clips - Historian talks on Falklands The recently seized Falkland Islands, invaded Friday by Ar gentine national forces, and the destination for a 40-vessel Bri tish fleet bent on retaking the islands, will be the subject today of a talk by an expert on the history of Argentina David Tamarin, visiting assis tant professor of Latin American history at the University, will speak on 'The Falklands/Mal vinas Conflict: Historical Per spective and the Crisis of Con temporary Argentina" at 3:30 today in Room 180 PLC. His presentation is sponsored by the Graduate History Club and the University history depart ment John Nott, British defense secretary, said Sunday that Bri tain is prepared to fight Argen tina for control of the Falkland Islands — called the "Malvinas’’ by Argentina — and said a peaceful solution was unlikely Civil rights forum slated A forum entitled Racism and the Attack on Civil Rights: In Eugene: In Oregon: In Wash ington D C will be held tonight at 8 p m in the EMU Forum Room The forum will feature Ron Herndon, of the Black United Front, as the keynote speaker and Myra Willard, the former director of the University's affir mative action office Willard is currently involved in a lawsuit with the University over an alleged incident of discrimination Other speakers include Cath erine Lauris, Sharon Claeys sens and Chinosole, an instruc tor at the University and Lane Community College The event is jointly sponsored by the AFT Local 3209, Clergy and Laity Concerned, the Mayday Cultural Committee and the LCC Multicultural Center Firms to offer job experience Five Eugene area firms will offer "Afternoon on the Job” experiences for University students during spring term. Small groups of 12 students each will have the opportunity to see business in action in a var iety of areas, according to Deb bie Chereck, career develop ment specialist with the Univer sity's Career Planning and Placement Service Students may sign up for the free program at the placement office on the Monday before the particular visit is offered Par ticipating firms and the dates of scheduled visits include Foster & Marshall/AMEX, April 15; The Emporium, April 22; ADLIB, Inc , April 29; New York Life Insur ance, May 6; and The Eugene Hilton, May 13 Chereck says each visit will include an overview of the firm's organization, opportunities for entry-level jobs and job qualification requirements Information packets will be given to students when they register Transportation to and from the visit will be provided The groups will meet at the placement office. 246 Susan Campbell Hall, at 1:30 p m and return to campus about 4 p.m For more information, call Chereck at 686-3235. IFC elections now totals 35 ASUO elections are interest ing — if not exciting — as became obvious from reviewing developments as campaigns got underway Monday and Tuesday Gus Palmitessa, ASUO ex ecutive vice president and elec tions director, allowed into the election another candidate for the Incidental Fee Commitee — bringing the total number to 35 running for seven positions. Tom Simpson, a sophomore in telecommunications and film studies, apparently thought he was filling out the appropriate form to file as a candidate on Friday As it turns out, Simpson filled out an IFC job application. IFC Chairer Karsten Rasmus sen says Simpson's statement on the application didn’t make much sense until he realized Simpson’s faux pas Palmitessa said he allowed Simpson into the running because it was an honest mistake and because one more candidate couldn’t have any effect on a field of 34. Simpson’s name was placed on the bottom of the ballot. In other election news, IFC candidate Ted Marks, a sophomore in biology and poli tical science, first on the IFC ballot, has announced his al liance with the new Students for a Progressive Agenda coalition. Census data conference set The University’s Bureau of Governmental Research and Services will co-host the third annual conference to focus on Speaker focuses on Greek hazing Eileen Stevens, founder of the Committee Halting Useless College Killings, will speak at 7 p m tonight in Room 150 Geology Stevens, from Sayville, N Y , is "for frater nities but against fraternity hazing,'' according to a representative of the University chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, which is spon soring the talk Stevens' son. Chuck Stenzel, was killed Feb £4,1978. in a hazing incident at Alfred College in New York He was a member of Klan Alpine, a local fraternity A $1 admission fee will be charged to cover the cost of bringing Stevens to Oregon. Any additional funds raised will be donated to her committee. According to the SAE representative, Stevens is an excellent speaker with a worthwhile message. She will speak at Oregon State University on Thursday, also under SAE sponsorship. For more information, call the SAE frater nity at 485-9080. the availably and uses of 1980 census data. The Lane Council of Governments, in conjunction with the governmental research bureau, will also host the con ference set for Monday, April, 19 at the new Eugene Confer ence Center. The conference will examine demographic characteristics as revealed by 1980 U S. census data released in December 1981, the conference will also explore Oregon population, housing and economic trends since 1980. Designed for Oregon and Washington area social science data users, the conference will benefit data users from health, land-use, housing and econ omic development planners and businesses or individuals who need small-area data, says Ka ren Seidel, University research associate San Francisco State University Continuing Education Wildlands Research Institute Join a Backpacking Research Team in the Mountain West, Canada or Alaska newtrcn 10 ptta#rve • Wildlife Species • Wilderness Habitats Summer 1982 — 3 units Course details: Wildlands Research Institute 407 Atlantic Ave Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (408)427-2106 McKenzie Coffee Mentlily Special 10% off House Blend Coffee through April ^ Coffee by the cup We are in the Mayflower Building, .782 E. 11th .342-2071 Food Service ■sThe DELI OPEN 11- 8 pm MON.-FRI. 12- 7 pm Sat and Sun. in the fishbowl ✓ we cut hair for your 090 not our/. ujHflT is a super cut ? 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