60.000 BOOKS IN STOCK AH selling 25% to 50% oft list prices New Books-Text Books-CHft Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFT alt new books SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 Eaat 13th Art Supplies A SPECIAL SALE! Oregon Art Supply pre sents 35% OFF our entire stock ot Staodtler /Mars technical pens Robby Robinson. Mtg Rg for StaadMer/Mara will be in the store 10-2 pm Thursday April 8 and Friday, April 9 Come in and see why StaadBar/Mara is best1 560:4-8 Ski Stuff X-COUNTRY SKIS: Alta size 7% boots. Bonna 200cm skis, bindings, and poles New $190 $100 or best ofler Cai 344-60574-8 X-COUNTRY SKIS Rossignol Horizon It (213cm) High peform, backcountry and track ski Bindings included John, 683-6292 4-9 Bicycles BUY-SELL-TRADE Reconditioned bikes used parts SECOND NATURE BICYCLES 1712 WMamette 343-5362 WE BUY USED PARTS 716.UW RECYCLED BIKE WORKS Quality Reconditioned Bicycles Repairs - Parts - Service We Buy Sen and Trade 296 Blair Btvd 485-5886 552:4-14 Cruise into Spring New Zephyr 5-speed cruisers (rear-drum hub-tubular fork) SPECIAL $199 Only at RECYCLED BIKE WORKS 296 Btatr 485-5686 592 4-9 FOR SALE: Woman s 3-speed bike good condition 560 Call Trap 484-9725 4-7 TWO RALIEGH three speed 555 $40 3438344 4-8 “531” FRAMES by Holdsworth INTRO PRICES FROM $250 FUJI—CENTURION $50 off most bikes STU'S BIKE SHOP 8th A Monroe 61948 24'' CENTURION with Union generator tenders and rack $90.343-1352.4-7 23" 10-SPEED BIKE $75 Call 344-4935 6384-9 IDEAL FOR EUGENE! 70 Fiat 850. runs well $800 Excellent fuel mileage 667-0966 4-8 1979 DATSUN 210 Low miles stereo excel tent condition $3400 Ca« 745-5730 4-14 1978 VW RABBIT Excellent condition 175cc Kawasaki motorcycle, runs great 485-8590 4-9 Auto Repair SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair M A B SWIFT SHOP 2S29 Willamette 494-9333 5635:tfn Travel STUDENT TRAVEL Budgel (lights Eurailpasses Britrail passes Int'l student ID cards tours, books, insurance AYH cards, work programs and much more Call CIEE Student Travel (206)632-2448 4-16 RkSes/Rlders COMMUTER NEEDS nde to and from Port land leaving Friday pm. returning Sunday pm every weekend Jack 345-4527 4-12 Wanted ALASKAN PRINCIPAL/TEACHER couple wishes to rent 2-3 bdrm nicer home, pleasant neighborhood near college preferred comple tely furnished mcl dishes and linens about June 15 to Aug 14 Write soon, no phones here mail slow Jan Williams Pouch L, Ket chikan. AK 99901 4-16 Opportunities SUMMER ON THE SLOPES Earn up to 12 credits in French or Italian or Spanish in four weeks this summer on Mt Hood as a par ticipant in Portland Stale s A*L*P*S in OREGON Program For details call (503) 229-4081 or write PSU Summer Session, PO Box 751, Portland. OR 97207_W 4-21 LOOKING FOR A CHALLENGING JOB? Will-be juniors, seniors and grads apply to be RA In the Residence Halls next year! Re sident Assistants receive full room and board plus $160 for the academic year 1982-83 Single room and telephone provided Applica tions now available in the Housing Office. Walton Hall and due April 12, 1982 Also available RA Intern positions tor wtll-be soph mores Check out these |Obs at informational meetings, April 4. 5, 6. or 7 4614-7 THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES Program has many opportunities tor students to earn up per-division credit while volunteering at a public school We have placements in etemen tary and secondary schools many are |ust a quick bike nde from campus Come check us out n the EMU Lobby 9-4 daily until April 9. or call US at 686-4351__585:4-9 FRUSTRATED AFTER MAC COURT? The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has placements available in several community service agencies Earn upper-division credit while assisting a handicapped child or an elderly person, leading atter-school activities with elementary-aged children, or working on a juvenile corrections program There are many other placements available this spring. so come see us in the EMU Lobby 9-4 daily until April 9. or call us at 6864?51583 4-9 INTERESTED IN DRAMA? Assist a teacher at Cascade Middle Scholl in her drama class and earn credit through ESCAPE Like P E or IntramuralsAt Shasta Middle Schools there are openings m both areas tor volunteers to assist teachers Visit the ESCAPE table in the Lobby ot the EMU tor more information or talk to Lori, ext 4351597:4-9 IF YOU WOULD LIKE to do meaningful excit mg work with the Gay Community you can earn 3 credits for spnng term with QPA. Cal! 686-3360 or come by Suite 318 EMU tor further into632:4-9 HEY EDUCATION MAJORS! Are you going to earn your degree in June? It you are check with the Peace Corps We have positions open tor you_ 644 4-7 GOALIE WANTED tor women s soccer team Call 344-1603 or 683-7247 4-8 Help Wanted TOO MANY BILLS? Excellent earning oppor tunity Part-time full-time For more informa tion, call 746-6422 456 tin WORK-STUDY POSITION Administrative Assistant to the Director, Office ol Student Advocacy Must type 50 wpm. heavy filing some independent research Requires atten tion to detail and interest in the problems of student government t5-20 hrs per wee* S4 per/hr Contact Marcia at 686-2724 or inquire at ASUO Suite 4 EMU Deadline is Apnl 9th The ASUO is an AA EO employer_549 4 -9 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR of Women in Transi tion Work-study $5 p/hr or stipend $50 per month tor 10-15 hours per wee* Job descrip tions and applications available at the ASUO office in Suite 4 EMU Deadline Apnl 7 We are an AA/ EO employer_557 4-7 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer year round Eu rope, S. Amer Australia Asia All fields $500-$ 1200 monthly Sightseeing Free into Wnte UC Box 52-OR 3 Corona Del Mar CA 92625_4-2? JOB INFORMATION: Dallas Houston over seas Alaska $20,000 to $50,000 possible 602-998-0426 Dept 0?94 Phone call refun dable_4-9 ESCAPE TUTORS FOR: Swim Instruction Special education atter noons Monday through Thursday Easter Seal Pool Limited English Proficient Students Need help with reading 12 25 to 1 25 any combin ation of days McCornack Elementary School Non and UmNed English Speeding Students Need tutoring in reading math everything Mornings at Wdard Elementary any daytime hours at Jefferson Jr High and South Eugene High any combination of days Regular and Remedial Reading Small group work, 8 30-11, any regular combination of days Giham Elementary Many other volunteer opportunities available in 4J schools Call Volunteer Services 687-3472 562 4-9 WORK-STUDY JOBS available in the Human Neuropsychology Lab Work is primarily with telephone, research s”b|ect contact and health screening procedures Pay starts $4 29 Call 666-4966599 4-9 WORKING 50 HOURS A WEEK? Getting paid for ten"/ Why not get creort to make those extra hours worthwhile Student Program Man agement a branch of the ESCAPE Field Study Program offer you upper division credit if you are a student leader working m an EMU or ASUO sponsored program Up to five credits available this term Periodic meetings and a protect required For more information contact Art Donaghey at ext 4351 or room 327 EMU 598:4-7 WANTED: University students with cerebral palsy to volunteer for biofeedback studies Please call Bioteedback Clinic 686-3566 for information_ 587 4-9 SUBJECTS NEEDED for group experiment in psychology and political science Sponsored by institute for Social Science Research. U of 0 Subtects may earn from $1 to $13 for less than one hour's participation The earnings depend on the decision of the group The experiment will be held workdays on campus Call Peri at 686-5062 from 9-12 am or 1-4 pm workdays for participation and/or information 621 4-7 POLLWORKER POSITIONS available Hours flexible April 14 15 21 & 22 Contact Bev Shoopman, ASUO, 686-3724 629 4-9 SUPPORT WORKER Residential training home for severely retarded adults Travel training, showering and hygiene routine with men Monday through Friday, 7 am to 10 am Experience required $3 40 an hour Apply 189? Alder or call 485-1270 weekdays 8-5 pm_ 640 4-9 ECOLOGY-EVOLUTION Work-study summer 16 hr/week as 4 days every 2 weeks (flexible) Research on rare plant species Camp near Mefolius River Ride provided Interest needed Kate Field, 221 Science III, 666-4548, 747-6485 _ 4 7 GRADUATE OR UPPER DIVISION Marketing student for market analysis for local business Paid and/or credit hours, negotiable Call Kathy or Jim, 344-9988 _4-8 CO-COORDINATOR POSITION open at Women's Referral and Resource Service Leadership, office management, and admin strative skills necessary Knowledge of women's issues is crucial Work-study only Job description and application in 336 EMU EO/AA Employer___647 4-9 RESUMES Professionally writtern Reasons ble rates Call 345-8219 after 5 pm 4-8 Roommates NEED A PLACE? HAVE A PLACE? Screened people need you now1 $20 tee 6 month membership Don't take chances UNITED ROOMMATES 747-7337 Everyday 11-8 pm __626 tin $100 PER MONTH furnished rooms in ? bedroom house Female non-smokers please Becky, 342-2661, evemnfl. 244-046? 4 7 SUNNY, SPACIOUS house needs female male roommate to share w/3 others Fireplace, bike path to campus. $101 50 343- 5276 _ 4 7 MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE Large room with fireplace with tor studious temale in beautiful home Close to campus, laundry $50 oft 3rd month rent Angie 683-8976 4-7 ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2-story 2 bedroom apt 1 block from campus Non smoker preferred $125 per month CaH Van essa, 686-2703 4-8 SHARE NICE HOUSE with professor (often 3 kids, dog also) near campus Fireplace laundry no tobacco or pets $125. split utilities 344:9440 4-7 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 4-bedroom house w/2 females and 1 male Furnished Washer dryer 3 blocks from cam pus $125 month 345-5594 4-7 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED beginning May 1 Furnished 2 bedroom apartment near campus $145 monthly $75 deposit and V4 utilities 344-6594 4-9 SHARE QUIET DUPLEX in south Eugene Prefer grad $127 50 plus 343-5230. eves best 4-8 ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bedroom house $138 month split utilities Available May 1 683 1398 _ 4 14 ROOMMATE NEEDED Large 3 bedroom house w 2 fireplace dishwasher Ig backyard 6 blocks from campus $132 Mim> or Amy 344- 1575_ 4-13 RESPONSIBLE ROOMMATE to share tnend !y and quiet 3-bdr house with two graduate students Washer, dryer fireplace $130 484-6820 4 12 ALDERWOOD Live only one block from campus in a nigh quality spacious fully furnisheO apartment1 One, two and three bedroom units available $2?9 $?14 and $?99 Contact Resident Manager at 1860 Alder * 11 or call 484-611? IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 465-6252 SHARP 3141 Wllamette Two bedroom in 6-plex Carpet drapes fully applianced Off-street parking laundry facili ties $209 plus deposit ALSO 611 East 11th One bedroom with carpet drapes range refrigerator off-street parking laundry facilites S189 plus deposit Manager ?45-8?B7 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 691 tin CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1870 ONYX Studio Drapes appliances $189 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 _927 tin MCKENZIE TOWNHOUSES 17th and Hays Two bedroom 1 'h baths appliances carpet, drapes $249 Manager 484- 5?86 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 174:tfn 265 EAST 18th One bedroom with drapes range refrigerator, off-street parking Laundry facilities $169 plus deposit IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 ?89tfn HILYARD APARTMENTS 071-975 HHyard Close to campus Interesting personable and homey one bedroom apartments Convenient to campus Amenities include off-street parking and luandry facilities $190 Manager 485- 0721 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 _609:tfn 745 EAST 15th Two bedroom apartment Vi block from cam pus Spacious and comfortable $280 plus $150 fully refundable deposit Manager ?4?-2081 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 ?90 tin PERFECT LOCATION University Manor 19th and High Large one and two bedroom apartments Appliances, carpeting and hard wood floors Parking laundry facilities $205 and $245 Manager 68?-1276 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 608 tfn 625 EAST 16th One and two bedroom apartments Parking and laundry $159-$189 summer rales begin ning 5/15 on 5 month lease Manager 245-6417 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 _57? tfn 2666 HIGH ST. One bedroom apartment Appliances, parking and laundry $205 Manager ?4?-0459 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 ________588:tfn 3501 HILYARD One bedroom apartment Applicances, parking and laundry $197 Manager 68?-4??0 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 565 fin 2345 PATTERSON One and two bedroom apartments Parking and laundry Adullsonly $249-$309 Manager 344-4242 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-B2S2 ___ 564 tin 1505 ORCHARD One bedroom apartment Pool, laundry Fur nished $!79and$199 Manager 343-3014 IPM CO.. REALTOR 106S HIGH ST. 485-6252 _563tln 1668 FERRY Furnished one bedroom Carpet, drapes, covered parking Call 343-1458 1312 MILL Newly renovated studio Beautiful hardwood doors $169 343 1458 1591 HIGH One bedroom in lunky older home $159 343-1458 1511 HIGH One bedroom in older house Carpel all utilities paid $160 343-1458 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 622 ttn FIRWOOD 2111 WEST 12th On bike path Lovely one and two bedroom apartments Carpet drapes laundry facilities patios $239 and $199 Call Manager 683-6270 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 465-8252 _627 tin 1551 HIGH Nice one bedroom Carpel drapes lully appkanced laundry Call now 485-8252 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-6252 626 tin 1965 PATTERSON Deluxe two bedroom apartment Carept drapes lully applianced Laundry facilities Exclusive fenced courtyard lor you alone' Only $265. this won t last Call 687-0430 or 343 1456 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-6252 K95 Hr, 2705 OAK One Bedroom apartment great view Carpet drapes luHv appltanced $22? or two Bedroom. $259 Call now Manager 245-1926 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-6252 _624ttn 1677 PEARL Three bedroom house Appliances carpet drapes garage 5219 242-1456 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 622 tin ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT one block from campus $158 month 686-9459 between 6-9 pm 4 7 Apartment for Rent 1 bedrm ait utilities paid $?20 per month 485-8859 06? tfn ACROSS FROM CAMPUS Large furnished two bedroom apartment Dishwasher garbage disposal $255 month 348-1481. _290rtfn CAMPUS Excellent modern one bedroom apartment in quiet 4-unit building New carpet aridpaant $165 485-8070 295710 COMFY 4 PLUS BEDROOM home. 10 minutes from campus 18th and Lawrence $425 per month 244-4806 228 tin SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM 8180 month Near island Park river bike path and down town Small complex with laundry Water and garbage paid 145 North A' Call Frank 741 -1506 or Nancy 244-8888 262 tin Walk to campus Quiet one bedroom apartment at 1245 Ferry Carpet drapes appliances storage parking $195 Helen 244 -2081 or Nancy 244 8888 _291 4-29 QUADS Newer convenient location, starling at $100 plus utilities 242-5616 and 682 2732 201 tin FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedioom apartments near campus $150 to S250 485-0359, 485-0082. 100 tfn SHOOT SOME BASKETS take a dip ir the pool pump some iron and take a hot sauna Beautiful south hills lownhouses Fireplace, dishwasher carports /garage, close to bus lines and shopping Only 2 bedrooms available 4427 Fox Hollow Fid 484-6292_547 ttn Centennial Apartments New Tenant Bonus Special Discount Rates Large swimming pool Tennis courts Sauna RV parking 2 to 8 minutes to downtown Eugene. Spring field , or UofO Call 747-2045 710ttn FURNISHED STUDIO Campus location utilities paid Contemporary furnishings Private bath share kitchen with one other Covered parking and laundry available $169 Manager 484-4194 BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 460 East 2nd 485-8891 _455:tfn ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT with kitchen and bath, living and dining room, $220 rent, $125 g d and you pay utilities Student Plaza, 945 E 19th 244 2412 501 4 30 STUDIO Furnished no couch 624 East 17th Garbage paid, laundry available $150 lor two months rent, $165 last Sally 682-8273 520:11n FURNISHED STUDIO 1331 HIGH Utilities paid Contemporary furnishings Private baths share kitchen with one other Campus/downtown area $169 Manager 2B, 244-0215 BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 460 East 2nd 485-6961 ' _524 Wn STUDENT'S COOPERATIVE ASSOCIA TION has a limited openings tor men and women at Janet Smith Co-op 1790 Alder St Spring rate Is $4?5 tor room and board and S2 50 a day (or boarding only Call 886-4261 ofsas-stas_ 4-9 “Rooftop Decks’* These two bedroom apartments offer cozy. quiet living with large sunny decks tor study breaks We re next to campus and have a recent vacancy you can take advantage of Find us behind Wendy's Franklin St location 1803 GARDEN AVE. 344-1043 _542 4-28 BLACKSTONE MANOR 1750 ALDER Furnished one and two bedroom apartments available immediately Spacious apartment laundry facilities parking Across trom UO tennis courts Call 687 0684 544 4-6 U OF O FAMILY HOUSING has one and two bedroom lurmshed Westmoreland apartments tor immediate occupancy at $111 $121 per month Also accepting applications lor two bedroom unfurnished at Amazon at $96 per month u of O student families only Contact U ol O Housing Dept 686 4?H! FIVE ROOMS AVAILABLE m older house One block from campus Share 2 baths kit chen and living area Back yard with prick barbeque Parking Flents stan a! $100 $125 plus utilities and deposit 687-9721, 5-8 pm Mon-Fri 579 ttn ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Upper ol house Separate entrance garden! area lotsot windows and charm $250 plus 1718 Lincoln 687-9721 between 5-8 pm Mon-Fn 578 ttn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT $175 Unfur nished Very nice, large and clean Ouiel budding campus one block Hot water paid laundry facilities, drapes and carpet balcony Oft-slreet parking 750 East 18th 245-7987 667-8205 577 ttn ROOMY THREE BEDROOM furnished apart ment near Sacred Heart Own washer dryer $290 Adults no pets 484 1057 572 4 9 ONE BEDROOM two blocks trom campus $200 a month Call Bill 485 7627 595 4 9 BASEMENT ONE BEDROOM apartment ? blocks campus Unfurnished on street park mg $165 month Include* uUIttte* Can John 245 5506 4 7 ONE BEDROOM in small complex Garden spot Laundry facilities $150 1884 Garden A-m (behind Wendy 68'665/ 611 ttn CONVENIENT TO DOWNTOWN and cam pus One bedroom apartment in converted house Full basement storage Water garbage paid $190 $150 deposit 1441 Ferry 687-8607 610 tin CAMPUS 2 BEDROOM $17$ l arge nice 750 E. 1881,245-7987,687-8205 6i2ttr Available Immediately Attractive qme' bachelor s apartment l arge Sluder kving room view ot trees bedroom kitchenette dinette sundeck Furnished $205 Mornings 244 8490_4-8 TWO STUDIOS AVAILABLE May 1 647 East 17th Must stay through August 21 Furnsihed $ t 50 tor two month s rent last$l6S Deposit $95 68?-827'> 624 ttn CHEAP SPRING LIVING Dorm contract for sale Price negotiable Call Cart at 686 5170 4 12 HOUSE ON OCEAN CLIFF Secluded Tremendous views Near Se Lion caves May through September or longer Contact 1-547-4124 4 12 WOODSIDE MANOR 1810 Harris Very nice quads with private or semi private baths Share kitchen All utilities paid Covered parking $128 and $144 plus deposil Manager 686 24 70 IPM CO., REALTOR 10SS HIGH ST. 4*5-8252 _aosjto SIX QUADS 1750 Hilyard Carpeted, share bath and kitchen Bills paid Rent by March 10th, receive $20 gift certificate and rent discount $95 first / last. $65 deposit refundable Deb or SaMy. 683-3203 323 tin ROOMS M OLDER HOME plus quads 1858-66 Harris Carpet drapes ott-street parking, laundry facilities All utilities paid $129 plus deposit Manager 744-2524 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 485-8252 _?27tln No deposit Free covered parking CLEAN, QUIET QUADS *14$ INCLUDING UTILITIES '/» block from campus on East 16th F urnished private bath and retrigerator Air conditioned 345-1272. 268 tin QUADS-1380 ALDER $ 125 month includes all utilities Call 485 416 7 or 484 0804 808 tin QUADS NOW RENTING from $139 with lease From $149 month to month Private 'h bath, private refrigerator One block from main library CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 ALDER 686-1075 __358:tln LARGE QUADS $120 per month, utilities paid 1827 Harris St Call 485-8859 065 tin 430 EAST 15th Quad close to campus $130 All utilities paid Manager 345-9466 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 567:ttn