et al MEETINGS Students tor ■ Nuctoar Fra* Future will meat today at 5 30 p m In Boom 108, EMU An informational presen tation will be followed by discussion ot current and future SNFF activities A Woman In Transition support group tor woman returning to school will meet Thursday at 9 a m in Century Room B. EMU For more information call Mary at 686-4099 The University Mhe racing team will meet Thursday at 6 30 p m In Century Room D. EMU For more informa tion, call 686-6344 The University Democrats will meet today at noon in the EMU Forum Featured speaker will be Mike Grove. Democratic candidate tor House District 41 Candidate services and the upcoming May 18 primary election will also be discussed Amnesty International will hold an open meeting today at 12 30 pm in Century Room E, EMU, to discuss present and future protects Pa* Chrtstl, the International Catholic Peace Movement, will hold a local organizational meeting today •t 7 30 pm (n the Newman Center There will be a speaker and discussion on methods that local church members can use In working towards disarmament and world peace SPEAKERS "Innovation Adoption and Organizational Change: Program Evaluation In Gerontology" is the topic of a lecture by Donald Davis, Michigan State University, today at 4 p m In Room 146, Straub Hall FILMS Proposed ott-rood vehicle closures on beaches on tfie central Oregon coast south ot Florence is the topic of two slide presentations tonight at 7 at the Campbell Senior Center, 155 High St Conservationist Wendell Wood will cover various natural ecosystems found in the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area CLASSES A certified cardiopulmonary resuscitation class, certified by the American Heart Association, will be offered by CPR Lifefine at the Eugene Hospital and Clinic Thursday from 6 30-10 30 p m Preregistration is required For registration and additional information call the CPR Lifeline at 726-9692 "The Way, The Truth, and The Right: An Examination of PoMttcat Ideology and Bfebcal Justice” is the topic a seven-week class which begins Thursday at 12:30 p at the Wesley Center, 1236 Kincaid St The class will led by Alice Knotts, United Methodist campus minister, and Cindy Biddtecomb. mission intern MISCELLANEOUS Applications to tie International Studies Program are being accepted for the spring term until May 3 Questions? Call Susan Hayes at 686-5050 “Locally Available Solar Hot Water Systems” is the focus of a display of products presented by local solar businesses today at 7 p m at the Eugene Public Library For further information, call 686-3696 Sponsored by the University Solar Energy Center and the Willamette Valley Solar Energy Association PoMworkers needed during ASUO elections April 14. ?? a 15 and 23, 24 Call Bev Shoopman at 686-3724. A Job Fair# lor students under 20 years of age will be held in the EMU Ballroom Thursday from 9 a m to noon Practice interviews with area employers will be offered Campus Intertahh Ministry otters an Information table In Ota EMU every Wednesday from 10 a m to 2 p m. A chance to meet the campus ministers and receive information about CIM Episcopal Lenten worship and Holy Eucharist today at 4 30 p m at the Koinonia Center Chapel, 1414 Kincaid St The Wesley Foundation otters Informal worship each Wednesday from 12:30-1 p m in the chapel at 1236 Kincaid St II is a time of Sharing scripture, singing and prayer A Passover community pottuck and second Seder dinner will be held on Thursday at 5:30 p m at 2550 Portland St Cost for individuals is $2 50 and children under 10 years is $1 50. All participants are requested to contribute food and/or work hours Sponsored by Jewish Student Union and Hillel at the University For details and reservations call 484-1707 Classifieds 686-4343 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE 100 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK The ODE cannot be responsible lor more than one day * incorrect advertising insertion The ODE s liability tor typographical errors incorrect msedions or omissions m advertising publtshea shall be umiied solely to the cancel lation ot charges tor such portion ot space occupied by the error it yout ad appears incorrectly, call MMM3 before 1 pm lor correction in me ried day's issue For Sale SPECIAL COLOR TV Reconditioned and guaranteed $85 up 686 9719 after 7 pm 4 7 KENWOOO 40 WATT AMP Tuner Bolivar 125 spltrs $200- offer All good condition tots ot life Cal 88?-6920 4-7 DUNLOP MAXPLY FORT >« l*t nee $30 CONDO JUNIOR metal tennis racket new $10. DESK STUDY LAMP with two 15w ttourescent lights $15 Ph '*44 5449 AD_;_ 4-7 MODEM RS-222 or TRS-80 But d receive ?00 Baud. new under warranty. $170 746-9422 4-7 MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY 197? Chev Ga pns station wagon Excellent condition lust $900 Utno 686-6171. Abbie or 687-0970 _ 4-12 NOW ON SALE Danners Mountain Trail boots and Cowtown Western boots Reg $99 now $75 CAMPUS SHOE SHOP 843 E. 11th 341-0613 618 4 -9 SPEAKERS FOR WALKMAN CASSETTE or other small cassette players Call Kevin between 12-6 4-7 RAtCHLE MOUNTAINEERING BOOTS Size 6Vi-7, imported from Switzerland Excellent condition $50 Gall 744-6057 4 8 MOTOBECAME men t '0-speed 20 Excel lent condition $170 742-2094 evenings 4-8 GREY HANOTAME COCKATIEL Large cage accessories and parakeet Must sell immebia tel/ All tor $150 negotiable or trade tor (?) BBS 9459 between 6-9 pm 4-8 MOVING SALE: 1 >72 Vofea 1975 Subaru. Remington electric typewriter stereo great books of Western World lawnmower chest of drawers Call 726-6444 4-7 Instruction JAZZ: Then Til Now Earn three credits while exploring jazz history from 1900 to 1980 Taught by Carl WokJeck m an informal non technical sty* wilh lots of m-class listening THURSDAYS 6:30-6:20 PM TLN 8656 MUS 1M 654 FEE 518 4-7 Guitar Instruction Folk/Bluegrass Relaxed non -competitive atmosphere Acoustic styles of Dylan Browne Bea lies Seeger, CSNY Baez, many others TUES 15:30-16:20 MUS 186 instructor Paul Friedlander 470 4-8 i^HUMP x NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY MUSIC FRIENDS j R&rR (Refreshing Sc Revitalizing) BUVS ANY DRINK fWfl* O'CaUahan't 440 Coburg Road. Eugene * 343-1221 ADD THIS CLASS! Rock Classes INSIDE ROCK I Overview of roots (50s) to Beatles, Who. Chock Berry, Elvts. others WED. 10:30-2120 MUS IN INSIDE ROCK II Overview more 60s Stones. Clapton. Hendrix, SF sound. Doors. Dylan to New Wave TWURS 15:30-13:20 MUS 1M ADD THIS CLASS! History of Electric Guitar in Rock Rock music styles Berry. B B King, Hendrix. Page Clapton. AJIman others WED 15:30-10^0 MUS 407 Instructor Paul Fnedlandet Fee added $54/3 credits Open to all students Classes include listening, lecture, dts _ cusston rr s TAX TIME ASSOCIATED TAX PROCESSORS I come to you' Call Jerry. 687-1887 Licensed tax preparer _ _ 4-16 CUSTOM ROTOTILLING Soil conditioning composting, and fertilizer Difficult access gardens no problem Any size garden 683-4367 or 935-1042 4-1? LAFLER SILKSCREEN Bulk pnnted t-shirts 343-2306 or 342-1927 __528:4-9 ELECTRICAL WORK Remodeling and finish carpentry Willing to work with owner Allen 689-6908 4-7 Typing EXPERIENCED TYPIST using IBM Selectric III Call Mina between 8 am and 11 pm at 726-9824 _ 362 MW TYPING DONNA 344-1816 _2326 MW TYPING: i b years experience Papers, disser tations. editing IBM Selectric Pick-up and delivery Can Carole at 688-3983. 240? ttn TYPING UNLIMITED 747-9296 Grad School Approved/Guaranteed Selectric Call for pricing 189:tfn PRO TYPING /EDITING On vacation (yippee') till 4/29 Jennifer 485-3863 _49) 4-28 PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectric Call Barbara 345-0747 495MWF EXPERIENCED TYPIST Essays, resumes, term papers and graduate work Call Cindy 689-0553-__393MWF PROFESSIONAL QUALITY TYPING at a price you can afford Can Janice. 726-5953. 367 MWF PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759. 460 tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPING Same day service. $05 per page 344-5027. _53? 4-9 COMPUTER WORO PROCESSING by YOUR WORD’S WORTH 342-7548 _5256-24 TYPING GURARNTEED pertect. last Pickup and delivery Karen, 741-0486anytime 4-9 HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Computer system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickup/delivery 343-5513__4-9 TYPING Elite, guaranteed fast, perfect Pick up. delivery, $ 85.'page Wendy. 683-8684 4-7 JOUfill JpydliS Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Peart Street 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9-6 pm Saturday 9-1 pm 5635 tfn WE BUY STEREOS SALES AND SERVICE Large selection warranted stereo components STEREO WORKSHOP 1409 Main. Springfield 741-1597 963 Hn PHASE LINEAR amp-preamp $600. Nakami chi 4802 deck $450. Bang & Olutsen turntable $225 SonabOOII loudspeakers $300, $1500 firm All 3 months old 687-0236 4-9 Photography FUJICA AZ-1 ?5mm Excellent condition Flash included $200 or best offer. Call 344-6057 4-8 jam Print Shop LOCATED IN THE EMU BASEMENT Same-day Book Binding .service Available We have the facilities to meet your needs Phone: 686-4369 Open weekdays l