MEETINGS The Fourth Congressional District Nucloar Weapons Freeze InWtotlve group will hold an organizing mooting today at 7:30 pm In Room 108. EMU The Political Sctonco Student Union will hold its first I meeting of the term today at 3:30 p.m In one of the EMU [ Century rooms (room to bo posted) The University Sawing team will meet tonight at 8:30 In ! the EMU (room to bo posted) The University Equestrian team will hold a meeting this evening at 7 In Room 113, EMU The campus Christian Science Organization meets at 5 pm today In the EMU (room to be posted) SPEAKERS "Claude McKay: The Problems of Being a New Negro" Is the topic of a lecture by Dr Tyrone Tillery. Wayne State University history department, today at 4 p m In Room 167. EMU "Predicting Pattern In Life-History Adaptations" is the topic ot a lecture by University Prof William Bradshaw today at 8 p m. In Room 317, Science III "The Geology and Petrology of Gearhart Mountain, a CatcstkaKna Volcano In die Basin-Range Province of Southern Oregon” Is the topic of a lecture by Tom Brikowski today at 12:30 p m in Room 307, Volcanology WORKSHOPS "The Drug System” is the topic of a workshop for women Tuesday from 7-9 30 p m at the Wellness Project, 358 10th Ave Discussion will focus on harmful drugs such as DES and thalidomide, the Daikon shield, and drugs that are helpful but not available to us A $3-5 donation is requested Child care will be provided if you call In advance For more Information, call 345-3022 "Prom HosUttty to HoapMaMty" is the topic of a one-day workshop, focusing on repentance and forgiveness, Saturday at 9 a m at St Thomas Episcopal Church, 1465 Coburg Road For those interested in carpooling, please be at the Kolnonia Center, 1414 Kincaid St , at 8:30 a m For more information and to sign up, call 484-1707. Sponsored by Episcopal Campus Ministry Registration will continue tor EMU Craft Center woifcshope until workshops begin or fill Many are still open Stop by the Cratt Center in the basement of the EMU, or call 686-4361. for more information CLASSES ‘The Way, The Truth, and The Right: An Examination ot PodMcai ideology and SMIcal Justice" is the topic of a seven-week class which starts today at 12:30 p m in the Wesley Center library. 1236 Kincaid St MISCELLANEOUS Free official Lane County no spray signs are available to those who object to roadside spraying in Lane County and don't want their property sprayed For more in formation. call Roadside Vegitation Management at 687-3881 Applications lor the tnlsmatlonal Studies Program are being accepted tor the spring term until May 3 For more Information, call Susan Hayes at 686-5050 Oofhrorfcers needed: ASUO elections April 14-15 and 21-22 Contact Bey Shoopman, ASUO, at 686-3724 POLICY The Emerald's briefs column is the responsibility of the news/editorial department and Is open to anyone wishing to announce meetings, lectures, seminars, exhibits, scholarships, or miscellaneous events. Briefs are run once and they are subject to space limitations They must be typed and triple-spaced in a 65-character margin. Include all pertinent information. Also, list a name and phone number in case we have questions, and the date you want the brief run. Events with donations or admission charges will not be accepted unless the organization is non-profit All Items must be turned in by neon the day before publication at the Emerald Office. Room 300. EMU. If you have a question, contact John at 686-5511. doonesbury pnmcma.of caxse iuas StPmePTDMeer MS PK&IKHT ff*t Stetl HW 4KHJHD’ H5.SIK.IHK K/HbUEHT by Garry Trudeau * sap m mime rr; muaxveoum w cusses CAUSeTmiWDTO BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed Classifieds 686-4343 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK The ODE cannot he responsible tor more man one day'* incorrect id/ertising insertion The ODE s liability tor typographical errors moot reel insertions 01 omissions m ad/emsing published shall be limited solely to Ihe cancel tation o* charges tor such portion ot space occupied by toe error It your ad appears incorrectly, call 68A-4343 before 1 pm tor correction in the next day s issue SI .50 minimum tor the first Insertion SI.20 minimum tor consauttva Insertion* Thera la NO refund tor ad cancellation* PAYMENT: All ads must be paid tor in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us There I* NO refund tor ad cancellation* For Sale MUST BELL IMMEDIATELY 197? Chev Ca pns station wagon " Excellent condition |ust $900 Ul no 686-6171 Abbie or 687-0970 __4 12 MOW ON SALE Danners Mountain Trail boots and Cowtown Western boots Reg $99 now $75 CAMPUS SHOE SHOE M3 E. 13th 343-4613 __ 618 4-9 RAICHLE MOUNTAINEERING BOOTS Size 6W-7 imported from Switzerland Excellent condition $50 Call :‘44-6057 4-8 MOTOBECANE men s 10-speed 20' Excel lent condition $170 242-2094 evenings 4-8 GREY HANDTAME COCKATIEL Large cage accessories and parakeet Musi sell immedia tely TUI tor $150 negotiable or trade for (?) 686-9459 between 6-9 pm_4-8 TRAILWISE BACKPACK $50 ?4?-6?44 4-9 'M DODGE Station wagon rebuill engine new brakes runs well needs transmission repair $200 Georg 345-2462 _4-9 WOMEN'S THREE SPEED Enlarger Call evenings 484-92?7 4-8 Instruction JAZZ: Then Til Now Earn three credits while exploring iazz history from 1900 to 1980 Taught by Carl Woideck in an informal, non-lechnical style with lots of m-class listening THURSDAYS 6:30-9:20 PM TLN MS6 MUS 199 $54 FEE 4-9 ADD THIS CLASS! Rock Classes INSIDE ROCK I Overview of roots (50s) to Beatles, Who, Chuck Berry. Elvis, others WED. 19:30-2120 MUS 199 INSIDE ROCK II Overview more 60s, Stones, Clapton, Hendrix, S.F sound. Doors. Dylan to New Wave THURS 15:30-1930 MUS 199 _ Guitar Instruction Folk/Biuegrass Relaxed non-competitive atmosphere Acoustic styles of Dylan Browne Bea ties. Seeger. CSNY, Baez many others TUES 15:30-18:20 MUS 1M Instructor Paul Fnedlander 470 4-8 ADD THIS CLASS! History of Electric Guitar in Rock Rock music styles Berry. B B King, Hendrix. Page. Clapton. Allman, others WED 15:30-11:20 MUS 407 Instructor Paul Fnedlander Fee added 554/? credits Open to an students Classes include listening lecture, dis _ cutwon ART CLASSES CLOSED? Registration for EMU Craft Center Workshops continues at the Cratt Center (down stairs in the EMU) Classes still open are Jewelry & Metalsmithing, Adv Stone Setting Sandblasting Glass. Stained Glass. Beg Origami. Drawing, Book binding & Paper Marbling. Watercolor Silkscreen Beg Sewing Nava|0 Weav ing Beg Basketry. Table Loom Weav mg. Scandinavian Pattern Knitting. Mid Easter Hug Weaving, Clothing Embel lishment Batik Natural Yarn Dyeing. Beg Woodworking Adv Woodworking, Building Wood Hand Planes. Wood Lathe. Router, Beg B & W Photography Experimental Darkroom. Intermediate Photography, Children s Ceramic Scuttpture. Raku. Bicycle Maintenance Stop by or call 686-4361 for informa tion 665 4-13 Typing COMPUTER WORD PROCESSING by YOUR WORD’S WORTH 342-7548 _525:6-24 TYPING: 15 years experience Papers, disser tations editing IBM Selectric Pck-up and delivery Call Carole ai 688-3883. 2403 Ifn TYPING UNLIMITED 747-9298 Grad School Approved/Guaranteed Selectric Call tor pricing 189 tin PRO TYPING/EDITING On vacation (yippee!) till 4/29 Jennifer 485-3883 491.4-28 TYPING/EDITING Call Judy or Sara 888-0739 _979.HFM PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759. 460:tln 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE On campus during day IBM Selectric Call 726*7596 anytime_346HEM TYPING GUARANTEED IBM Correcting Selectric Ruth 345-5614 288UH PROFESSIONAL TYPING Same day service $.85 per page 344-5027. 533:4-9 SPRING SPECIAL Can Karan 683-1117 405 HF TYPING GUARANTEED perfect fast Pckup and delivery Karen. 741^0486 anytime 4-9 HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Computer syslem makes typing obsolete Theses reports, resumes Free pickup /delivery 343-551 ?_ 4-9 TYPING Elite guaranteed pertect. last Pck up, delivery, $ 85/page Wendy, 683-8684 4-9 EXPERIENCED TYPIST IBM Selectric Will do most typing jobs including papers, tables, theses etc Have seven years experience - 6888134. 039:4-8 IT S TAX TIME ASSOCIATED TAX PROCESSORS I come to you1 Call Jerry 687-1887 Licensed tax preparer4-16 CUSTOM ROTOTILLING Soil conditioning, composting, and fertilizer Difficult access gardens no problem Any size garden 683-4367 or 935-1042 _4-12 LAFLER SILK SCREEN Bulk printed t-shirts 343-2306 or 342-1927 528:4-9 RACQUET STRINGING Fast service and low prices Leorna 66 $11 other strings available No Wicson T-2000's 686-4703, Ken 4-9 Photography FUJICA AZ-1 35mm Excellent condition Flash included $200 or best offer Call 344-6057 4-8 Sound Systems PHASE LINEAR amp-preamp $600. Nakami chi 4802 deck $450 Bang & Olutsen turntable $225 Sonab OD11 loudspeakers $300. $1500 firm AH 3 months old 687-0236 4-9 Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Peart Street 343-7663 Monday thru Friday 9-6 pm Saturday 9-1 pm 5635:tfn WE BUY STEREOS SALES AND SERVICE Large selection warranted stereo components STEREO WORKSHOP 1409 Main, Springfield 741-1597 963 tin BEST YAMAHA STEREO ever made CA-2010 amp/pre-amp combined 120 pure watts per channel Other components must sacrifice Paul, 484-9099 4-12 Books 60.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% off list prices New Books-Text Books-Cliff Notes Magazmes USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF all new books SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 Eaat 13th 5223 :tfn Art Supplies A SPECIAL SALE! Oregon Arl Supply pre sents 35% OFF our entire stock ot Staedtter /Mars technical pens Robby Robinson. Mlg Rg torStaedtl«f/»*ar»wtllbeinthestore10-2 pm Thursday, April 8 and Friday, April 9 Come in and see why Staedtlar/Mara is best1 560 4-8 Ski Stuff X-COUWTRY SKIS: Alfa size 7’/j boots Bonne 200cm skis bindings, and poles New $190 $100 or best offer. Call 344-6057._ 4-8 X-COUNTRY SKIS Rossignol Horizon II (213cm) High petorm. backcountry and track ski Bindings included John, 683-6292 4-9 Bicycles RECYCLED BIKE WORKS Quality Reconditioned Bicycles Repairs - Parts - Service We Buy, Sell and Trade 296 Blair BM. 485-5*86 552:4-14 Cruise into Spring New Zephyr 5-speed cruisers (rear-drum hub-tubular fork) SPECIAL $199 Only at RECYCLED BIKE WORKS 296 Blair 485-5*86 592 4-9 TWO RALIEGH three speed $55. $40 243-6244 4-8 “531” FRAMES by Holdsworth INTRO PRICES FROM $250 FUJI—CENTURION $50 off most bikes STU’S BIKE SHOP 8th 8 Monro* 619:4-8 SCHWINN VARSITY 10-speed 21’ $65 MicheHe, 344-2290, keep trying._4-12 NISHIKI SPORT 21" 10-speed, metallic blue, rack included. $150. 345-6379 eves 4-9 UNIVEGA 10-speed, 4 months old w/tenders and lock Creme/bm $160 Call 683-5086 4-12 Auto Repair SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair M A B SWIFT SHOP 2529 WWtamett* 484-9333 5635:tfn Cars/Cycles IDEAL FOR EUGENE! 70 Fiat 850, runs well. $800 Excellent fuel mileage 687-0966 4-8 1979 DATSUN 210 Low miles, stereo, excel lent condition. $3400 Call 345-5730 4-14 1978 VW RABBIT Excellent condition 175cc Kawasaki motorcycle, runs great 485-8590 _4-9 75 DATSUN B210 Economical, low mileage, excellent condition $2500 345-5539, leave message 4-9 •71 VW SLANTBACK Automatic, doesn't run; trans problem, and needs starter, but good engine $400 or otter 688-9251 4-9 Travel STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights, Eurailpasses, Britrail passes. Int'l student ID cards, tours, books, insurance AYH cards, work programs, and much more. Call CIEE Student Travel (206) 632-2448. 4-16 Jtktos/Rlders COMMUTER NEEDS ride, to and from Port land, leaving Friday pm, returning Sunday pm, every weekend. Jack 345-4527 4-12 Wanted ALASKAN PRINCIPAL/TEACHER couple wishes to rent 2-3 bdrm nicer home, pleasant neighborhood near college preferred, comple tely furnished incl. dishes and linens about June 15 to Aug. 14. Write soon, no phones here, mail slow. Jan Williams. Pouch L. Ketchikan, AK 99901 4-16 Opportunities THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES Program has many opportunities for students to earn up per-division credit while volunteering at a public school We have placements in elemen tary and secondary schools; many are just a quick bike ride from campus Come check us out n the EMU Lobby, 9-4 daily until April 9. or call us at 686-4351.585:4-9 FRUSTRATED AFTER MAC COURT? The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has placements available in several community service agencies Earn upper-division credit while assisting a handicapped child or an elderly person, leading after-school activities with elementary-aged children, or working on a luvenile corrections program There are many other placements available this spring, so come see us in the EMU Lobby 9-4 daily until April 9, or call us at 686-4351.563:4-9 INTERESTED IN DRAMA? Assist a teacher at Cascade Middle Scholl in her drama class and earn credit through ESCAPE Like P.E. or Intramurals? At Shasta Middle Schools there are openings in both areas for volunteers to assist teachers Visit the ESCAPE table in the Lobby of the EMU for more information or talk to Lori, ext. 4351.597:4-9 IF YOU WOULO LIKE to do meaningful excit ing work with the Gay Community, you can earn 3 credits tor spring term with QPA. Call 686-3360 or come by Suite 318 EMU for further info.632:4-9 GOALIE WANTED for women s soccer team Call 344-1603 or 683-7247 4-8 PROSPECTIVE VIDEO PERSONNEL Service and other video enterprises seeking partners/investors/sub-contractors Send resume/prospectus/inquiries to Advanced Communications, PO Box 10354, Eugene OR 97440._ 4-9 LIVE INEXPENSIVELY touring French water ways by yacht cheap! Great vacation! 746-2088 4-9 Help Wanted TOO MANY BILLS? Excellent earning oppor tunity Part-time/full-time For more informa tion, call 746-6422 458:tfn