601 WEST 11th Quads with private bath and refrigerator Parking and laundry all utilities paid $149 Manager 345-8262 IPM CO., REALTOR IMS HIGH ST. 4SS-S252 __ 571 Hn 1728 FERRY Quads, some with decks Parking $129 and IPM CO., REALTOR 1M5 HIGH ST. 4SS-82S2 _ 670-ttn $99 West University Quads 738 East 16th V> block trom campus $99 monthly with lease to September 1 1982 683 5197 IPM CO., REALTOR IMS HIGH ST 48S-02S2 _ 5691tn 469-475 East 15th Room in house plus quads $79-$89 a month on lease through August 31 Manager 484 5448 IPM CO„ REALTOR IMS HIGH ST 4SS-S2S2 568 tin Dorm Contracts CHEAP DORM RATES lor spring Reward 686-3102 leave message tor Deanna Cartel _____ 4-8 SUV MY DORM CONTRACT benefits tood shelter and new triends Call Anne 686-5282 4-7 Entertainment HOTEL CAFE DANCE at the Valley River Inn m the Columbia Room FRIOAV, APRIL » 9:30 pm-2-30 am SS.SO per person Free cocktails free toad door prize S2S prize tor beat Orsaaad couple A tree party will be given on Saturday tor those who attend the Friday party Pre senieo by MV LTD629 4 9 TONIGHT Pardon My Sarong Abbott & Costello 9 30 pm Mississippi Bing Crosby 10:30 pm KOZY cable TV 11 627 4-7 TO ALL MUSIC LOVERS Due to a serious illness XTC will not be performing. However, the show must go on. JULES HOLLAND and his MILLIONAIRES will be performing for just $1 for students, $1.50 for general public. FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 8 PM EMU BALLROOM Tickets available at EMU Mam Desk Everybody’s Records. Earth River Records For refunds, please return to place of purchase. 660 4 7 THEBUOU 4*2 E. 13th (at Fefry St.) NEW TICKET PRICEStl l^lt^l f.' Student (Sun.-Thurs.) $2 50 Gen. Adm. S? EUGENE PREMIERE MY DINNER WITH ANDRE "The teat picture ot the year*’ Roger Ebert. PBS ‘Sneak Previews “ Directed by Louis Starring and written by Wallace Shawn ana Andes Gregory. Nightly 7 ana 9 ?0 pm Sat-Sun Mat 3 30 pm $2 5194-15 The EMU Cultural Forum is now accepting AUDITION TAPES tor the TWELFTH ANNUAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY FOLK FESTIVAL This year the Cultural Forum is encour aging pertormers ana groups from all folk and ethnic traditions to submit tapes The locus of the festival is music, but is not limited to that Poets, writers, dancers, and any other pertormers with •oik related acts are encouraged Tapes should be cassettes and must be received by April 23 Please include name number ot people, and in strumentation ot group, along with the address and phone number ot a contact person Send to Willamette Valley Folk Festival Suite 2 EMU University ot Oregon Eugene Oregon 97403 505 4 9 CINEMA? 10th & Olive-Atrium Building 417-0713 tat RmvUmAsd Engagement PIXOTE Winner ot 1981 Best Foreign Film by N Y and L A Film Critics Pixote is a shockingly lyrical Brazilian film about the life ot some abandoned children learning to survive in complete poverty Amazing performances by Pixote CRamos da Silva) and Manila Pera who won Best Actress 1981 from National Society ot Film Critics SHOWING 7 A *20 PM STARTS APRIL ISti EUGENE PREMIERE EL SALVADOR: ANOTHER VIETNAM 574 4-15 EMU CULTURAL FORUM START THE TERM OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT WITH THE Spring Square Dance OREGON COUNTRY DANCE ORCHESTRA SATURDAY, APRIL 10 8 PM EMU BALLROOM CHEAP! $1.50 UO students $2 general public At the door 504 4-9 YWCA PRESENTS WOODY ALLEN and DIANE KEATON in MANHATTAN Woody plays a television writer whose search tor the perfect woman leads him through a variety of relationships “It's possibly Allen s best movie elegant, even beautltul MANHATTAN is very tunny " (Newsweek) SATURDAY. APRIL 10 7 A • PM 177 LAWRENCE *1.50/ 75 children 651 4-9 your Words' Worth TYPING WORD PROCESSING COMPUTER PROGRAMMING . •,hl W 19th Ave Eugene 342-754o HELD OVER ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Thursday 4 Sunday midnight All tickets S2 On sale 'h hour before showtime First come-first serve AT THE BIJOU _593:4-9 BIJOU MIDNITE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON in 3-D!! Of green gills Is beck, scaring the heck out ot Julie Adams and you as he bulges from the silver screen once again' 3-0 glasses on sale cheap! Wednesday $1 Thursday - Rocky Horror only Friday & Saturday $2 50 Saturday 4 Sunday mat 1 pm. $2 Coming April 14-17 Dance Craze April 21-24 The Harder They Come 628 4-9 Events UNITED STATES PREMIERE: THE SAVAGE LAND Drame of revenge and love, filmed In PEOPLE S REPUBLIC OF CHINA One day only, April 8 7 4 9 pm. Oakway Cinema Sponsored by the Umversity of Oregon Asian Studies Society Test released by World Pacific Pictures. Portland Advance sale tickets EMU Mam Desk $2 50 students, S3 general At door S3 students. $3 50 general 586 4-8 FORUM ON RACISM AND THE ATTACK ON CIVIL RIGHTS in Eugene Oregon and m Washington DC Speakers will include Ron Herndon (Black United Front) Myra Willard (Former Affirmative Action Director. U of 0) and Catherine Lauris Wednesday. April 7 Forum Room EMU, 8 pm 601 4-7 CLIMBING: 2 slide shows by Jim Bndwell. of recent first ascents - East Face of the Moose s Tooth" in Alaska and Zenyatta Mondatta a new route on El Capitan - sponsored by the University of Oregon Outdoor Program. April 7 at 8 pm in the EMU Ballroom For more info call 686-4265 502 4-7 JIM BRIDWELL This renowned American climber will present two slioe shows of a climb of the east face of the Moose's Tooth m Alaska and an ascent of a new route on El Capitan, Zenyatta Mondatta Wednesday. April 7. 8 pm, EMU Ballroom Sponsored by the U of O Outdoor Program 621 4-7 “Iron Duck” Triathalon/Relay Sat April 10. 9 am Register TODAY at Sugar Pme Ridge. Feets or the Student Health Center 649 4-7 THE JAPANESE ART OF PAPERMAKING Thur. April 8 107 Lawrence 8 pm Santa Monica artist Erika Kahn has lust returned from a tour of Japan where she visited a papermaking village cooperative She will show a film, slides and demonstrate the ancient process of making paper AH ahaokriaty tree! An EMU Cultural Forum event 559:4-8 Eileen Stevens Founder A Chairman of C.H.U.C.K. Committee Halting Useless College Killings As seen on: 20/20, Donahue, 60 minutes. People magazine Her son Chuck was killed in a fraternity hazing incident in N Y, She has now devoted her life to stop such practices of hazing 7 pm Wed. April 7 150 GEO, $1 admission Proceed* donated to C.H.U.C.K. 6174-7 Personals VIDA BARN RENTALS Under new management Fantastic dance, party or picnic location Reasonable rates 898-3889 or 342-7272. 409:lfn HAIR TODAY HAS A HAIR SALON for men and women in the EMU by the Rec Center We do haircuts, styled perms, color and free consultations Call 887-1347 or stop by for appointments _068 ttn Horseback Riding HAYRIDES • BARN DANCES C Bow Arrow Ranch 34 S-5643 370MWF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy testing Birthright 687-8651 4685W HAPPY HOURS Monday and Wednesday, 9 30-10 30. Friday 4-6 pm SI pitcher Mic and Bud on tap BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0816 190.MWF HAVE A DIRTY SLEEPING BAG? Find dependable service at Slegmund's Cleaners 821 E 13th Ave 108 UW MAKE MONEY! Recycling Your Clothes! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing tor men and women For appointment: 344-7039 360 E. 11th 1881UWF PLANNED PARENTHOOD for PAP smears birth control (pills, diaphragms, lUDs, con doms. foams) and counseling Day and even mg appointments Call M-F 344-9411 158:WF ISOLATION TANK Relaxation through flota tion Call for questions and appointment 603-3609.UW4-28 HERB POWELL Army General He was a Greek at Oregon Sign up for spring fraternity rush at Suite 5 EMU or call 686-3701 __643:4-7 ASUO STUDENT INSURANCE is available from Oregon Hall cashiers spring term through Friday. April 9 The cost is $41.30 for spring term or $81 65 for spring and summer 527:4-9 INTERESTED IN SPEED READING? Consider the University Learning Re sources Center 's inexpensive alternative to high-priced commercial courses Four-week workshops: April 6-29 UH 9:30-11 or UH 7-0:30 pm $30 fee includes all materials For more information, call the LRC at 686-3226, or come by our office in Friendly Hall ___53 7 4-8 BETTER DAYS tor PROGRESSIVE FASHION To get you in the swing for spring. Better Days for Progressive Fashion is having a spring sale on all clothing m the store Hurry in. sale ends April 16 770 EAST 11th Mon-Fri 10:30-5:30 Saturday 11-5 575:4-9 Don Zimmerman U.S.A.F. Brig General He was a Greek at Oregon Sign up tor frater nity rush at Suite 5 EMU or call 686-3701 _642:4-7 The FACULTY CLUB is OPEN FOR LUNCH 11 30-2 weekdays STUDENTS WELCOME. The big yellow house at 13th and University LEADERSHIP BROTHERHOOD ACADEMICS SOCIAL COMMUNITY FRATERNITY Sign up for spring fraternity rush. Suite 5 EMU or call 686-3701 606 4-9 JIM: Spring fraternity rush is finally here!! Don't forget to go to the orientation on April 12 at 5:30 pm in room 167 EMU XXOO CATHY 607:4-9 Journalism Students Taking the CET test for J250 this term? The Learning Resources Center is otter ing a 4-week workshop to help you prepare Review of grammar and usage, rules of punctuation, capitalization, and spelling, and vocabulary development will be covered Apr* 6-20 UH 11-12:30 $30 fee includes all materials For more information call the LRC at 686-3226 or come by our office in Friendly Hall 5404-8 SOCCER Men interested in playing soccer for the U of O Club Sports team next fall should attend a meeting tor all player on Friday, April 9 at 3 pm in room 337 EMU. 603:4-9 PREPARE FOR GRE Learning Resources Center 3-week workshop includes a review of material covered in the exam, analysis of the test structure and types ot questions, and test-taking strategies Apr* 5-21 MW 3:39-5:30 May 4-27 UH 3:30-5 $30 fee includes all materials For more information, call the LRC at 686-3226 536:4-7 ESSAYS, POETRY, ILLUSTRATIONS etc for possible publication Payment upon publica tion Please submit manuscripts to Pipers, PO Box 3437, Eugene 97403 or call 683-7143 for more information 4-12 ROBERT REED Pres Chicago Tribune He was a Greek at Oregon Sign up for spring fraternity rush at Suite 5 EMU or call 686-3701 ___641:4-7 HARRISON Meet me at 2 pm for a chef's special salad at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard LOLITA _128:tfn KATHY GALLAGHER Happy birthday (P S How'd ya like the champagne breakfast!) Love, YOUR ROOMMATE4-7 JULIA BLANC Happy birthday to a terrific little sis!! Love, Nancy 4-7 TO THE ALPHA PHI DIE DIE DIE GIRL Having my baby, the rabbit drowned in the shower, now we all laaaughed Love, THE THREE TIMS P S Carolyn - Job opening at Taco Bell P S S Beth - Is there a top to that suit?___4-7 BRUCE My wonderful “IRON DUCK.” I'll cheer for you on Saturday. Love, SUE 648:4-7 PEPPER I'm looking forward to waking up to you some morning and see the tenderness in your eyes YOUR OFF-CAMPUS ADMIRER4-7 The Big Guy Lunch Club is proud to honor Prof. Ed Bingham as April Big Guy of the month. “Stay Big Bing.” 4-7 LADIES OF HAWTHORNE The trip to the coast was great Tho this there can be no debate We had such a good time, but no longer can rhyme So till next time we can hardly wait Love, SMITH47 TO JULIE GERTENRICH Here s a note to remind you that I still love you (Even if you did ruin my favorite blouse ) Happy 19thM Love, JILL __47 CHARLES MANSON Mass murderer He was a geek at Oregon 4-7 \£n§^ I • HANDCRAFTED AMERICAN-MADE ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR • Now avaiiabie at Hutch’s Bicycle Store : 960 Charnelton iMIlllllMIIIIIIMIMIMHMIUllllMIHilillMMHMUMfi For a Clean Time WESTOWNE LAUNDRY! • Triple Load • Double Load • Extracter * * A Time and Mone\ Saver Hours: 6 am-12 am 10th & Garfield