Cultural Forum Presents The Japanese Art Of Papermahing April 5 Lawrence 107 5 pm With Eriha Kahn him (H« ni\iiKiU(| In linkin' Miik N of « lii|)rnmtftiiiox rs> Admission Free s Greek Specialities at reasonable prices. All lunches, dinners & pastries can be ordered to take out. poppis GREEK PEASANT FOOD WINE & SPIRIT TABLES OUTSIDE 675 E. 13th Ave. 343-0846 Closed Tuesdays 11 30 a rr. -10 30 p nr. weekdays 9 a nr. iQ 30 c rr */ee*er-ds J V, Author criticizes election of Demos in El Salvador By Ron Hunt Of lti» Emwato The Reagan administration's support of recent elections in El Salvador has backfired, author James Stephens says The administration has been forced to uphold the outcome of the elections, which backfired in a gust of congressional and public criticism, Stephens told a small audience Monday at the Latin American Cultural Center Stephens, co-author of a 1981 Oxfam America study on Salvadoran land reform, said the March 28 election results will increase polarization and instability in El Salvador Poli tical groups from the extreme right now have more power, he said This has led to more violence and infighting within the far right as well as continu ing deterioration of citizens' human rights “I don't see anything positive about the outcome of the Sal vadoran elections," Stephens said Congress agrees and is "asserting its right to take a definite role in foreign policy," Stephens said Several recent resolutions have challenged the administration s intelligence in formation, leading to a "major loss of face, a major loss of credibility” for the Reagan administration, he said Others, both within and out side the United States, are cri tical of the administration's for eign policy, Stephens said The Latin American Studies As sociation, for example, recently adopted five resolutions all op posed to United States invol vement in El Salvador The press has played a fundamental role in criticizing the adminis tration in the past year, he ad ded The March 28 elections were Campus Interfaith Ministry at the University of Oregon HOLY WEEK SERVICES GOOD FRIDAY - ECUMENICAL SERVICE at the Newman Center ■\ 18th & Emerald April 9th “Meditations on The Last Words of Jesus" 1-3 p m KOINONIA CENTER 1414 Kincaid St (across from PLC) EPISCOPAL — Daily services in the chapel Mon -Thurs 4:30 p.m., Fri noon (you are encouraged to attend Maunday Thursday evening services at your local parishes) Friday, April 9, 5:00 p.m meet at Koinonia for STATIONS OF THE CROSS WALK to points on campus with music from "Jesus Christ Superstar" Saturday, April 10 — Penance and confession by appointment (484-1707) —One day workshop “From Hostility to Hospitality" focusing on repentance and forgiveness Call to sign up 484-1707 PRESBYTERIAN — Mon., Tues., Wed. services in the chapel 7:30 p.m Thursday 9 p.m Foot Washing and Communion BAPTIST STUDENT UNION - Thursday 7:30 p.m in the chapel "Creative Easter Worship" JEWISH — April 8th Community Potluck and Second Seder Dinner 5:30 p.m Call 484-1707 for details LUTHERAN — Easter Day caroling party Meet at Grace Lutheran at 3 p.m. WESLEY CENTER 1236 Kincaid St UNITED METHODIST — Wed 12:30-1 p.m in the chapel — Informal worship NEWMAN CENTER 1850 Emerald St ROMAN CATHOLIC - Holy Thursday Mass 7:30 p.m Good Friday Stations of the Cross 12-1 p.m Solemn Evening Liturgy 7:30 p.m. Easter Vigil (Saturday) 11:00 a m. Easter Sunday Masses 9 and 11 a m. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. s ■ Photo by David Corey James Stephens the progeny of 50 years of fraudulent elections in El Salvador — fraudulent by their very nature," Stephens said The elections commission tal lied 2.100,000 ballots but only 800,000 were printed, he said Long lines of voters were produced by reducing the number of official polling places, he said Citizens were coerced to vote for the incumbent Christian Democrats or groups on the extreme right, Stephens said So the left, claiming election applications were de facto death lists, refused to run a candidate and urged Salvador ans to vote in such a way that their ballots would be annulled, he said A significant number — 10 to 15 percent — of votes were annulled, he added A large turnout for the elec tions was not necessarily a rejection of future violence in El Salvador. Stephens said, ad ding that one far right group talked about using napalm on peasants "A vote for them is certainly a vote for increased violence " U S observers were only shown model precincts, he said Sen Nancy Kassebaum, R Kan . head of the eight member delegation, "went down there and thought she was in Kan sas " United Stated Premiere THURSDAY, APRIL 8 AT 7 AND 9 P.M. AT THE OAKWAY CINEMA Sponsored by the University of Oregon Asia Studies Soc OAKWAY CINEMA M-L S42-SSS1 Advance Prices ‘2 50 student ‘3.00 General. Available at EMU Main Desk Tickets at Door — ‘3 00 Students '3 50 General ONE DAY ONLY! NO PASSES OR COUPONS THIS SNOW! W Adapted fom -the-play byCnoiju ^ u ..L Test released by World Pacific Pictures *W.P.P, Inc 1982 All rights reserved