUNT MAN This innovative, energetic masterpiece of pure moviemaking places director Richard Rush m the class ol cinematic virtuosos A movie within a movie, a suspenseful mystery, an offbeat romance No formula applies to The Stunt Man which weaves innumerable and dazzling stunts and impressive performances into a complex story about paranoia and illusion versus real* ty Peter O'Toole delivers a brilliant portrayal of a satamc movie director Steve Raitsback stands in as a stunt man, the previous one was killed on the set Frenetically paced and faulty edited tor continuous thrills cleverly written and scored The Stunt Man s a pleasurable puzzle ol cinematic delights FRIDAY. APRIL • 7 A # 30 PM ISO PLC *1.50 _ 670 4 9 SUFI CIRCLE AND AMANDA MARGA SOCIETY Resurrection Ellen Burstyn was nominated tor an Oscar tor her role in this powerful dramatic Him She sensitively and in timately portrays a young woman who regains life after a momentarily fatal car accident only to discover that she has the power to heal through touch FRIDAY, APRIL • 7 A S:1S PM 177 LAWRENCE SI.SO/S1 children 66? 4 9 The EMU Cultural Forum presents ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL The Decline of the West in C Maior Written and directed by Federico Fellini Orchestra nahearial is simply what is sounds like This rehearsal however, is constantly mterupted by different mu sicians and their union representations The poor German conductor is unable to hold things together The situation becomes a metaphor lor dictatorial government and the result is hilarious, even slightly musical Orchestra Rehearsal will be shown with the short Mystery of the Leaping Fleh, a 1916 Douglas Fairbanks Him which is an utterly outrageous parody on Sherlock Holmes addiction to cocaine SATURDAY. APRIL 10 7 0 0 PM 100 PLC S1.B0 §69jLL MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL FRIOAY. APRIL 0 700PM 160 GEOLOGY 01-00 635:4-9 COMMITTEE FOR MUSICAL ARTS presents Groat Opera Rims TOSCA SATURDAY, APRIL 10 7 0 0:16 PM BEALL HALL School of Music Donations requested 589:4-9 B1IZ1N ACTON KM LASTING SECURITY and STUDENTS FOR A NUCLEAR FREE FUTURE Dr. Strangelove Director Stanley Kubrick's irreverent speclacular about nuclear war The film is an outrageously brilliant satire - the most original American comedy in years and at the same time a supersonic thriller that should have audiences chomping their fingernails right down to the tunny bone Starring George C Scott as Gen "Buck" Turgidson and Peter Sellers in three ma|or roles as Mandrake, the U S President and Dr Strangelove SATURDAY. APRIL 10 7 A 9:30 PM ISO GEOLOGY S1.S0/S.7S children - 674.4-9 HOTEL CAFE DANCE at the Valley River Inn In the Columbia Room FRIOAY, APRIL 9 9:30 pm-230 am SS.SO par parson Free cocktails, tree food, door prize 925 prise lor beet-dreseed couple A tree parly will be given on Saturday tor those who attend the Friday party Pre sented by MV LTD_ 6?9 4-9 CINEMA 7 19th & Ohve-Atrium Building •07-0733 1st Run-UmAed Engagement PIXOTE Winner o( 1981 Best Foreign Film by N Y and L A Film Critics. Pixole is a shockingly lyrical Brazilian film about the Hte ot some abandoned children learning to survive m complete poverty Amazing performances by Pixote (Ramos da Silva) and Marika Pera who won Best Actress 1981 from National Society of Film Critics SHOWING 7 0 9:20 PM STARTS APRIL 19*1 EUGENE PREMIERE EL SALVADOR: ANOTHER VIETNAM _ 574 4-15 EMU CULTURAL FORUM puma START THE TERM OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT WITH THE Spring Square Dance OREGON COUNTRY DANCE ORCHESTRA SATURDAY, APRIL 10 S PM EMU BALLROOM CHEAP! *1 .53 UO Mutants 32 general public At too door 5044-9 The EMU Cultural Forum is now acceotina AUDITION TAPES for the TWELFTH ANNUAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY FOLK FESTIVAL This year the Cultural Forum is encour aging performers and groups trom all folk and ethnic traditions to submit tapes The locus of the festival is music, but is not limited to that. Poets, writers, dancers, and any other performers with folk related acts are encouraged Tapes should be cassettes, and must be received by April 2? Please include name, number of people, and in strumentation of group, along with the address and phone number of a contact person Send to Willamette valley Folk Festival Suite 2 EMU University of Oregon Eugene. Oregon 9740? 505:4-9 THE BUOU 482 E. 13th (at Ferry St.) NEW TICKET PRICES!! Associate member $2 Student (Sun.-Thurs.) $2 50 Oon.Adm. $? EUGENE PREMIERE MY DINNER WITH ANDRE "The beet picture el We year” Roger Ebert. PBS "Sneak Previews " Directed by Louis Malls. Starring and written by WaSace Shawn and Andre Gregory. Nightly 7 and 9:30 pm Sal-Sun Mai 3:30 pm 32 619:4-15 MJOU MIDMITE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON in 3-D!! Ol' groan gHla Is back, scaring the heck out ot June Adams and you as he bulges from the silver screen once again1 3-0 glasses on sale cheap! Wednesday $1 Thursday - Rocky Horror only Friday & Saturday $2 50 Saturday & Sunday mat 1 pm. $2 Coming: April 14-17 Danes Craze April 21 -24 The Harder They Corns 628 4-9 TONIGHT SPARTACUS Kirk Douglas Lawrence Olivier 8:30 pm KOZY cable TV 11 __ 6624-8 EUGENE FOLKLORE SOCIETY presents CHANGE THE WAY IT IS! Songs and seorloa of working people With Linda Danielson and Randi Douglas-Young SATURDAY A SUNDAY APRIL 10,11 8 PM AUNT LUCY'S WINE LOFT T ickets $2 Reservations 683-1795 -548 4-9 COMMITTEE FOR MUSICAL ARTS precepts Great Opera Films TOSCA SATURDAY, APRIL 10 7 A 8:15 PM BEALL HALL School of Music Donations rsqusstsd 589 4-9 _ "SS"®*-— Marlon Brando in w ON THE P T Eft Sp4lI^^Xaras, ^ ma»f achf'°reman * urnon°^!m,on 10 o™E£s tt6"'« as a "cai a^rltacwe corr,^®" Wm Nor any ol ,^sor,al Poii c^re Br££°J2*»ceo*£1*** superb aton^ ano ew» Mar»lL!^Ca'1 Cobb, ^CaJ^ ^ CSStfr*are Ma^'n ^ai,®6 J SUNOaV aL,, . Mm *» j-jk;""1" _H£0 p®r*o ^as;.c a£Z^tSZ*LS Reasof" “ance, party and ,ree crvjV^uts. stviZ,0 ^ Rec ^?appc»m^!!!!h0f's CaM»7 co