Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 07, 1982, Section B, Page 2 and 3, Image 10

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‘I coach what I believe in’
Continued from Page 1B
who like to work with the youngsters and see
them improve Money is not always first on
people's minds.
DELLINGER: “I enjoy coaching I like that
type of work. I like working with the young kids
and seeing them develop.
HANEY: “Coaching is kind of a mental thing
You have to like the work and you have to like
working with the kids I like both
Each coach has different ways to teach
things to his athletes Some like to form their
own ideas and go by those, and some like to take
things they’ve learned over the years Most of the
time though, as indicated by the four coaches, a
coach will take what he has learned and
combine it with his own ideas to form his
FINLEY: "My ideas for coaching have come
from myself and other coaches which I have
worked with It is important to keep in mind what
is important in life and sports when forming your
coaching philsophies I just coach what I believe
in, I think it works We have had a successful
program the past few years, so I think our record
pretty much speaks for itself "
HANEY: "Most philosophies are your own
adaptation while others come through
experience Your philosophies are certainly
reflected by those you work under and those you
Bill Dellinger
go against I learned my philosophies mainly
from my high school basketball coach Dick
Harter (fomer Duck basketball coach) also had
an impact The people you compete against are
also important because you can pick things up
here and there."
BROOKS: "Probably 90-percent of what I do
is derived from the people I have worked with I
have molded them all to fit my personality The
major things in coaching that you use are
established early in your coaching career The
things that we do now were established in my
first couple of years at Oregon Although you
might come up with a new play or concept every
year, it all relates to your established
philosophies "
DELLINGER: "You can't form your own
philosophies without picking up things from
other people That's important In my situation, a
lot of the things we do I've learned under (former
Oregon track coach Bill) Bowerman He is
probably the biggest influence on my coaching
philosophies "
BROOKS: "I think there's more pressure on
the sports which are supposed to give the
athletic department financial stability at all
scnools, football and basketball are the two big
revenue sports There's pressure on those two
sports to both win and make money at the same
time "
All sports have their different aspects of
pressure. For instance, wrestling and track aren ‘t
the big money-makers as are football and
basketball, but still, the pressure is there to win
and perform well.
DELLINGER: I think you make your own
pressures In track, there are the pressures to
perform well Track is not a big income sport, but
there are pressures for you to win "
FINLEY: "I think that there is pressure in
all sports To me, losing to Oregon State is as
bad as football and basketball losing to Oregon
State The outside pressure isn't as bad for us in
wrestling as it is for football and basketball
Pressure in wrestling is also a money thing for us
because our budget isn't very big "
All four coaches believe that pressure
primarily comes from the inside All four, just like
every other coach in the United States, place
added pressure on themselves to win They feel
that if they don’t win a ball game, they have let
everyone down, including themselves
HANEY: "There’s more pressure on yourself
to succeed I think there's more from yourself
than the outside The pressure to succeed, play
well and win is all inside you I think I put a lot of
pressure on myself The motivation to succeed
creates a lot of pressure.”
DELLINGER: "I want to win I may be
placing some undue pressure on myself because
Rich Brooks
7# I
ol that We have had successful programs in the
past and that puts pressure on you to perform
well I think that if we were to have a few bad
seasons in a row, I'm sure there are people who
would be upset They expect Oregon to have a
good track program
BROOKS: "I put a lot of pressure on myself
to win and maintain a competitive level Even if
you are satisified with youself. I'm sure there are
still people out there who aren't, thinking that
you were too conservative or didn't have an
imaginative offense I expect to be criticized The
thing that disturbs me is that when I'm criticized
and the facts aren't straight "
FINLEY: "I'm hired to do a job, and that job
is to put out winning teams and recruit good
athletes It's just like every other sport, and if I
don't have a good year, or a few bad years in a
row. I expect to be fired
Coaching does have its influence on people.
A good example is when Arizona track coach
Willie Williams took his own life last year But the
Duck coaches indicated that it coaching ever got
that far in their lives, they would bail out.
DELLINGER: "I don't think I'd ever let
coaching run my life It's a bad thing about that
Arizona coach But I don’t think coaching would
ever be that big to me "
HANEY: "I think that a coach can get so
consumed by failure that you can get
discouraged In football and basketball, the
pressures increase every year But I don't think
I'd let coaching run my life."
Part-time coaches:
satisfying sacrifice
By Mark Evans
Besides the pressure of producing a winner, the part-time
coach has me added stress of commanding half-time pay for
essentially a full time duty Many need some other Kind of
income source to supplement the coachina oav. Some hold
down part-time Jobs, others
obtain added revenue from
their working spouse.
The recent resignation of
women's gymnastics coach
Gary Vanderhoef illustrates
to what extent the stress
placed on the part-time paid
coach can take This worry of
making financial ends meet,
along with die coaching and
graduate work in some
cases, seems to be the major
concern at least five coaches
at the University
Bob Owens has been as
sisting the football team for
one year going into spring
'As far as the financial
aspect of tt Is concerned/' Owens says, “it's not at all
rewarding, but I realized that going into it, and I had to make
plans far enough in advance so that I wouldn't be in a
financial disaster
"I don't have the luxury of having the amount of money
1‘ve had in the past, but I feel more pleased and enthusiastic
about the opportunity and possibilities of being part of an
exciting program, rather than the pressures of financial strain
that some would feel in my particular situation "
Ray Burton
Ray Burton is entering his
third year helping the track
team in the weight events,
but this is his first year as a
classified, full-time assistant.
"If my wife didn't work I'd
be up a creek," Burton says
but I look at Oregon as an
apprenticeship, because I'm
in a situation here where if I
do want to go somewhere
else, what better credentials
to have than to be an assis
tant at the University of
"If I ever thought I could
get paid $25-to-30,000 a year
here, you could never get me
to leave."
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read the Oregon daily emerald Wednesday sports supplement